40 CFR § 52.720 - Identification of plan.

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§ 52.720 Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State implementation plan for the State of Illinois under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.

(b) Incorporation by reference.

(1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to December 31, 2016, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with the EPA approval dates after December 31, 2016, have been approved by EPA for inclusion in the State implementation plan and for incorporation by reference into the plan as it is contained in this section, and will be considered by the Director of the Federal Register for approval in the next update to the SIP compilation.

(2) EPA Region 5 certifies that the materials provided by EPA at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the state implementation plan as of the dates referenced in paragraph (b)(1).

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, Air Programs Branch, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604, or the National Archives and Records Administration. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.

(c) EPA approved regulations.

EPA-Approved Illinois Regulations and Statutes

Illinois citation Title/subject State
EPA approval date Comments
Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code
Subtitle A: General Provisions
Chapter I: Pollution Control Board
Part 101: General Rules—Subpart A: General Provisions
101.112 Bias and Conflict of Interest 7/5/2017 9/23/2019, 84 FR 49671 Only paragraph (d).
Part 106: Procedural Regulations
Subpart E: Alternative Opacity Procedures
106.501 Scope and Applicability 7/13/1988 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
106.502 Joint or Single Petition 7/13/1988 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
106.503 Request to Agency to Join as Co-Petitioner 7/13/1988 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
106.504 Contents of Petition 7/13/1988 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
106.505 Response and Reply 7/13/1988 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
106.506 Notice and Conduct of Hearing 6/5/1990 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
106.507 Opinions and Orders 7/13/1988 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
Subpart J: Culpability Determinations
106.930 Applicability 7/11/1994 7/13/1995, 60 FR 36060
106.931 Petition for Review 7/11/1994 7/13/1995, 60 FR 36060
106.932 Response and Reply 7/11/1994 7/13/1995, 60 FR 36060
106.933 Notice and Hearing 7/11/1994 7/13/1995, 60 FR 36060
106.934 Opinion and Order 7/11/1994 7/13/1995, 60 FR 36060
Subtitle B: Air Pollution
Chapter I: Pollution Control Board
Subchapter a: Permits and General Provisions
Part 201: Permits and General Provisions
Subpart A: Definitions
201.102 Definitions 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 101.
Subpart B: General Provisions
201.121 Existence of Permit No Defense 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 103(h).
201.122 Proof of Emissions 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 108.
201.123 Burden of Persuasion Regarding Exceptions 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 111.
201.124 Annual Report 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 112.
201.125 Severability 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 113.
201.126 Repealer 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 114.
Subpart C: Prohibitions
201.141 Prohibition of Air Pollution 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 102.
201.142 Construction Permit Required 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 103(a)(1).
201.143 Operating Permits for New Sources 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 103(b)(1).
201.144 Operating Permits for Existing Sources 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 103(b)(2).
201.146 Exemptions From State Permit Requirements 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854 Except (mmm).
201.147 Former Permits 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 103(j).
201.148 Operation Without Compliance Program and Project Completion Schedule 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 104(a).
201.149 Operation During Malfunction, Breakdown or Startups 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 105(a).
201.150 Circumvention 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 109.
201.151 Design of Effluent Exhaust Systems 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 110.
Subpart D: Permit Applications and Review Process
201.152 Contents of Application for Construction Permit 6/23/1998 1/3/2000, 65 FR 14
201.156 Conditions 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 103(a)(6).
201.157 Contents of Application for Operating Permit 6/23/1998 1/3/2000, 65 FR 14
201.158 Incomplete Applications 6/23/1998 1/3/2000, 65 FR 14
201.159 Signatures 6/23/1998 1/3/2000, 65 FR 14
201.160 Standards for Issuance 6/23/1998 1/3/2000, 65 FR 14
201.161 Conditions 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 103(b)(7).
201.162 Duration 12/1/2010 4/7/2014, 79 FR 18997
201.163 Joint Construction and Operating Permits 6/23/1998 1/3/2000, 65 FR 14
201.164 Design Criteria 6/23/1998 1/3/2000, 65 FR 14
201.165 Hearings 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 103(e).
201.166 Revocation 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 103(f).
201.167 Revisions to Permits 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 103(g).
201.168 Appeals From Conditions 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 103(k).
Subpart F: CAAPP Permits
201.207 Applicability 6/23/1998 1/3/2000, 65 FR 14
Subpart H: Compliance Programs and Project Completion Schedules
201.241 Contents of Compliance Program 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 104(b)(1).
201.242 Contents of Project Completion Schedule 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 104(b)(2, 3).
201.243 Standards for Approval 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 104(c).
201.244 Revisions 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 104(d).
201.245 Effects of Approval 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 104(e).
201.246 Records and Reports 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 104(f).
Subpart I: Malfunctions, Breakdowns or Startups
201.261 Contents of Request for Permission To Operate During a Malfunction, Breakdown or Startup 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 105(b).
201.262 Standards for Granting Permission To Operate During a Malfunction, Breakdown or Startup 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 105(c).
201.263 Records and Reports 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 105(d).
201.264 Continued Operation or Startup Prior to Granting of Operating Permit 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 105(e).
201.265 Effect of Granting of Permission To Operate During a Malfunction, Breakdown or Startup 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 105(f).
Subpart J: Monitoring and Testing
201.281 Permit Monitoring Equipment Requirements 2/3/1989 4/6/1993, 58 FR 17780
201.282 Testing 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 106(b).
201.283 Records and Reports 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 106(c).
Subpart K: Records and Reports
201.301 Records 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 107(a).
201.302 Reports 12/23/2013 3/13/2015, 80 FR 13248
Subpart L: Continuous Monitoring
201.401 Continuous Monitoring Requirements 2/3/1989 4/6/1993, 58 FR 17780
201.402 Alternative Monitoring 2/3/1989 4/6/1993, 58 FR 17780
201.403 Exempt Sources 2/3/1989 4/6/1993, 58 FR 17780
201.404 Monitoring System Malfunction 2/3/1989 4/6/1993, 58 FR 17780
201.405 Excess Emission Reporting 2/3/1989 4/6/1993, 58 FR 17780
201.406 Data Reduction 2/3/1989 4/6/1993, 58 FR 17780
201.407 Retention of Information 2/3/1989 4/6/1993, 58 FR 17780
201.408 Compliance Schedules 2/3/1989 4/6/1993, 58 FR 17780
Subpart M: Permit By Rule (PBR)—General Provisions
201.500 Purpose 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.505 Applicability 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.510 Notice of Intent to Be Covered By a PBR (Notification) 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.515 Commencing Construction or Modification 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.520 Modification or Change in Status of an Emission Unit Covered by a PBR 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.525 Standard Conditions for PBR 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.530 Recordkeeping and Reporting 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.535 Authority to Operate 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.540 Enforcement Authority 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
Subpart N: Permit By Rule (PBR)—Boilers Less Than Or Equal To 100 MMBtu/hr
201.600 Applicability 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.605 Boiler Notice of Intent to Be Covered by a PBR (Notification) 201.610 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.615 Opacity Requirements 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.620 Requirements for Use of Diesel Fuel and Refinery Fuel Gas 201.625 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.625 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Requirements 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.630 Nitrogen Oxide (NOX) Requirements 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
201.635 PBR Boiler Reporting Requirements 3/24/2017 10/10/2018, 83 FR 50854
Part 203: Major Stationary Sources Construction and Modification
Subpart A: General Provisions
203.101 Definitions 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.103 Actual Construction 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.104 Actual Emissions 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.107 Allowable Emissions 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.110 Available Growth Margin 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.112 Building, Structure and Facility 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.113 Commence 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.116 Construction 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.117 Dispersion Enhancement Techniques 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.119 Emission Baseline 7/22/1983 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.121 Emission Offset 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.122 Emissions Unit 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.123 Federally Enforceable 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.124 Fugitive Emissions 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.125 Installation 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.126 Lowest Achievable Emission Rate 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.127 Nonattainment Area 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.128 Potential To Emit 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.131 Reasonable Further Progress 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.134 Secondary Emissions 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.136 Stationary Source 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.150 Public Participation 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
Subpart B: Major Stationary Sources in Nonattainment Areas
203.201 Prohibition 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.202 Coordination With Permit Requirement and Application Pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.203 Construction Permit Requirement and Application 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.205 Effect of Permits 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.206 Major Stationary Source 3/10/1998 5/13/2003, 68 FR 25504
203.207 Major Modification of a Source 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
203.208 Net Emission Determination 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.209 Significant Emissions Determination 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.210 Relaxation of a Source-Specific Limitation 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.211 Permit Exemption Based on Fugitive Emissions 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
Subpart C: Requirements for Major Stationary Sources in Nonattainment Areas
203.301 Lowest Achievable Emission Rate 3/10/1998 5/13/2003, 68 FR 25504
203.302 Maintenance of Reasonable Further Progress and Emission Offsets 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.303 Baseline and Emission Offsets Determination 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
203.305 Compliance by Existing Sources 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.306 Analysis of Alternatives 4/30/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
Subpart F: Operation of a Major Stationary Source or Major Modification
203.601 Lowest Achievable Emission Rate Compliance Requirement 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
203.602 Emission Offset Maintenance Requirement 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
Subpart G: General Maintenance of Emission Offsets
203.701 General Maintenance of Emission Offsets 3/22/1988 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928
Subpart H: Offsets for Emission Increases From Rocket Engines and Motor Firing
203.801 Offsetting by Alternative or Innovative Means 5/14/1993 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49778
Part 204: Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Subpart A: General Provisions
204.100 Incorporations by Reference 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.110 Abbreviations and Acronyms 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.120 Severability 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Subpart B: Definitions
204.200 Definitions 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.210 Actual Emissions 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.220 Adverse Impact on Visibility 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.230 Allowable Emissions 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.240 Baseline Actual Emissions 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.250 Baseline Area 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.260 Baseline Concentration 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.270 Begin Actual Construction 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.280 Best Available Control Technology (BACT) 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.290 Building, Structure, Facility, or Installation 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.300 Clean Coal Technology 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.310 Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Project 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.320 Commence 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.330 Complete 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.340 Construction 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.350 Dispersion Technique 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.360 Electric Utility Steam Generating Unit 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.370 Emissions Unit 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.380 Excessive Concentration 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.390 Federal Land Manager 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.400 Federally Enforceable 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.410 Fugitive Emissions 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.420 Good Engineering Practice 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.430 Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.440 High Terrain 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.450 Indian Reservation 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.460 Indian Governing Body 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.470 Innovative Control Technology 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.480 Low Terrain 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.490 Major Modification 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.500 Major Source Baseline Date 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.510 Major Stationary Source 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.520 Minor Source Baseline Date 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.530 Nearby 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.540 Necessary Preconstruction Approvals or Permits 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.550 Net Emissions Increase 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.560 Potential to Emit 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.570 Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permit 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.580 Process Unit 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.590 Project 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.600 Projected Actual Emissions 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.610 Regulated NSR Pollutant 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.620 Replacement Unit 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.630 Repowering 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.640 Reviewing Authority 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.650 Secondary Emissions 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.660 Significant 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.670 Significant Emissions Increase 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.680 Stack in Existence 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.690 Stationary Source 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.700 Subject to Regulation 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.710 Temporary Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Project 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Subpart C: Major Stationary Sources in Attainment and Unclassifiable Areas
