17 CFR § 242.806 - Voluntary submission of rules for Commission review and approval.

§ 242.806 Voluntary submission of rules for Commission review and approval.

(a) Request for approval of rules. A security-based swap execution facility may request that the Commission approve a new rule, rule amendment, or dormant rule prior to implementation of the rule, or if the request was initially submitted under § 242.806 or § 242.807, subsequent to implementation of the rule. A request for approval shall:

(1) Be filed electronically with the Commission using the EFFS system;

(2) Include a copy of the submission cover sheet in accordance with the instructions therein;

(3) Set forth the text of the rule or rule amendment (in the case of a rule amendment, deletions and additions must be indicated);

(4) Describe the proposed effective date of the rule or rule amendment and any action taken or anticipated to be taken to adopt the proposed rule by the security-based swap execution facility or by its governing board or by any committee thereof, and cite the rules of the security-based swap execution facility that authorize the adoption of the proposed rule;

(5) Provide an explanation and analysis of the operation, purpose, and effect of the proposed rule or rule amendment and its compliance with applicable provisions of the Act, including the core principles relating to security-based swap execution facilities and the Commission's rules thereunder and, as applicable, a description of the anticipated benefits to market participants or others, any potential anticompetitive effects on market participants or others, and how the rule fits into the security-based swap execution facility's framework of regulation;

(6) Certify that the security-based swap execution facility posted a notice of the pending rule with the Commission and a copy of the submission, concurrent with the filing of a submission with the Commission, on the security-based swap execution facility's website. Information that the security-based swap execution facility seeks to keep confidential may be redacted from the documents published on the security-based swap execution facility's website but must be republished consistent with any determination made pursuant to § 240.24b-2 of this chapter;

(7) Provide additional information which may be beneficial to the Commission in analyzing the new rule or rule amendment. If a proposed rule affects, directly or indirectly, the application of any other rule of the security-based swap execution facility, the pertinent text of any such rule must be set forth and the anticipated effect described;

(8) Provide a brief explanation of any substantive opposing views expressed to the security-based swap execution facility by governing board or committee members, members of the security-based swap execution facility, or market participants that were not incorporated into the rule, or a statement that no such opposing views were expressed; and

(9) As appropriate, include a request for confidential treatment as permitted under § 240.24b-2 of this chapter.

(b) Standard for review and approval. The Commission shall approve a new rule or rule amendment unless the rule or rule amendment is inconsistent with the Act or the Commission's rules thereunder.

(c) Forty-five-day review. A rule or rule amendment submitted for Commission approval under paragraph (a) of this section shall be deemed approved by the Commission 45 days after receipt by the Commission, or at the conclusion of such extended period as provided under paragraph (d) of this section, unless the security-based swap execution facility is notified otherwise within the applicable period, if:

(1) The submission complies with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section;

(2) The security-based swap execution facility does not amend the proposed rule or supplement the submission, except as requested by the Commission, during the pendency of the review period, other than for correction of typographical errors, renumbering, or other non- substantive revisions. Any amendment or supplementation not requested by the Commission will be treated as the submission of a new filing under this section.

(d) Extension of time for review. The Commission may further extend the review period in paragraph (c) of this section for:

(1) An additional 45 days, if the proposed rule or rule amendment raises novel or complex issues that require additional time for review or is of major economic significance, the submission is incomplete, or the requestor does not respond completely to Commission questions in a timely manner, in which case the Commission shall notify the submitting security-based swap execution facility within the initial 45-day review period and shall briefly describe the nature of the specific issues for which additional time for review shall be required; or

(2) Any period, beyond the additional 45 days provided in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, to which the security-based swap execution facility agrees in writing.

(e) Notice of non-approval. Any time during its review under this section, the Commission may notify the security-based swap execution facility that it will not, or is unable to, approve the new rule or rule amendment. This notification will briefly specify the nature of the issues raised and the specific provision of the Act or the Commission's rules thereunder, including the form or content requirements of this section, with which the new rule or rule amendment is inconsistent or appears to be inconsistent with the Act or the Commission's rules thereunder.

(f) Effect of non-approval.

(1) Notification to a security-based swap execution facility under paragraph (e) of this section does not prevent the security-based swap execution facility from subsequently submitting a revised version of the proposed rule or rule amendment for Commission review and approval or from submitting the new rule or rule amendment as initially proposed in a supplemented submission. The revised submission will be reviewed without prejudice.

(2) Notification to a security-based swap execution facility under paragraph (e) of this section of the Commission's determination not to approve a proposed rule or rule amendment shall be presumptive evidence that the security-based swap execution facility may not truthfully certify the same, or substantially the same, proposed rule or rule amendment under § 242.807(a).

(g) Expedited approval. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section, changes to a proposed rule or a rule amendment, including changes to terms and conditions of a product that are consistent with the Act and the Commission's rules thereunder, may be approved by the Commission at such time and under such conditions as the Commission shall specify in the written notification; provided, however, that the Commission may, at any time, alter or revoke the applicability of such a notice to any particular product or rule amendment.