Women and Justice: Keywords

Domestic Case Law

Cправа № 738/1154/16-к (Case No. 738/1154/16-к) Верховний Суд (Supreme Court of Ukraine) (2018)

Statutory rape or defilement

While intoxicated, the defendant committed lewd acts against a minor (under 14 years old) by forcing her to expose herself and photographing her naked. He also took the photographs, which were recognized as a pornographic product. According to the courts of the first and second instance, the illegal actions qualified as corruption of a minor (Article 156 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and the production of child pornography for which he was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment. In his complaint to the Supreme Court, the prosecutor demanded a longer sentence, arguing that the sentence was disproportionate to the crime and emphasizing the defendant’s criminal history. The Supreme Court noted that the court of the first instance considered the severity of the crimes, the personal information about the offender, the defendant’s attitude towards the crimes, the defendant’s partial recognition of his guilt, and the aggravating circumstance of intoxication. Thus, by imposing a penalty of imprisonment near the maximum allowable sentence, the Supreme Court held that court of the first instance complied with the requirements of proportionality and fairness. In this case, the prosecutor's complaint was dismissed.

Чоловік в стані алкогольного сп’яніння вчинив відносно малолітньої (до 14 років) потерпілої розпусні дії (ст. 156 КК), які виразились у її примушуванні до оголення та фотографуванні в оголеному вигляді; він також створив фотознімки з таким зображенням потерпілої (було визнано продукцією порнографічного характеру). За результатами розгляду справи судом першої та другої інстанції протиправні дії було кваліфіковано як розбещення малолітньої особи та виготовлення дитячої порнографії та засуджено до 7 років позбавлення волі. Прокурор у своїй скарзі до Верховного Суду вимагає скасування рішення та призначення нового розгляду через невідповідність призначеного покарання скоєному злочину та неврахування особи винного, що неодноразово притягувався до адміністративної відповідальності. Верховний Суд зазначає, що суд першої інстанції, призначаючи покарання у виді позбавлення волі, врахував ступінь тяжкості вчинених злочинів, ставлення до вчиненого, часткове визнання своєї винуватості, наявність обставини, що обтяжує покарання - вчинення злочину в стані алкогольного сп'яніння, а також дані про його особу. Таким чином, суд першої інстанції, призначаючи покарання у виді позбавлення волі в розмірі, наближеному до максимального (передбаченого за інкриміновані правопорушення), дотримався вимоги співмірності та справедливості. Скарга прокурора не підлягає задоволенню.

Ministério Público v. Undisclosed parties (573/18.1JAAVR.P1– 2020) Tribunal de Relação do Porto (Court of Appeals of Porto) (2020)

Statutory rape or defilement

The defendant appealed from a lower court decision (Tribunal Judicial da Comarca de Aveiro) convicting him for committing the crime of child pornography, domestic violence, and an offense against physical integrity. In his appeal, the defendant argued that he did not commit the crime of child pornography, arguing that the elements of the crime of child pornography were not presented in this case. The Court of Appeals of Porto partially granted the appeal and declared the defendant not guilty of committing child pornography. The record showed that the victim, who was 16, and defendant’s girlfriend at the time of the occurrence, had voluntarily sent defendant photos of herself in the nude via Facebook Messenger. In its reasoning, the Court concluded that the victim was capable of assessing the consequences of her own actions, further noting that defendant’s conduct of asking for more nude photos did not constitute an element of child pornography. The Court of Appeals resorted to international law (the UN Convention on Children’s Rights and Cybercrime Law) to interpret the concept of “child pornography”, and distinguished the psychological maturity of a child from that of an adolescent. The Court also noted the Portuguese legal system treats 16-year-olds as individuals capable of self-determination (Section 19 of the Penal Code states that individuals 16 and older can be accused of committing crimes).

O Defendente apresentou Recurso em face da decisão proferida em 1ª instância pelo Tribunal Judicial da Comarca de Aveiro, a qual o condenou peloc rime de pornografia infantil, violência doméstica e ofensa à integridade física. Em seu apelo recursal, o Defendente argumentou que não cometeu o crime de pornografia infantil, uma vez que os elementos do tipo penal não estavam presentes no caso. O Tribunal de Relação do Porto deu parcial provimento ao Recurso, inocentando o Defendente do crime de pornografia infantil. Conforme constam nos autos, a vítima, que tinha 16 anos e era namorada do Defendente à época dos fatos, voluntariamente, enviou ao Defendente fotos suas nuas, através do Facebook Messenger. O Tribunal entendeu que a vítima tinha capacidade de entender as consequências de suas ações (envios de nudes) e qu o fato de o Defendente pedir por mais nudes da vítima não constituía elemento do crime de pornografia infantil. Além disso, o Tribunal recorreu ainda ao Direito Internacional (Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos da Criança e Lei de Crimes Cibernéticos) para interpretar o conceito de "pornografia infantil", e distinguiu a maturidade psicológica de uma criança da maturidade de um adolescente. O Tribuanl também observou que o sistema jurídico português trata crianças de 16 anos como indivíduos capazes e autônomos (o artigo 19 do Código Penal afirma que indivíduos com 16 anos ou mais podem ser acusados de cometer crimes).