204.800 Applicability 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.810 Source Information 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.820 Source Obligation 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.830 Permit Expiration 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.840 Effect of Permits 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.850 Relaxation of a Source-Specific Limitation 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.860 Exemptions 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Subpart D: Increment
204.900 Ambient Air Increments 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.910 Ambient Air Ceilings 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.920 Restrictions on Area Classifications 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.930 Redesignation 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Subpart E: Stack Heights
204.1000 Stack Heights 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Subpart F: Requirements for Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications in Attainment and Unclassifiable Areas
204.1100 Control Technology Review 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1110 Source Impact Analysis 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1120 Air Quality Models 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1130 Air Quality Analysis 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1140 Additional Impact Analyses 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Subpart G: Additional Requirements for Class I Areas
204.1200 Additional Requirements for Sources Impacting Federal Class I Areas 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Subpart H: General Obligations of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
204.1300 Notification of Application Completeness to Applicants 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1310 Transmittal of Application to USEPA 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1320 Public Participation 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1330 Issuance Within One Year of Submittal of Complete Application 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1340 Permit Rescission 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Subpart I: Nonapplicability Recordkeeping and Reporting
204.1400 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Certain Projects at Major Stationary Sources 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Subpart J: Innovative Control Technology
204.1500 Innovative Control Technology 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Subpart K: Plantwide Applicability Limitation
204.1600 Applicability 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1610 Definitions 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1620 Actuals PAL 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1630 Allowable Emissions 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1640 Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1650 Continuous Emissions Rate Monitoring System (CERMS) 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1660 Continuous Parameter Monitoring System (CPMS) 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1670 Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER) 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1680 Major Emissions Unit 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1690 Plantwide Applicability Limitation (PAL) 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1700 PAL Effective Date 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1710 PAL Effective Period 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1720 PAL Major Modification 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1730 PAL Permit 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1740 PAL Pollutant 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1750 Predictive Emissions Monitoring System (PEMS) 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1760 Reasonably Achievable Control Technology (RACT) 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1770 Significant Emissions Unit 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1780 Small Emissions Unit 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1790 Permit Application Requirements 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1800 General Requirements for Establishing PAL 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1810 Public Participation Requirements 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1820 Setting the 10-Year Actuals PAL Level 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1830 Contents of the PAL Permit 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1840 Effective Period and Reopening a PAL Permit 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1850 Expiration of a PAL 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1860 Renewal of a PAL 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1870 Increasing the PAL During the PAL Effective Period 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1880 Monitoring Requirements 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1890 Recordkeeping Requirements 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1900 Reporting and Notification Requirements 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
204.1910 Transition Requirements 9/4/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources
Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions
Subpart A: General Provisions
211.101 Incorporations by Reference 1/28/2013 10/6/2014, 79 FR 60070
211.102 Abbreviations and Conversion Factors 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
Subpart B: Definitions
211.121 Other Definitions 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.125 Ablative Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.130 Accelacota 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.150 Accumulator 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.170 Acid Gases 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.200 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Welding 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.210 Actual Heat Input 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.230 Adhesive 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.233 Adhesion Primer 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.234 Adhesive Bonding Primer 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.235 Adhesive Primer 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.240 Adhesion Promoter 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.245 Adhesion Promoter for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.250 Aeration 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.260 Aerosol Adhesive and Adhesive Primer 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.270 Aerosol Can Filling Line 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.271 Aerosol Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.272 Aerospace Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.273 Aerospace Coating Operation 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.275 Aerospace Flexible Primer 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.277 Aerospace Facility 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.278 Aerospace Pretreatment Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.280 Aerospace Primer 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.284 Aerospace Specialty Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.289 Aerospace Vehicle or Component 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.290 Afterburner 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.300 Aircraft Fluid Systems 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.303 Aircraft Transparancies 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.310 Air Contaminant 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.330 Air Dried Coatings 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.350 Air Oxidation Process 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.370 Air Pollutant 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.390 Air Pollution 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.410 Air Pollution Control Equipment 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.430 Air Suspension Coater/Dryer 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.450 Airless Spray 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.470 Air Assisted Airless Spray 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.474 Alcohol 5/9/1995 11/8/1995, 60 FR 56238
211.481 Ammunition Sealant 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.490 Annual Grain Through Put 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.491 Antichafe Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.492 Antifoulant Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.493 Antifouling Sealer/Tie Coat 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.495 Anti-Glare/Safety Coating 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.500 Antique Aerospace Vehicle or Component 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.510 Application Area 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.520 Aqueous Cleaning Solvent 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.530 Architectural Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.540 Architectural Structure 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.550 As Applied 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.560 As-Applied Fountain Solution 5/9/1995 11/8/1995, 60 FR 56238
211.570 Asphalt 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.590 Asphalt Prime Coat 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.610 Automobile 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.630 Automobile or Light Duty Truck Assembly Source or Automobile or Light Duty Truck Manufacturing Plant 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.650 Automobile or Light Duty Truck Refinishing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.660 Automotive/Transportation Plastic Parts 5/9/1995 10/26/1995, 60 FR 54807
211.670 Baked Coatings 5/9/1995 10/26/1995, 60 FR 54807
211.685 Basecoat/Clearcoat System 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.690 Batch Loading 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.695 Batch Operation 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
211.696 Batch Process Train 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
211.710 Bead Dipping 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.712 Bearing Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.715 Bedliner 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.730 Binders 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.735 Black Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.737 Bonding Maskant 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.740 Brakehorsepower (rated-bhp) 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
211.750 British Thermal Unit 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.770 Brush or Wipe Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.790 Bulk Gasoline Plant 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.810 Bulk Gasoline Terminal 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.820 Business Machine Plastic Parts 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.825 Camouflage Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.830 Can 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.850 Can Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.870 Can Coating Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.880 Cap Sealant 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.890 Capture 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.910 Capture Device 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.930 Capture Efficiency 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.950 Capture System 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.954 Cavity Wax 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.955 Cement 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
211.960 Cement Kiln 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
211.965 Ceramic Tile Installation Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.970 Certified Investigation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.975 Chemical Agent-Resistant Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.980 Chemical Manufacturing Process Unit 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
211.985 Chemical Milling Maskant 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.990 Choke Loading 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1000 Class II Finish 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1010 Clean Air Act 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1050 Cleaning and Separating Operation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1070 Cleaning Materials 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.1090 Clear Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1095 Clear Coating for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1110 Clear Topcoat 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1120 Clinker 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
211.1128 Closed Molding 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1130 Closed Purge System 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1150 Closed Vent System 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1170 Coal Refuse 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1190 Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1210 Coating Applicator 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1230 Coating Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1250 Coating Plant 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1270 Coil Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1290 Coil Coating Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1310 Cold Cleaning 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1326 Commercial Exterior Aerodynamic Structure Primer 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1327 Commercial Interior Adhesive 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1329 Compatible Substrate Primer 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1330 Complete Combustion 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1350 Component 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1370 Concrete Curing Compounds 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1390 Concentrated Nitric Acid Manufacturing Process 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1410 Condensate 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1430 Condensible PM 10 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1432 Confined Space 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1455 Contact Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1467 Continuous Coater 2/2/1998 5/19/1998, 63 FR 27489
211.1470 Continuous Process 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1490 Control Device 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1510 Control Device Efficiency 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1520 Conventional Air Spray 2/2/1998 5/19/1998, 63 FR 27489
