24 CFR § 1003.508 - Grant closeout procedures.

§ 1003.508 Grant closeout procedures.

(a) Criteria for closeout. A grant will be closed out when the Area ONAP determines, in consultation with the grantee, that the following criteria have been met:

(1) All costs to be paid with ICDBG funds have been incurred, with the exception of closeout costs (e.g., audit costs) and costs resulting from contingent liabilities described in the closeout agreement pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section. Contingent liabilities include, but are not limited to, third-party claims against the grantee, as well as related administrative costs.

(2) With respect to activities which are financed by means of escrow accounts, loan guarantees, or similar mechanisms, the work to be assisted with ICDBG funds has actually been completed.

(3) Other responsibilities of the grantee under the grant agreement and applicable laws and regulations appear to have been carried out satisfactorily or there is no further Federal interest in keeping the grant agreement open for the purpose of securing performance.

(b) Closeout actions.

(1) Within 90 days of the date it is determined that the criteria for closeout have been met, the grantee shall submit to the Area ONAP a copy of the final status and evaluation report described in § 1003.506(a) and a completed Financial Status Report (SF-269). If acceptable reports are not submitted, an audit of the grantee's program activities may be conducted by HUD.

(2) Based on the information provided in the status report and other relevant information, the grantee, in consultation with the Area ONAP, will prepare a closeout agreement in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(3) The Area ONAP will cancel any unused portion of the awarded grant, as shown in the signed grant closeout agreement. Any unused grant funds disbursed from the U.S. Treasury which are in the possession of the grantee shall be refunded to HUD.

(4) Any costs paid with ICDBG funds which were not audited previously shall be subject to coverage in the grantee's next single audit performed in accordance with 2 CFR part 200, subpart F. The grantee may be required to repay HUD any disallowed costs based on the results of the audit, or on additional HUD reviews provided for in the closeout agreement.

(c) Closeout agreement. Any obligations remaining as of the date of the closeout shall be covered by the terms of a closeout agreement. The agreement shall be prepared by the grantee in consultation with the Area ONAP. The agreement shall identify the grant being closed out, and include provisions with respect to the following:

(1) Identification of any closeout costs or contingent liabilities subject to payment with ICDBG funds after the closeout agreement is signed;

(2) Identification of any unused grant funds to be canceled by HUD;

(3) Identification of any program income on deposit in financial institutions at the time the closeout agreement is signed;

(4) Description of the grantee's responsibility after closeout for:

(i) Compliance with all program requirements, certifications and assurances in using program income on deposit at the time the closeout agreement is signed and in using any other remaining ICDBG funds available for closeout costs and contingent liabilities;

(ii) Use of real property assisted with ICDBG funds in accordance with the principles described in § 1003.504; and

(iii) Ensuring that flood insurance coverage for affected property owners is maintained for the mandatory period;

(5) Other provisions appropriate to any special circumstances of the grant closeout, in modification of or in addition to the obligations in paragraphs (c) (1) through (4) of this section. The agreement shall authorize monitoring by HUD, and shall provide that findings of noncompliance may be taken into account by HUD as unsatisfactory performance of the grantee in the consideration of any future grant award under this part.

(d) Termination of grant for convenience. Grant assistance provided under this part may be terminated for convenience in whole or in part before the completion of the assisted activities, in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200.339. The grantee shall not incur new obligations for the terminated portions after the effective date, and shall cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible. HUD shall allow full credit to the grantee for those portions of obligations which could not be canceled and which had been properly incurred by the grantee in carrying out the activities before the termination. The closeout policies contained in this section shall apply in such cases, except where the approved grant is terminated in its entirety. Responsibility for the environmental review to be performed under 24 CFR part 50 or 24 CFR part 58, as applicable, shall be determined as part of the closeout process.

(e) Termination for cause. In cases in which HUD terminates the grantee's grant under the authority of subpart H of this part, or under the terms of the grant agreement, the closeout policies contained in this section shall apply, except where the approved grant is canceled in its entirety. The provisions in 2 CFR 200.342 on the effects of termination shall also apply. HUD shall determine whether an environmental review is required, and if so, HUD shall perform it in accordance with 24 CFR part 50.

[62 FR 12349, Mar. 12, 1998, as amended at 80 FR 75945, Dec. 7, 2015]