唐芳故意伤害罪,四川省高级人民法院 (People’s Procuratorate of Dazhou City Sichuan Province v. Tang)

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The lower court convicted the appellant of intentional assault and sentenced her to life imprisonment and deprivation of political rights for life for stabbing her cohabiting boyfriend to death. The lower court held that the defendant’s motive, frivolous arguments, constituted a crime of intentional assault. The lower court found that the consequence of the crime was serious and that the defendant should receive a severe punishment. On appeal, the Higher People’s Court of Sichuan Province reversed the lower court’s holding, finding that (1) the appellant turned herself in and obtained forgiveness from relatives of the deceased; (2) on the day of incident, the victim had attacked the appellant first, and should bear certain responsibility. Thus, the High People’s Court reversed the lower court’s ruling and reduced the sentence to 15 years in prison and deprivation of political rights for three years. Available here.


四川省达州市中级人民法院原判认定被告人唐芳因持水果刀朝同居男友胸部捅刺数刀,致其死亡,犯故意伤害罪,判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身。原判认为,本案系婚恋纠纷引发,被告人唐芳有自首情节,并取得被害人亲属谅解,可依法从轻处罚。四川省高级人民法院认为,上诉人(原审被告人)唐芳因生活琐事纠纷,持刀致同居男 友卢某甲死亡,其行为已构成故意伤害罪,后果严重,应予严惩。鉴于本案系婚恋家庭矛盾纠纷引发,案发后唐芳有自首情节,并取得死者亲属的谅解,被害人卢某甲平时对唐芳实施家庭暴力,案发当天先殴打唐,有过错,可依法对被告人从轻处罚。法院撤销四川省达州市中级人民法院判决,即被告人唐芳犯故意伤害罪,判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身; 并判决上诉人唐芳犯故意伤害罪,判处有期徒刑十五年, 剥夺政治权利三年。



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