40 CFR § 52.470 - Identification of plan.

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§ 52.470 Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State implementation plan for the District of Columbia under section 110 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401) and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.

(b) Incorporation by reference.

(1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to May 14, 2018, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with the EPA approval dates after May 14, 2018 for the District of Columbia, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

(2) EPA Region III certifies that the materials provided by EPA at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State implementation plan as of the dates referenced in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. No additional revisions were made to paragraph (d) of this section between July 1, 2016 and May 14, 2018.

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference into the State implementation plan may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region III, 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. To obtain the material, please call the Regional Office at (215) 814-3376. You may also inspect the material with an EPA approval date prior to July 1, 2016 for the District of Columbia at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.

(c) EPA-approved regulations.

EPA-Approved Regulations and Statutes in the District of Columbia SIP

State citation Title/subject State effective date EPA approval date Additional
District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR), Title 20—Environment
Chapter 1 General
Section 100 Purpose, Scope and Construction 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Paragraph 100.4 is revised.
Section 101 Inspection 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 102 Orders for Compliance 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 104 Hearings 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 105 Penalty 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 106 Confidentiality of Reports 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 107 Control Devices or Practices 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 199 Definitions and Abbreviations 12/14/2018 2/24/2020, 85 FR 10295 Revised Sections 199.1 and 199.2. Added six definitions to Section 199.1 and an abbreviation for “ppmvd” to read “(Parts Per Million by Volume Dry Basis)” to Section 199.2.
Prior Approval was 5/1/2017.
Section 8-2: 702 Definitions; Definition of “stack” 7/7/1972 9/22/1972, 37 FR 19806
Section 8-2: 724 Variances 7/7/1972 9/22/1972, 37 FR 19806
Chapter 2 General and Non-attainment Area Permits
Section 200 General Permit Requirements 11/16/2012 3/19/2015, 80 FR 14310
Section 201 General Requirements for Permit Issuance 4/29/1997 7/31/1997, 62 FR 40937
Section 202 Modification, Revocation and Termination of Permits 4/29/1997 7/31/1997, 62 FR 40937
Section 204 Permit Requirements for Sources Affecting Non-attainment Areas 11/16/2012 3/19/2015, 80 FR 14310 Previous version of Section 204 is replaced in its entirety
Section 208 Plantwide Applicability Limit (PAL) Permits for Major Sources 11/16/2012 3/19/2015, 80 FR 14310 Added
Section 210 Notice and Comment Prior to Permit Issuance 11/16/2012 3/19/2015, 80 FR 14310 Added
Section 299 Definitions and Abbreviations 11/16/2012 3/19/2015, 80 FR 14310
Section 8-2:720(c) Permits to Construct or Modify; Permits to Operate 7/7/1972 9/22/1972, 37 FR 19806 Requirement for Operating Permit.
Chapter 3 Operating Permits
Section 307 Enforcement for Severe Ozone Nonattainment Areas 4/16/2004 12/28/2004, 69 FR 77639 Provision allowing for the District to collect penalty fees from major stationary sources if the nonattainment area does not attain the ozone standard by the statutory attainment date.
Chapter 4 Ambient Monitoring, Emergency Procedures, and Chemical Accident Prevention
Section 400 Air Pollution Reporting Index 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 401 Emergency Procedures 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 499 Definitions and Abbreviations 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Chapter 5 Source Monitoring and Testing
Sections 500.1 through 500.3 Records and Reports 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Sections 500.4, 500.5 Records and Reports 9/30/1993 6/12/2019, 84 FR 27202 Approved into the SIP on January 26, 1995.
Administrative updates.
Section 500.6 Records and Reports 9/30/1993 6/12/2019, 84 FR 27202 Approved into the SIP on January 26, 1995.
Administrative updates.
Section 500.7 Records and Reports 9/30/1993 6/12/2019, 84 FR 27202 Approved into the SIP on January 26, 1995.
Administrative updates.
Section 500.8 Records and Reports 9/3/1993 6/12/2019, 84 FR 27202 Approved into the SIP on October 27, 1999.
Administrative updates.
Section 500.9 Records and Reports—Emissions Statements 9/30/1993 6/12/2019, 84 FR 27202 Approved into the SIP on May 26, 1995.
Administrative updates.
Section 501 Monitoring Devices 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Sections 502.1 through 502.15 Sampling, Tests, and Measurements 8/16/2015 5/1/2017, 82 FR 20270 Updates to sampling and testing practices for fuel oils. Exceptions: Paragraphs 502.11, 502.12 and 502.14 are not part of the SIP.
Section 502.17 Sampling Tests, and Measurements 9/30/1993 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
Section 502.18 Sampling, Tests and Measurements 12/8/2000 5/9/2001, 66 FR 23614