釋字第623號 J.Y. Interpretation 623 Taiwan Constitutional Court (1996)

Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

In this interpretation, the Taiwan Constitutional Court upheld a criminal penalty provision of the Child and Juvenile Sexual Transaction Prevention Act (subsequently amended and retitled as the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act, or “CYSEPA”) that provided for imprisonment and monetary fines for parties publishing, broadcasting, or otherwise spreading information that may by any means induce a person to engage in an unlawful sexual transaction. The Court cited its earlier precedents holding that the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech was not absolute and that lawmakers may impose restrictions through clear and unambiguous laws. With regard to the Constitution’s Article 23 proportionality principle, the Court addressed the broad scope of the criminal penalty provision, which did not require that the information in question specifically involve or result in underage sexual transactions or inducement of children or juveniles to engage in sexual transactions. The Court noted that children and juveniles are still in danger of becoming objects of sexual transactions because of the wide distribution of such information and, therefore, distribution of such information constitutes a crime. The Court held that the criminal penalty provision in question was a rational and necessary means of achieving the significant state interest of protecting children and juveniles from becoming objects of sexual transactions and therefore was consistent with the principle of proportionality. The Court nonetheless directed competent authorities to design a “classified management system” so that readers and viewers of such information “can be strictly differentiated in light of the technological developments so as to comply with the principle of proportionality.” The current version of this criminal penalty provision, as reflected in the CYSEPA, has a narrower scope and applies to “messages that are deemed to be sufficient to seduce, arrange, suggest, or cause a child or youth to be subjected” to sexual exploitation. English translation available here.

Ministerio Público con Katherine Cerna Henríquez y otros (Case Nº 445-2018) Corte de Apelaciones de Concepción (2018)

Statutory rape or defilement

The Criminal Trial Court issued a condemnatory sentence against the defendants for the repeated rape of their daughter and for other sexual crimes, including sexual abuse of a minor of less than 14 years of age and production of child pornography. The defendants sought to reverse the judgment, alleging that the Trial Court failed to consider the mental disabilities of one of the perpetrators and erred by failing to consider a lesser sentence. The Court of Appeals held that the failure of the Trial Court to consider the mental disability of the defendant was an error and should have been considered as a mitigating circumstance in sentencing. The Court of Appeals rejected the argument that the mother should have been charged solely as an accomplice because she had also actively participated in photographing the sexual abuse of the victim. The Court of Appeals reversed the judgment solely in respect to the sentencing calculation, as the crimes were of the same nature and, therefore, the Trial Court should have granted a lesser sentence. (External Link leads to the website of the Chilean Judicial System. This case is available by searching by the case number.)

El Tribunal Penal de Primera Instancia dictó sentencia condenatoria contra los imputados por la violación reiterada de su hija y por otros delitos sexuales, incluido el abuso sexual de un menor de 14 años y la producción de pornografía infantil. Los acusados ​​buscaron revocar la sentencia, alegando que el Tribunal de Primera Instancia no consideró la discapacidad mental de uno de los imputados y cometió un error al no considerar una sentencia menor. El Tribunal de Apelaciones sostuvo que el hecho de que el Tribunal de Primera Instancia no tuviera en cuenta la discapacidad mental del acusado fue un error y debería haber sido considerado como una circunstancia atenuante en la sentencia. La Corte de Apelaciones rechazó el argumento de que la madre debería haber sido acusada únicamente como cómplice porque también había participado activamente en la fotografía del abuso sexual de la víctima. La Corte de Apelaciones revocó la sentencia únicamente en lo que respecta al cálculo de la sentencia, ya que los delitos eran de la misma naturaleza y, por lo tanto, la Corte de Primera Instancia debería haber dictado una sentencia menor. (Enlace externo conduce al sitio web del Sistema Judicial de Chile. Este caso está disponible buscando por el número de caso).

