31 CFR § 585.201 - Prohibited transactions.

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§ 585.201 Prohibited transactions.

(a) All transactions prohibited pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13936 of July 14, 2020 are prohibited pursuant to this part.

(b) All transactions prohibited pursuant to any further Executive orders issued pursuant to the national emergency declared in E.O. 13936 are prohibited pursuant to this part.

Note 1 to § 585.201.

The names of persons designated or identified as blocked pursuant to E.O. 13936, or listed in, designated, or identified as blocked pursuant to any further Executive orders issued pursuant to the national emergency declared in E.O. 13936, whose property and interests in property therefore are blocked pursuant to this section, are published in the Federal Register and incorporated into OFAC's Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List (SDN List) using the following identifier formulation: “[HK-E.O.[E.O. number pursuant to which the person's property and interests in property are blocked]].” The SDN List is accessible through the following page on OFAC's website: www.treasury.gov/sdn. Additional information pertaining to the SDN List can be found in appendix A to this chapter. See § 585.406 concerning entities that may not be listed on the SDN List but whose property and interests in property are nevertheless blocked pursuant to this section.

Note 2 to § 585.201.

The International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706), in Section 203 (50 U.S.C. 1702), authorizes the blocking of property and interests in property of a person during the pendency of an investigation. The names of persons whose property and interests in property are blocked pending investigation pursuant to this section also are published in the Federal Register and incorporated into the SDN List using the following identifier formulation: for E.O. 13936 and any further Executive orders issued pursuant to the national emergency declared in E.O. 13936: “[BPI-HK-E.O.[E.O. number pursuant to which the person's property and interests in property are blocked pending investigation]]”.

Note 3 to § 585.201.

Sections 501.806 and 501.807 of this chapter describe the procedures to be followed by persons seeking, respectively, the unblocking of funds that they believe were blocked due to mistaken identity, or administrative reconsideration of their status as persons whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this section.