38 CFR § 77.14 - Grant agreements.

§ 77.14 Grant agreements.

(a) General. After a grant is approved for award, VA will draft a grant agreement to be executed by VA and the grantee. Upon execution of the grant agreement, VA will obligate the grant amount. The grant agreement will include a provision requiring that the grantee will operate the program in accordance with the provisions of this part, 2 CFR Part 200, and the grant application.

(b) Equipment. If grant funds will be used to procure or operate adaptive sports equipment to directly provide adaptive sports activities, the grant agreement must provide that:

(1) Title to the adaptive sports equipment vests solely in the grantee, or, for leased equipment, in an identified lessor;

(2) The grantee will at a minimum, provide liability insurance for the adaptive sports equipment to the same extent they would insure adaptive sports equipment procured with their own funds; and

(3) Adaptive sports equipment will be safe to use and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

(c) Use of funds for administrative and personnel expenses.

(1) An eligible entity that receives a grant under this part may use a portion of the grant for administrative expenses and personnel expenses of the eligible entity. The amount that may be used for such expenses may not exceed:

(i) In the case of a grant made for adaptive sports activities taking place during fiscal year 2014, 10 percent of the total amount of the grant;

(ii) In the case of a grant made for adaptive sports activities taking place during fiscal year 2015, 7.5 percent of the total amount of the grant; and

(iii) In the case of a grant made for adaptive sports activities taking place during any subsequent fiscal year, 5 percent of the total amount of the grant.

(2) For purposes of § 77.14(c), personnel expenses include any costs associated with an employee of the eligible entity other than reimbursement for time spent by such an employee directly providing coaching or training for participants.

(d) Use of grant funds for individuals who are not veterans or members of the Armed Forces. The grant agreement may authorize grantees to support or provide services (including adaptive sports activities) to individuals with disabilities who are not veterans or members of the Armed Forces, or both, but will prohibit grant funds from being used to support or provide services (including adaptive sports activities) to those individuals.

(e) Restrictions on the participation of certain veterans and former servicemembers. The grant agreement will prohibit grant funds from being used to support or provide services (including adaptive sports activities) to veterans or former servicemembers who are barred from receiving VA benefits based on their service (see 38 U.S.C. 5303-5303A) and to veterans or former servicemembers who, if otherwise eligible, would be barred from receiving VA pension, compensation or dependency and indemnity compensation based on the character of their discharge from military service (see 38 CFR 3.12).

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 521A(d)(4))