38 CFR § 21.5820 - Educational assistance.

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(a) Educational assistance. Educational assistance will be paid to cover the educational expenses incurred by an eligible servicemember, veteran, spouse, surviving spouse or dependent child while attending an accredited institution. Educational assistance payments will be made to the eligible individual.

(1) The educational expenses are limited to—

(i) Tuition,

(ii) Fees,

(iii) Cost of books,

(iv) Laboratory fees, and

(v) Shop fees for consumable materials used as part of classroom or laboratory instruction.

(2) Educational expenses may not exceed those normally incurred by students at the same educational institution who are not eligible for benefits from the educational assistance test program.

(Authority: 10 U.S.C. 2143(a))

(b) Amount of educational assistance.

(1) The amount of educational assistance will be adjusted annually by regulation. For the 2003-04 standard academic year the amount of this assistance may not exceed $4,219.

(2) The amount of educational assistance payable to a servicemember, veteran, spouse or dependent child of a living servicemember or veteran for an enrollment period will be the lesser of the following:

(i) The total charges for educational expenses the eligible individual incurs during the enrollment period, or

(ii) For the 2003-04 standard academic year an amount determined by:

(A) Multiplying the number of whole months in the enrollment period by $468.78 for a full-time student or by $234.39 for a part-time student;

(B) Multiplying any additional days in the enrollment period by $15.63 for a full-time student or by $7.81 for a part-time student; and

(C) Adding the two results. If the enrollment period is as long as or longer than the standard academic year, this amount will be decreased by 2 cents for a full-time student and decreased by 1 cent for a part-time student.

(3) The amount of educational assistance payable to each surviving spouse or dependent child of a deceased servicemember or veteran for an enrollment period will be the lesser of the following:

(i) The total charges for educational expenses the eligible individual incurs during the enrollment period, or

(ii) For the 2003-04 standard academic year an amount determined by:

(A) Multiplying the number of whole months in the enrollment period by $468.78 for a full-time student or by $234.39 for a part-time student;

(B) Multiplying any additional days in the enrollment period by $15.63 for a full-time student or by $7.81 for a part-time student; and

(C) Adding the two results. If the enrollment period is as long as or longer than a standard academic year, this amount will be decreased by 2 cents for a full-time student and decreased by 1 cent for a part-time student; and

(D) Dividing the amount determined in paragraph (b)(3)(ii)(C) of this section by the number of the deceased veteran's dependents receiving educational assistance for that enrollment period. If one or more dependents is receiving educational assistance for part of the enrollment period, the amount calculated in paragraph (b)(3)(ii)(C) will be prorated on a daily basis. The amount for each day when more than one dependent is receiving educational assistance will be divided by the number of dependents receiving educational assistance on that day. The total amount for the days when only one dependent is receiving educational assistance will not be divided.

(Authority: 10 U.S.C. 2143, 2145)

(c) Time of educational assistance payments. VA will make payments of educational assistance at the end of the first month of each semester, quarter or term in which the individual is entitled to such a payment, provided VA receives a timely enrollment certification. If VA receives the enrollment certification so late that payment cannot be made at the end of the month in which the individual is enrolled, VA will make payment as soon as practicable.

(Authority: 10 U.S.C. 2143)
[51 FR 27026, July 29, 1986]
Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 21.5820, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.