Women and Justice: Keywords


Código Penal: Livro II, Título I – Crimes contra a pessoa: Capítulo I– Crimes contra a vida (Crimes against life) (2005)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide, Gender-based violence in general, LGBTIQ

Article 132 of the Portuguese Penal Code imposes a more severe penalty (imprisonment from 12 to 25 years) for the crime of qualified homicide (“homicídio qualificado”), if, among other special circumstances, the victim is the current or former spouse or person with whom the perpetrator has a romantic relationship, regardless of sex and gender, if the victim is pregnant or if the crime is committed due to the victim’s gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

O artigo 132 do Código Penal português impõe uma pena mais severa (de 12 a 25 anos de prisão) aos crimes de homicídio qualificado, se, além de outras circunstâncias especiais, o crime for praticado: (i) contra cônjuge, ex-cônjuge, pessoa de outro ou do mesmo sexo com quem o agente mantenha ou tenha mantido uma relação de namoro ou uma relação semelhante à de conjuges, ainda que sem coabitação; (ii) contra mulher gestante; e (iii) em razão de sexo, orientação sexual ou pela identidade de gênero da vítima.

Domestic Case Law

A.L.F., Case No. 90-C-2014 Sala de lo Penal de la Corte Supreme de Justicia (Penal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice) (2014)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide

This case is a cassation appeal from a lower court judgment. The judge found the defendant guilty of attempted femicide in violation of Article 45 of the Special Comprehensive Law for a Violence-free Life for Women (Ley Especial Integral para una Vida Libre de Violencia) (“LEIV”) and sentenced him to 10 years in prison. In the underlying case, the defendant rammed the plaintiff, his ex-girlfriend, with his car against the wall twice, causing her grave injuries. A court of appeals upheld the trial court’s verdict on the basis that (1) the LEIV was the appropriate law to apply (ins the Penal Code) and (2) there was sufficient evidence to prove that the defendant had the mental state required for a conviction of attempted femicide. The defendant further appealed the verdict to the cassation court on the grounds that the LEIV is innapplicable in that it regulates acts that are already regulated by the Penal Code, which conflicts with it Article 478. Additionally, he argues that Article 45 of the LEIV states that it is indeed a double regulation of the Penal Code and may not substitute it. He concludes his appeal by arguing that as per §1 of the Penal Code, it is the exclusive form of criminal regulation, which should have been applied. The court upheld the lower court’s rulings on the basis that the decision to charge the defendant under the LEIV (as opposed to the Penal Code) was based on a determination of the specific facts, and not as a matter of law. The court added that the appeal was based on theory of the law rather than on specific law-to-facts application. Furthermore, the defendant did not argue the specific facts, which, in his opinion, made the statute inapplicable to his case. The sentence was upheld.

Este caso es la apelación de la sentencia del tribunal inferior. El juez declaró al acusado culpable de intento de femicidio, en violación del Artículo 45 de la Ley Integral Especial para una Vida Libre de Violencia para la Mujer ("LEIV") y lo sentenció a 10 años en prisión. En el caso subyacente, el acusado embistió a la demandante, su ex novia, con su automóvil contra la pared dos veces, causándole graves heridas. Un tribunal de apelaciones confirmó el veredicto del tribunal de primera instancia sobre la base de que (1) el LEIV era la ley apropiada para aplicar (en el Código Penal) y (2) había pruebas suficientes para demostrar que el acusado tenía el estado mental requerido para una condena por intento de femicidio. El acusado apeló una vez mas el veredicto ante el tribunal de casación, alegando que el LEIV no era la ley aplicable, ya que regula actos que ya están regulados por el Código Penal, lo cual hace que entre en conflicto con el artículo 478. Además, el acusado argumenta que el artículo 45 de la LEIV se establece a si mismo como una doble regulación del Código Penal y no puede sustituirlo. Concluye su apelación argumentando que, según §1 del Código Penal, es la forma exclusiva de regulación penal, que debería haberse aplicado. El tribunal afirmó las decisiones del tribunal inferior sobre la base de que la decisión de acusar al acusado bajo el LEIV (en oposición al Código Penal) se basó en una determinación de los hechos específicos, y no como una cuestión de derecho legal. El tribunal agregó que la apelación se basó en la teoría de la ley y no en la aplicación específica de la ley a los hechos. Además, el acusado no argumentó los hechos específicos, lo que, en su opinión, hizo que la ley no fuera aplicable a su caso. La sentencia fue afirmada.

Appellate Court decision (271-2013, Camara de Segunda Instancia de la Tercera Deccion de Oriente) available here: http://www.jurisprudencia.gob.sv/DocumentosBoveda/D/1/2010-2019/2014/02/B6F78.PDF

Trial Court decision (262-2013, Tribunal de Sentencia de Union) available here: http://www.jurisprudencia.gob.sv/busqueda/showFile.php?bd=1&data=DocumentosBoveda%2FD%2F1%2F2010-2019%2F2013%2F11%2FB7B6F.PDF&number=752495&fecha=12/11/2013&numero=262-2013&cesta=0&singlePage=false