Ministério Público v. [Undisclosed Parties], 9/14.7GCTND.C1 Tribunal da Relação de Coimbra (Court of Appeal of Coimbra) (2016)

Sexual harassment, Statutory rape or defilement

The Public Prosecutor (Ministério Público) brought charges against the defendant, “A” (name omitted from public record), for sexual harassment against the victim, “D” (name omitted from public record) a minor girl. A had naked pictures of D and threatened to expose them using the internet unless D agreed to have sexual intercourse with him. The Lower Court held that D’s conduct did not meet the requirements of sexual harassment under section 163 of the Portuguese Penal Code, which requires a grave threat to the victim as an element of the crime. The Lower Court held that the threat to expose naked pictures of D is considered a grave threat under the Portuguese Penal Code. The Public Prosecutor appealed, and the Appellate Court reversed the decision, finding B guilty of sexual harassment.

O Ministério Público trouxe acusações contra o réu, “A” (nome omitido do registro público), por assédio sexual contra a vítima, “D” (nome omitido do registro público) uma garota menor de idade. A tinha fotos de D pelada e ameaçou expor as fotos na internet a menos que D concordasse em ter relações sexuais com ele. O Tribunal da Relação considerou que a conduta de D não cumpria com as exigências de assédio sexual sob a seção 163 do Código Penal Português, que requer uma grave ameaça à vítima como elemento do crime. O Tribunal da Relação considerou que a ameaça de expor as fotos de D pelada é considerada grave ameaça sob o Código Penal Português. O Ministério Público apelou, e o Tribunal da Relação reverteu a decisão, condenando B pelo crime de assédio sexual.

Ministério Público v. [Undisclosed Parties], 481/14.5JABRG.P1 Tribunal da Relação de Porto (Court of Appeal of Porto) (2017)

Statutory rape or defilement

The Public Prosecutor (Ministério Público) brought charges of child pornography against defendant, “B” (name omitted from public record), for committing the crime of child pornography. The Public Prosecutor argued that B. kept naked pictures of a 14-year-old girl. The Lower Court found B not guilty of child pornography, because B did not coerce the girl to send him the pictures, but instead had received the pictures from the girl out of her own free will. The Appellate Court reversed the decision, holding that the means by which the pictures were obtained were irrelevant, and maintaining that possession of naked pictures of a minor is sufficient for the crime of child pornography under section 176 of the Portuguese Penal Code.

O Ministério Público trouxe acusações de pornografia infantil contra o réu, “B” (nome omitido do registro público), por cometer o crime de pornografia infantil. O Ministério Público argumentou que B mantinha fotos peladas de uma menina de 14 anos. A Corte Inferior absolveu B das acusações de pornografia infantil, pois B não coagiu a garota a mandar fotos para ele, mas recebeu fotos da garota por sua própria vontade. O Tribunal da Relação reverteu a decisão, mantendo que os meios pelos quais as fotos foram obtidas eram irrelevantes, e manter a posse de fotos peladas de uma menor é suficiente para o crime de pornografia infantil sob a seção 176 do Código Penal Português.

Alejandro G.D., Case No. 193-2013-2 Tribunal Segundo de Sentencia de San Salvador (2014)

Statutory rape or defilement

In April, 2013, the National Civil Police, a unit of the Computer Crime Investigation Group of the Central Investigation Division launched a search for pornography. Chief inspector Jesus Perez Sanches instructed two investigative agents to perform a search when they observed five individuals, including Alejandro G.D., selling pornography on the street in a residential neighborhood. Alejandro was showing to the public the pornographic images from the movie cases, including children accompanied by parents, students, and elderly individuals. During the investigation, the agents found numerous DVDs including pornographic images on the movie cases. Eleven of the 362 seized films referenced “child pornography” on the face of the movie cases and on the DVDs within the cases. The investigators arrested the individuals, including Alejandro G.D. and seized all the pornographic paraphernalia. Section 173 of the El Salvadoran Penal Code provides that when a person produces, reproduces, distributes, publishes, imports, exports, offers, finances, sells, trades, or disseminates, in any form, images or uses the voice of a person under the age of eighteen, or a person that is incapacitated or mentally disabled, including computerized, audiovisual, virtual or other mediums of exhibiting sexual, erotic, real or simulated acts of a sexual nature, he or she shall be punished with 6-12 years of imprisonment. Pursuant to Article 417, the court has the authority to reduce the minimum sentence. Accordingly, Alejandro was sentenced to three years of imprisonment for possession of and selling child pornography.

