40 CFR § 1036.514 - Low Load Cycle.

§ 1036.514 Low Load Cycle.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 29746, Apr. 22, 2024.

(a) Measure emissions using the transient Low Load Cycle (LLC) as described in this section to determine whether engines meet the LLC emission standards in § 1036.104.

(b) The LLC duty cycle is described in paragraph (d) of appendix B of this part. The following procedures apply differently for testing engines and hybrid powertrains:

(1) For nonhybrid engine testing, the duty cycle is based on normalized speed and torque values.

(i) Denormalize speed as described in 40 CFR 1065.512. Denormalize torque as described in 40 CFR 1065.610(d).

(ii) For idle segments more than 200 seconds, set reference torques to the torque needed to meet the accessory loads in Table 1 of this section instead of CITT. This is to represent shifting the transmission to park or neutral at the start of the idle segment. Change the reference torque to CITT no earlier than 5 seconds before the end of the idle segment. This is to represent shifting the transmission to drive.

(2) Test hybrid engines and hybrid powertrains as described in § 1036.510(b)(2), with the following exceptions:

(i) Replace Pcontrated with Prated, which is the peak rated power determined in § 1036.520.

(ii) Keep the transmission in drive for all idle segments 200 seconds or less. For idle segments more than 200 seconds, place the transmission in park or neutral at the start of the idle segment and place the transmission into drive again no earlier than 5 seconds before the first nonzero vehicle speed setpoint.

(iii) For hybrid engines, select the transmission from Table 1 of § 1036.540, substituting “engine” for “vehicle”.

(iv) For hybrid engines, you may request to change the engine-commanded torque at idle to better represent curb idle transmission torque (CITT).

(v) For plug-in hybrid engines and powertrains, determine criteria pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions as described in § 1036.510(d) and (e), replacing “SET” with “LLC”.

(c) Set dynamometer torque demand such that vehicle power represents an accessory load for all idle operation as described in Table 1 of paragraph (c)(4) of this section for each primary intended service class. Additional provisions related to accessory load apply for the following special cases:

(1) For engines with stop-start technology, account for accessory load during engine-off conditions by determining the total engine-off power demand over the test interval and distributing that load over the engine-on portions of the test interval based on calculated average power. You may determine the engine-off time by running practice cycles or through engineering analysis.

(2) Apply accessory loads for hybrid powertrain testing that includes the transmission either as a mechanical or electrical load.

(3) You may apply the following deviations from specified torque settings for smoother idle (other than idle that includes motoring), or you may develop different procedures for adjusting accessory load at idle consistent with good engineering judgment:

(i) Set the reference torque to correspond to the applicable accessory load for all points with normalized speed at or below zero percent and reference torque from zero up to the torque corresponding to the accessory load.

(ii) Change the reference torques to correspond to the applicable accessory load for consecutive points with reference torques from zero up to the torque corresponding to the accessory load that immediately precedes or follows idle points.

(4) Table 1 follows:

Table 1 to Paragraph (c)(4) of § 1036.514—Accessory Load at Idle

Primary intended service class Power representing accessory load (kW)
Light HDE 1.5
Medium HDE 2.5
Heavy HDE 3.5

(d) The test sequence consists of preconditioning the engine by running one or two FTPs with each FTP followed by (20 ±1) minutes with no engine operation and a hot start run through the LLC. You may start any preconditioning FTP with a hot engine. Perform testing as described in 40 CFR 1065.530 for a test interval that includes engine starting. Calculate the total emission mass of each constituent, m, and the total work, W, as described in 40 CFR 1065.650. Calculate total work over the test interval for powertrain testing using system power, Psys. Determine Psys using § 1036.520(f). For powertrains with automatic transmissions, account for and include the work produced by the engine from the CITT load. For batch sampling, you may sample background periodically into the bag over the course of multiple test intervals.

(e) Calculate and evaluate cycle statistics as specified in 40 CFR 1065.514 for nonhybrid engines and 40 CFR 1037.550 for hybrid engines and hybrid powertrains. For gaseous-fueled engine testing with a single-point fuel injection system, you may apply all the statistical criteria in § 1036.540(d)(3) to validate the LLC.