司法院大法官會議第372號解釋 (J.Y. Interpretation No.372)

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A Supreme Court holding that "although a spouse who has suffered unbearable mistreatment in cohabitation is entitled to sue for divorce, this does not include cases where the other party temporarily loses control and overreacts to the spouse's misconduct" is not unconstitutional. To determine what constitutes "unbearable mistreatment in cohabitation," the courts should take into account the degree of the mistreatment, education levels, social status, and so on, determining if the degree of mistreatment goes beyond the violation of personal dignity and security that would be tolerated by most spouses. Even with regards to cases where a "party temporarily loses control and overreacts to the spouse's misconduct," the precedent does not exclude applying the above factors to determine whether such overreactions threaten the continuity of the marriage.

最高法院認為「雖然配偶得以不堪同居之虐待起訴請求離婚,但這並不包括另一方僅是暫時失去控制或對配偶不當行為作出過度反應的情況」並非違憲。 所謂 「不堪同居之虐待」,法院應考量虐待的程度、教育水平、社會地位等因素,如虐待的程度是否已超出大多數配偶所能容忍對個人尊嚴和安全的侵犯。 即使是關「一方僅是暫時失去控制或對配偶不當行為作出過度反應的情況」,該判例也不排除適用上述因素以決定該過度反應是否威脅婚姻之存續。



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