25 CFR § 700.243 - Action on initial requests.

§ 700.243 Action on initial requests.

(a) Granting of requests.

(1) A requested record shall be made available if (i) the record is not exempt from disclosure or (ii) the record is exempt from disclosure, but its withholding is neither required by statute or Executive order nor supported by sound grounds.

(b) Form of grant.

(1) When a requested record has been determined to be available, the official processing the request shall immediately notify the person requesting the record as to where and when the record is available for inspection or as the case may be, where and when copies will be available. If fees are due under § 700.251, the responsible official shall also state the amount or, if the exact amount cannot be determined, the approximate amount of fees due.

(2) If the record was obtained by the Commission from a person or entity outside of the Government, the responsible official shall, when it is administratively feasible to do so, notify that person or entity that the record has been made available.

(c) Denial of requests.

(1) A request for a record may be denied only if it is determined that (i) the record is exempt from disclosure and (ii) that withholding of the record is required by statute or Executive order or supported by sound grounds.

(2) A request to inspect or copy a record shall be denied only by the Freedom of Information Act Officer or by an official whom the Executive Director has in writing designated.

(d) Form of denial. A reply denying a request shall be in writing and shall include:

(1) A reference to the specific exemption or exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act authorizing the withholding of the record;

(2) The sound ground for withholding;

(3) A listing of the names and titles or positions of each person responsible for the denial;

(4) A statement that the denial may be appealed to the Commission pursuant to § 700.247 and that such appeal must be in writing and be received by this official within twenty (20) days (Saturdays, Sundays, and public legal holidays excepted) after the date of the denial, in the case of the denial of an entire request, or within twenty (20) days (Saturdays, Sundays, and public legal holidays excepted) of records being made available, in the case of a partial denial, by writing to the Freedom of Information Act Officer, Navajo-Hopi Indian Relocation Commission, P.O. Box KK, Flagstaff, Arizona 86002.

(e) Exception. The requirements of paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section do not apply to requests denied under § 2.14 on the ground that the request did not reasonably describe the records requested or to requests for records which do not exist.

(f) Filing of denials. Copies of all replies denying, in whole or part, a request for a record which are issued under this section of § 700.243 shall be promptly submitted by the Freedom of Information Act Officer, denials to the Executive Director and the Commission's legal counsel.