Women and Justice: Keywords


Ley 599 de julio 24, 2000 (Código Penal Colombiano) (2000)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Acid violence, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide, Gender-based violence in general

This law serves as the basis for the Colombian Criminal Code, it enumerates conducts that constitute crimes and their sanctions. The code sets forth several gender-related crimes. Article 104A criminalizes femicide, meaning the killing of women because they are female. Article 123 sanctions people who forcibly terminate a pregnancy. Article 187 prohibits forcing in-vitro treatments on women against their will. Article 229 regulates domestic violence offenses. Articles 208 and following criminalize rape and establish aggravating circumstances including, among others, if the victim is under 14 years old, if the victim is incapable of defending him or herself, if the abuser used violence and if the abuse was held within the household. Article 116 A prohibits the use of chemical agents or corrosive substances that cause injuries or harm when they come into contact with human tissue. Finally, for some crimes, the code treats as an aggravating circumstance the fact that the victim is a woman. Law 1719 of June 18, 2014 modified and expanded these provisions.

Esta ley que contiene el Código Penal colombiano enumera las conductas que constituyen delitos y sus sanciones. El código establece varios delitos relacionados con el género. El artículo 104A tipifica como delito el feminicidio, es decir, el asesinato de mujeres solo por el hecho de ser mujeres. El artículo 123 sanciona a las personas que obligan a la mujer a interrumpir su embarazo. El artículo 187 prohíbe realizar tratamientos in vitro a mujeres en contra de su voluntad. El artículo 229 regula el delito de violencia doméstica. Los artículos 208 y siguientes tipifican como delito la violación y establecen circunstancias agravantes que incluyen, entre otras, que la víctima sea menor de 14 años, que sea incapaz de defenderse por sí misma, si el abusador usó violencia y si el abuso se llevó a cabo dentro del hogar. El artículo 116 A prohíbe el uso de agentes químicos o sustancias corrosivas que causen lesiones o daños cuando entren en contacto con tejidos humanos. Finalmente, para algunos delitos, el código trata como circunstancia agravante el hecho de que la víctima sea mujer. La Ley 1719 de junio 18, 2014 modificó y amplió algunas de estas disposiciones.

Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) Abtreibung § 321a: Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit (Penal Code Article 321a: Crimes Against Humanity) (1974)

International law, Sexual violence and rape

Section 321a (1) and (3) provide that a person who holds a woman captive who has been impregnated through the use of coercion, with the intent to influence the ethnic composition of a population or to commit other serious violations of international law, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 5-15 years, or, if such an act results in the death of a person, a term of 10-20 years or life imprisonment. The abovementioned applies where such acts are performed as part of an extended or systematic attack against a civilian population.

Gemäß § 321a (1), (3) ist eine Person mit 5 bis 15 Jahren Gefängnis zu bestrafen, wenn sie im Rahmen eines systematischen und ausgedehnten Angriffskrieges gegen die Zivilbevölkerung eine Frau gefangen hält, die unter Anwendung von Zwang geschwängert wurde und dies mit dem Ziel erfolgt, die ethnische Zusammensetzung der Bevölkerung zu beeinflussen oder andere schwere Verletzungen des Internationalen Rechts vorzunehmen. Wenn die Handlung den Tod der anderen Person herbeiführt, ist die Strafe zwischen 10 und 20 Jahren oder sogar lebenslänglicher Freiheitssrafe festzusetzen.

Trafficking in Persons Act (2015)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Trafficking in persons

