12 CFR § 1010.111 - Utilities.

§ 1010.111 Utilities.

(a) Water.

(1) How is water to be supplied to the individual lots (e.g., central system or individual wells)? Of the following items only those which apply to the subdivision need be included.

(i) Individual system.

(A) If water is to be supplied by an individual private well, cistern or other individual system, what are the total estimated costs of the system, including but not limited to, the costs of installation, storage, any treatment facilities and other necessary equipment?

(B) If individual cisterns or similar storage tanks are to be used, state where water to fill them can be secured; the cost of the water, and its delivery costs for a supply sufficient to serve the monthly needs of a family of four living in a house on a year-round basis. Include a statement to the effect that water stored for extended periods tends to become stale and may acquire an unpleasant taste or odor.

(C) If individual wells are to be used and if the sales contract contains no provisions for refund or exchange in the event a productive well cannot be installed, include a statement to the effect that there is no assurance a productive well can be installed and, if it cannot, no refund of the purchase price of the lot will be made.

(D) If individual wells or individual cisterns are to be used, include a brief statement to the effect that the purity and chemical content of the water cannot be determined until each individual well or source of water is completed and tested.

(E) If there have been no hydrological surveys in connection with the use of individual wells or sources of hauled water for cisterns, include a warning to the effect that there is no assurance of a sufficient supply of water for the anticipated population.

(F) Is a permit required to install the individual system to be used? If so, from whom and where is the permit secured? State the cost of a permit.

(ii) Central system.

(A) If water is to be provided by a central system, who is the supplier? What is the supplier's address?

(B) Will the water mains be extended in front of, or adjacent to, each lot? When will construction begin? What is the present percentage of completion of the water mains and central supply plant? When will service be available to the individual lots? If the central system is not complete and there are separate units or sections of the subdivision included in the Statement of Record which have different completion dates, then the starting date for construction (month and year), the percentage of construction now complete and the estimated service availability date (month and year) shall be set forth in the chart in section XXI of the appendix to this part: Water Chart Form rather than in a narrative paragraph.

(C) What is the present capacity of the central plant (i.e., how many connections can be supplied)? If the capacity is not sufficient to serve all lots in the Statement of Record and is to be expanded in phases, what is the time-table for each phase to be in service and what will trigger the beginning of the expansion for each phase? If an entity other than the developer or an affiliate or subsidiary of the developer will supply the water for the central system; if the operation of that entity is supervised by a governmental agency and if that entity states it can supply the anticipated population of the development, then information as to the capacity of the plant and a hydrological survey is not necessary. If the entity does not indicate it can supply enough water for the anticipated population or if the capacity of any central system is not sufficient to serve all lots in the Statement of Record, include a warning which describes the limitations and sets forth the number of lots which can now be served.

(D) Have there been any hydrological surveys to determine that a sufficient source of water is available to serve the anticipated population of the subdivision? Has the water in the central system been tested for purity and chemical content? If so, did the results show that the water meets all standards for a public water supply? If there have been no hydrological surveys showing a sufficient supply of water or no tests for purity and chemical content for the central system, include a warning to the effect that there is no assurance of a sufficient supply or that the water is drinkable.

(E) Is there any financial assurance of completion of the central system and any future expansion? If not, include a warning to the effect that no funds have been set aside in an escrow or trust account nor have any other financial arrangements been made to assure completion of the water system.

(F) If the developer or an affiliate or subsidiary of the developer operates the central system, have all permits been obtained from the proper agencies for the construction, use and operation of the central system? If not, include a warning to the effect that the required permits, approvals or licenses for construction, operation or use of the water system have not been obtained, therefore there is no assurance the system can be constructed or used.

(G) If previous completion dates given in prior Statements of Record have not been met, state that previous completion dates have not been met and give the previous dates. Underline the answer. If the central water system is 100 percent completed, no dates are needed.

(H) Is the purchaser to pay any construction costs, one-time connection fees, availability fees, special assessments or deposits for the central system? If so, what are the amounts? If not, state that there are no charges other than use fees. If the purchaser will be responsible for construction costs of the water mains, state the cost to install the mains to the most remote lot covered by this report.

(I) If a purchaser wishes to use a lot prior to the date central water is available to it, may the purchaser install an individual system? If so, include the information required for individual systems in § 1010.111(a)(1)(i). Will the purchaser be required to discontinue use of any individual system and connect to the central system when service is available to the lot? If the purchaser is not required to connect to the central system, must any construction costs, connection fees, availability fees, special assessments or deposits in connection with the central system still be paid? If an individual system may not be installed, so state and indicate water will not be available until the central system is extended to the lot.

(J) If connection to the system is voluntary and not all purchasers elect to use the system, will the cost to those who do use the system be increased? If so, include a statement to the effect that connection to the central system is voluntary and those who use the system may have to pay a disproportionate share of the cost of the system and its operation.

