Women and Justice: Keywords


中华人民共和国民法典(第五编 婚姻家庭编) (The Civil Code, Book Five (Marriage and Family)) (2020)

Divorce and dissolution of marriage, Forced and early marriage, Trafficking in persons

Book Five (Marriage and Family) of the Civil Code consolidates previous private-law legislations on marriage, adoption, and families. It distinguishes between void and annullable marriages, with void marriages include bigamy, prohibited blood kinship, and underage marriages. While marriage resulting from human trafficking are not typically considered void, it can be annulled on the ground of coercion. An application to annul the marriage must be filed within one year from the termination of the coercive activity or regaining personal freedom. Additionally, the general five-year time limit for the right of revocation in Article 152 does not apply to marriages annulled due to coercion or unlawful curtailment of physical freedom. Regarding divorce, the Civil Code provides two distinct channels: divorce through contract for couples with agreements on divorce, assets, and children, and divorce through court proceedings (litigation) for those without such agreements. Courts must attempt to mediation in the later, granting divorce in specific circumstances, like bigamy, domestic violence, maltreatment, unbearable additive acts, or loss of “mutual affection.” Divorce through contract introduces a new 30-day “calm period,” where divorce can proceed only if the divorce credentials are collected from the Civil Affairs Department within another 30-day time window. Unilateral withdrawal of divorce applications is allowed within the “calm period.” This creates obstacles for those seeking immediate and irrevocable divorce through contract.

《中国人民共和国民法典》第五卷(婚姻和家庭)囊括了以前关于婚姻、收养和家庭的法律。它区分了无效婚姻和可撤销婚姻,其中无效婚姻包括重婚、禁止的血亲关系和未成年婚姻。虽然人口贩运导致的婚姻通常不被视为无效婚姻,但可以以胁迫为由宣布婚姻无效。废除婚姻的申请必须在胁迫活动终止或恢复人身自由后一年内提出。此外,第一百五十二条中关于撤销权的一般五年时限不适用于因胁迫或非法限制人身自由而被宣布无效的婚姻。关于离婚,《民法典》规定了两种不同的渠道:对有离婚、财产和子女协议的夫妻,通过合同离婚;对没有此类协议的夫妻,通过法院诉讼(诉讼)离婚。在后一种情况下,法院必须尝试调解,在特定情况下,如重婚、家庭暴力、虐待、无法忍受的附加行为或情感破碎,法院才会准予离婚。此外,通过合同离婚引入了一个新的 30 天“离婚冷静期”,只有在30天后从亲自到民政部门领取离婚证书,离婚才能进行。而且,在“冷静期”内允许单方面撤回离婚申请。这给那些通过合同寻求立即和不可撤销离婚的女性造成了障碍。

最高人民法院关于审理拐卖妇女儿童犯罪案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释 (The Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Cases regarding Crimes of Trafficking in Women and Children) (2017)

Forced and early marriage, Gender-based violence in general, Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Cases regarding Crimes of Trafficking in Women and Children (The “Trafficking Crimes Interpretation”) defines terms and interprets rules in the Criminal Law related to trafficking in women. This interpretation guides legal practitioners in addressing recent developments in trafficking-related crimes. Firstly, it states that cases involving infants and newborns taken away from their guardians through deceit by traffickers, falling under “stealing newborns and infants” (Article 240(6)). Secondly, it distinguishes legal for-profit dating services from forced marriage crimes. It declares that selling women under the guise of introducing marriage is also considered trafficking under Article 240. Lastly, the Interpretation allows for multiple punishments under Criminal Law. Typically, obstruction to law enforcement during the commission of the specified crimes is not considered a sperate offense, nor is the sale of stolen or robbed property from the same crime. However, to deter trafficking criminals, multiple criminal punishments are applied when criminals buying abducted women obstruct rescuing activities or exploit them for profit, like professional begging and prostitution. For instance, a buyer obstructing the police during a rescue may face two charges: buying an abducted woman and obstructing official business. Additionally, family members assisting the buyer may also be held criminally liable.