The Trafficking in Persons Act provides for the prevention and elimination of human trafficking, in addition to establishing the National Coordination Committee against Trafficking in Persons which serves to coordinate and manage related issues in Malawi (the “Committee”). The Act applies to offenses committed at least partly in Malawi (or in contemplation of committing a crime inside Malawi), committed by a citizen of Malawi, or involving the trafficking of a citizen of Malawi. The Committee is responsible for coordinating and overseeing investigations and prosecutions under the Act, as well as formulating policy, educational programming, and recommendations with Malawi on the topic, amongst other responsibilities. The Act provides the Committee with affirmative responsibilities to trafficked persons, including access to adequate health care and shelter, protection from discrimination, and legal support. The Act criminalizes the trafficking of other persons, punishable up to 14 years of imprisonment. The Act provides a list of aggravating factors that can extend the punishment by life imprisonment, including if a trafficked person becomes pregnant or is forced to terminate a pregnancy. There are additional penalties associated with trafficking in children, including a maximum sentence of 21 years imprisonment, as well as for benefiting from exploitation or trafficking and providing support for trafficking offenses. The Act further regulates international transportation organizations, and provides specialized investigatory and judicial mechanisms for the enforcement of the Act.

Código Penal Capítulo IV: Crimes Sexuais - Crimes Contra Liberdades Sexuais (Penal Code: Crimes Against Sexual Liberties) (2020)

Sexual violence and rape

The law distinguishes the crimes of “sexual aggression” and “sexual aggression with penetration.” A person commits the crime of sexual aggression (article 182) if (i) he or she practices a sexual act by means of coercion, violence, or threat against someone, including a spouse, or (ii) he or she enables another person to commit such act against a third person and the sentence ranges from six months to four years of imprisonment. However, article 183 states that if the coerced sexual act involves penetration, the crime committed is “sexual aggression with penetration,” which entails a higher sentence of up to 10 years in prison. Penetration is defined as “copulation, anal or oral, oral intercourse and vaginal or anal penetration with any part of the body or objects used in circumstances of sexual involvement (article 181(c)). Additional crimes (articles 184-187) involve sexual acts committed (i) against persons with diminished capacity or those unable to consent; (ii) by taking advantage of a position or function in certain sectors or by a person in a position of authority; and (iii) by means of another person’s error. Both “ii” and “iii” carry sentences of up to three years in prison or a fine while (i) carries a sentence of up to 12 years in prison if penetration occurs. Finally, article 188 prohibits artificial procreation without the woman’s consent.

A lei distingue os crimes de “agressão sexual” e “agressão sexual com penetração”. A pessoa realiza o crime de agressão sexual (artigo 182) se (i) ele ou ela pratica ato sexual por meio de coerção, violência, ou ameaça contra alguém, incluindo um cônjuge, ou (ii) ele ou ela permite que outra pessoa realize tal ato contra uma terceira pessoa e a sentença varia entre seis meses e quatro anos de prisão. Entretanto, o artigo 183 estabelece que se o ato sexual coagido envolve penetração, o crime cometido é “agressão sexual com penetração”, que implica uma sentença de até 10 anos na prisão. Penetração é definido como “copulação, anal ou oral, relação oral e penetração anal ou vaginal com qualquer outra parte do corpo ou objetos usados em circunstâncias de envolvimento sexual (artigo 181(c)). Crimes adicionais (artigos 184-187) envolvem atos sexuais cometidos (i) contra pessoas com capacidade diminuída ou aqueles impossibilitados de consentir; (ii) ao tirar vantagem de posição ou função em certos setores ou por uma pessoa em posição de autoridade; e (iii) por meio do erro de outra pessoa. Ambos “ii” e “iii” carregam sentenças de até três anos na prisão ou multa enquanto (i) carrega sentença de até 12 anos de prisão se houver penetração. Finalmente, o artigo 188 proíbe procriação artificial sem o consentimento da mulher.

