12 CFR § 746.107 - Procedures for appealing to the Supervisory Review Committee.

§ 746.107 Procedures for appealing to the Supervisory Review Committee.

(a) Request for appeal. After receiving a written decision by the appropriate program office in response to a request for reconsideration pursuant to § 746.105, an insured credit union may file an appeal with the Committee. Such an appeal must be filed within 30 calendar days after receiving a written decision by the appropriate program office on reconsideration or, if the insured credit union requests review by the Director of the Office of Examination and Insurance pursuant to § 746.106, within 30 calendar days after a final decision is made by the Director of the Office of Examination and Insurance. An appeal must be in writing and filed with the Secretary of the Board, National Credit Union Administration, 1775 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3428.

(b) Content of appeal. Any appeal must include:

(1) A statement that the insured credit union is filing an appeal with the Committee;

(2) A statement of the facts on which the appeal is based;

(3) A statement of the basis for the determination to which the insured credit union objects and the alleged error in such determination;

(4) Any other evidence relied upon by the insured credit union that was not previously provided to the appropriate program office or, if applicable, the Director of the Office of Examination and Insurance; and

(5) A certification that the board of directors of the insured credit union has authorized the appeal to be filed.

(c) Conduct of appeal. The following procedures shall govern the conduct of an appeal to the Committee:

(1) Submission of written materials. The Committee may request additional information from either of the parties within 15 calendar days after the filing of an appeal. The parties must submit the requested information to the Committee within 15 calendar days after receiving a request for additional information.

(2) Oral hearing; duration; location. Except where an insured credit union has requested that an appeal be based entirely on the written record, an appeal shall also consist of oral presentations to the Committee at NCUA headquarters. The introduction of written evidence or witness testimony may also be permitted at the oral hearing. The insured credit union shall argue first. Each side shall be allotted a specified and equal amount of time for its presentation, of which a portion may be reserved for purposes of rebuttal. This time limit shall be set by the Committee and will be based on the complexity of the appeal. Committee members may ask questions of any individual appearing before it.

(3) Appearances; representation. The parties shall submit a notice of appearance identifying the individual(s) who will be representing them in the oral presentation. The insured credit union shall designate not more than two officers, employees, or other representatives including counsel, unless authorized by the Committee. The program office shall designate not more than two individuals, one of whom may be an enforcement attorney from NCUA's Office of General Counsel, unless authorized by the Committee.

(d) Decision. Within 30 calendar days after the oral presentation of the appeal to the Committee, the Committee shall issue a decision in writing, stating the reasons for the decision, and provide the insured credit union with written notice of the right to file an appeal with the NCUA Board (if applicable). If an insured credit union has requested that an appeal be entirely based on the written record, the Committee shall issue a decision within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of an appeal by the Secretary of the Board. The 30 calendar day deadline to decide an appeal based entirely on the written record is extended by any time period during which the Committee is gathering additional information pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

(e) Publication. The Committee shall publish its decisions on NCUA's Web site with appropriate redactions to protect confidential or exempt information. In cases where redaction is insufficient to prevent improper disclosure, published decisions may be presented in summary form. Published decisions may be cited as precedent in appeals to the Committee. Publication shall include a synopsis of each appeal and a summary of the final result.

(f) Consultation with Office of Examination and Insurance or Office of General Counsel Required. If an appeal involves the interpretation of material supervisory policy or generally accepted accounting principles, the Committee shall notify the Director of the Office of Examination and Insurance of the appeal and solicit input from the Office of Examination and Insurance. If an appeal involves the interpretation of legal requirements, including NCUA's regulations, the Committee shall notify the General Counsel of the appeal and solicit input from the Office of General Counsel.

(g) Supplemental procedures authorized. In addition to the procedures contained in this subpart, the Committee Chairman may adopt supplemental procedures governing the operations of the Committee, order that material be kept confidential, or consolidate appeals that present similar issues of law or fact.