211.1530 Conventional Soybean Crushing Source 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1550 Conveyorized Degreasing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1555 Corrosion Prevention System 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1560 Cove Base 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1565 Cove Base Installation Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1567 Critical Use and Line Sealer Maskant 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1570 Crude Oil 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1590 Crude Oil Gathering 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1610 Crushing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1620 Cryogenic Flexible Primer 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1625 Cryoprotective Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1630 Custody Transfer 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1650 Cutback Asphalt 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1655 Cyanoacrylate Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1670 Daily Weighted Average VOM Content 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1690 Day 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1700 Deadener 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1710 Degreaser 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1730 Delivery Vessel 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1735 Department of Defense Classified Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1740 Diesel Engine 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
211.1745 Digital Printing 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1750 Dip Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1770 Distillate Fuel Oil 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1780 Distillation Unit 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
211.1790 Drum 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1810 Dry Cleaning Operation or Dry Cleaning Facility 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1820 Dry Lubricative Material for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1830 Dump Pit Area 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1850 Effective Grate Area 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1870 Effluent Water Separator 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1872 Ejection Cartridge Sealant 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1875 Elastomeric Materials 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.1876 Electric Dissipating Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1877 Electric-Insulating Varnish 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1878 Electrical Apparatus Component 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1880 Electrical Switchgear Compartment Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1882 Electrodeposition Primer (EDP) 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1883 Electromagnetic Interference/Radio Frequency Interference (EMI/RFI) Shielding Coatings 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1885 Electronic Component 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.1890 Electrostatic Bell or Disc Spray 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1895 Electrostatic Discharge and Electromagnetic Interference Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1900 Electrostatic Prep Coat 5/9/1995 10/26/1995, 60 FR 54807
211.1910 Electrostatic Spray 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1915 Elevated-Temperature Skydrol-Resistant Commercial Primer 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.1920 Emergency or Standby Unit 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
211.1930 Emission Rate 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1950 Emission Unit 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1970 Enamel 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.1990 Enclose 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2010 End Sealing Compound Coat 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2030 Enhanced Under-the-Cup Fill 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.2035 Epoxy Polyamide Topcoat 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.2040 Etching Filler 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2050 Ethanol Blend Gasoline 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2055 Ethylene Propylenediene Monomer (DPDM) Roof Membrane 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2070 Excess Air 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2090 Excessive Release 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2130 Existing Grain Handling Operation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2150 Exterior Base Coat 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2170 Exterior End Coat 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2180 Exterior Primer for Large Commercial Aircraft 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.2190 External Floating Roof 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2200 Extreme High-Gloss Coating 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2210 Extreme Performance Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2230 Fabric Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2250 Fabric Coating Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2270 Federally Enforceable Limitations and Conditions 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2285 Feed Mill 6/17/1997 2/17/2000, 65 FR 8064
211.2300 Fill 11/15/1994 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41338
211.2310 Final Repair Coat 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2320 Finish Primer Surfacer 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2330 Firebox 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2340 Fire-Resistant Interior Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.2350 Fixed Roof Tank 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2358 Flat Wood Paneling 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2359 Flat Wood Paneling Coating Line 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2360 Flexible Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2365 Flexible Operation Unit 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
211.2368 Flexible Packaging 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2369 Flexible Vinyl 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2370 Flexographic Printing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2390 Flexographic Printing Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2400 Flight Test Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.2410 Floating Roof 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2412 Flush Cleaning at Aerospace Facilities 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.2415 Fog Coat 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2430 Fountain Solution 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2450 Freeboard Height 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2470 Fuel Combustion Emission Unit or Fuel Combustion Emission Source 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2480 Fuel Tank Adhesive for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.2485 Fuel Tank Coating for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.2490 Fugitive Particulate Matter 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2510 Full Operating Flowrate 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2525 Gasket/Gasket Sealing Material 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2530 Gas Service 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2550 Gas/Gas Method 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2570 Gasoline 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2590 Gasoline Dispensing Operation or Gasoline Dispensing Facility 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2610 Gel Coat 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.2612 General Aviation 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.2613 General Aviation Rework Facility 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.2615 General Work Surface 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2622 Glass Bonding Primer 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2630 Gloss Reducers 5/9/1995 10/26/1995, 60 FR 54807
211.2650 Grain 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2670 Grain Drying Operation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2690 Grain Handling and Conditioning Operation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2710 Grain Handling Operation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2730 Green Tire Spraying 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2750 Green Tires 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2770 Gross Heating Value 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2790 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2795 Hand-Wipe Cleaning Operation at Aerospace Facilities 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.2800 Hardwood Plywood 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2810 Heated Airless Spray 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2825 Heat-Resistant Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2830 Heatset 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2840 Heatset Web Letterpress Printing Line 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2850 Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Line 5/9/1995 11/8/1995, 60 FR 56238
211.2870 Heavy Liquid 1/28/2013 10/6/2014, 79 FR 60070
211.2890 Heavy Metals 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2910 Heavy Off Highway Vehicle Products 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2930 Heavy Off Highway Vehicle Products Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2950 Heavy Off Highway Vehicle Products Coating Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2955 High Bake Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2956 High Build Primer Surfacer 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2958 High Gloss Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2960 High-Performance Architectural Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2965 High Precision Optic 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.2970 High Temperature Aluminum Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.2980 High Temperature Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.2990 High Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) Spray 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3010 Hood 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3030 Hot Well 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3050 Housekeeping Practices 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3070 Incinerator 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3090 Indirect Heat Transfer 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3095 Indoor Floor Covering Installation Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3110 Ink 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3120 In-Line Repair 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3130 In-Process Tank 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3150 In-Situ Sampling Systems 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3160 Insulation Covering 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.3170 Interior Body Spray Coat 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3180 Intermediate Release Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.3190 Internal Floating Roof 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3210 Internal Transferring Area 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3215 Janitorial Cleaning 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3230 Lacquers 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.3240 Laminate 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3250 Large Appliance 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3270 Large Appliance Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3290 Large Appliance Coating Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3300 Lean-Burn Engine 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
211.3305 Letterpress Printing Line 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3310 Light Liquid 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3330 Light Duty Truck 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3350 Light Oil 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3360 Limited Access Space 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.3370 Liquid/Gas Method 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3390 Liquid Mounted Seal 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3410 Liquid Service 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3430 Liquids Dripping 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3450 Lithographic Printing Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3470 Load Out Area 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3480 Loading Event 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
211.3483 Long Dry Kiln 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
211.3485 Long Wet Kiln 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
211.3487 Low-NOX Burner 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
211.3490 Low Solvent Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3505 Lubricating Wax/Compound 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3510 Magnet Wire 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3530 Magnet Wire Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3550 Magnet Wire Coating Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3555 Maintenance Cleaning 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3570 Major Dump Pit 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3590 Major Metropolitan Area (MMA) 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3610 Major Population Area (MPA) 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3630 Manufacturing Process 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3650 Marine Terminal 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
211.3660 Marine Vessel 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
211.3665 Mask Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3670 Material Recovery Section 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3690 Maximum Theoretical Emissions 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3695 Maximum True Vapor Pressure 11/15/1994 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41338
211.3705 Medical Device 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3707 Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3710 Metal Furniture 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3730 Metal Furniture Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3750 Metal Furniture Coating Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3755 Metalized Epoxy Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.3760 Metallic Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3770 Metallic Shoe Type Seal 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3775 Metal to Urethane/Rubber Molding or Casting Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3780 Mid-Kiln Firing 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
211.3785 Military Specification Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3790 Miscellaneous Fabricated Product Manufacturing Process 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3810 Miscellaneous Formulation Manufacturing Process 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3820 Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesive Application Operation 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3830 Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3850 Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.3870 Miscellaneous Metal Parts or Products Coating Line 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.3890 Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing Process 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3910 Mixing Operation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3915 Mobile Equipment 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.3920 Mold Release Coating for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.3925 Mold Seal Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3930 Monitor 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3950 Monomer 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.3960 Motor Vehicles 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.3961 Motor Vehicle Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3965 Motor Vehicle Refinishing 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.3966 Motor Vehicle Weatherstrip Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3967 Mouth Waterproofing Sealant 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3968 Multi-Colored Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3969 Multi-Component Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3970 Multiple Package Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.3975 Multipurpose Construction Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3985 Natural Finish Hardwood Plywood Panel 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.3990 New Grain Drying Operation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4010 New Grain Handling Operation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4030 No Detectable Volatile Organic Material Emissions 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4050 Non-Contact Process Water Cooling Tower 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.4052 Non-Convertible Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4055 Non-Flexible Coating 5/9/1995 10/26/1995, 60 FR 54807