Section 599 Definitions and Abbreviations 9/30/1993 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
Chapter 6 Particulates
Section 600 Fuel-Burning Particulate Emissions 4/16/2004 12/28/2004, 69 FR 77645 Revision to paragraph 600.1.
Section 601 Rotary Cup Burners 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 602 Incinerators 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 603 Particulate Process Emissions 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 604 Open Burning 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 605 Control of Fugitive Dust 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 606 Visible Emissions 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 699 Definitions and Abbreviations 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Chapter 7 Volatile Organic Compounds
Section 700 Miscellaneous Volatile Organic Compounds 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title changed.
Section 701.1 through 701.13 Storage of Petroleum Products 3/15/1985 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
Section 702 Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks from Petroleum Refinery Equipment 3/15/1985 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
Section 703.2, 703.3 Terminal Vapor Recovery—Gasoline or Volatile Organic Compound 3/15/1985 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
Section 703.1, 703.4 through 703.7 Terminal Vapor Recovery—Gasoline or Volatile Organic Compound 9/30/1993 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
Section 704 Stage I Vapor Recovery 3/15/1985 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
Section 705.1 through 705.3 Stage II Vapor Recovery 04/08/2022 04/08/2024, 89 FR 24389 Includes revisions removing requirements for gasoline vapor recovery systems installed on gasoline dispensers.
Section 705.4 through 705.14 Stage II Vapor Recovery 04/08/2022 04/08/2024, 89 FR 24389 Includes revisions removing requirements for gasoline vapor recovery systems installed on gasoline dispensers.
Section 705.15 through 705.17 Stage II Vapor Recovery 04/08/2022 04/08/2024, 89 FR 24389 Includes additions removing requirements for gasoline vapor recovery systems installed on gasoline dispensers.
Section 706 Petroleum Dry Cleaners 3/15/1985 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
Section 709 Asphalt Operations 3/15/1985 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
Section 710 Intaglio, Flexographic, and Rotogravure Printing 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992
Section 711 Pumps and Compressors 3/15/1985 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
Section 712 Waste Gas Disposal from Ethylene Producing Plant 3/15/1985 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
Section 713 Waste Gas Disposal from Vapor Blow-down Systems 3/15/1985 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
Section 714 Control Techniques Guidelines 12/9/2016 9/10/2019, 84 FR 47437 Revised.
Section 715 Major Source and Case-By-Case Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 716 Offset Lithography and Letterpress Printing 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 718 Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Non-Assembly Line Coating Operations 12/9/2016 9/10/2019, 84 FR 47437 Title Changed.
Section 719 Consumer Products—General Requirements 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992
Section 720 Consumer Products—VOC Standards 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992
Section 721 Consumer Products—Exemptions from VOC Standards 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992
Section 722 Consumer Products—Registered Under FIFRA 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992
Section 723 Consumer Products—Products Requiring Dilution 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992
Section 724 Consumer Products—Ozone Depleting Compounds 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992
Section 725 Consumer Products—Aerosol Adhesives 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992
Section 726 Consumer Products—Antiperspirants Or Deodorants 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992
Section 727 Consumer Products—Contact Adhesives, Electronic Cleaners, Footwear And Leather Care Products, And General Purpose Degreasers 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 728 Consumer Products—Adhesive Removers, Electrical Cleaners, And Graffiti Removers 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 729 Consumer Products—Solid Air Fresheners And Toilet/Urinal Care Products 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 730 Consumer Products—Charcoal Lighter Materials 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 731 Consumer Products—Floor Wax Strippers 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 732 Consumer Products—Labeling Of Contents 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 733 Consumer Products—Reporting Requirements 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 734 Consumer Products—Test Methods 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 735 Consumer Products—Alternative Control Plans 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 736 Consumer Products—Innovative Products Exemption 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 737 Consumer Products—Variance Requests 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 743 Adhesives and Sealants—General Requirements 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 744 Adhesives and