15 CFR § 923.50 - General.

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§ 923.50 General.

(a) Coordination with governmental agencies having interests and responsibilities affecting the coastal zone, and involvement of interest groups as well as the general public is essential to the development and administration of State coastal management programs. The coordination requirements of this subpart are intended to achieve a proper balancing of diverse interests in the coastal zone. The policies of section 303 of the Act require that there be a balancing of variety, sometimes conflicting, interests, including:

(1) The preservation, protection, development and, where possible, the restoration or enhancement of coastal resources;

(2) The achievement of wise use of coastal land and water resources with full consideration for ecological, cultural, historic, and aesthetic values and needs for compatible economic development;

(3) The involvement of the public, of Federal, state and local governments and of regional agencies in the development and implementation of coastal management programs;

(4) The management of coastal development to improve, safeguard, and restore coastal water quality; and

(5) The study and development of plans for addressing the adverse effects of coastal hazards, including erosion, flooding, land subsidence and sea level rise.

(b) In order to be meaningful, coordination with and participation by various units and levels of government including regional commissions, interest groups, and the general public should begin early in the process of program development and should continue throughout on a timely basis to assure that such efforts will result in substantive inputs into a State's management program. State efforts should be devoted not only to obtaining information necessary for developing the management program but also to obtaining reactions and recommendations regarding the content of the management program and to responding to concerns by interested parties. The requirements for intergovernmental cooperation and public participation continue after program approval.

(c) This subpart deals with requirements for coordination with governmental entities, interest groups and the general public to assure that their interests are fully expressed and considered during the program development process and that procedures are created to insure continued consideration of their views during program implementation. In addition, this subpart deals with mediation procedures for serious disagreements between States and Federal agencies that occur during program development and implementation. This subpart addresses the requirements of the following subsections of the Act: 306(d)(1)—Opportunity for Full Participation; 306(d)(3)(A)—Plan Coordination; 306(d)(3)(B)—Continued State-Local Consultation; 306(d)(4)—Public Hearings; 306(d)(8)—Consideration of the National Interest in Facilities; 307(b)—Federal Consultation; and 307(h)—Mediation.