211.4065 Non-Heatset 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4066 Nonstructural Adhesive 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.4067 NOX Trading Program 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
211.4070 Offset 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4080 One-Component Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4090 One Hundred Percent Acid 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4110 One Turn Storage Space 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4130 Opacity 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4150 Opaque Stains 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4170 Open Top Vapor Degreasing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4190 Open Ended Valve 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4210 Operator of a Gasoline Dispensing Operation or Operator of a Gasoline Dispensing Facility 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4215 Optical Antireflection Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.4220 Optical Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4230 Organic Compound 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4250 Organic Material and Organic Materials 10/19/1995 3/21/1996, 61 FR 11550
211.4260 Organic Solvent 10/19/1995 3/21/1996, 61 FR 11550
211.4270 Organic Vapor 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4285 Outdoor Floor Covering Installation Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4290 Oven 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4310 Overall Control 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4330 Overvarnish 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4350 Owner of a Gasoline Dispensing Operation or Owner of a Gasoline Dispensing Facility 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4370 Owner or Operator 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4390 Packaging Rotogravure Printing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4410 Packaging Rotogravure Printing Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4430 Pail 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4450 Paint Manufacturing Source or Paint Manufacturing Plant 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4455 Pan-Backing Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4460 Panel 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4470 Paper Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4490 Paper Coating Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4510 Particulate Matter 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4530 Parts per Million (Volume) or Ppm (VOL) 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4535 Part Marking Aerospace Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.4540 Perimeter Bonded Sheet Flooring 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4550 Person 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4590 Petroleum 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4610 Petroleum Liquid 10/19/1995 3/21/1996, 61 FR 11550
211.4630 Petroleum Refinery 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4650 Pharmaceutical 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4670 Pharmaceutical Coating Operation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4690 Photochemically Reactive Material 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4710 Pigmented Coatings 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4730 Plant 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4735 Plastic 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4740 Plastic Part 5/9/1995 10/26/1995, 60 FR 54807
211.4750 Plasticizers 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4760 Plastic Solvent Welding Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4765 Plastic Solvent Welding Adhesive Primer 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4768 Pleasure Craft 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4769 Pleasure Craft Surface Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4770 PM 10 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4790 Pneumatic Rubber Tire Manufacture 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4810 Polybasic Organic Acid Partial Oxidation Manufacturing Process 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4830 Polyester Resin Material(s) 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.4850 Polyester Resin Products Manufacturing Process 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.4870 Polystyrene Plant 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4890 Polystyrene Resin 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4895 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic (PVC Plastic) 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4900 Porous Material 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.4910 Portable Grain Handling Equipment 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4930 Portland Cement Manufacturing Process Emission Source 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4950 Portland Cement Process or Portland Cement Manufacturing Plant 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.4970 Potential To Emit 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.4990 Power Driven Fastener Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5010 Precoat 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.5012 Prefabricated Architectural Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5015 Preheater Kiln 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
211.5020 Preheater/Precalciner Kiln 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
211.5030 Pressure Release 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5050 Pressure Tank 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5060 Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve 9/21/1994 1/27/1995, 60 FR 5318
211.5061 Pretreatment Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5062 Pretreatment Wash Primer 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5065 Primary Product 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
211.5070 Prime Coat 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5072 Primer for General Aviation Rework Facility 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5075 Primer Sealant 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5080 Primer Sealer 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.5090 Primer Surfacer Coat 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5110 Primer Surfacer Operation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5130 Primers 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5140 Printed Interior Panel 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5150 Printing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5170 Printing Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5185 Process Emission Source 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5190 Process Emission Unit 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5210 Process Unit 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5230 Process Unit Shutdown 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5245 Process Vent 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
211.5250 Process Weight Rate 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5270 Production Equipment Exhaust System 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5310 Publication Rotogravure Printing Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5330 Purged Process Fluid 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5335 Radiation Effect Coating 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5336 Radiation-Effect or Electric Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5338 Radome 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5339 Rain Erosion-Resistant Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5350 Reactor 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5370 Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5390 Reclamation System 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.5400 Red Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5410 Refiner 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5430 Refinery Fuel Gas 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5450 Refinery Fuel Gas System 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5470 Refinery Unit or Refinery Process Unit 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5480 Reflective Argent Coating 5/9/1995 10/26/1995, 60 FR 54807
211.5490 Refrigerated Condenser 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5500 Regulated Air Pollutant 12/7/1993 4/5/1995, 60 FR 17229
211.5510 Reid Vapor Pressure 1/28/2013 10/6/2014, 79 FR 60070
211.5520 Reinforced Plastic Composite 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5530 Repair 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.5535 Repair Cleaning 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5550 Repair Coat 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5570 Repaired 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5585 Research and Development Operation 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5590 Residual Fuel Oil 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5600 Resist Coat 5/9/1995 10/26/1995, 60 FR 54807
211.5610 Restricted Area 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5630 Retail Outlet 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5640 Rich-Burn Engine 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
211.5650 Ringelmann Chart 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5670 Roadway 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5675 Rocket Motor Bonding Adhesive 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5680 Rocket Motor Nozzle Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5690 Roll Coater 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5710 Roll Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5730 Roll Printer 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5750 Roll Printing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5770 Rotogravure Printing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5790 Rotogravure Printing Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5800 Rubber 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5805 Rubber-Based Adhesive 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5810 Safety Relief Valve 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5830 Sandblasting 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5850 Sanding Sealers 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5855 Scale Inhibitor 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5860 Scientific Instrument 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5870 Screening 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5875 Screen Printing 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5883 Screen Print Ink for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5885 Screen Reclamation 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5887 Sealant for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5890 Sealer 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5895 Seal Coat Maskant 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5900 Self-Priming Topcoat for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5905 Self-Priming Topcoat for General Aviation Rework Facility 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5907 Semi-Aqueous Cleaning Solvent 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.5910 Semi Transparent Stains 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5930 Sensor 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5950 Set of Safety Relief Valves 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5970 Sheet Basecoat 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.5980 Sheet-Fed 5/9/1995 11/8/1995, 60 FR 56238
211.5985 Sheet Rubber Lining Installation 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5987 Shock-Free Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.5990 Shotblasting 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6010 Side Seam Spray Coat 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6012 Silicone-Release Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6013 Silicone Insulation Material 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.6015 Single-Ply Roof Membrane 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6017 Single-Ply Roof Membrane Adhesive Primer 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6020 Single-Ply Roof Membrane Installation and Repair Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6025 Single Unit Operation 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
211.6030 Smoke 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6050 Smokeless Flare 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6055 Smoothing and Caulking Compounds 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.6060 Soft Coat 5/9/1995 10/26/1995, 60 FR 54807
211.6063 Solar-Absorbent Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6064 Solid Film Lubricant 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.6065 Solids Turnover Ratio (RT) 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6070 Solvent 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6090 Solvent Cleaning 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6110 Solvent Recovery System 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.6130 Source 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
211.6133 Space Vehicle 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.6137 Specialized Function Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.6140 Specialty Coatings 5/9/1995 10/26/1995, 60 FR 54807
211.6145 Specialty Coatings for Motor Vehicles 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.6150 Specialty High Gloss Catalyzed Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6170 Specialty Leather 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.6190 Specialty Soybean Crushing Source 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6210 Splash Loading 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6230 Stack 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6250 Stain Coating 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.6270 Standard Conditions 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6290 Standard Cubic Foot (Scf) 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6310 Start Up 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6330 Stationary Emission Source 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6350 Stationary Emission Unit 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6370 Stationary Source 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6390 Stationary Storage Tank 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6400 Stencil Coat 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6405 Sterilization Indicating Ink 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6410 Storage Tank or Storage Vessel 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6420 Strippable Spray Booth Coating 2/2/1998 5/19/1998, 63 FR 27489
211.6425 Stripping 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6426 Structural Autoclavable Adhesive for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.6427 Structural Glazing 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6428 Structural Nonautoclavable Adhesive for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.6430 Styrene Devolatilizer Unit 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6450 Styrene Recovery Unit 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6460 Subfloor 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6470 Submerged Loading Pipe 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6490 Substrate 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6510 Sulfuric Acid Mist 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6530 Surface Condenser 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6535 Surface Preparation 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6540 Surface Preparation Materials 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.6550 Synthetic Organic Chemical or Polymer Manufacturing Plant 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6570 Tablet Coating Operation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6575 Temporary Protective Coating for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.6580 Texture Coat 5/9/1995 10/26/1995, 60 FR 54807
