37 CFR § 201.29 - Access to, and confidentiality of, Statements of Account, Verification Auditor's Reports, and other verification information filed in the Copyright Office for digital audio recording devices or media.

§ 201.29 Access to, and confidentiality of, Statements of Account, Verification Auditor's Reports, and other verification information filed in the Copyright Office for digital audio recording devices or media.

(a) General. This section prescribes rules covering access to DART Statements of Account, including the Primary Auditor's Reports, filed under 17 U.S.C. 1003(c) and access to a Verifying Auditor's Report or other information that may be filed in the Office in a DART verification procedure as set out in § 201.30. It also prescribes rules to ensure confidential disclosure of these materials to appropriate parties.

(b) Definitions.

(1) Access includes inspection of and supervised making of notes on information contained in Statements of Account including Primary Auditor's Reports, Verification Auditor's Reports, and any other verification information.

(2) Audit and Verification Information means the reports of the Primary Auditor and Verifying Auditor filed with the Copyright Office under §§ 201.28 and 201.30, and all information relating to a manufacturing or importing party.

(3) DART Access Form means the form provided by the Copyright Office that must be completed and signed by any appropriate party seeking access to DART confidential material.

(4) DART confidential material means the Quarterly and Annual Statements of Account, including the Primary Auditor's Report that is part of the Annual Statements of Account, and the Verifying Auditor's Report and any other verification information filed with the Copyright Office. It also includes photocopies of notes made by requestors who have had access to these materials that are retained by the Copyright Office.

(5) Interested copyright party means a party as defined in 17 U.S.C. 1001(7).

(6) A Representative is someone, such as a lawyer or accountant, who is not an employee or officer of an interested copyright party or a manufacturing or importing party but is authorized to act on that party's behalf.

(7) Statements of Account means Quarterly and Annual Statements of Account as required under 17 U.S.C. 1003(c) and defined in § 201.28.

(c) Confidentiality. The Copyright Office will keep all DART confidential materials in locked files and disclose them only in accordance with this section. Any person or entity provided with access to DART confidential material by the Copyright Office shall receive such information in confidence and shall use and disclose it only as authorized in 17 U.S.C. 1001 et. seq.

(d) Persons allowed access to DART confidential material. Access to DART Statements of Account filed under 17 U.S.C. 1003(c) and to Verification Auditor's Reports or other verification information is limited to:

(1) An interested copyright party as defined in § 201.29(b)(5) or an authorized representative of an interested copyright party, who has been qualified for access pursuant to paragraph (f)(2) of this section;

(2) The Verifying Auditor authorized to conduct verification procedures under § 201.30;

(3) The manufacturing or importing party who filed that Statement of Account or that party's authorized representative(s); and

(4) Staff of the Copyright Office or the Library of Congress who require access in the performance of their duties under title 17 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.;

(e) Requests for access. An interested copyright party, manufacturing party, importing party, representative, or Verifying Auditor seeking access to any DART confidential material must complete and sign a “DART Access Form.” The requestor must submit a copy of the completed DART Access Form to the Licensing Specialist, Licensing Section. The form must be received in the Licensing Section at least five working days before the date an appointment is requested. The form may be faxed to the Licensing Section to expedite scheduling, but a copy of the form with the original signature must be filed with the Office.

(1) A representative of an interested copyright party, a manufacturing party or an importing party shall submit an affidavit of his or her authority (e.g., in the form of a letter of authorization from the interested copyright party or the manufacturing or importing party).

(2) An auditor selected to conduct a verification procedure under § 201.30 shall submit an affidavit of his or her selection to conduct the verification procedure.

(3) DART Access Forms may be requested from, and upon completion returned to the address specified in § 201.1.

(f) Criteria for access to DART confidential material.

(1) A Verifying Auditor will be allowed access to any particular Statement of Account and Primary Auditor's Report required to perform his or her verification function;

(2) Interested copyright parties as defined in paragraph (b)(5) of this section will be allowed access to any DART confidential material as defined in paragraph (b)(4) of this section for verification purposes, except that no interested copyright party owned or controlled by a manufacturing or importing party subject to royalty payment obligations under the Audio Home Recording Act, or who owns or controls such a manufacturing or importing party, may have access to DART confidential material relating to any other manufacturing or importing party. In such cases, a representative of the interested copyright party as defined in paragraph (b)(6) of this section may have access for that party, provided that these representatives do not disclose the confidential information contained in the Statement of Account or Primary Auditor's Report to his or her client.

(3) Access to a Verifying Auditor's Report and any other verification material filed in the Office shall be limited to the interested copyright party(s) requesting the verification procedure and to the manufacturing or importing party whose Statement of Account was the subject of the verification procedure.

(g) Denial of access. Any party who does not meet the criteria described in § 201.29(f) shall be denied access.

(h) Content of DART Access Form. The DART Access Form shall include the following information:

(1) Identification of the Statement of Account and Primary Auditor's Report, the Verification Auditor's Report and other verification materials, or notes prepared by requestors who earlier accessed the same items, to be accessed, by both the name of the manufacturing party or importing party and the quarter(s) and year(s) to be accessed.

(2) The name of the interested copyright party, manufacturing party, importing party, or verification auditor on whose behalf the request is made, plus this party's complete address, including a street address (not a post office box number), a telephone number, and a fax number, if any.

(3) If the request for access is by or for an interested copyright party, a statement indicating whether the copyright party is owned or controlled by a manufacturing or importing party subject to a royalty payment obligation, or whether the interested copyright party owns or controls a manufacturing or importing party subject to royalty payments.

(4) The name, address, and telephone number of the person making the request for access and his/her relationship to the party on whose behalf the request is made.

(5) The specific purpose for the request for access, for example, access is requested in order to verify a Statement of Account; in order to review the results of a verification audit; for the resolution of a dispute arising from such an audit; or in order for a manufacturing or importing party to review its own Statement of Account, Primary Auditor's Report, Verification Auditor's Report, or related information.

(6) A statement that the information obtained from access to Statements of Account, Primary Auditor's Report, Verification Auditor's Report, and any other verification audit filings will be used only for a purpose permitted under the Audio Home Recording Act and the DART regulations.

(7) The actual signature of the party or the representative of the party requesting access certifying that the information will be held in confidence and used only for the purpose specified by the Audio Home Recording Act and these regulations.

[60 FR 25998, May 16, 1995, as amended at 63 FR 30635, June 5, 1998; 64 FR 36575, July 7, 1999; 73 FR 37839, July 2, 2008; 78 FR 42874, July 18, 2013; 82 FR 9358, Feb. 6, 2017; 86 FR 32642, June 22, 2021]