Sealants—VOC Standards 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 745 Adhesives and Sealants—Exemptions and Exceptions 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 746 Adhesives and Sealants—Administrative Requirements 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 747 Adhesives and Sealants—Compliance Procedures and Test Methods 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 748 Adhesives and Sealants—Container Labeling 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 749 Adhesives and Sealants—Application Methods 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 751 Portable Fuel Containers and Spouts—General Requirements 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 752 Portable Fuel Containers and Spouts—Performance Standards and Test Procedures 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 753 Portable Fuel Containers and Spouts—Exemptions 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 754 Portable Fuel Containers and Spouts—Labeling Requirements 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Title Changed.
Section 755 Portable Fuel Containers and Spouts—Certification and Compliance Test Procedures 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 756 Portable Fuel Containers and Spouts—Enforcement 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 757 Portable Fuel Containers and Spouts—Innovative Product Exemption 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 758 Portable Fuel Containers and Spouts—Variance 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 763 Solvent Cleaning—General Requirements 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 764 Solvent Cleaning—Cold Cleaning 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 765 Solvent Cleaning—Batch Vapor Cleaning 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 766 Solvent Cleaning—In-Line Vapor Cleaning 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 767 Solvent Cleaning—Airless and Air-Tight Cleaning 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 768 Solvent Cleaning—Alternative Compliance 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 769 Solvent Cleaning—Recordkeeping and Monitoring 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 770 Miscellaneous Industrial Solvent Cleaning Operations 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 771 Miscellaneous Cleaning and VOC Materials Handling Standards 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 773 Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coating—General Requirements 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 774 Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coating—Standards 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 775 Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coating—Exemptions 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 776 Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coating—Labeling Requirements 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 777 Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coating—Reporting Requirements 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 778 Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coating—Testing Requirements 12/30/2011 4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 Section Added.
Section 799 Definitions 12/9/2016 9/10/2019, 84 FR 47437 Revised.
Previous Approval dated 4/29/13.
Chapter 8 Asbestos, Sulfur and Nitrogen Oxides
Section 801 Sulfur Content of Fuel Oils 8/16/2015 5/1/2017, 82 FR 20270 Updates to the sulfur content of No. 2 and No.4 fuel oils and the prohibition of the use of No. 5 fuel oil.
Section 802 Sulfur Content of Coal 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 803 Sulfur Process Emissions 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 804 Nitrogen Oxide Emissions 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Section 805 Reasonably Available Control Technology for Major Stationary Sources of Nitrogen Oxides 12/14/2018 8/31/2021, 86 FR 48504 Amended 805.1(a), 805.1(a)(2), and 805.4 (a) and (b). Previous approval (see the Federal Register of 2/24/2020) corrected to include accurate citation of amendments to DC NOx RACT rule.
Section 899 Definitions and Abbreviations 8/16/2015 5/1/2017, 82 FR 20270 Addition of new definitions that relate to the handling and storage of fuel oil.
Chapter 9 Motor Vehicle Pollutants, Lead, Odors, and Nuisance Pollutants
Section 904 Oxygenated Fuels 7/25/1997 5/9/2001, 66 FR 23614 Addition of subsection 904.3 to make the oxygenated gasoline program a CO contingency measure.
Section 915 National Low Emissions Vehicle Program 2/11/2000 7/20/2000, 65 FR 44981
Section 999 Definitions and Abbreviations 2/11/2000 7/20/2000, 65 FR 44981
Chapter 10 Air Quality—Non-EGU Limits on Nitrogen Oxides Emissions
Section 1000 Applicability 3/8/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8656
Section 1001 NOX Emissions Budget and NOX Limit Per Source 3/8/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8656
Section 1002 Emissions Monitoring 3/8/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8656
Section 1003 Record-Keeping and Reporting 3/8/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8656
Section 1004 Excess Emissions 3/8/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8656
Chapter 15 General and Transportation Conformity
Section 1500 General Conformity—Purpose 1/8/2010 5/28/2010, 75 FR 29894 New Regulation.
Section 1501 General Conformity—Requirements 1/8/2010 5/28/2010, 75 FR 29894 New Regulation.