Código Penal: Livro II, Título I – Crimes contra a pessoa: Capítulo V – Crimes contra a liberdade e autodeterminação sexual (Crimes against sexual freedom and self-determination) (1995)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Article 163 punishes sexual coercion – to coerce someone to practice a “relevant sexual act” – with imprisonment from one to eight years. Article 164 punishes forcible intercourse (“violação”) with imprisonment from one to six years. Article 168 punishes artificial procreation without a woman’s consent, with imprisonment from one to eight years. Articles 171 and 172 punish sexual abuse of minors of 14 years with imprisonment from 1-10 years. Article 173 punishes sexual acts with adolescents (individuals between 14 and 16 years old) with imprisonment up to three years. Article 174 punishes the practice for “relevant sexual acts” with a minor between 14 and 18 years), upon payment or other type of consideration with imprisonment up to three years. Article 175 punishes facilitating the prostitution of minors with imprisonment from 1-8 years. The term of imprisonment rises to a minimum of two and a maximum of ten years if the crime is committed by means of violence or threat, fraud, authority abuse, or with the intent to profit, or if the victim is vulnerable or mentally incapable. Article 176 punishes child pornography with imprisonment up to five years. The term of imprisonment rises to a minimum of one and a maximum of eight years if the crime is committed by means of violence or threat or with the intent to profit. Article 176-A punishes the act of befriending a minor online with the intent to commit sexual abuse with imprisonment of up to one year. If the act of online befriending effectively leads to an encounter, the conduct is punishable with imprisonment of up to two years. Article 176-B punishes the organization of sexual tourism with imprisonment of up to three years.

O artigo 163 pune a coerção sexual – ato de coagir alguém a praticar um "ato sexual relevante" - com prisão de um a oito anos. O artigo 164 pune as relações sexuais forçadas (violação ou estupro) com prisão de um a seis anos. O artigo 168 pune a procriação artificial sem o consentimento da mulher, com prisão de um a oito anos. O artigo 169 pune a exploração econômica da prostituição por terceiros. Entretanto, a prostituição em si não é um crime em Portugal. O artigo 176-B pune a organização do turismo sexual com pena de prisão de até três anos. Artigos 171 e 172 punem o abuso sexual de menores de 14 anos com prisão de um a dez anos. O artigo 173 pune atos sexuais com adolescentes (indivíduos entre 14 e 16 anos de idade) com prisão de até três anos. O artigo 174 pune a prática de "atos sexuais relevantes" com um menor entre 14 e 18 anos, mediante pagamento ou outro tipo de contraprestação, com prisão de até três anos. O Artigo 175 pune a facilitação da prostituição de menores com prisão de um a oito anos. A pena de prisão é aumentada para um mínimo de dois e um máximo de dez anos se o crime for cometido por meio de violência ou ameaça, fraude, abuso de autoridade ou com a intenção de lucro, ou se a vítima for vulnerável ou mentalmente incapaz. O artigo 176 pune a pornografia infantil com prisão até 5 anos. A pena de prisão é aumentada para um mínimo de um e um máximo de 8 anos, caso o crime tenha sido cometido por meio de violência ou ameaça ou com a intenção de lucrar. O Artigo 176-A pune o ato de fazer amizade com um menor on-line com a intenção de cometer abuso sexual com pena de prisão de até um ano. Se o ato de fazer amizade on-line levar efetivamente a um encontro, a conduta é punível com prisão de até dois anos.

Domestic Case Law

Roe v. Wade United States Supreme Court (1973)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

The plaintiff discovered she was pregnant and sought an abortion. She was unable to obtain a legal abortion due to a Texas law that criminalized all abortions except those necessary to protect the life of the mother. The plaintiff alleged that the Texas law violated her constitutional right to privacy. The Court invalidated the law, finding that the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment Due Process Clause protects women’s right to privacy and thus their right to choose to have an abortion before the end of the first trimester. The Court further held that after the first trimester but before fetal viability, the State may only impose regulations related to the protection of the mother’s health. However, the Court found that following the viability of the fetus, the State may prohibit abortions except those necessary to protect the mother’s life. This decision was affirmed in Planned Parenthood of Southeast Pennsylvania v. Casey.

杨江山、中国人民解放军第四五八医院医疗损害责任纠纷,广东省高级人民法院 (Yang v. China PLA Hospital No. 458) Higher People's Court of Guangdong Province (2018)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

Yang sued China PLA Hospital No. 458 for violation of his reproductive rights. The plaintiff alleged that his wife sought an abortion at the defendant-hospital and lied that she was unmarried. The plaintiff also alleged that the defendant did not meet its obligation to investigate Peng’s marital status and chose to believe Peng’s lie. The Court held that under Article 51 of the Law on Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests, “women have the right to reproduce and not to reproduce under the relevant state regulations.” Therefore, Peng’s right to voluntarily terminate pregnancy is protected by law. Moreover, according to the Supreme People’s Court’s authoritative interpretations of the Marriage Law, “courts should not support husbands’ damage claims based on infringement of their reproductive rights due to their wives’ termination of pregnancy.” Therefore, the defendant’s actions were not unlawful.



