Women and Justice: Keywords


Act for Implementation of J.Y. Interpretation No. 748 (2019)

Gender discrimination, LGBTIQ

This Act was enacted to enforce the J.Y. Interpretation 748 and made same-sex marriage legal in Taiwan by legislation. The Act provides that two persons of the same sex may form a permanent union of intimate and exclusive nature for the purpose of living a common life. Same-sex marriages are bound by requirements and limitations relating to minimum age and consent, consanguinity and bigamy as well as provisions relating to cohabitation, sharing of living expenses, marital property, inheritance rights, grounds for termination, and other matters relating to marriage and its general effects. English translation available here.

Código Civil y Comercial: Artículo 402 (Matrimonio) (2014)

Gender discrimination, LGBTIQ

Article 402 prohibits the interpretation or application of any norm in a manner that limits, restricts, excludes, or suppresses the equality of rights and obligations of the parties to a marriage, whether such marriage is consummated between two people of different sexes or the same sex.

El artículo 402 prohíbe la interpretación o aplicación de cualquier norma de manera que limite, restrinja, excluya o suprima la igualdad de derechos y obligaciones de las partes contrayentes, ya sea que dicho matrimonio se consuma entre dos personas de diferente sexo o del mismo sexo.

Domestic Case Law

J.Y. Interpretation 748 Taiwan Constitutional Court (2017)

Gender discrimination, LGBTIQ

The Taiwan Constitutional Court held in this interpretation that the provisions of the Taiwan Civil Code on marriage and family, which did not contemplate same-sex marriage, violated the guarantees of freedom of marriage and right to equality under Articles 22 and 7, respectively, of the Taiwan Constitution. The case involved consolidated appeals by (i) the Taipei City Government, arguing that the relevant Civil Code provisions and a related directive of the Ministry of the Interior required it to deny registration for same-sex marriages in violation of the Constitution and (ii) an individual seeking a constitutional interpretation after exhausting other judicial remedies for the denial of his applications for a same-sex marriage. The Court concluded that an individual’s “decisional autonomy” as to whether and whom to marry is a fundamental right protected by Article 22 of the Constitution and that extending this right to same-sex couples would not affect the application of the Civil Code provisions on betrothal, conclusion of marriage, general effects of marriage, marital property regimes, and divorce with regard to opposite sex couples and also would not undermine or alter the social order. The Court also concluded that the classifications of impermissible discrimination under Article 7 of the Constitution are only illustrative rather than exhaustive and that different treatment based on other classifications, such as disability or sexual orientation, are also governed by the constitutional right to equality. The Court applied a heightened standard under Article 7, and concluded that the societal interest in procreation was not an essential element of marriage and that the “basic ethical orders” relating to traditional marriage (e.g., minimum age, monogamy, prohibition of marriage between close relatives, obligation of fidelity, and mutual obligation) would not be affected by legal recognition of same-sex marriages. The Court further stated that leaving the determination of the issue of same-sex marriage to the legislative process would indefinitely prolong the unfair treatment and ordered the legislative authorities to amend or enact laws to reflect this interpretation within two years. The Act for Implementation of J.Y. Interpretation 748 was enacted in 2019 to enforce this Interpretation.
