12 CFR § 1010.110 - Roads.

§ 1010.110 Roads.

(a) Access to the subdivision.

(1) Is access to the subdivision provided by public or private roads? What type of surface do they have? How many lanes? What is the width of the wearing surface?

(2) Who is responsible for their maintenance? What is the cost to the purchaser, if any? Are any improvements contemplated? If so, when will they begin and when will they be completed? At whose expense?

(b) Access within the subdivision.

(1) How have legal and physical access by conventional automobile been or will they be, provided to the lots (e.g., road on recorded easement; right of way dedicated to the public; right of way dedicated to use of lot owners)?

(2) Who is responsible for the road construction? Is there any construction cost to the purchaser? Is there any financial assurance of completion? If there is no financial assurance of completion, enter a warning to the effect that no funds have been set aside in an escrow or trust account and there are no other financial arrangements to assure completion of the roads.

(3) How many lanes do the interior roads have? What is the estimated starting date of construction (month and year); the present percentage of construction now complete; the present surface; the estimated completion date (month and year) and what is the final surface to be? If there are separate units or sections in the subdivision which will have different completion dates or different surfaces, the chart in section XIX of the appendix to this part: Road Chart shall be used rather than a narrative paragraph.

(4) Who is responsible for road maintenance? If the roads are to be maintained by a public authority, a property owners' association or some other entity at some time in the future, who is responsible for their maintenance during the interim period? What is the cost to the purchaser during the interim period and after acceptance for permanent maintenance? Will they be maintained so as to provide access to the lots on a year round basis? If not, include a warning which informs the purchaser that access may not be available year round. Identify the months when access may not be available to lots. If there are no arrangements for maintenance, include a warning to the effect that purchasers are responsible for maintaining the roads and that, if maintenance is not performed, the roads may soon deteriorate and access may become difficult or impossible.

(5) If estimated completion dates given in prior Statements of Record have not been met, state that previous dates have not been met and give the previous dates. Underline the answer. If the roads are 100 percent completed, no dates are needed.

(6) Complete the chart in section XX of the appendix to this part: Nearby Communities Chart by listing the county seat (identify) and at least two nearby communities. Include at least one community of significant size which offers general services.

(7) If the purchasers will be individually responsible for providing access to their lots and for maintaining that access, what is the estimated cost of construction and maintenance?