(K) If the developer is to construct the system and will later turn it over to a property owners' association for operation and maintenance, state the estimated date and conditions of the conveyance and if it will be conveyed free and clear of any encumbrance. If there is a charge or if the association must assume an encumbrance, state the estimated amount of either and the terms for retirement of either obligation.

(L) If the supplier of water is other than a governmental agency or an entity which is regulated and supervised by a governmental agency, state that neither the operation of the water system nor the rates are regulated by a public authority.

(M) The warning “We do not own or operate the central water system so we cannot assure its continued availability for your use” shall be included unless:

(1) The central water system is owned and operated by the developer, or an affiliate or subsidiary of the developer, or

(2) The central water system is owned and operated by a governmental agency or by an entity which is regulated and supervised by a governmental agency.

(b) Sewer.

(1) What methods of sewage disposal are to be used (e.g., central system, comfort stations or individual on-site systems such as septic tanks, holding tanks, etc.) in the subdivision? Of the following items, only those which apply to the subdivision need be included.

(i) Individual systems.

(A) If individual systems are to be used, have the local authorities given general approval to the use of these systems in the subdivision or have they given specific approval for each lot? Are permits necessary? From whom and where are they obtained? Must testing of the lot be done prior to the issuance of a permit? State the cost of a permit and the estimated costs of the system and any necessary tests.

(B) If holding tanks are to be used, state whether pumping and hauling service is available and the estimated monthly costs of that service for a family of four living in a house on a year-round basis.

(C) If each and every lot has not been approved for the use of an individual on-site system, include a warning to the effect that there is no assurance permits can be obtained for the installation and use of individual on-site systems. If the sales contract contains no provisions for refund or exchange in the event a permit cannot be obtained, include a statement to the effect that there is no assurance an individual on-site system can be installed and, if it cannot, no refund of the purchase price of the lot will be made.

(D) If no permit is required for the installation and use of individual on-site systems, explain whether this may have an effect upon the purchaser or the availability of construction or permanent financing.

(E) If the developer has knowledge that permits for the installation of individual on-site systems have been denied; that there have been unsatisfactory percolation tests or that systems have not operated satisfactory in the subdivision, state the number of these rejections, unsatisfactory tests or operations.

(ii) Comfort stations.

(A) If comfort stations are to be used, how many lots will be served by each station? When will construction be started? When will the station or stations be completed and ready for use? Have the necessary permits been obtained for the construction and use of comfort stations? If the necessary permits have not been obtained, include a warning that the necessary permits, approvals or licenses have not been obtained for the construction and use of the comfort stations; therefore there is no assurance they can be constructed or used. If there are comfort stations located in different units and having different completion dates, the chart found in section XXII of the appendix to this part: Comfort Station Chart shall be used to show the estimated construction starting date (month and year), the present percentage of completion and the date on which they will be used rather than a narrative paragraph.

(B) Who is to construct the comfort stations? Is there any financial assurance of their completion? If not, include a warning to the effect that no funds have been set aside in an escrow or trust account nor have any other financial arrangements been made to assure completion of the comfort stations and there is no assurance the facilities will be completed.

(C) Who will be responsible for maintenance of the comfort stations? Is there any cost to the purchaser for construction, use or maintenance?

(iii) Central system.

(A) If a central sewage treatment and collection system is being installed, who is responsible for construction of the system? Will the sewer mains be installed in front of, or adjacent to, each lot? When will construction be started (month and year)? When will service be available (month and year)? Who will own and operate the system? Give the name and address of the entity.

(B) What is the present percentage of completion and the present capacity of the system (i.e., number of connections which can be served)? If the present capacity is not sufficient to serve all lots in the Statement of Record and it is to be expanded in phases, what is the time-table for expansion and what will trigger that expansion? If the central system is not complete and there are separate units or sections of the subdivision which have different service availability dates, the chart found in section XXIII of the appendix to this part: Sewer Chart shall be used to show the construction starting date (month and year); the percentage of completion and service availability date (month and year) in each unit or section rather than a narrative paragraph. If sewage treatment facilities are to be supplied by an entity which is regulated by a governmental agency and which is not the developer or an affiliate or subsidiary of the developer and the entity has stated it can serve the anticipated population of the development, then information on capacity need not appear.

(C) If the developer or an affiliate or subsidiary of the developer operates the central system, have all necessary permits been obtained for the construction, operation and use of the central system? Do these permits limit the number of connections or homes which the system may serve? If the permits have not been obtained, enter a warning to the effect that the necessary permits, approvals or licenses have not been obtained for the central sewage system; therefore there is no assurance that the system can be completed, operated or used.