211.6583 Thermal Control Coating for Aerospace Applications 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.6585 Thin Metal Laminating Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6587 Thin Particleboard 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6590 Thirty Day Rolling Average 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6610 Three Piece Can 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6620 Three or Four Stage Coating System 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.6630 Through-the-Valve Fill 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.6635 Tileboard 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6640 Tire Repair 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6650 Tooling Resin 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.6670 Topcoat 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.6685 Topcoat for General Aviation Rework Facility 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.6690 Topcoat Operation 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6695 Topcoat System 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.6710 Touch-Up 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.6720 Touch-Up Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.6730 Transfer Efficiency 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6740 Translucent Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6750 Tread End Cementing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6770 True Vapor Pressure 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6780 Trunk Interior Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6790 Turnaround 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6810 Two Piece Can 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6825 Underbody Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6830 Under-the-Cup Fill 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.6850 Undertread Cementing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6860 Uniform Finish Blender 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
211.6870 Unregulated Safety Relief Valve 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6880 Vacuum Metallizing 5/9/1995 10/26/1995, 60 FR 54807
211.6885 Vacuum Metalizing Coating 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.6890 Vacuum Producing System 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6910 Vacuum Service 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6930 Valves Not Externally Regulated 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6950 Vapor Balance System 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.6970 Vapor Collection System 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
211.6990 Vapor Control System 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
211.7010 Vapor Mounted Primary Seal 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7030 Vapor Recovery System 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7050 Vapor-Suppressed Polyester Resin 1/18/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
211.7070 Vinyl Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7090 Vinyl Coating Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7110 Volatile Organic Liquid (VOL) 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7130 Volatile Organic Material Content (VOMC) 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7150 Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) 10/20/2020 6/16/2021, 86 FR 31920
211.7170 Volatile Petroleum Liquid 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7190 Wash Coat 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7200 Washoff Operations 2/2/1998 5/19/1998, 63 FR 27489
211.7210 Wastewater (Oil/Water) Separator 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7220 Waterproof Resorcinol Glue 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.7230 Weak Nitric Acid Manufacturing Process 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7240 Weatherstrip Adhesive 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.7250 Web 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7260 Wet Fastener Installation Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.7270 Wholesale Purchase Consumer 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7275 Wing Coating 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
211.7290 Wood Furniture 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
211.7310 Wood Furniture Coating 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7330 Wood Furniture Coating Line 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
211.7350 Woodworking 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Part 212: Visible and Particulate Matter Emissions
Subpart A: General
212.107 Measurement Method for Visible Emissions 5/22/1996 3/11/1998, 63 FR 11842
212.108 Measurement Methods for PM-10 Emissions and Condensible PM-10 Emissions 5/22/1996 3/11/1998, 63 FR 11842
212.109 Measurement Methods for Opacity 5/22/1996 3/11/1998, 63 FR 11842
212.110 Measurement Methods for Particulate Matter 5/22/1996 3/11/1998, 63 FR 11842
212.111 Abbreviations and Units 10/4/1991 10/21/1993, 58 FR 54291
212.113 Incorporations by Reference 5/22/1996 7/14/1999, 64 FR 37847
Subpart B: Visible Emissions
212.121 Opacity Standards 7/13/1988 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
212.122 Visible Emissions Limitations for Certain Emission Units for Which Construction or Modification Commenced on or After April 14, 1972 7/13/1988 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
212.123 Visible Emissions Limitations for All Other Emission Units 7/13/1988 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
212.124 Exceptions 7/13/1988 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
212.125 Determination of Violations 7/13/1988 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
212.126 Adjusted Opacity Standards Procedures 7/13/1988 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
Subpart D: Particulate Matter Emissions From Incinerators
212.181 Limitations for Incinerators 6/4/1980 11/27/1981, 46 FR 57893
212.182 Aqueous Waste Incinerators 6/4/1980 11/27/1981, 46 FR 57893
212.183 Certain Wood Waste Incinerators 6/4/1980 11/27/1981, 46 FR 57893
212.184 Explosive Waste Incinerators 6/4/1980 11/27/1981, 46 FR 57893
212.185 Continuous Automatic Stoking Animal Pathological Waste Incinerators 12/30/1986 9/15/1993, 58 FR 48312
Subpart E: Particulate Matter Emissions From Fuel Combustion Emission Units
212.201 Emission Units for Which Construction or Modification Commenced Prior to April 14, 1972, Using Solid Fuel Exclusively Located in the Chicago Area 7/9/1986 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
212.202 Emission Units for Which Construction or Modification Commenced Prior to April 14, 1972, Using Solid Fuel Exclusively Located Outside the Chicago Area 7/9/1986 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
212.203 Controlled Emission Units for Which Construction or Modification Commenced Prior to April 14, 1972, Using Solid Fuel Exclusively 7/9/1986 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
212.204 Emission Units for Which Construction or Modification Commenced on or After April 14, 1972, Using Solid Fuel Exclusively 7/9/1986 12/29/1992, 57 FR 61834
212.205 Coal-Fired Industrial Boilers for Which Construction or Modification Commenced Prior to April 14, 1972, Equipped With Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems 10/19/1981 2/22/1984, 49 FR 6490
212.206 Emission Units Using Liquid Fuel Exclusively 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842
212.207 Emission Units Using More Than One Type of Fuel 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842
212.208 Aggregation of Emission Units for Which Construction or Modification Commenced Prior to April 14, 1972 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842
212.210 Emissions Limitations for Certain Fuel Combustion Emission Units Located in the Vicinity of Granite City 5/22/1996 7/14/1999, 64 FR 37847
Subpart K: Fugitive Particulate Matter
212.301 Fugitive Particulate Matter 10/26/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.302 Geographical Areas of Application 5/22/1996 7/14/1999, 64 FR 37847
212.304 Storage Piles 10/26/1979 4/26/1982, 47 FR 17814
212.305 Conveyor Loading Operations 10/26/1979 4/26/1982, 47 FR 17814
212.306 Traffic Areas 10/26/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.307 Materials Collected by Pollution Control Equipment 10/26/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.308 Spraying or Choke-Feeding Required 10/26/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.309 Operating Program 5/22/1996 7/14/1999, 64 FR 37847
212.310 Minimum Operating Program 10/26/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.312 Amendment to Operating Program 10/26/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.313 Emission Standard for Particulate Collection Equipment 10/26/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.314 Exception for Excess Wind Speed 10/26/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.315 Covering for Vehicles 10/26/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.316 Emissions Limitations for Emission Units in Certain Areas 5/22/1996 7/14/1999, 64 FR 37847
Subpart L: Particulate Matter Emissions From Process Emission Units
212.321 Process Emission Units for Which Construction or Modification Commenced on or After April 14, 1972 9/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.322 Process Emission Units for Which Construction or Modification Commenced Prior to April 14, 1972 9/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.323 Stock Piles 9/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.324 Process Emission Units in Certain Areas 5/22/1996 3/11/1998, 63 FR 11842
Subpart N: Food Manufacturing
212.361 Corn Wet Milling Processes 9/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.362 Emission Units in Certain Areas 5/22/1996 3/11/1998, 63 FR 11842
Subpart O: Petroleum Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Manufacturing
212.381 Catalyst Regenerators of Fluidized Catalytic Converters 9/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
Subpart Q: Stone, Clay, Glass and Concrete Manufacturing
212.421 Portland Cement Processes for Which Construction or Modification Commenced on or After April 14, 1972 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842
212.422 Portland Cement Manufacturing Processes 9/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.423 Emission Limits for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Plant Located in LaSalle County, South of the Illinois River 10/4/1991 10/21/1993, 58 FR 54291
212.424 Fugitive Particulate Matter Control for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Plant and Associated Quarry Operations Located in LaSalle County, South of the Illinois River 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
212.425 Emission Units in Certain Areas 5/22/1996 3/11/1998, 63 FR 11842
Subpart R: Primary and Fabricated Metal Products and Machinery Manufacture
212.441 Steel Manufacturing Processes 9/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.442 Beehive Coke Ovens 9/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.443 Coke Plants 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
212.444 Sinter Processes 9/28/1979 9/3/1981, 46 FR 44172
212.445 Blast Furnace Cast Houses 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
212.446 Basic Oxygen Furnaces 5/22/1996 3/11/1998, 63 FR 11842
212.447 Hot Metal Desulfurization Not Located in the BOF 9/28/1979 9/3/1981, 46 FR 44172
212.448 Electric Arc Furnaces 9/28/1979 9/3/1981, 46 FR 44172
212.449 Argon-Oxygen Decarburization Vessels 9/28/1979 9/3/1981, 46 FR 44172
212.450 Liquid Steel Charging 9/28/1979 9/3/1981, 46 FR 44172
212.451 Hot Scarfing Machines 9/28/1979 9/3/1981, 46 FR 44172
212.455 Highlines on Steel Mills 10/26/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.456 Certain Small Foundries 9/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.457 Certain Small Iron-Melting Air Furnaces 9/28/1979 7/12/1982, 47 FR 30057
212.458 Emission Units in Certain Areas 5/22/1996 3/11/1998, 63 FR 11842
Subpart S: Agriculture
212.461 Grain-Handling and Drying in General 9/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.462 Grain-Handling Operations 9/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.463 Grain Drying Operations 9/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
212.464 Sources in Certain Areas 5/22/1996 3/11/1998, 63 FR 11842
Subpart T: Construction and Wood Products
212.681 Grinding, Woodworking, Sandblasting and Shotblasting 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842
Subpart U: Additional Control Measures
212.700 Applicability 7/11/1994 7/13/1995, 60 FR 36060
212.701 Contingency Measure Plans, Submittal and Compliance Date 7/11/1994 7/13/1995, 60 FR 36060
212.702 Determination of Contributing Sources 7/11/1994 7/13/1995, 60 FR 36060
212.703 Contingency Measure Plan Elements 7/11/1994 7/13/1995, 60 FR 36060
212.704 Implementation 7/11/1994 7/13/1995, 60 FR 36060
212.705 Alternative Implementation 7/11/1994 7/13/1995, 60 FR 36060
212.Appendix C: Past Compliance Dates 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842 Approved as Rules 202(e), 203(c), 203(d)(3)(A) & (B), 203(d)(5)(L) & (M), 203(d)(8)(J), 203(f)(3) Preamble, 203(f)(3)(F) Preamble, and 203(i).
Part 214: Sulfur Limitations
Subpart A: General Provisions
214.101 Measurement Methods 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.102 Abbreviations and Units 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.103 Definitions 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.104 Incorporations by Reference 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
Subpart B: New Fuel Combustion Emission Sources
214.121 Large Sources 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.122 Small Sources 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
Subpart C: Existing Solid Fuel Combustion Emission Sources
214.141 Sources Located in Metropolitan Areas 3/28/1983 9/3/1992, 57 FR 40333 thru (a).
214.141 Sources Located in Metropolitan Areas 5/20/1986 9/2/1992, 57 FR 40126 (b), (c), and (d).
214.142 Small Sources Located Outside Metropolitan Areas 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842 Approved as Rule 204(c)(1)(B).
214.143 Large Sources Located Outside Metropolitan Areas 2/3/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
Subpart D: Existing Liquid or Mixed Fuel Combustion Emission Sources
214.161 Liquid Fuel Burned Exclusively 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.162 Combination of Fuels 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
Subpart E: Aggregation of Sources Outside Metropolitan Areas
214.181 Dispersion Enhancement Techniques 2/3/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
214.182 Prohibition 2/3/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 204(e) (intro).
214.183 General Formula 2/3/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 204(e)(1).
214.184 Special Formula 2/3/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 204(e)(2).
214.185 Alternative Emission Rate 2/3/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 204(e)(3).
214.186 New Operating Permits 2/3/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 204(e)(4).
Subpart F: Alternative Standards for Sources Inside Metropolitan Areas
214.201 Alternative Standards for Sources in Metropolitan Areas 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.202 Dispersion Enhancement Techniques 3/28/1983 9/3/1992, 57 FR 40333
Subpart K: Process Emission Sources
214.300 Scope 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.301 General Limitation 2/3/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 204(f)(1)(A).
214.302 Exception for Air Pollution Control Equipment 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842 Approved as Rule 204(f)(1)(C).
214.303 Use of Sulfuric Acid 2/3/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 204(f)(2)(B).
214.305 Fuel Sulfur Content Limitations 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
Subpart O: Petroleum Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Manufacturing
214.381 Sulfuric Acid Manufacturing 2/3/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Only (a) and (b). Approved as Rule 204(f)(1)(B) and (f)(2)(A).
214.382 Petroleum and Petrochemical Processes 12/5/1988 1/28/1994, 59 FR 4001
214.383 Chemical Manufacturing 2/3/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 204(f)(1)(E).
Subpart Q: Primary and Secondary Metal Manufacturing
214.421 Combination of Fuels at Steel Mills in Metropolitan Areas 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
Subpart X: Utilities
214.560 Scope 5/20/1986 9/2/1992, 57 FR 40126
214.561 E. D. Edwards Electric Generating Station 7/11/2003 11/10/2008, 73 FR 66555
Subpart AA: Requirements for Certain SO 2 Sources
214.600 Definitions 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.601 Applicability 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.602 Compliance Deadline 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.603 Emission Limitations 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.604 Monitoring and Testing 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.605 Recordkeeping and Reporting 12/7/2015 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
214.Appendix C: Compliance Dates 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842 Approved as Rule 204(e)(1).