Section 1502 Transportation Conformity—Purpose 1/8/2010 5/28/2010, 75 FR 29894 New Regulation.
Section 1503 Transportation Conformity—Consultation Process 1/8/2010 5/28/2010, 75 FR 29894 New Regulation.
Section 1504 Transportation Conformity—Interagency Consultation Requirements 1/8/2010 5/28/2010, 75 FR 29894 New Regulation.
Section 1505 Transportation Conformity—Conflict Resolution Associated With Conformity Determinations 1/8/2010 5/28/2010, 75 FR 29894 New Regulation.
Section 1506 Transportation Conformity—Public Consultation Procedures 1/8/2010 5/28/2010, 75 FR 29894 New Regulation.
Section 1507 Transportation Conformity—Interagency Consultation Procedures 1/8/2010 5/28/2010, 75 FR 29894 New Regulation.
Section 1508 Transportation Conformity—Procedures for Determining Regional Transportation-Related Emissions 1/8/2010 5/28/2010, 75 FR 29894 New Regulation.
Section 1509 Transportation Conformity—Enforceability of Design Concept and Scope and Project-Level Mitigation and Control Measures 1/8/2010 5/28/2010, 75 FR 29894 New Regulation.
Section 1599 Definitions 1/8/2010 5/28/2010, 75 FR 29894 New Regulation.
Appendix 1 Emission Limits for Nitrogen Oxide 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Appendix 2 Table of Allowable Particulate Emissions from Process Sources 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Appendix 3 Graphic Arts Sources 3/15/1985 8/28/1995, 60 FR 44431
Appendix 5 Test Methods for Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds 9/30/1993 10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777
District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR), Title 18—Vehicles and Traffic
Chapter 4 Motor Vehicle Title and Registration
Section 411 Registration of Motor Vehicles: General Provisions 10/10/1986 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 412 Refusal of Registration 10/17/1997 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 413 Application for Registration 9/16/1983 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 429 Enforcement of Registration and Reciprocity Requirements 3/4/1983 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Chapter 6 Inspection of Motor Vehicles
Section 600 General Provisions 4/23/1982 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 602 Inspection Stickers 3/15/1985 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 603 Vehicle Inspection: Approved Vehicles 6/29/1974;
Recodified 4/1/1981
6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 604 Vehicle Inspection: Rejected Vehicles 11/23/1984 4/10/1986, 51 FR 12322
Section 606 Vehicle Inspection: Condemned Vehicles 6/29/1974;
Recodified 4/1/1981
6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 607 Placement of Inspection Stickers on Vehicles 4/7/1977;
Recodified 4/1/1981
6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 608 Lost, Mutilated or Detached Inspection Stickers 6/30/1972;
Recodified 4/1/1981
6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 609 Inspection of Non-Registered Motor Vehicles 6/30/1972;
Recodified 4/1/1981
6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 617 Inspector Certification 7/22/1994 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 618 Automotive Emissions Repair Technician 7/22/1994 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 619 Vehicle Emission Recall Compliance 10/17/1997 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Chapter 7 Motor Vehicle Equipment
Section 701 Historic Motor Vehicles 2/25/1978;
Recodified 4/1/1981
6/11/99, 64 FR 31498
Section 750 Exhaust Emission Systems 4/26/77;
Recodified 4/1/1981
6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 751 Compliance with Exhaust Emission Standards 7/22/1994 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 752 Maximum Allowable Levels of Exhaust Components 10/17/1997 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 753 Inspection of Exhaust Emission Systems 5/23/1983 4/10/1986, 51 FR 12322
Section 754 Federal Transient Emissions Test: Testing Procedures 7/22/1994 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 755 Federal Transient Emissions Test: Equipment 7/22/1994 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 756 Federal Transient Emissions Test: Quality Assurance Procedures 7/22/1994 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Chapter 11 Motor Vehicle Offenses and Penalties
Section 1101 Offenses Related to Title, Registration, and Identification Tags 6/30/1972;
Recodified 4/1/1981
6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 1103 Offenses Related to Inspection Stickers 6/30/1972;
Recodified 4/1/1981
6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 1104 False Statements, Alterations, Forgery, and Dishonored Checks 11/29/1991 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Section 1110 Penalties for Violations 11/29/1991 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Chapter 26 Civil Fines for Moving and Non-Moving Violations
Section 2600.1 Infraction: Inspection, Registration Certificate, Tags 8/31/1990 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498
Chapter 99 Definitions
Section 9901 Definitions 10/17/1997 6/11/1999, 64 FR 31498 Definition of “Emission Recall Notice”.
D.C. Official Code
Title I—Chapter 11A Government Ethics and Accountability
Section 1-1161.01 Definitions 4/27/2012 10/22/2013, 78 FR 62455
Section 1-1162.23 Conflicts of Interest 4/27/2012 10/22/2013, 78 FR 62455
Section 1-1162.24 Public Reporting 4/27/2012 10/22/2013, 78 FR 62455
Section 1-1162.25 Confidential Disclosure of Financial Interest 4/27/2012 10/22/2013, 78 FR 62455

