司法院大法官會議第554號解釋 (J.Y. Interpretation No.554)

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The Taiwan Constitutional Court overturned this decision in J.Y. 791. This case allowed the legislature to enact a law restricting freedom of sexual behavior within the system of marriage (such as by making adultery punishable under criminal law), but only if the restrictions are not overly severe in violation of the principle of proportionality embodies in Article 23 of the Constitution. In particular, the offense must be indictable only upon complaint, and no complaint may be instituted if the spouse has connived against or forgiven the offending party for the offense.

立法機構可以制定法律來限制婚姻制度內的性行為自由(如規定通姦行為應受刑法處罰),但前提是這種限制不能過於嚴厲,以至於違反憲法第23條揭示的比例原則。 尤其,該犯罪行為必須於提出告訴時是可以起訴的,且如果配偶縱容或原諒行為人的犯罪行為,則不得再行提出告訴。



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