En Abril del 2013, la Policía Nacional Civil, unidad del Grupo de Investigación de Delitos Informáticos de la División Central de Investigación inició una búsqueda de crímenes relacionados con pornografía. El inspector jefe Jesús Pérez Sanches ordenó a dos agentes de investigación que realizaran una búsqueda específica cuando observaron a cinco personas, incluido Alejandro G.D., vendiendo pornografía en la calle en un barrio residencial. Alejandro estaba mostrando al público las imágenes pornográficas de casos de las películas, incluidos niños acompañados de padres, estudiantes y ancianos. Durante la investigación, los agentes encontraron numerosos DVD que incluían imágenes pornográficas en los casos de las películas. Once de las 362 películas encontradas hacían referencia o mostraban “pornografía infantil” en la carátula de las cajas de las películas y en los DVD dentro de las cajas. Los investigadores arrestaron a los individuos, incluído Alejandro G.D., y confiscaron toda la parafernalia pornográfica. El Artículo 173 del Código Penal salvadoreño establece que cuando una persona produce, reproduce, distribuye, publica, importa, exporta, ofrece, financia, vende, comercializa o difunde, en cualquier forma, imágenes o utiliza la voz de una persona menor de dieciocho años, o una persona incapacitada o mentalmente discapacitada, incluídos los medios informáticos, audiovisuales, virtuales u otros para exhibir actos sexuales, eróticos, reales o simulados de naturaleza sexual, será sancionada a 6-12 años de prisión. De conformidad con el Artículo 417, el tribunal está facultado para reducir la pena mínima. En consecuencia, Alejandro fue condenado a tres años de prisión por posesión y venta de pornografía infantil.

平成28年(あ)1731 (2016 (A). No. 1731) 最高裁 (Supreme Court of Japan) (2014)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The defendant committed acts of obscenity upon a young girl. He alleged that it was only for a monetary purpose—to record the act and give the recording to his acquaintance in return for receiving a loan —and that he had no sexual intent. The defendant appealed the High Court’s ruling that sexual intent is not required to establish a prima facie case of indecent assault, which is proscribed by Article 176 of the Japanese Penal Code. He argued that the High Court’s finding was inconsistent with judicial precedent holding that sexual intent is an element of the crime. The Supreme Court, upon noting that the scope of sexual crimes cannot be properly determined without taking into account the views of contemporary society, found that, in the present day, the focus should be on the existence, details, and extent of sexual damage caused to a victim rather than an assailant’s intent. Thus, the Supreme Court, upheld the High Court’s finding and overturned the 47-year-old jurisprudence. The Court found that, while it could not deny that there may be a situation in which the sexual intent of a perpetrator becomes an important factor in finding the crime, it was not reasonable to uniformly require the existence of such a factor for the crime of indecent assault.


J.B.G.G. v. Attorney General's Office J.B.G.G. v. Attorney General's Office (2012)

Statutory rape or defilement

On June 27, 2008, a man invited a 15-year-old girl to his home, where he and an accomplice proceeded to drug and sedate her. Once she regained consciousness, the defendant had oral sexual relations with her, while his friend made a video recording of it. Both the defendant and his accomplice were sentenced to 18 years imprisonment for "special violation," also known as statutory rape, and child pornography. The defendant appealed his conviction on the ground that no child pornography crime had been committed by him, as it was his accomplice that made the video. The Court rejected this argument and reasoned that, regardless of who made the recording, the defendant clearly consented to having it recorded. In accordance with Honduras criminal law, that consent constitutes conspiracy for the commission of the crime of child pornography. A co-conspirator is equally responsible for a crime as the principal. Therefore, the court upheld the sentence.

El 27 de junio de 2008, un hombre invitó a una niña de 15 años a su casa, donde él y un cómplice procedieron a drogarla y sedarla. Una vez que recuperó la conciencia, el acusado tuvo relaciones sexuales orales con ella, mientras que su amigo hizo una grabación en video del acto. Tanto el acusado como su cómplice fueron condenados a 18 años de prisión por "violación especial", también conocida como violación estatutaria y pornografía infantil. El acusado apeló su convicción sobre la base de que él no había cometido ningún delito de pornografía infantil, ya que fue su cómplice el que hizo el video. El Tribunal rechazó este argumento y razonó que, independientemente de quién hiciera la grabación, el acusado consintió claramente en grabarla. De conformidad con el derecho penal de Honduras, ese consentimiento constituye una conspiración en la comisión del delito de pornografía infantil. Un co-conspirador es igualmente responsable de un crimen como el principal. Por lo tanto, el tribunal confirmó la sentencia.

