33 CFR § 165.773 - Security Zone; Escorted Vessels in Captain of the Port Zone Jacksonville, Florida.

§ 165.773 Security Zone; Escorted Vessels in Captain of the Port Zone Jacksonville, Florida.

(a) Definitions. The following definitions apply to this section:

COTP means Captain of the Port Jacksonville, FL.

Designated representatives means Coast Guard Patrol Commanders including Coast Guard coxswains, petty officers and other officers operating Coast Guard vessels or aircraft, and federal, state, and local officers designated by or assisting the COTP, in the enforcement of the security zone.

Escorted vessel means a vessel, other than a large U.S. naval vessel as defined in 33 CFR 165.2015, that is accompanied by one or more Coast Guard assets or other Federal, State, or local law enforcement agency assets clearly identifiable by lights, vessel markings, or with agency insignia as follows:

(1) Coast Guard surface or air asset displaying the Coast Guard insignia.

(2) State and/or local law enforcement asset displaying the applicable agency markings and/or equipment associated with the agency.

(3) When escorted vessels are moored, dayboards or other visual indications such as lights or buoys may be used. In all cases, broadcast notice to mariners will be issued to advise mariners of these restrictions.

Minimum safe speed means the speed at which a vessel proceeds when it is fully off plane, completely settled in the water and not creating excessive wake. Due to the different speeds at which vessels of different sizes and configurations may travel while in compliance with this definition, no specific speed is assigned to minimum safe speed. In no instance should minimum safe speed be interpreted as a speed less than that required for a particular vessel to maintain steerageway. A vessel is not proceeding at minimum safe speed if it is:

(1) On a plane;

(2) In the process of coming up onto or coming off a plane; or

(3) Creating an excessive wake.

(b) Regulated area. All navigable waters, as defined within Captain of the Port Zone, Jacksonville, Florida as defined in 33 CFR 3.35-20.

(c) Security zone. A 500-yard security zone is established around each escorted vessel within the regulated area described in paragraph (b) of this section. This is a moving security zone when the escorted vessel is in transit and becomes a fixed zone when the escorted vessel is anchored or moored. A security zone will not extend beyond the boundary of the regulated area in this section.

(d) Regulations.

(1) The general regulations for security zones contained in § 165.33 of this part applies to this section.

(2) A vessel may request the permission of the COTP or a designated representative to enter the security zone described in paragraph (c) of this section. If permitted to enter the security zone, a vessel must proceed at the minimum safe speed and must comply with the orders of the COTP or a designated representative. No vessel or person may enter the inner 100-yard portion of the security zone closest to the vessel.

(e) Notice of security zone. The COTP will inform the public of the existence or status of the security zones around escorted vessels in the regulated area by Broadcast Notice to Mariners. Coast Guard assets or other Federal, State or local law enforcement agency assets will be clearly identified by lights, vessel markings, or with agency insignia. When escorted vessels are moored, dayboards or other visual indications such as lights or buoys may be used.

(f) Contact information. The COTP Jacksonville may be reached via phone at (904) 564-7513. Any on scene Coast Guard or designated representative assets may be reached via VHF-FM channel 16.

[USCG-2008-0203, 73 FR 28710, May 19, 2008]