Part 215: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations
Subpart A: General Provisions
215.101 Clean-Up and Disposal Operations 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.102 Testing Methods 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
215.104 Definitions 1/28/2013 10/6/2014, 79 FR 60070
215.105 Incorporation by Reference 1/28/2013 10/6/2014, 79 FR 60070
215.108 Measurement of Vapor Pressures 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
215.109 Monitoring for Negligibly-Reactive Compounds 6/19/1998 1/15/1999, 64 FR 2581
Subpart B: Organic Emissions From Storage and Loading Operations
215.121 Storage Containers 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.122 Loading Operations 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.123 Petroleum Liquid Storage Tanks 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.124 External Floating Roofs 1/21/1983 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.125 Compliance Dates and Geographical Areas 1/21/1983 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.126 Compliance Plan 1/21/1983 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
Subpart C: Organic Emissions From Miscellaneous Equipment
215.141 Separation Operations 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.142 Pumps and Compressors 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.143 Vapor Blowdown 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.144 Safety Relief Valves 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
Subpart E: Solvent Cleaning
215.181 Solvent Cleaning in General 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.182 Cold Cleaning 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.183 Open Top Vapor Degreasing 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.184 Conveyorized Degreasing 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
Subpart F: Coating Operations
215.202 Compliance Schedules 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.204 Emission Limitations for Manufacturing Plants 6/19/1998 1/15/1999, 64 FR 2581
215.205 Alternative Emission Limitations 6/19/1998 1/15/1999, 64 FR 2581
215.206 Exemptions From Emission Limitations 6/19/1998 1/15/1999, 64 FR 2581
215.207 Compliance by Aggregation of Emission Units 6/19/1998 1/15/1999, 64 FR 2581
215.208 Testing Methods for Volatile Organic Material Content 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.209 Exemption From General Rule on Use of Organic Material 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.211 Compliance Dates and Geographical Areas 6/19/1998 1/15/1999, 64 FR 2581
215.212 Compliance Plan 6/19/1998 1/15/1999, 64 FR 2581
215.213 Special Requirements for Compliance Plan 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.215 DMI Emissions Limitations 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
Subpart H: Special Limitations for Sources in Major Urbanized Areas Which Are Nonattainment for Ozone
215.240 Applicability 6/29/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.241 External Floating Roofs 6/29/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.249 Compliance Dates 6/29/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
Subpart K: Use of Organic Material
215.301 Use of Organic Material 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.302 Alternative Standard 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.303 Fuel Combustion Emission Sources 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.304 Operations With Compliance Program 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
Subpart P: Printing and Publishing
215.408 Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing 9/30/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
Subpart Q: Leaks From Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing Equipment
215.420 Applicability 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.421 General Requirements 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.422 Inspection Program Plan for Leaks 8/28/1985 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.423 Inspection Program for Leaks 8/28/1985 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.424 Repairing Leaks 8/28/1985 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.425 Recordkeeping for Leaks 8/28/1985 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.426 Reporting for Leaks 8/28/1985 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.427 Alternative Program for Leaks 8/28/1985 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.428 Compliance Dates 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.429 Compliance Plan 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.430 General Requirements 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.431 Inspection Program Plan for Leaks 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.433 Repairing Leaks 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.434 Recordkeeping for Leaks 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.435 Report for Leaks 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.437 Open-Ended Valves 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.438 Compliance Plan 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
Subpart R: Petroleum Refining and Related Industries; Asphalt Materials
215.441 Petroleum Refinery Waste Gas Disposal 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.442 Vacuum Producing Systems 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.443 Wastewater (Oil/Water) Separator 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.444 Process Unit Turnarounds 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.445 Leaks: General Requirements 1/21/1983 11/27/1987, 52 FR 45333
215.446 Monitoring Program Plan for Leaks 1/21/1983 11/27/1987, 52 FR 45333
215.447 Monitoring Program for Leaks 1/21/1983 11/27/1987, 52 FR 45333
215.448 Recordkeeping for Leaks 1/21/1983 11/27/1987, 52 FR 45333
215.449 Reporting for Leaks 1/21/1983 11/27/1987, 52 FR 45333
215.450 Alternative Program for Leaks 1/21/1983 11/27/1987, 52 FR 45333
215.451 Sealing Device Requirements 1/21/1983 11/27/1987, 52 FR 45333
215.453 Compliance Dates and Geographical Areas 1/21/1983 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
Subpart S: Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products
215.461 Manufacture of Pneumatic Rubber Tires 1/21/1983 11/27/1987, 52 FR 45333
215.462 Green Tire Spraying Operations 1/21/1983 11/27/1987, 52 FR 45333
215.463 Alternative Emission Reduction Systems 1/21/1983 11/27/1987, 52 FR 45333
215.464 Emissions Testing 1/21/1983 11/27/1987, 52 FR 45333
215.465 Compliance Dates and Geographical Areas 1/21/1983 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.466 Compliance Plan 1/21/1983 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
Subpart T: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
215.480 Applicability of Subpart T 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
215.481 Control of Reactors, Distillation Units, Crystallizers, Centrifuges and Vacuum Dryers 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
215.482 Control of Air Dryers, Production Equipment Exhaust Systems and Filters 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
215.483 Material Storage and Transfer 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
215.484 In-Process Tanks 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
215.485 Leaks 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
215.486 Other Emission Sources 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
215.487 Testing 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
215.488 Monitors for Air Pollution Control Equipment 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
215.489 Recordkeeping (Renumbered) 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
215.490 Compliance Schedule (Renumbered) 5/14/1991 8/18/1992, 57 FR 37100
Subpart V: Air Oxidation Processes
215.520 Applicability 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.521 Definitions 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.525 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.526 Testing and Monitoring 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.527 Compliance Date 12/14/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
Subpart W: Agriculture
215.541 Pesticide Exception 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
Subpart X: Construction
215.561 Architectural Coatings 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.562 Paving Operations 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.563 Cutback Asphalt 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
Subpart Y: Gasoline Distribution
215.581 Bulk Gasoline Plants 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
215.582 Bulk Gasoline Terminals 6/29/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.583 Gasoline Dispensing Facilities—Storage Tank Filling Operations 6/29/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.584 Gasoline Delivery Vessels 6/29/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
Subpart Z: Dry Cleaners
215.607 Standards for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners 4/3/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.608 Operating Practices for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners 4/3/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.609 Program for Inspection and Repair of Leaks 4/3/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.610 Testing and Monitoring 4/3/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.611 Exemption for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners 4/3/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.612 Compliance Dates and Geographical Areas 4/3/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.613 Compliance Plan 4/3/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
Subpart BB: Polystyrene Plants
215.875 Applicability of Subpart BB 9/30/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.877 Emissions Limitation at Polystyrene Plants 9/30/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.879 Compliance Date 9/30/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.881 Compliance Plan 9/30/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.883 Special Requirements for Compliance Plan 9/30/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.886 Emissions Testing 9/30/1987 6/29/1990, 55 FR 26814
215.Appendix C: Past Compliance Dates 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rules 104(a), 104(g), 104(h), 205(j), and 205(m).
Part 216: Carbon Monoxide Emissions
Subpart A: General Provisions
216.101 Measurement Methods 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 206(f).
Subpart B: Fuel Combustion Emission Sources
216.121 Fuel Combustion Emission Sources 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 206(a).
Subpart C: Incinerators
216.141 Incinerators 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 206(b).
216.142 Exceptions 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 206(b)(1,2).
Subpart N: Petroleum Refining and Chemical Manufacture
216.361 Petroleum and Petrochemical Processes 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 206(c).
216.362 Polybasic Organic Acid Partial Oxidation Manufacturing Processes 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 206(h).
Subpart O: Primary and Fabricated Metal Products
216.381 Cupolas 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 206(e).
216.382 Exception, General Motor's Ferrous Foundry in Vermilion County 11/13/1992 8/4/1994, 59 FR 39686
216.Appendix C: Compliance Dates 7/28/1979 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 206(g).
Part 217: Nitrogen Oxides Emissions
Subpart A: General Provisions
217.101 Measurement Methods 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
217.102 Abbreviations and Units 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
217.104 Incorporations by Reference 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
Subpart B: New Fuel Combustion Emission Sources
217.121 New Emission Sources 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 207(a)(1)-(4), 207(a)(5)(A).
Subpart C: Existing Fuel Combustion Emission Sources
217.141 Existing Emission Sources in Major Metropolitan Areas 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 207(b) and (c).
Subpart K: Process Emission Sources
217.301 Industrial Processes 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 207(e).
Subpart O: Chemical Manufacture
217.381 Nitric Acid Manufacturing Processes 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 207(d).
Subpart Q: Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines and Turbines
217.386 Applicability 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
217.388 Control and Maintenance Requirements 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
217.390 Emissions Averaging Plans 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
217.392 Compliance 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
217.394 Testing and Monitoring 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
217.396 Recordkeeping and Reporting 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
Subpart T: Cement Kilns
217.400 Applicability 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.402 Control Requirements 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.404 Testing 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.406 Monitoring 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.408 Reporting 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.410 Recordkeeping 3/15/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
Subpart U: NO X Control and Trading Program for Specified NO X Generating Units
217.450 Purpose 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.452 Severability 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.454 Applicability 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.456 Compliance Requirements 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.458 Permitting Requirements 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.460 Subpart U NOX Trading Budget 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.462 Methodology for Obtaining NOX Allocations 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.464 Methodology for Determining NOX Allowances From the New Source Set-Aside 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.466 NOX Allocations Procedure for Subpart U Budget Units 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.468 New Source Set-Asides for “New” Budget Units 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.470 Early Reduction Credits (ERCS) for Budget Units 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.472 Low-Emitter Requirements 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.474 Opt-In Units 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.476 Opt-In Process 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.478 Opt-In Budget Units: Withdrawal From NOX Trading Program 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.480 Opt-In Units: Change in Regulatory Status 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
217.482 Allowance Allocations To Opt-In Budget Units 4/17/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56449
Subpart V: Electric Power Generation
217.521 Lake of Egypt Power Plant 4/13/1978 6/18/2001, 66 FR 32769
217.700 Purpose 4/17/2001 6/18/2001, 66 FR 32769
217.702 Severability 4/17/2001 6/18/2001, 66 FR 32769
217.704 Applicability 4/17/2001 6/18/2001, 66 FR 32769
217.706 Emission Limitations 4/17/2001 6/18/2001, 66 FR 32769
217.708 NOX Averaging 4/17/2001 6/18/2001, 66 FR 32769
217.710 Monitoring 4/17/2001 6/18/2001, 66 FR 32769
217.712 Reporting and Recordkeeping 4/17/2001 6/18/2001, 66 FR 32769
Subpart W: NO X Trading Program for Electrical Generating Units
217.750 Purpose 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.751 Sunset Provisions 11/2/2009 3/1/2010, 75 FR 9103
217.752 Severability 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.754 Applicability 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.756 Compliance Requirements 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454 Except (d)(3).