B 990-11 Supreme Court of Sweden (2011)

Sexual violence and rape

A man who possessed 39 drawn pornographic images in manga style was acquitted from a charge of possession of child pornography on the grounds that holding this possession as illegal would unreasonably limit freedom of expression. Swedish child pornography laws outlaw actual photographic material as well as drawn images. The purpose of this law is to protect children from offensive materials, to avoid anyone using child pornography to snare children into sexual situations, and to protect their likeness being shared in pornographic materials. The court argued, however, that because a conviction would mean a restraint in the defendant’s freedom of expression, the court must present a serious reason for why pornographic manga-styled cartoon images actually have the potential to harm a child in any of these ways. Because the images were not made in any child’s likeness and because manga is an expression of Japanese culture, the court ruled that the restraint on the defendant’s freedom of expression would be too great if he were convicted and the images were held to constitute child pornography.


Código Penal Capítulo IV – Seção III: Crimes Contra a Autodeterminação Sexual (Penal Code: Crimes Against Sexual Self-Determination) (2020)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Penal Code distinguishes and applies different penalties in accordance with the age of the minor. Pursuant to article 192, the prohibition of the perpetration of a sexual act with a minor under 14 years old or leading that minor to practice such acts with a third person is punished with up to 12 years in prison. Again, the law makes a distinction whether the act involved penetration, in which case the maximum punishment increases to 15 years. If the minor is under the age of 16, pursuant to article 193, the perpetration of a sexual act leads to a maximum penalty of five years, which increases to eight years if there was penetration. Article 194 provides penalties for cases in which the minor is in the perpetrator’s custody.. Article 198 punishes the crime of child pornography with up to five years of imprisonment and is defined as to 1) promote, facilitate, or allow minors to participate in any kind of obscene interaction (including films, photographs, talks, recordings, etc.); 2) using minors in pornographic tapings or photos; or 3) giving such tapings, recordings, or pornographic instruments to a minor. The maximum penalty is increased to 10 years in prison in case the child pornography is produced with the intent to be spread through information systems or if the agent offers, makes available, or transmits such child pornography through information systems. An individual who acquires, obtains, or facilitates the access to child pornography is punished with up to five years of imprisonment and, if such agent practices such acts as means of profession, the maximum penalty is increased to 10 years.

O Código Penal distingue e aplica penalidades diferentes de acordo com a idade do menor. De acordo com o artigo 192, a proibição da perpetração do ato sexual com menor de 14 anos de idade ou a orientação ao menor para praticar tais atos com uma Terceira pessoa é punível com até 12 anos de prisão. Novamente, a lei faz uma distinção se o ato envolve penetração, caso em que a punição máxima aumenta para 15 anos. Se o menor tem menos de 16 anos de idade, de acordo com o artigo 193, a perpetração do ato sexual leva a uma penalidade máxima de cinco anos, que aumenta para oito anos se houve penetração. O artigo 194 prevê penalidade para casos em que o menor está sob custódia do perpetrador. O artigo 198 pune o crime de pornografia infantil com até cinco anos de prisão e é definido como 1) promover, facilitar, ou permitir que menores participem de qualquer tipo de interação obscena (incluindo filmes, fotografias, falas, gravações, etc); 2) usar menores em vídeos ou fotos pornográficos; ou 3) dar tais vídeos, gravações, ou instrumentos pornográficos a menores. A penalidade máxima aumenta até 10 anos na prisão no caso em que a pornografia infantil é produzida com a intenção de ser divulgada por meio de sistemas de informação ou se o agente oferecer, disponibilizar, ou transmitir tal pornografia infantil por meio de sistemas de informação. O indivíduo que adquire, obtém, ou facilita o acesso a pornografia infantile é punido com até cinco anos de prisão e, se esse agente pratica tais atos como meios profissionais, a penalidade máxima aumenta para 10 anos.