International Case Law

Karen Noelia Llantov Huaman v. Peru Human Rights Committee (2005)

Gender discrimination

Karen Noelia Llantoy Huamán, a 17-year-old Peruvian, decided to terminate her pregnancy when she discovered that carrying her anencephalic fetus to term would pose serious risks to her health. When she arrived at Archbishop Loayza National Hospital in Lima to obtain the abortion procedure, the hospital director refused to allow the procedure because article 119 of the Criminal Code permitted therapeutic abortions solely when termination was the only way of saving the mother’s life or avoiding serious and permanent damage to her health. Huamán gave birth to an anencephalic daughter who died four days later, causing Huamán to fall into a deep depression. In her complaint to the Committee, Huamán asserted that by forcing her to continue her pregnancy, the hospital caused her not only physical pain but mental suffering in violation of article 7 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prohibiting cruel and inhuman treatment. Huamán also cited a violation of article 17, which protects women from interference in decisions that affect their bodies, lives, and opportunity to exercise their reproductive rights. Finally, she claimed that Peru’s failure to adopt economic, social, and cultural measures to safeguard her rights under article 17 was tantamount to a violation of article 24 of the Covenant. The Committee concluded that the State’s refusal to allow Huamán to obtain a therapeutic abortion was the direct cause of the suffering she experienced, and that the protection from physical pain and mental suffering under article 7 is particularly important in the case of minors. The Committee noted that Huamán’s case presented the conditions for a lawful abortion, and the refusal to act in accordance with her wishes to terminate the pregnancy equated to a violation of article 17. Finally, in the absence of any information from Peru on Huamán’s claim that she did not receive the medical and psychological support necessary during her pregnancy, the Committee found that the facts presented reveal a violation of article 24 which guarantees State protection to minors.

Paulina Del Carmen Ramirez Jacinto v. Mexico Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (2007)

Sexual violence and rape

Forced motherhood after rape. A complaint was lodged against Mexico for failing to allow a minor to receive an abortion after she was raped. The complaint alleged the violation of Articles 1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 19, and 25 of the American Convention on Human Rights, Articles 1, 2, 4, 7, and 9 of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence Against Women, Article 10 of the Additional Protocol to the American Convention in the Area of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, Articles 9, 17, and 24 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Articles 3 and 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 12 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and Articles 19, 37, and 39 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Mexico and the petitioner reached a friendly settlement under which the government of Baja California would pay the victim's legal and medical expenses, provide her with school and housing expense assistance, medical and psychological services, free public higher education for her child, a computer and a printer, moral damages. The Mexican state also committed itself to increasing awareness and availability of legal termination of pregnancy.

Maternidad forzada tras la violación. Se presentó una queja contra México por no permitir que un menor de edad se hiciera un aborto después de haber sido violada. La denuncia alegó la violación de los artículos 1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 19 y 25 de la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos, los artículos 1, 2, 4, 7 y 9 de la Convención Interamericana sobre la Prevención, sanción y erradicación de la violencia contra la mujer, artículo 10 del Protocolo adicional a la Convención Americana en materia de derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, artículos 9, 17 y 24 del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, Artículos 3 y 12 de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, artículo 12 de la Convención sobre la eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación contra la mujer y artículos 19, 37 y 39 de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño. México y la peticionaria llegaron a un acuerdo amistoso en virtud del cual el gobierno de Baja California pagaría los gastos legales y médicos de la víctima, le proporcionaría asistencia para gastos escolares y de vivienda, servicios médicos y psicológicos, educación superior pública gratuita para su hijo, una computadora e impresora, mas compensacion por daños morales. El estado mexicano también se comprometió a aumentar la conciencia y la disponibilidad de la interrupción legal del embarazo.