33 CFR § 155.5030 - Nontank vessel response plan requirements: General content.

§ 155.5030 Nontank vessel response plan requirements: General content.

(a) The entire vessel response plan (VRP) must be written in English and, if applicable, in a language that is understood by the crew members with responsibilities under the VRP.

(b) The VRP must cover all geographic areas of the United States in which the vessel intends to handle, store, or transport oil, including port areas and offshore transit areas.

(c) The VRP must be divided into the following sections—

(1) General information and introduction;

(2) Notification procedures;

(3) Shipboard spill mitigation procedures;

(4) Shore-based response activities;

(5) List of contacts;

(6) Training procedures;

(7) Exercise procedures;

(8) Plan review and update procedures;

(9) Geographic-specific appendix (GSA) for each Captain of the Port (COTP) zone in which the vessel or vessels operate; and

(10) An appendix for vessel-specific information for the vessel or vessels covered by the VRP.

(d) A vessel owner or operator with multiple vessels may submit one plan for all classes of vessels (i.e., subpart D—Manned vessels carrying oil as primary cargo and unmanned vessels carrying oil as primary cargo; subpart E—Tankers loading cargo at a facility permitted under the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act; subpart F—Vessels carrying animal fats and vegetable oils as primary cargo; and subpart G—Vessels carrying other non-petroleum oils as a primary cargo) with a separate vessel-specific appendix for each vessel covered by the plan and a separate GSA for each COTP zone in which the vessel(s) will operate.

(e) A VRP must be divided into the sections described in paragraph (c) of this section unless the VRP is supplemented with a cross-reference table to identify the location of the information required by this subpart.

(f) The information contained in a VRP must be consistent with—

(1) The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) (40 CFR part 300) and the Area Contingency Plan(s) (ACP) in effect on the date 6 months prior to the submission date of the VRP; or

(2) Most recent NCP and ACP(s).

Note to § 155.5030(f)(1): See diagram of “Relationship of Plans” at 40 CFR 300.210.

(g) Copies of the submitted and approved VRP must be available as follows—

(1) The vessel owner or operator must ensure that they maintain one English language copy of the VRP, at a minimum the contents listed in paragraph (c)(1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), (9) and (10) of this section and a copy of the Coast Guard approval letter, onboard the vessel. In lieu of paper format, the vessel owner or operator may keep an electronic copy of the VRP and approval letter onboard the vessel. If applicable, additional copies of the required VRP sections must be in the language understood by crew members with responsibilities under the VRP and maintained onboard the vessel; and

(2) The vessel owner or operator must also maintain a current copy of the entire VRP and ensure that each person identified as a qualified individual and alternate qualified individual in the VRP has a current copy of the entire VRP. An electronic copy of the VRP is authorized.

(h) Compliance with this subpart will also constitute compliance for a U.S.-flag nontank vessel required to submit a Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) pursuant to 33 CFR 151.09(c) and Regulation 37 of MARPOL 73/78 Annex I as long as the additional requirements listed in § 155.5035(k) are met. A U.S.-flag nontank vessel holding a valid Certificate of Inspection endorsed for Coastwise or Oceans operating routes with authorization to engage on an international voyage must maintain a U.S. Coast Guard SOPEP approval letter per 33 CFR 151.27(e). A separate SOPEP is not required.