15 CFR § 400.37 - Procedure for notification of proposed production activity.

§ 400.37 Procedure for notification of proposed production activity.

(a) Submission of notification. A notification for production authority pursuant to §§ 400.14(a) and 400.22 shall be submitted simultaneously to the Board's Executive Secretary and to CBP.

(b) Initial processing of notification. Upon receipt of a complete notification conforming to the requirements of the notification format established by the Executive Secretary pursuant to § 400.22, the Executive Secretary shall commence processing the notification. Unless the Executive Secretary determines, based on the content of the notification, to recommend further review to the Board without inviting public comment on the notification, the Executive Secretary shall transmit to the Federal Register a notice inviting public comment on the notification (with such comment subject to the standards of § 400.28(b)). The notice shall be transmitted to the Federal Register within 15 days of the commencement of the processing of the notification, and the comment period shall normally close 40 days after the date the notice appears. If the notification indicates that a material or component to be used in the activity is subject to an AD/CVD order or proceeding, or suspension of liquidation under AD/CVD procedures, the notice shall include that information. Evidence, factual information and written arguments submitted in response to the notice must be submitted by the deadline for comments. Any comments by CBP pertaining to the notification shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary by the end of the comment period. Within 80 days of receipt of the notification, the Executive Secretary shall submit to the Board a recommendation on whether further review of all or part of the activity subject to the notification is warranted. The Executive Secretary's recommendation shall consider comments submitted during the comment period, any guidance from specialists within government, and other relevant factors based on the Board staff's assessment of the notification, in the context of the factors set forth in § 400.27.

(c) Determinations regarding further review. Within 30 days of receipt of the Executive Secretary's recommendation, the Board members shall provide to the Executive Secretary their determinations on whether further review is warranted concerning all or part of the activity that is the subject of the notification. If either Board member makes a determination that further review is warranted, the activity that is subject to further review (which may constitute all or part of the notified activity) shall not be conducted without authorization pursuant to the application requirements of § 400.23 and the procedural requirements of §§ 400.31-400.34 and 400.36 (or the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section, where applicable). Within 120 days of receipt of the notification, the Executive Secretary shall notify the party that submitted the notification (and the zone grantee, if it did not submit the notification) that:

(1) Further review is not needed for all or part of the activity that is the subject of the notification, and that the activity in question may be conducted; or

(2) Further review is needed for all or part of the activity that is the subject of the notification, with such activity precluded absent specific authorization.

(d) Authorization for commencement of an activity on an interim basis. For an activity notified pursuant to § 400.14(a), the Executive Secretary may authorize the commencement of some or all of the activity on an interim basis. Such authorization shall only be made based on a showing that commencement of the activity is time-sensitive, with such showing to include comments from CBP that specifically address the projected timeframe for commencement of the activity. Interim authorization shall not apply to materials or components subject to an AD/CVD order or proceeding or suspension of liquidation under AD/CVD procedures. As warranted, a determination that further review is needed for all or some of the notified activity pursuant to § 400.37(c) may also revoke the interim authorization until the Board makes a determination after conduct of that further review.

[77 FR 12139, Feb. 28, 2012, as amended at 89 FR 8529, Feb. 8, 2024]