Código Penal: Livro II, Título I – Crimes contra a pessoa: Capítulo V – Crimes contra a liberdade e autodeterminação sexual (Crimes against sexual freedom and self-determination) (1995)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Article 163 punishes sexual coercion – to coerce someone to practice a “relevant sexual act” – with imprisonment from one to eight years. Article 164 punishes forcible intercourse (“violação”) with imprisonment from one to six years. Article 168 punishes artificial procreation without a woman’s consent, with imprisonment from one to eight years. Articles 171 and 172 punish sexual abuse of minors of 14 years with imprisonment from 1-10 years. Article 173 punishes sexual acts with adolescents (individuals between 14 and 16 years old) with imprisonment up to three years. Article 174 punishes the practice for “relevant sexual acts” with a minor between 14 and 18 years), upon payment or other type of consideration with imprisonment up to three years. Article 175 punishes facilitating the prostitution of minors with imprisonment from 1-8 years. The term of imprisonment rises to a minimum of two and a maximum of ten years if the crime is committed by means of violence or threat, fraud, authority abuse, or with the intent to profit, or if the victim is vulnerable or mentally incapable. Article 176 punishes child pornography with imprisonment up to five years. The term of imprisonment rises to a minimum of one and a maximum of eight years if the crime is committed by means of violence or threat or with the intent to profit. Article 176-A punishes the act of befriending a minor online with the intent to commit sexual abuse with imprisonment of up to one year. If the act of online befriending effectively leads to an encounter, the conduct is punishable with imprisonment of up to two years. Article 176-B punishes the organization of sexual tourism with imprisonment of up to three years.

O artigo 163 pune a coerção sexual – ato de coagir alguém a praticar um "ato sexual relevante" - com prisão de um a oito anos. O artigo 164 pune as relações sexuais forçadas (violação ou estupro) com prisão de um a seis anos. O artigo 168 pune a procriação artificial sem o consentimento da mulher, com prisão de um a oito anos. O artigo 169 pune a exploração econômica da prostituição por terceiros. Entretanto, a prostituição em si não é um crime em Portugal. O artigo 176-B pune a organização do turismo sexual com pena de prisão de até três anos. Artigos 171 e 172 punem o abuso sexual de menores de 14 anos com prisão de um a dez anos. O artigo 173 pune atos sexuais com adolescentes (indivíduos entre 14 e 16 anos de idade) com prisão de até três anos. O artigo 174 pune a prática de "atos sexuais relevantes" com um menor entre 14 e 18 anos, mediante pagamento ou outro tipo de contraprestação, com prisão de até três anos. O Artigo 175 pune a facilitação da prostituição de menores com prisão de um a oito anos. A pena de prisão é aumentada para um mínimo de dois e um máximo de dez anos se o crime for cometido por meio de violência ou ameaça, fraude, abuso de autoridade ou com a intenção de lucro, ou se a vítima for vulnerável ou mentalmente incapaz. O artigo 176 pune a pornografia infantil com prisão até 5 anos. A pena de prisão é aumentada para um mínimo de um e um máximo de 8 anos, caso o crime tenha sido cometido por meio de violência ou ameaça ou com a intenção de lucrar. O Artigo 176-A pune o ato de fazer amizade com um menor on-line com a intenção de cometer abuso sexual com pena de prisão de até um ano. Se o ato de fazer amizade on-line levar efetivamente a um encontro, a conduta é punível com prisão de até dois anos.

Criminal Code Article 343 (Production and Distribution of Pornographic Materials or Pornographic Items with the Image of a Minor) (1999)

Statutory rape or defilement

Art. 343 prohibits the production and distribution of pornographic materials or items of a pornographic nature depicting minors, which is punishable by correctional work for up to two years, administrative arrest, restraint on liberty, or imprisonment for a term of up to four years, and by a term of up to eight years in case of aggravating circumstances.

兒童及少年性剝削防制條例 Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act (2018)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Originally enacted in 1995 as the Child and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention Act, this Act (the “CYSEPA”) was enacted to prevent all forms of sexual exploitation of children and youths and ensure their healthy physical and mental development. The CYSEPA specifies the responsibilities of the relevant authorities and governs the prevention of sexual exploitation of children and youths and the rescue, protection, and counseling of victims. Competent authorities must arrange the placement of the victim in a child and youth welfare institution, foster family, or other appropriate medical or educational institution on an emergency basis; evaluate the necessity of continuing placement within 72 hours; and to apply to the court for longer-term placements. The authorities must also offer counseling, intervention, and assistance with school enrollment, employment, independent living, or other necessary matters for a period of at least one year or until the victim’s 20th birthday. If the offender is the victim’s parent, foster parent, or guardian, the victim, the prosecutors, or other interested parties may apply to a court to stop such person from exercising parental rights over the victim and to appoint another guardian. After becoming aware of any victim or any suspect of a crime covered by the CYSEPA, medical personnel, social workers, educational personnel, caregivers, and personnel of other business or governmental organizations must report the crime to the authorities. Internet platform providers, online application service providers, and telecommunications companies are obligated to remove information relating to suspicious criminal activities, to notify law enforcement, and to provide data to law enforcement and judicial authorities for investigation. The competent authorities are also authorized to require the parents, guardian, or other caregiver of a victim to receive parental education and counseling for a period of up to 50 hours and to attend a family treatment program. Persons found guilty under the CYSEPA are subject to imprisonment as well as to fines up to N.T.10 million, with offenders who intentionally kill the victim subject to the death penalty or life imprisonment. English translation available here.

