15 CFR § 923.51 - Federal-State consultation.

§ 923.51 Federal-State consultation.

(a) The management program must be developed and adopted with the opportunity of full participation by relevant Federal agencies and with adequate consideration of the views of Federal agencies principally affected by such program.

(b) By providing relevant Federal agencies with the opportunity for full participation during program development and for adequately considering the views of such agencies, States can effectuate the Federal consistency provisions of subsections 307 (c) and (d) of the Act once their programs are approved. (See 15 CFR part 930 for a full discussion of the Federal consistency provisions of the Act.)

(c) In addition to the consideration of relevant Federal agency views required during program development, Federal agencies have the opportunity to provide further comment during the program review and approval process. (See subpart G for details on this process.) Moreover, in the event of a serious disagreement between a relevant Federal agency and designated State agency during program development or during program implementation, the mediation provisions of subsection 307(h) of the Act are available. (See § 923.54 for details on mediation.)

(d) In order to provide an opportunity for participation by relevant Federal agencies and give adequate consideration to their views, each state must:

(1) Contact each relevant Federal Agency listed in § 923.2(d) and such other Federal agencies as may be relevant, owing to a State's particular circumstances, early in the development of its management program. The purpose of such contact is to develop mutual arrangements or understandings regarding that agency's participation during program development;

(2) Provide for Federal agency input on a timely basis as the program is developed. Such input shall be related both to information required to develop the management program and to evaluation of and recommendations concerning various elements of the management program;

(3) Solicit statements from the head of Federal agencies identified in Table 1 of § 923.52(c)(1) as to their interpretation of the national interest in the planning for and siting of facilities which are more than local in nature;

(4) Summarize the nature, frequency, and timing of contacts with relevant Federal agencies;

(5) Evaluate Federal comments received during the program development process and, where appropriate in the opinion of the State, accommodate the substance of pertinent comments in the management program. States must consider and evaluate relevant Federal agency views or comments about the following:

(i) Management of coastal resources for preservation, conservation, development, enhancement or restoration purposes;

(ii) Statements of the national interest in the planning for or siting of facilities which are more than local in nature;

(iii) Uses which are subject to the management program;

(iv) Areas which are of particular concern to the management program;

(v) Boundary determinations;

(vi) Shorefront access and protecting planning, energy facility planning and erosion planning processes; and

(vii) Federally developed or assisted plans that must be coordinated with the management program pursuant to subsection 306(d)(3) of the Act.

(6) Indicate the nature of major comments by Federal agencies provided during program development (either by including copies of comments or by summarizing comments) and discuss any major differences or conflicts between the management program and Federal views that have not been resolved at the time of program submission.