Women and Justice: Keywords


中华人民共和国刑法(The Criminal Law of PRC (Amendment IX)) (2020)

Gender-based violence in general, Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The criminal provision governing human trafficking, Article 240 (“trafficking in women or children”), defines it as abducting, kidnapping, buying, trafficking or transporting women for sale. The prescribed sentence ranges from 5-0 years. Longer sentences, including life imprisonment, can apply in eight specific circumstances when the offender: (1) leads a trafficking group, (2) traffics more than three women and/or children, (3) rapes abducted women, (4) coerces abducted women into prostitution, (5) using violence or drug, (6) stealing infants or young children, (7) inflicts severe injuries or death to victims or their relatives, and (8) sells abducted women abroad. The death penalty may apply in highly severe cases. The most important feature of Amendment IX is criminalizing the purchase of abducted women or children. Previously, the original text in 1997 law allowed leniency for buyers not obstructing rescue efforts. However, Amendment IX (Article 241) offers this leniency only to co-operative buyers through lighter or mitigated punishments. This change is a significant as a clean criminal record is crucial for employment in China. Article 241 also directs judges to apply relevant criminal provisions to buyers who commit severe violent crimes like rape, unlawful detention, injuries, or insults against abducted women and children.

《中国人民共和国刑法》中第二百四十条(“拐卖妇女、儿童罪”)中将人口拐卖定义为拐骗、绑架、收买、贩麦或接送妇女进行买卖。规定的刑期从 五年到十 年不等。在以下八种特定情况下,犯罪者可被判处更长的刑期,包括终身监禁:(1)领导贩运团伙;(2)贩运 三名以上妇女和/或儿童;(3)强奸被拐卖妇女;(4)强迫被拐卖妇女卖淫;(5)使用暴力或毒品;(6)偷窃婴幼儿;(7)造成受害者或其亲属严重受伤或死亡;(8)将被拐卖妇女卖到国外。情节极其严重的,可判处死刑。修正案 IX 的最大特点是将购买被拐妇女或儿童的行为定为刑事犯罪。在此之前,1997 年法律的原始文本允许对不妨碍营救工作的购买者从宽处理。但是,第九修正案(第 241 条)仅通过对体现合作意识的购买者给予宽大处理。这一变化意义重大,因为无犯罪记录对于在中国就业至关重要。第二百四十条还指示法官对犯有强奸、非法拘禁、伤害或其他严重暴力罪行的买家适用相关刑事条款。

《深圳经济特区性别平等促进条例》(Gender Equality Promotion Ordinance of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone) (2019)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Employment discrimination, Gender discrimination, Sexual harassment

The Gender Equality Promotion Ordinance is a “workaround” measure within Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. This means that the local workaround rule, like the Ordinance, takes precedence in situations where it conflicts with national legislation, administrative regulations, or provincial legislation within the jurisdiction of the Shenzhen. The Ordinance, attempting to create women-friendly communities in Shenzhen, is an innovative “workaround” in three ways. Firstly, it provides clear definitions of “gender equality” and “gender discrimination.” Specifically, “gender discrimination” excludes special protection over women based upon biological reasons like pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding, by referring to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (“CEDAW”). Secondly, regarding the long-term mechanism, the Ordinance has established a governmental agency dedicated to promoting gender equality. The agency is empowered to determine the existence of gender discrimination in disputes and implement the Ordinance’s rules. Thirdly, in domestic violence, in addition to standard police and judicial protection measures, including the right to obtain a habeas corpus, the Ordinance set up a mechanism to provide temporary shelter for victims. However, it is worth noting that the Ordinance does not provide a specific rule governing the economic and property rights of rural women who marry external men.

《深圳经济特区性别平等促进条例》是深圳经济特区内的一项“变通”措施。这意味着,在深圳管辖范围内,如果地方性条例与国家立法、行政法规或省级立法产生冲突,地方性变通条例具有优先权。《条例》试图在深圳创建妇女友好社区。它在三个方面是一个创新的 “变通办法”。首先,它对 “性别平等 ”和 “性别歧视”进行了明确的定义。具体而言,“性别歧视”参照《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》,表明性别歧视不包含因怀孕、生育、哺乳等生理原因对妇女的特殊保护。其次,在长效机制方面,该条例设立了一个专门负责促进性别平等的政府机构。该机构有权确定纠纷中是否存在性别歧视,并执行该条例的规则。第三,在家庭暴力方面,除了标准的警察和司法保护措施(包括获得人身保护令的权利)外,《条例》还设立了为受害者提供临时庇护所的机制。然而,值得注意的是,该条例并未对与外来男子结婚的农村妇女的经济和财产权利做出具体规定。