217.758 Permitting Requirements 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.760 NOx Trading Budget 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.762 Methodology for Calculating NOX Allocations for Budget Electrical Generating Units (EGUs) 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.764 NOX Allocations for Budget EGUs 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.768 New Source Set-Asides for “New” Budget EGUs 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.770 Early Reduction Credits for Budget EGUs 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.774 Opt-In Units 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.776 Opt-In Process 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.778 Budget Opt-In Units: Withdrawal From NOX Trading Program 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.780 Opt-In Units: Change in Regulatory Status 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.782 Allowance Allocations to Budget Opt-In Units 12/26/2000 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454
217.Appendix C: Compliance Dates 4/14/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862
217.Appendix G: Existing Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Affected by the NOX Sip Call 9/25/2007 6/26/2009, 74 FR 30466
Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area
Subpart A: General Provisions
218.100 Introduction 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.101 Savings Clause 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
218.102 Abbreviations and Conversion Factors 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.103 Applicability 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.104 Definitions 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.105 Test Methods and Procedures 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.106 Compliance Dates 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.107 Operation of Afterburners 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.108 Exemptions, Variations, and Alternative Means of Control or Compliance Determinations 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.109 Vapor Pressure of Volatile Organic Liquids 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.110 Vapor Pressure of Organic Material or Solvent 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.111 Vapor Pressure of Volatile Organic Material 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.112 Incorporations by Reference 12/23/2013 3/13/2015, 80 FR 13248
218.114 Compliance With Permit Conditions 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
Subpart B: Organic Emissions From Storage and Loading Operations
218.119 Applicability for VOL 11/15/1994 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41338
218.120 Control Requirements for Storage Containers of VOL 11/15/1994 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41338
218.121 Storage Containers 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.122 Loading Operations 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.123 Petroleum Liquid Storage Tanks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.124 External Floating Roofs 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.125 Compliance Dates 11/15/1994 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41338
218.127 Testing VOL Operations 11/15/1994 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41338
218.128 Monitoring VOL Operations 1/28/2013 10/6/2014, 79 FR 60070
218.129 Recordkeeping and Reporting for VOL Operations 11/15/1994 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41338
Subpart C: Organic Emissions From Miscellaneous Equipment
218.141 Separation Operations 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.142 Pumps and Compressors 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.143 Vapor Blowdown 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.144 Safety Relief Valves 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart E: Solvent Cleaning
218.181 Solvent Cleaning Degreasing Operations 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.182 Cold Cleaning 6/9/1997 11/26/1997, 62 FR 62951
218.183 Open Top Vapor Degreasing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.184 Conveyorized Degreasing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.186 Test Methods 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.187 Other Industrial Solvent Cleaning Operations 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
Subpart F: Coating Operations
218.204 Emission Limitations 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.205 Daily-Weighted Average Limitations 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.206 Solids Basis Calculation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.207 Alternative Emission Limitations 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.208 Exemptions From Emission Limitations 10/25/2011 4/19/2013, 78 FR 23495
218.209 Exemption From General Rule on Use of Organic Material 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.210 Compliance Schedule 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.211 Recordkeeping and Reporting 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.212 Cross-Line Averaging To Establish Compliance for Coating Lines 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.213 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Cross-Line Averaging Participating Coating Lines 5/9/1995 2/13/1996, 61 FR 5511
218.214 Changing Compliance Methods 5/9/1995 2/13/1996, 61 FR 5511
218.215 Wood Furniture Coating Averaging Approach 2/2/1998 5/19/1998, 63 FR 27489
218.216 Wood Furniture Coating Add-On Control Use 2/2/1998 5/19/1998, 63 FR 27489
218.217 Wood Furniture Coating and Flat Wood Paneling Coating Work Practice Standards 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.218 Work Practice Standards for Paper Coatings, Metal Furniture Coatings, and Large Appliance Coatings 3/23/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.219 Work Practice Standards for Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Assembly Coatings and Miscellaneous Metal and Plastic Parts Coatings 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
Subpart G: Use of Organic Material
218.301 Use of Organic Material 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.302 Alternative Standard 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.303 Fuel Combustion Emission Units 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.304 Operations With Compliance Program 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart H: Printing and Publishing
218.401 Flexographic and Rotogravure Printing 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.402 Applicability 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.403 Compliance Schedule 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.404 Recordkeeping and Reporting 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.405 Lithographic Printing: Applicability 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.407 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements for Lithographic Printing Lines 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.409 Testing for Lithographic Printing on and After March 15, 1996 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.410 Monitoring Requirements for Lithographic Printing 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.411 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Lithographic Printing 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.412 Letterpress Printing Lines: Applicability 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.413 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements for Letterpress Printing Lines 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.415 Testing for Letterpress Printing Lines 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.416 Monitoring Requirements for Letterpress Printing Lines 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.417 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Letterpress Printing Lines 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
Subpart Q: Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing Plant
218.421 General Requirements 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.422 Inspection Program Plan for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.423 Inspection Program for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.424 Repairing Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.425 Recordkeeping for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.426 Report for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.427 Alternative Program for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.428 Open-Ended Valves 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.429 Standards for Control Devices 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.431 Applicability 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
218.432 Control Requirements 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
218.433 Performance and Testing Requirements 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
218.434 Monitoring Requirements 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
218.435 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
218.436 Compliance Date 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
Subpart R: Petroleum Refining and Related Industries; Asphalt Materials
218.441 Petroleum Refinery Waste Gas Disposal 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.442 Vacuum Producing Systems 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.443 Wastewater (Oil/Water) Separator 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.444 Process Unit Turnarounds 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.445 Leaks: General Requirements 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.446 Monitoring Program Plan for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.447 Monitoring Program for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.448 Recordkeeping for Leaks 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.449 Reporting for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.450 Alternative Program for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.451 Sealing Device Requirements 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.452 Compliance Schedule for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart S: Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products
218.461 Manufacture of Pneumatic Rubber Tires 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.462 Green Tire Spraying Operations 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.463 Alternative Emission Reduction Systems 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.464 Emission Testing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart T: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
218.480 Applicability 8/26/2008 11/3/2010, 75 FR 67623
218.481 Control of Reactors, Distillation Units, Crystallizers, Centrifuges and Vacuum Dryers 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.482 Control of Air Dryers, Production Equipment Exhaust Systems and Filters 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.483 Material Storage and Transfer 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.484 In-Process Tanks 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.485 Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.486 Other Emission Units 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.487 Testing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.488 Monitoring for Air Pollution Control Equipment 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.489 Recordkeeping for Air Pollution Control Equipment 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart V: Batch Operations and Air Oxidation Processes
218.500 Applicability for Batch Operations 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
218.501 Control Requirements for Batch Operations 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
218.502 Determination of Uncontrolled Total Annual Mass Emissions and Average Flow Rate Values for Batch Operations 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
218.503 Performance and Testing Requirements for Batch Operations 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
218.504 Monitoring Requirements for Batch Operations 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
218.505 Reporting and Recordkeeping for Batch Operations 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
218.506 Compliance Date 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
218.520 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes 11/15/1994 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49770
218.522 Savings Clause 11/15/1994 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49770
218.523 Compliance 11/15/1994 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49770
218.524 Determination of Applicability 11/15/1994 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49770
218.525 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes 11/15/1994 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49770
218.526 Testing and Monitoring 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart W: Agriculture
218.541 Pesticide Exception 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart X: Construction
218.561 Architectural Coatings 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.562 Paving Operations 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.563 Cutback Asphalt 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart Y: Gasoline Distribution
218.581 Bulk Gasoline Plants 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.582 Bulk Gasoline Terminals 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.583 Gasoline Dispensing Operations—Storage Tank Filling Operations 12/23/2013 3/13/2015, 80 FR 13248
218.584 Gasoline Delivery Vessels 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.586 Gasoline Dispensing Operations—Motor Vehicle Fueling Operations 12/23/2013 3/13/2015, 80 FR 13248
Subpart Z: Dry Cleaners
218.607 Standards for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.608 Operating Practices for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.609 Program for Inspection and Repair of Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.610 Testing and Monitoring 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.611 Applicability for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
Subpart AA: Paint and Ink Manufacturing
218.620 Applicability 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.621 Exemption for Waterbase Material and Heatset Offset Ink 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.624 Open Top Mills, Tanks, Vats or Vessels 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.625 Grinding Mills 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.626 Storage Tanks 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.628 Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.630 Clean Up 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.636 Compliance Schedule 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.637 Recordkeeping and Reporting 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart BB: Polystyrene Plants
218.640 Applicability 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.642 Emissions Limitation at Polystyrene Plants 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.644 Emissions Testing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart CC: Polyester Resin Product Manufacturing Process
218.660 Applicability 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.666 Control Requirements 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.667 Compliance Schedule 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.668 Testing 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.670 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Exempt Emission Units 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.672 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Subject Emission Units 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
Subpart DD: Aerosol Can Fillings
218.680 Applicability 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.686 Control Requirements 5/9/1995 3/12/1997, 62 FR 11327
218.688 Testing 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.690 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Exempt Emission Units 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.692 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Subject Emission Units 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
Subpart GG: Marine Terminals
218.760 Applicability 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
218.762 Control Requirements 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
218.764 Compliance Certification 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
218.766 Leaks 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
218.768 Testing and Monitoring 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
218.770 Recordkeeping and Reporting 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
Subpart HH: Motor Vehicle Refinishing
218.780 Emission Limitations 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
218.782 Alternative Control Requirements 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
218.784 Equipment Specifications 1/28/2013 10/6/2014, 79 FR 60070
218.786 Surface Preparation Materials 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
218.787 Work Practices 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
218.788 Testing 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
218.789 Monitoring and Recordkeeping for Control Devices 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
218.790 General Recordkeeping and Reporting 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
218.791 Compliance Date 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
Subpart II: Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials
218.890 Applicability 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.891 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements 7/27/11 3/23/12, 77 FR 16940
218.892 Testing Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.894 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
Subpart JJ: Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives
218.900 Applicability 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.901 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.902 Testing Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.903 Monitoring Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
218.904 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
Subpart PP: Miscellaneous Fabricated Product Manufacturing Processes
218.920 Applicability 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.926 Control Requirements 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.927 Compliance Schedule 9/27/1993 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.928 Testing 9/27/1993 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.929 Cementable and Dress or Performance Shoe Leather 4/8/2003 5/24/2004, 69 FR 29446
Subpart QQ: Miscellaneous Formulation Manufacturing Processes