(d) EPA-approved State source-specific requirements.

EPA-Approved District of Columbia Source-Specific Requirements

Name of source Permit number State effective date EPA approval date Additional explanation
General Services Administration Central Heating and Refrigeration Plant and West Heating Plant N/A—it is the operating permit issued to GSA by the District of Columbia on October 17, 1997 10/17/1997 9/30/1999, 64 FR 52654 The following portions of GSA's operating permit are not included in the SIP: The portion of Condition 3 referring to Table 1; Table 1; Condition 4; Table 3; and Condition 17.
Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 6372-C2/O 4/20/2018 2/24/2020, 85 FR 10295 See § 52.479(a) for further explanation.

(e) EPA-approved non-regulatory and quasi-regulatory material.

Name of non-regulatory SIP revision Applicable geographic area State submittal date EPA approval date Additional explanation
1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory Washington, DC carbon monoxide maintenance area 1/13/1994,
1/30/1996, 61 FR 2931 52.474(a) CO.
1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory Metropolitan Washington ozone nonattainment area 1/13/1994 4/23/1997, 62 FR 19676 52.474(b) VOC, NOX, CO.
1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory Metropolitan Washington ozone nonattainment area 11/3/1997 7/8/1998, 63 FR 36854 52.474(c) VOC, NOX.
15% Rate of Progress Plan Metropolitan Washington Ozone Nonattainment Area 4/16/1998 8/5/1999, 64 FR 42600 52.476(a).
Negative Declarations—VOC Source Categories Metropolitan Washington ozone nonattainment area 4/8/1993,
10/27/1999, 64 FR 57777 52.478(a), 52.478(b).
Negative Declarations—VOC Source Categories Metropolitan Washington ozone nonattainment area 1/26/2010,
4/29/2013, 78 FR 24992 52.478(c).
Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) Program Metropolitan Washington ozone nonattainment area 1/14/1994 9/11/1995, 60 FR 47081 52.480.
Small Business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program Statewide 10/22/1993 8/17/1994, 59 FR 42165 52.510.
Establishment of air quality monitoring Network Statewide 5/16/1979 8/31/1981, 46 FR 43676 Subpart I, section 52.465(c)(18).
Lead (Pb) SIP Washington, DC 10/7/1982 8/18/1983, 48 FR 37401 52.515(c)(22).
Plan for public notification of air quality Metropolitan Washington ozone nonattainment area 12/5/1983 6/1/1984, 49 FR 22810 52.515(c)(23).
Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Washington, DC 10/12/1995,
1/30/1996, 61 FR 2931
4/4/2002, 70 FR 16958
Revised Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Base Year Emissions Inventory using MOBILE6.
1996-1999 Rate-of-Progress plan SIP Washington 1-hour ozone nonattainment area 11/3/1997,
5/13/2005, 70 FR 25688 1999 motor vehicle emissions budgets of 128.5 tons per day (tpy) of VOC and 196.4 tpy of NOx, effective 6/13/05.
1990 Base Year inventory Revisions Washington 1-hour ozone nonattainment area 9/5/2003,
5/13/2005, 70 FR 25688 Effective date: 6/13/2005.
1999-2005 Rate-of-Progress Plan SIP Revision and the Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) in Appendix J Washington 1-hour ozone nonattainment area 9/5/2003,
5/13/2005, 70 FR 25688 Only the TCMs in Appendix J of the 2/25/2004 revision, 2002 motor vehicle emissions budgets (MVEBs) of 125.2 tons per day (tpy) for VOC and 290.3 tpy of NOx, and, 2005 MVEBs of 97.4 tpy for VOC and 234.7 tpy of NOx, effective 6/13/2005.
VMT Offset SIP Revision Washington 1-hour ozone nonattainment area 9/5/2003,
5/13/2005, 70 FR 25688 Effective date: 6/13/2005.
Contingency Measure Plan Washington 1-hour ozone nonattainment area 9/5/2003,
5/13/2005, 70 FR 25688 Effective date: 6/13/2005.
1-hour Ozone Modeled Demonstration of Attainment and Attainment Plan Washington 1-hour ozone nonattainment area 9/5/2003,
5/13/2005, 70 FR 25688 2005 motor vehicle emissions budgets of 97.4 tons per day (tpy) for VOC and 234.7 tpy of NOx, effective 6/13/2005.
