33 CFR § 165.775 - Regulated Navigation Area; Launch Area Offshore Cape Canaveral, FL.

§ 165.775 Regulated Navigation Area; Launch Area Offshore Cape Canaveral, FL.

(a) Location.

(1) The following area is a regulated navigation area (RNA): All waters offshore Cape Canaveral from surface to bottom, encompassed by a line connecting the following points beginning with Point 1 at 28°48′54″ N, 80°28′40″ W; thence southwest to Point 2 at 28°43′20″ N, 80°41′00″ W; thence south along the shoreline to Point 3 at 28°25′18″ N, 80°34′43″ W; thence continuing south offshore to Point 4 at 28°11′00″ N, 80°29′00″ W; thence east to Point 5 at 28°10′00″ N, 80°21′13″ W; thence north along the 12 nautical mile line back to Point 1. Coordinates are in World Geodetic System (WGS) 1984. These coordinates are based on the furthest north and south trajectories of typical rocket launch vehicles originating from Cape Canaveral.

(2) Restrictions may be enforced anywhere within the boundaries of the RNA. Restrictions will be based on the risk assessment of the Captain of the Port Jacksonville and informed by the mission specific launch exclusion areas provided by U.S. Space Launch Delta 45 (SLD 45). There are five launch hazard areas that cover rocket launches. Launch hazard areas include all navigable waters within the following coordinates, encompassed by a line starting at Point 1 connecting the following points:

(i) Northeast Launch Hazard Area.

Table 1 to Paragraph (a)(2)(i)

Point 1 28°47′47″ N 080°27′48″ W
Point 2 28°42′18″ N 080°34′55″ W
Point 3 28°39′13″ N 080°37′49″ W
Point 4 28°32′29″ N 080°33′53″ W
Point 5 28°34′00″ N 080°29′00″ W
Point 6 28°39′43″ N 080°21′57″ W

(ii) East Northeast Launch Hazard Area.

Table 2 to Paragraph (a)(2)(ii)

Point 1 28°43′53″ N 080°24′50″ W
Point 2 28°36′10″ N 080°35′20″ W
Point 3 28°31′46″ N 080°33′40″ W
Point 4 28°34′42″ N 080°28′40″ W
Point 5 28°40′45″ N 080°22′28″ W

(iii) Large East Launch Hazard Area.

Table 3 to Paragraph (a)(2)(iii)

Point 1 28°40′32″ N 080°22′21″ W
Point 2 28°39′14″ N 080°37′48″ W
Point 3 28°27′00″ N 080°31′55″ W
Point 4 28°27′35″ N 080°18′27″ W

(iv) Small East Launch Hazard Area.

Table 4 to Paragraph (a)(2)(iv)

Point 1 28°39′42″ N 080°21′56″ W
Point 2 28°39′00″ N 080°31′00″ W
Point 3 28°38′00″ N 080°36′58″ W
Point 4 28°32′00″ N 080°33′45″ W
Point 5 28°31′51″ N 080°20′41″ W

(v) Southeast Launch Hazard Area.

Table 5 to Paragraph (a)(2)(v)

Point 1 28°37′00″ N 080°29′00″ W
Point 2 28°35′48″ N 080°34′59″ W
Point 3 28°25′18″ N 080°34′43″ W
Point 4 28°11′00″ N 080°29′00″ W
Point 5 28°10′00″ N 080°21′13″ W
Point 6 28°19′36″ N 080°23′10″ W
Point 7 28°22′11″ N 080°20′17″ W

(b) Definitions. The following definition applys to this section:

Designated representative means Coast Guard Patrol Commanders including Coast Guard coxswains, petty officers and other officers operating Coast Guard vessels, Coast Guard Representatives in the Merril Operations Center, and Federal, state, and local officers designated by or assisting the Captain of the Port (COTP) Jacksonville in the enforcement of the RNA.

(c) Regulations.

(1) The COTP Jacksonville or a designated representative may restrict vessel movement including but not limited to transiting, anchoring, or mooring within this RNA to protect vessels from hazards associated with rocket launches. These restrictions are temporary in nature and will only be enacted and enforced prior to and just after a launch.

(2) The COTP Jacksonville may activate restrictions within any single area, a combination of areas, or establish ad hoc areas within the RNA boundary area. Activation of prescribed or ad hoc Launch Hazard Areas will be based on the risk assessment of the Captain of the Port Jacksonville and informed by the mission specific launch exclusion areas provided by SLD 45 to account for the specific risks posed by individual launches.

(d) Notice of activation of RNA. The COTP Jacksonville will inform the public of the activation or status of the RNA and specific exclusion areas, by Broadcast Notice to Mariners on VHF-FM channel 16, Public Notice of Enforcement, on-scene presence, and by the display of a yellow ball from a 90-foot pole near the shoreline at approximately 28°35′00″ N, 080°34′36″ W and from a 90-foot pole near the shoreline at approximately 28°55′18″ N, 080°35′00″ W. Coast Guard assets or other Federal, State, or local law enforcement assets will be clearly identified by lights, markings, or with agency insignia.

(e) Contact information. The COTP Jacksonville may be reached by telephone at (904) 564-7513. Any on-scene Coast Guard or designated representative assets may be reached on VHF-FM channel 16.

[USCG-2021-0661, 87 FR 23449, Apr. 20, 2022]