12 CFR § 746.108 - Composition of Supervisory Review Committee.

§ 746.108 Composition of Supervisory Review Committee.

(a) Formation and composition of committee pool. The NCUA Chairman shall select not less than eight members from among senior staff in NCUA's regional and central offices as a Committee pool from which the Committee Chairman may select Committee members. None of the members appointed by the NCUA Chairman shall also serve as a Regional Director, Associate Regional Director, Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director, General Counsel, Director of the Office of Examination and Insurance, or a senior policy advisor or chief of staff to a Board Member.

(b) Term of office for members of Committee pool. Each member of the Committee pool shall serve for a two-year term and may be reappointed by the NCUA Chairman for additional terms.

(c) Designation and role of Committee Chairman. The Secretary of the Board shall serve as permanent Committee Chairman. The Committee Chairman shall be responsible for designating three Committee members (one of whom may be the Committee Chairman) from among the Committee pool to hear a particular appeal.

(d) Selection criteria. When selecting Committee members to hear an appeal pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, the Committee Chairman shall consider any real or apparent conflicts of interest that may impact the objectivity of the Committee member as well as that individual's experience with the subject matter of the appeal.

(e) Interested staff ineligible. Members of the Committee pool from the program office that made the material supervisory determination that is the subject of the appeal are ineligible to serve on the Committee for that appeal. Members of the Committee pool from the Office of Examination and Insurance are ineligible to serve on the Committee for appeals where the insured credit union previously requested review by the Director of the Office of Examination and Insurance pursuant to § 746.106.

(f) Role of the Special Counsel. The Special Counsel to the General Counsel shall serve as a permanent nonvoting member of the Committee to advise on procedural and legal matters.

(g) Quorum; meetings. A quorum of two Committee members (excluding the Special Counsel to the General Counsel) shall be present at each Committee meeting and a majority vote of a quorum is required for an action on an appeal. Meetings of the Committee will not be open to the public.