RACT under the 8-Hour ozone NAAQS District of Columbia 9/22/2008 6/16/2009, 74 FR 28447
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS District of Columbia 12/06/2007,
4/12/2011, 76 FR 20237 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M).
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS District of Columbia 8/25/2008,
4/12/2011, 76 FR 20237 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M).
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS District of Columbia 9/21/2009 4/12/2011, 76 FR 20237 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M).
Reasonable Further Progress Plan (RFP), Reasonably Available Control Measures, and Contingency Measures Washington DC-MD-VA 1997 8-hour ozone moderate nonattainment area 6/12/2007 9/20/2011, 76 FR 58116
2002 Base Year Inventory for VOC, NOX, and CO Washington DC-MD-VA 1997 8-hour ozone moderate nonattainment area 6/12/2007 9/20/2011, 76 FR 58116
2008 RFP Transportation Conformity Budgets Washington DC-MD-VA 1997 8-hour ozone moderate nonattainment area 6/12/2007 9/20/2011, 76 FR 58116
Regional Haze Plan District of Columbia 10/27/2011 2/2/2012, 77 FR 5191
2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory for the 1997 fine particulate matter (PM2.5) standard District of Columbia portion of the Washington DC-MD-VA 1997 PM2.5 nonattainment area 4/2/2008 10/30/2012, 77 FR 65630 § 52.474(e)
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2008 Lead NAAQS District of Columbia 7/18/2013 10/22/2013, 78 FR 62455 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M), or portions thereof.
CAA section 128 requirements in relation to State Boards District of Columbia 7/18/2013 10/22/2013, 78 FR 62455
Maintenance plan for the District of Columbia Portion of the Washington, DC-MD-VA Nonattainment Area for the 1997 annual fine particulate matter (PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standard District of Columbia 6/3/2013,
10/6/2014, 79 FR 60081 See § 52.477(b).
Attainment Demonstration Contingency Measure Plan Washington, DC-MD-VA 1997 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area 6/12/2007 4/10/2015, 80 FR 19206 2010 motor vehicle emissions budgets of 144.3 tons per day (tpd) NOX.
8-hour Ozone Modeled Demonstration of Attainment and Attainment Plan for the 1997 ozone national ambient air quality standards Washington, DC-MD-VA 1997 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area 6/12/2007 4/10/2015, 80 FR 19206 2009 motor vehicle emissions budgets of 66.5 tons per day (tpd) for VOC and 146.1 tpd of NOX.
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2010 NO2 NAAQS District of Columbia 6/9/2014 4/13/2015, 80 FR 19538 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). PSD related portions are addressed by FIP in 40 CFR 52.499.
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS District of Columbia 6/13/2014 4/13/2015, 80 FR 19538 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). PSD related portions are addressed by FIP in 40 CFR 52.499.
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS District of Columbia 6/13/2014 8/31/2018, 83 FR 44498 This action addresses CAA element 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I).
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS District of Columbia 6/13/2014 4/13/2015, 80 FR 19538 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). PSD related portions are addressed by FIP in 40 CFR 52.499.
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS District-wide 7/18/2014 4/3/2018, 83 FR 14175 This action addresses CAA section.
110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS.
Emergency Air Pollution Plan District of Columbia 6/13/2014 4/13/2015, 80 FR 19538 This action addresses the requirements of 40 CFR 51, subpart H for particulate matter, sulfur oxides (SOX), carbon monoxide (CO), and ozone, as well as section 110(a)(2)(G) of the CAA for the 2008 ozone, 2010 SO2, and 2010 NO2 NAAQS.