《最高人民法院关于审理拐卖妇女儿童犯罪案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》(《解释》)对刑法中与拐卖妇女相关的术语和规则进行了定义和解释。该解释指导法律从业人员应对贩运相关犯罪的最新发展。首先,它规定涉及人贩子通过欺骗从监护人手中夺走婴儿和新生儿的案件属于“偷盗新生儿和婴儿”(第二百四十条第(6)款)。其次,它区分了合法的营利性约会服务与强迫婚姻犯罪,规定了以介绍婚姻为幌子贩卖妇女也属于第 二百四十条规定的人口拐卖。最后,《解释》允许根据《刑法》进行多重处罚。通常情况下,在实施特定犯罪过程中阻碍执法、出售被盗或被抢财产的行为不被视为多重犯罪。但是,为了震慑拐卖妇女的犯罪分子,当收买被拐卖妇女的犯罪分子阻碍解救活动或利用被拐卖妇女牟利时,如职业乞讨和非法乞讨,则适用数罪并罚。

中华人民共和国刑法(The Criminal Law of PRC (Amendment IX)) (2020)

Gender-based violence in general, Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The criminal provision governing human trafficking, Article 240 (“trafficking in women or children”), defines it as abducting, kidnapping, buying, trafficking or transporting women for sale. The prescribed sentence ranges from 5-0 years. Longer sentences, including life imprisonment, can apply in eight specific circumstances when the offender: (1) leads a trafficking group, (2) traffics more than three women and/or children, (3) rapes abducted women, (4) coerces abducted women into prostitution, (5) using violence or drug, (6) stealing infants or young children, (7) inflicts severe injuries or death to victims or their relatives, and (8) sells abducted women abroad. The death penalty may apply in highly severe cases. The most important feature of Amendment IX is criminalizing the purchase of abducted women or children. Previously, the original text in 1997 law allowed leniency for buyers not obstructing rescue efforts. However, Amendment IX (Article 241) offers this leniency only to co-operative buyers through lighter or mitigated punishments. This change is a significant as a clean criminal record is crucial for employment in China. Article 241 also directs judges to apply relevant criminal provisions to buyers who commit severe violent crimes like rape, unlawful detention, injuries, or insults against abducted women and children.

《中国人民共和国刑法》中第二百四十条(“拐卖妇女、儿童罪”)中将人口拐卖定义为拐骗、绑架、收买、贩麦或接送妇女进行买卖。规定的刑期从 五年到十 年不等。在以下八种特定情况下,犯罪者可被判处更长的刑期,包括终身监禁:(1)领导贩运团伙;(2)贩运 三名以上妇女和/或儿童;(3)强奸被拐卖妇女;(4)强迫被拐卖妇女卖淫;(5)使用暴力或毒品;(6)偷窃婴幼儿;(7)造成受害者或其亲属严重受伤或死亡;(8)将被拐卖妇女卖到国外。情节极其严重的,可判处死刑。修正案 IX 的最大特点是将购买被拐妇女或儿童的行为定为刑事犯罪。在此之前,1997 年法律的原始文本允许对不妨碍营救工作的购买者从宽处理。但是,第九修正案(第 241 条)仅通过对体现合作意识的购买者给予宽大处理。这一变化意义重大,因为无犯罪记录对于在中国就业至关重要。第二百四十条还指示法官对犯有强奸、非法拘禁、伤害或其他严重暴力罪行的买家适用相关刑事条款。

《中国妇女发展纲要2021-2030》(The Outline for Women’s Development in China (2021-2030)) (2021)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Employment discrimination, Gender-based violence in general, Trafficking in persons

In September 2021, the State Council issued the Outline for Women’s Development in China. The Outline aims to protect women’s equal rights across eight key areas: health, education, employment, participation in management, social security, family support, environmental matters, and legal rights. The goals of the scheme are that, by 2030, women in China will enjoy equal access to comprehensive healthcare services, receive a higher quality of education, have access to fair employment opportunities, possess political rights in managing state affairs, and benefit from improved social security and family support system. Moreover, the Outline strives to create a more favorable environment for women and establish a comprehensive legal framework that safeguards their rights. To achieve these objectives, the Outline proposes 75 major goals and 93 strategic measures. Notably, it emphasizes the need to bolster public service systems and bridge the gaps between urban and rural areas. Additionally, the Outline takes a strong stance against domestic violence, adopting a “zero-tolerance” approach to protect women’s rights in this regard.

2021 年 9 月,国务院发布了《中国妇女发展纲要》。《纲要》旨在保障妇女在健康、教育、就业、参与管理、社会保障、家庭支持、环境、法律权益等八个关键领域的平等权利。其目标是,到 2030 年,中国妇女将平等享有全面的医疗卫生服务,接受更高质量的教育,获得公平的就业机会,拥有管理国家事务的政治权利,受益于完善的社会保障和家庭支持系统。此外,《纲要》还努力为妇女创造更有利的环境,建立保障妇女权利的综合法律框架。为了实现这些目标,《纲要》提出了 75 项主要目标和 93 项战略措施。值得注意的是,《纲要》强调了加强公共服务体系和缩小城乡差距的必要性。此外,《纲要》对家庭暴力采取了强硬的立场,采取了“零容忍”的方法来保护妇女在这方面的权利。