Código Penal de la Nación Argentina: Artículos 119-120, 125, 127-128, 130 (Delitos contra la integridad sexual) (1984)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

A person who sexually abuses a person under the age of 13 through violence, threat, coercion, or intimidation is subject to imprisonment of between 6 months to 4 years, in instances where the person takes advantage of a relationship of dependence, authority, power or the inability of the victim to freely give consent. The penalty will be increased to 4-10 years of imprisonment where the abuse, as a result of its duration or other circumstances, constitutes grave sexual injury. The sentence will be increased to 6-15 years in the event of anal, vaginal, or oral intercourse or other analogous acts. The penalty may further be increased to 8-20 years based on certain other factors, including grave injury to the victim, the perpetrator had a sexually transmitted disease of which he was aware, or the use of a weapon. A person who commits the crimes outlined in Article 119 against a person under the age of 16, taking advantage of the victim’s sexual immaturity, the age of the perpetrator, special relationship with the victim, or any other equivalent circumstance will be subject to 3 to 6 years of prison. This chapter also penalizes promoting or facilitating the corruption of minors under the age of 16; promoting or facilitating prostitution; exploiting prostitution; producing, financing, offering, commercializing, publicizing; facilitating, disseminating, or distributing depictions of minors under the age of 18 years engaged in explicit sexual activities or any representation of their genital parts for predominantly sexual purposes, as well as live performances of explicit sexual representations in which minors participate. The applicable penalties may be increased based on the presence of aggravating factors. A person who through force, intimidation or fraud takes or detains a person with the intention of diminishing such person’s sexual integrity is subject to imprisonment for one to four years. If the crime is committed against of person under the age of 16 with such minor’s consent, the perpetrator is subject to imprisonment for 6 months to 2 years. If the crime is committed against a person under 13, the perpetrator is subject to imprisonment for 2 to 6 years.

Alguien que abuse sexualmente de un menor de 13 años mediante violencia, amenaza, coacción o intimidación está sujeta a una pena de prisión de entre 6 meses y 4 años, en los casos en que la persona se aproveche de una relación de dependencia, autoridad, poder o la incapacidad de la víctima para dar libremente su consentimiento. La pena se incrementará a 4-10 años de prisión cuando el abuso, como resultado de su duración u otras circunstancias, constituya una lesión sexual grave. La pena se incrementará a 6-15 años en caso de coito anal, vaginal u oral u otros actos análogos. Además, la pena puede aumentarse de 8 a 20 años en función de otros factores, como lesiones graves a la víctima, que el agresor tuviera una enfermedad de transmisión sexual de la que tuviera conocimiento o el uso de un arma. La persona que cometa los delitos señalados en el artículo 119 contra una persona menor de 16 años, aprovechando la inmadurez sexual de la víctima, la edad del autor, la relación especial con la víctima o cualquier otra circunstancia equivalente, estará sujeta a 3 a. 6 años de prisión. Este capítulo también sanciona la promoción o facilitación de la corrupción de menores de 16 años; promover o facilitar la prostitución; explotar la prostitución; producir, financiar, ofrecer, comercializar, publicitar; facilitar, difundir o distribuir representaciones de menores de 18 años involucrados en actividades sexuales explícitas o cualquier representación de sus partes genitales con fines predominantemente sexuales, así como representaciones en vivo de representaciones sexuales explícitas en las que participan menores. Las sanciones aplicables pueden incrementarse en función de la presencia de factores agravantes. Una persona que mediante la fuerza, la intimidación o el fraude toma o detiene a una persona con la intención de disminuir su integridad sexual está sujeta a una pena de prisión de uno a cuatro años. Si el delito se comete contra una persona menor de 16 años con el consentimiento de dicho menor, el autor está sujeto a una pena de prisión de 6 meses a 2 años. Si el delito se comete contra una persona menor de 13 años, el autor está sujeto a una pena de prisión de 2 a 6 años.