2011 Base Year Emissions Inventory for the 2008 8-hour ozone standard District of Columbia portion of the Washington, DC-MD-VA 2008 ozone nonattainment area 7/17/2014 5/13/2015, 80 FR 27255 § 52.474(f).
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS District of Columbia 7/16/2015 8/21/2015, 80 FR 50789 This action addresses the following CAA elements, or portions thereof: 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I).
Interstate Pollution Transport Requirements for the 2010 NO2 NAAQS District of Columbia 6/6/2014 2/19/2016, 81 FR 8406 This action addresses the infrastructure element of CAA section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I), or the good neighbor provision, for the 2010 NO2 NAAQS.
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS District of Columbia 12/28/2015 8/16/2016, 81 FR 54504 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(I), D(i)(II), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). PSD related portions are addressed by FIP in 40 CFR 52.499.
Regional Haze Five-Year Progress Report District of Columbia 3/2/2016 8/10/2017, 82 FR 37305 Addresses requirements of 40 CFR 51.308(g) and (h) for Regional Haze Five-Year Progress Report.
Maintenance plan for the District of Columbia portion of the Washington, DC-MD-VA Nonattainment Area for the 2008 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard District of Columbia 3/12/2018 4/15/2019, 84 FR 15108 § 52.476(j).
Emissions Statements Rule Certification for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS District of Columbia portion of the Washington, DC-MD-VA nonattainment area for the 2008 ozone NAAQS (i.e., the District of Columbia) 5/25/2018 6/12/2019, 84 FR 27202 Certification that the District's SIP-approved regulations at 20 DCMR § 500.9 meet the emissions statements requirements of CAA section 182(a)(3)(B) for the 2008 ozone NAAQS.
2008 8-Hour Ozone Certification for Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) The District of Columbia 5/23/2018 7/5/2019, 84 FR 32072
VOC RACT and Negative Declarations—VOC Source Categories under the 2008 8-Hour ozone NAAQS District of Columbia 8/29/2018 10/10/2019, 84 FR 54507
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS District of Columbia 8/24/2018 1/31/2020, 85 FR 5570 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(I), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). PSD related portions are addressed by the FIP in 40 CFR 52.499.
Negative Declaration for the 2016 Oil and Natural Gas CTG District of Columbia 7/17/2019 3/6/2020, 85 FR 13055 Docket 2019-0552.
2015 8-Hour Ozone Certification for Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) The District of Columbia 5/5/2020 8/5/2021, 86 FR 42733
Emissions Statement Certification for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard The District of Columbia portion of the Washington, DC-MD-VA nonattainment area for the 2015 ozone NAAQS (i.e., the District of Columbia 6/4/2020 8/13/2021, 86 FR 44614 Certification that the District's previously SIP-approved regulations at 20 DCMR section 500.9 meet the emissions statement requirements of CAA section 182(a)(3)(B) for the 2015 ozone NAAQS.
Regional Haze State Implementation Plan for the Second Implementation Period Statewide 11/8/2019 8/31/2021, 86 FR 48504 For the Regional Haze Second Implementation Period.
2017 Base Year Emissions Inventories for the Washington, DC-MD-VA Nonattainment Area for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard The District of Columbia portion of the Washington, DC-MD-VA nonattainment area for the 2015 ozone NAAQS (i.e., the District of Columbia) 11/4/2020 4/13/2022, 87 FR 21752 Docket 2022-03863.
[63 FR 67417, Dec. 7, 1998]
Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 52.470, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.