24 CFR § 1003.509 - Force account construction.

§ 1003.509 Force account construction.

(a) The use of tribal work forces for construction or renovation activities performed as part of the activities funded under this part shall be approved by the Area ONAP before the start of project implementation. In reviewing requests for an approval of force account construction or renovation, the area ONAP may require that the grantee provide the following:

(1) Documentation to indicate that it has carried out or can carry out successfully a project of the size and scope of the proposal;

(2) Documentation to indicate that it has obtained or can obtain adequate supervision for the workers to be used;

(3) Information showing that the workers to be used are, or will be, listed on the tribal payroll and are employed directly by a unit, department or other governmental instrumentality of the tribe or village.

(b) Any and all excess funds derived from the force account construction or renovation activities shall accrue to the grantee and shall be reprogrammed for other activities eligible under this part in accordance with § 1003.305 or returned to HUD promptly.

(c) Insurance coverage for force account workers and activities shall, where applicable, include worker's compensation, public liability, property damage, builder's risk, and vehicular liability.

(d) The grantee shall specify and apply reasonable labor performance, construction, or renovation standards to work performed under the force account.

(e) The contracting and procurement standards set forth in 2 CFR part 200, subpart D, apply to material, equipment, and supply procurement from outside vendors under this section.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0191)
[62 FR 12349, Mar. 12, 1998, as amended at 80 FR 75945, Dec. 7, 2015]