Child Pornography (Prevention) Act of 2009 (2009)

Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Child Pornography (Prevention) Act prohibits the production, distribution, importation, exportation or possession of child pornography and the use of children for pornography A “Child” is a male or a female person under the age of 18 years. Child pornography constitutes any visual representation, any audio recording or written material depicting engagement of a child in sexual activity or depicts body parts of child for sexual purposes, or depicts a child subject to torture, cruelty, or physical abuse of a sexual context. A person who has custody of, charge or care of a child and knowingly causes or incites the involvement of a child in the production of child pornography commits an offence and will be liable for a fine or to imprisonment (or both) for a term not exceeding 15 years. The production or distribution of child pornography carries a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 20 years. Possession of child pornography carries a penalty of a fine or imprisonment (or both) for a term not exceeding 8 years. The receipt of any financial benefit from any offence in terms of the act carries a penalty of a fine or imprisonment (or both) for a term not exceeding 20 years. The act preserves the identity of the victims, thereby preventing any disclosure in relation to the victim. Any person that publishes information in contravention of the act shall be liable for a fine not exceeding one million dollars or imprisonment for a maximum period of 12 months.

La Ley (de prevención) de la pornografía infantil prohíbe la producción, distribución, importación, exportación o posesión de pornografía infantil y el uso de niños para la pornografía. Un "niño" es un hombre o una mujer menor de 18 años. La pornografía infantil constituye cualquier representación visual, cualquier grabación de audio o material escrito que represente la participación de un niño en una actividad sexual o que muestre partes del cuerpo de un niño con fines sexuales, o que represente a un niño sujeto a tortura, crueldad o abuso físico de un contexto sexual. Una persona que tiene la custodia, el cargo o el cuidado de un niño y, a sabiendas, causa o incita a la participación de un niño en la producción de pornografía infantil, comete un delito y será responsable de una multa o de prisión (o ambas) por un período máximo a 15 años. La producción o distribución de pornografía infantil conlleva una pena de prisión por un período no superior a 20 años. La posesión de pornografía infantil conlleva una pena de multa o encarcelamiento (o ambos) por un período no superior a 8 años. La recepción de cualquier beneficio económico de cualquier delito en términos del acto conlleva una pena de multa o prisión (o ambas) por un período no superior a 20 años. El acto preserva la identidad de las víctimas, impidiendo así cualquier revelación en relación con la víctima. Toda persona que publique información en contravención a la ley será responsable de una multa que no exceda de un millón de dólares o pena de prisión por un período máximo de 12 meses.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Article 67: Prohibition on carrying on an activity involving regular contact with minors following sentencing for certain offenses (2019)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

This article provides that a person who is sentenced to a custodial sentence of more than six months or to indefinite incarceration or involuntary commitment for offenses committed during the exercise of a professional activity or organized non-professional activity shall be prohibited from carrying on the exercise when it involves regular contact with any minors for 10 years. The offenses include: statutory rape or other child sexual abuse, rape and sexual coercion, child pornography, encouraging prostitution, and human trafficking. Unofficial English translation available here.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Article 5: Offenses against minors (2019)

Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Art. 5 provides that the Swiss Penal Code also applies to any person who is in Switzerland, is not being extradited, and has committed any of the following offenses abroad: (1) Trafficking in human beings (Penal Code Art. 182), sexual coercion (Penal Code Art. 189), rape (Penal Code Art. 190), sexual acts with a person incapable of proper judgment or resistance (Penal Code Art. 191) or encouraging prostitution (Penal Code Art. 195) if the victim was less than 18 years of age; (2) sexual acts with dependent persons (Penal Code Art. 188) and sexual acts with minors against payment (Penal Code Art. 196); (3) sexual acts with a child (Penal Code Art. 187) and sexual acts with a minor of age less than 14; or (4) aggravated pornography (Penal Code Art. 197, para. 3 and 4) if the objects or representations depict sexual acts with minors. Unofficial English translation available here.

Criminal Offenses: Child Pornography Prohibited

Statutory rape or defilement

This statute prohibits production, reproduction, distribution, transfer and knowing possession of child pornography through any medium, device or format.

Minor Electronically Disseminating Indecent Material to Another Person - "Sexting" Prohibited (Title 11, Chapter 9, General Laws of Rhode Island)

Statutory rape or defilement

Rhode Island law prohibits minors from knowingly and voluntarily and without threat or coercion using a computer or telecommunication device to transmit an indecent visual depiction of himself or herself to another person. Minors who transmit indecent images of themselves will not be subject to sex offender registration.