(D) If the system cannot now serve all lots included in the Statement of Record, either because the supplier of the service has not stated it can and will serve all lots or if construction has not reached a stage where all lots can be served or permits to serve all lots have not been obtained, include a warning which states that all lots cannot now be served; the number which can be served and the reason for the lack of capacity.

(E) Will the purchaser pay any construction costs, special assessments, one time connection fees or availability fees? What are the amounts of these charges? If the purchaser is to pay construction costs of the sewer mains, state the cost of installation of the mains to the most remote lot in this Report.

(F) If the purchaser wishes to use the lot prior to the date central sewer service is available, may the purchaser install an individual system? If so, include the information on individual systems required by § 1010.111(b)(1)(i). Will the purchaser be required to discontinue use of the individual system and connect to the central system when service is available? If the purchaser is not required to connect to the central system, must the purchaser still pay any construction costs, connection fees, availability fees, or special assessments? If the purchaser may not install an individual system, so state and indicate service will not be available until the central system reaches the lot.

(G) If connection to the system is voluntary and not all purchasers elect to use the system, will the cost to those who do use the system be increased? If so, include a statement to the effect that connection to the central system is voluntary and those who use the system may have to pay a disproportionate share of the cost of the system and its operation.

(H) Is there any financial assurance of completion of the central system and any future expansion? If not, include a warning that no funds have been set aside in an escrow or trust account nor have any other financial arrangements been made to assure the completion of the central system; therefore there is no assurance that it will be completed.

(I) If previous completion dates given in prior Statements of Record have not been met, state that previous dates have not been met and give the previous dates. Underline the answer. If the central sewage treatment and collection system are 100 percent completed, no dates are needed.

(J) If the developer is to construct the system and will later turn it over to a property owners' association for operation and maintenance, state the date of the transfer and whether there will be any charge for the conveyance and if it will be conveyed free and clear of any encumbrance. If there is a charge or if the association must assume an encumbrance, state the estimated amount of either and the terms for retirement of either obligation.

(K) If the owner or operator of the central sewer system is other than a governmental agency or an entity which is regulated and supervised by a governmental agency, state that neither the operation of the sewer system nor the rates are regulated by a public authority.

(L) The warning “We do not own or operate the central sewer system so we cannot assure its continued availability for your use.” shall be included unless:

(1) The central sewer system is owned and operated by the developer, or an affiliate or subsidiary of the developer, or

(2) The central sewer system is owned and operated by a governmental agency or by an entity which is regulated and supervised by a governmental agency.

(c) Electricity.

(1) Who will provide electrical services to the subdivision?

(2) Have primary electrical service lines been extended in front of, or adjacent to, all of the lots? If not, when (month and year) or under what conditions will construction begin and when will service be available? If they have not been installed, who is responsible for their construction? If electrical service lines have not been extended in front of, or adjacent to, all lots and there are separate units or sections having different service availability dates, the chart found in section XXIV of the appendix to this part: Electric Service Chart shall be used rather than a narrative paragraph.

(3) If construction of the lines or service to the ultimate consumer is provided by an entity other than a publicly regulated utility, who provides, or will provide, the service? Who will be responsible for maintenance? What is the assurance of completion? If service is not provided by a publicly regulated utility, what charges or assessments will the purchaser pay?

(4) If the primary service lines have not been extended in front of, or adjacent to each lot, will the purchaser be responsible for any construction costs? If so, what is the utility company's policy and charges for extension of primary lines? Based on that policy, what would be the cost to the purchaser for extending primary service to the most remote lot in this Report?

(5) If electrical service will not be provided, what is an alternate source (e.g., generators, etc.) and what are the estimated costs?

(6) If the lines are to be installed by some entity other than a publicly regulated utility and if there is no financial assurance of completion, include a warning to the effect that no funds have been set aside in an escrow or trust account nor have any other financial arrangements been made to assure construction of the electric lines.

(d) Telephone.

(1) Is telephone service now, or will it be, available? Who will furnish the service?

(2) Have the service lines been extended in front of, or adjacent to, each of the lots? If not, when, and under what conditions, will construction be started and when will service be available (month and year)?

(3) If the service lines have not been extended in front of, or adjacent to, each lot, will the purchaser be responsible for any construction costs? If so, what is the utility company's policy and charges for extension of service lines? Based on that policy, what would be the cost to the purchaser of extending service lines to the most remote lot in this Report?

(e) Fuel or other energy source.

(1) What fuel, or other energy source, will be available for heating, cooking, etc. in the subdivision? If other than electricity is to be used, describe the availability of the fuel or other energy source. Give the name and address of the supplier. If the fuel is natural gas, when will the mains be installed to the lots? What is the cost to the purchaser for installation fees and connection fees? If oil or propane gas will be used, include the cost of a storage tank.

(2) [Reserved]