21 CFR § 207.49 - What listing information must a registrant submit for a drug it manufactures?

§ 207.49 What listing information must a registrant submit for a drug it manufactures?

(a) Each registrant must provide the following listing information for each drug it manufactures for commercial distribution.

(1) The appropriate NDC(s), as described in § 207.33, that include all package code variations. In the case of human drugs, the appropriate NDC(s) submitted under this paragraph include the registrant's labeler code. In the case of animal drugs, the appropriate NDC(s) submitted under this paragraph include the registrant's labeler code, except that when the drug is manufactured for commercial distribution under the trade name or label of a private label distributor, the appropriate NDC(s) for animal drugs include the private label distributor's labeler code;

(2) Package type and volume information corresponding to the package code segment of the NDC;

(3) The listed drug's established name and proprietary name, if any;

(4) The name and quantity of each active pharmaceutical ingredient in the listed drug;

(5) The name of each inactive ingredient in the listed drug, along with any assertions of confidentiality associated with individual inactive ingredients;

(6) The dosage form;

(7) The drug's approved U.S. application number, if any;

(8) The drug type (e.g., as applicable, finished vs. unfinished, human vs. animal, prescription vs. nonprescription);

(9) In the case of an unfinished drug, the number assigned to the Drug Master File or Veterinary Master File, if any, that describes the manufacture of the drug;

(10) For each drug that is subject to the imprinting requirements of part 206 of this chapter including products that are exempted under § 206.7(b), the drug's size, shape, color, scoring, and code imprint (if any);

(11) The route or routes of administration of the drug;

(12) For each drug bearing an NDC:

(i) The name and Unique Facility Identifier of the establishment where the registrant who lists the drug manufactures it and the type of operation performed on the drug at that establishment, and

(ii) The name and Unique Facility Identifier of every other establishment where manufacturing is performed for the drug and the type of operation performed at each such establishment. This includes all establishments involved in the production of each unfinished drug received by the registrant for use in the production of the drug being listed. The names, Unique Facility Identifiers, and type of operations for establishments involved in production of each unfinished drug received by the registrant for use in the production of the drug being listed may be provided by including the properly assigned and listed NDC for such unfinished drug.

(13) The schedule of the drug under section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act, if applicable;

(14) Advertisements:

(i) A representative sampling of advertisements for a human prescription drug that is not subject to section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act;

(ii) If FDA requests it, for good cause, a copy of all advertisements for a human prescription drug that is not subject to section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act, including those advertisements described in § 202.1(l)(1) of this chapter. Such advertisements must be submitted within 30 calendar days after FDA's request.

(15) For drugs bearing the NDC(s) reported under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, except those drugs manufactured exclusively for private label distribution and not distributed under the registrant's own name and label, provide the following labeling, as applicable:

(i) Human prescription drugs. All current labeling except that only one representative container or carton label need be submitted where differences exist only in the quantity of contents statement or the bar code. This labeling submission must include the content of labeling, as defined in § 207.1.

(ii) Human nonprescription drugs.

(A) For each human nonprescription drug subject to section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act, all current labeling, except that only one representative container or carton label need be submitted where differences exist only in the quantity of contents statement or the bar code. This labeling submission must include the content of labeling, as defined in § 207.1.

(B) For each human nonprescription drug not subject to section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act, the current label (except that only one representative container or carton label need be submitted where differences exist only in the quantity of contents statement or the bar code), the package insert (if any), and a representative sampling of any other labeling. This labeling submission must include the content of labeling as defined in section § 207.1.

(iii) Animal drugs.

(A) For each animal drug that is subject to section 512 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which includes, but is not limited to, new animal drugs that have been approved, conditionally approved, or indexed under sections 512, 571, or 572 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, a copy of all current labeling (except that only one representative container or carton label need be submitted where differences exist only in the quantity of contents statement), including the content of labeling as defined in § 207.1;

(B) For all other animal drugs, a copy of the current label (except that only one representative container or carton label need be submitted where differences exist only in the quantity of contents statement), the package insert, the content of labeling as defined in § 207.1, and a representative sampling of any other labeling;

(iv) All other listed drugs. For all other listed drugs, including unfinished drugs, the label (if any), except that only one representative label need be submitted where differences exist only in the quantity of contents statement.

(16) Listing submissions described in § 207.41(c)(2) for human drugs manufactured for private label distribution must include all information specified in § 207.49(a)(2) through (14) and:

(i) The appropriate NDC(s) (as described in § 207.33) that include the private label distributor's labeler code and all package code variations;

(ii) The name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address of the private label distributor; and

(iii) For drugs bearing the NDC(s) reported under paragraph (a)(16)(i) of this section, labeling as described in paragraph (a)(15) of this section that accompanies the private label distributor's product.

(b) Additionally, each registrant is requested, but not required, to provide the following information for each human drug it manufactures for commercial distribution:

(1) The drug's over-the-counter monograph reference, if any; and

(2) The date on which the drug was or will be introduced into commercial distribution.

[81 FR 60212, Aug. 31, 2016, as amended at 86 FR 17061, Apr. 1, 2021]