218.940 Applicability 7/16/1998 6/18/1999, 64 FR 32810
218.946 Control Requirements 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.947 Compliance Schedule 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.948 Testing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart RR: Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing Processes
218.960 Applicability 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.966 Control Requirements 5/9/1995 3/12/1997, 62 FR 11327
218.967 Compliance Schedule 9/27/1993 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.968 Testing 9/27/1993 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
Subpart TT: Other Emission Units
218.980 Applicability 5/9/1995 3/12/1997, 62 FR 11327
218.986 Control Requirements 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.987 Compliance Schedule 9/27/1993 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.988 Testing 9/27/1993 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
Subpart UU: Recordkeeping and Reporting
218.990 Exempt Emission Units 9/27/1993 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.991 Subject Emission Units 1/24/1994 10/21/1996, 61 FR 54556
218.Appendix A: List of Chemicals Defining Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.Appendix B: VOM Measurement Techniques for Capture Efficiency 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.Appendix C: Reference Test Methods for Air Oxidation Processes 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.Appendix D: Coefficients for the Total Resource Effectiveness Index (TRE) Equation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
218.Appendix E: List of Affected Marine Terminals 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
218.Appendix G: TRE Index Measurements for SOCMI Reactors and Distillation Units 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
218.Appendix H: Baseline VOM Content Limitations for Subpart F, Section 218.212 Cross-Line Averaging 5/9/1995 2/13/1996, 61 FR 5511
Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area
Subpart A: General Provisions
219.100 Introduction 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.101 Savings Clause 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
219.102 Abbreviations and Conversion Factors 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.103 Applicability 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.104 Definitions 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.105 Test Methods and Procedures 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
219.106 Compliance Dates 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
219.107 Operation of Afterburners 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.108 Exemptions, Variations, and Alternative Means of Control or Compliance Determinations 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.109 Vapor Pressure of Volatile Organic Liquids 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.110 Vapor Pressure of Organic Material or Solvent 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
219.111 Vapor Pressure of Volatile Organic Material 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.112 Incorporation by Reference 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
Subpart B: Organic Emissions From Storage and Loading Operations
219.119 Applicability for VOL 11/15/1994 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41338
219.120 Control Requirements for Storage Containers of VOL 11/15/1994 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41338
219.121 Storage Containers of VPL 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.122 Loading Operations 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.123 Petroleum Liquid Storage Tanks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.124 External Floating Roofs 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.125 Compliance Dates 11/15/1994 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41338
219.127 Testing VOL Operations 11/15/1994 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41338
219.128 Monitoring VOL Operations 1/28/2013 10/6/2014, 79 FR 60070
219.129 Recordkeeping and Reporting for VOL Operations 11/15/1994 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41338
Subpart C: Organic Emissions From Miscellaneous Equipment
219.141 Separation Operations 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.142 Pumps and Compressors 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.143 Vapor Blowdown 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.144 Safety Relief Valves 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart E: Solvent Cleaning
219.181 Solvent Cleaning Degreasing Operations 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.182 Cold Cleaning 6/9/1997 11/26/1997, 62 FR 62951
219.183 Open Top Vapor Degreasing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.184 Conveyorized Degreasing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.186 Test Methods 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.187 Other Industrial Cleaning Operations 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
Subpart F: Coating Operations
219.204 Emission Limitations 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
219.205 Daily-Weighted Average Limitations 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
219.206 Solids Basis Calculation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.207 Alternative Emission Limitations 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
219.208 Exemptions from Emission Limitations 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
219.209 Exemption From General Rule on Use of Organic Material 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.210 Compliance Schedule 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.211 Recordkeeping and Reporting 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
219.212 Cross-Line Averaging To Establish Compliance for Coating Lines 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.213 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Cross-Line Averaging Participating Coating Lines 5/9/1995 2/13/1996, 61 FR 5511
219.214 Changing Compliance Methods 5/9/1995 2/13/1996, 61 FR 5511
219.215 Wood Furniture Coating Averaging Approach 2/2/1998 5/19/1998, 63 FR 27489
219.216 Wood Furniture Coating Add-On Control Use 2/2/1998 5/19/1998, 63 FR 27489
219.217 Wood Furniture Coating and Flat Wood Paneling Coating Work Practice Standards 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.218 Work Practice Standards for Paper Coatings, Metal Furniture Coatings, and Large Appliance Coatings 3/23/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.219 Work Practice Standards for Aerospace Facilities 3/4/2021 4/11/2023, 88 FR 21490
Subpart G: Use of Organic Material
219.301 Use of Organic Material 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.302 Alternative Standard 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.303 Fuel Combustion Emission Units 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.304 Operations With Compliance Program 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart H: Printing and Publishing
219.401 Flexographic and Rotogravure Printing 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.402 Applicability 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.403 Compliance Schedule 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.404 Recordkeeping and Reporting 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.405 Lithographic Printing: Applicability 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.407 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements for Lithographic Printing Lines 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.409 Testing for Lithographic Printing 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.410 Monitoring Requirements for Lithographic Printing 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.411 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Lithographic Printing 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.412 Letterpress Printing Lines: Applicability 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.413 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements for Letterpress Printing Lines 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.415 Testing for Letterpress Printing Lines 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.416 Monitoring Requirements for Letterpress Printing Lines 6/25/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.417 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Letterpress Printing Lines 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
Subpart Q: Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing Plant
219.421 General Requirements 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.422 Inspection Program Plan for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.423 Inspection Program for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.424 Repairing Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.425 Recordkeeping for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.426 Report for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.427 Alternative Program for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.428 Open-Ended Valves 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.429 Standards for Control Devices 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.431 Applicability 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
219.432 Control Requirements 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
219.433 Performance and Testing Requirements 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
219.434 Monitoring Requirements 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
219.435 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
219.436 Compliance Date 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
Subpart R: Petroleum Refining and Related Industries; Asphalt Materials
219.441 Petroleum Refinery Waste Gas Disposal 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.442 Vacuum Producing Systems 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.443 Wastewater (Oil/Water) Separator 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.444 Process Unit Turnarounds 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.445 Leaks: General Requirements 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.446 Monitoring Program Plan for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.447 Monitoring Program for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.448 Recordkeeping for Leaks 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.449 Reporting for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.450 Alternative Program for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.451 Sealing Device Requirements 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.452 Compliance Schedule for Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart S: Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products
219.461 Manufacture of Pneumatic Rubber Tires 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.462 Green Tire Spraying Operations 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.463 Alternative Emission Reduction Systems 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.464 Emission Testing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart T: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
219.480 Applicability 5/9/1995 3/12/1997, 62 FR 11327
219.481 Control of Reactors, Distillation Units, Crystallizers, Centrifuges and Vacuum Dryers 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.482 Control of Air Dryers, Production Equipment Exhaust Systems and Filters 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.483 Material Storage and Transfer 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.484 In-Process Tanks 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.485 Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.486 Other Emission Units 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.487 Testing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.488 Monitoring for Air Pollution Control Equipment 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.489 Recordkeeping for Air Pollution Control Equipment 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart V: Batch Operations and Air Oxidation Processes
219.500 Applicability for Batch Operations 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
219.501 Control Requirements for Batch Operations 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
219.502 Determination of Uncontrolled Total Annual Mass Emissions and Actual Weighted Average Flow Rate Values for Batch Operations 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
219.503 Performance and Testing Requirements for Batch Operations 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
219.504 Monitoring Requirements for Batch Operations 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
219.505 Reporting and Recordkeeping for Batch Operations 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
219.506 Compliance Date 5/22/1995 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14484
219.520 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes 11/15/1994 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49770
219.522 Savings Clause 11/15/1994 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49770
219.523 Compliance 11/15/1994 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49770
219.524 Determination of Applicability 11/15/1994 9/27/1995, 60 FR 49770
219.526 Testing and Monitoring 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart W: Agriculture
219.541 Pesticide Exception 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart X: Construction
219.561 Architectural Coatings 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.562 Paving Operations 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.563 Cutback Asphalt 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart Y: Gasoline Distribution
219.581 Bulk Gasoline Plants 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.582 Bulk Gasoline Terminals 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.583 Gasoline Dispensing Operations—Storage Tank Filling Operations 12/23/2013 3/13/2015, 80 FR 13248
219.584 Gasoline Delivery Vessels 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart Z: Dry Cleaners
219.607 Standards for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.608 Operating Practices for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.609 Program for Inspection and Repair of Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.610 Testing and Monitoring 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.611 Exemption for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart AA: Paint and Ink Manufacturing
219.620 Applicability 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.621 Exemption for Waterbase Material and Heatset-Offset Ink 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.623 Permit Conditions 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.624 Open-Top Mills, Tanks, Vats or Vessels 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.625 Grinding Mills 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.626 Storage Tanks 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.628 Leaks 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.630 Clean Up 8/16/1991 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.636 Compliance Schedule 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.637 Recordkeeping and Reporting 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart BB: Polystyrene Plants
219.640 Applicability 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.642 Emissions Limitation at Polystyrene Plants 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.644 Emissions Testing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
Subpart GG: Marine Terminals
219.760 Applicability 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
219.762 Control Requirements 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
219.764 Compliance Certification 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
219.766 Leaks 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
219.768 Testing and Monitoring 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
219.770 Recordkeeping and Reporting 10/25/1994 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
Subpart HH: Motor Vehicle Refinishing
219.780 Emission Limitations 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
219.782 Alternative Control Requirements 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
219.784 Equipment Specifications 1/28/2013 10/6/2014, 79 FR 60070
219.786 Surface Preparation Materials 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
219.787 Work Practices 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
219.788 Testing 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
219.789 Monitoring and Recordkeeping for Control Devices 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
219.791 Compliance Date 5/9/1995 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38577
Subpart II: Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials
219.890 Applicability 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.891 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.892 Testing and Monitoring Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.894 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
Subpart JJ: Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives
219.900 Applicability 9/14/2010 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.901 Emission Limitations and Control Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.902 Testing Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.903 Monitoring Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
219.904 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements 7/27/2011 3/23/2012, 77 FR 16940
Subpart PP: Miscellaneous Fabricated Product Manufacturing Processes
219.920 Applicability 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.923 Permit Conditions 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.926 Control Requirements 5/9/1995 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.927 Compliance Schedule 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.928 Testing 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
Subpart QQ: Miscellaneous Formulation Manufacturing Processes
219.940 Applicability 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.943 Permit Conditions 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.946 Control Requirements 5/9/1995 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.947 Compliance Schedule 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.948 Testing 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
Subpart RR: Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing Processes
219.960 Applicability 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.963 Permit Conditions 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.966 Control Requirements 5/9/1995 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.967 Compliance Schedule 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.968 Testing 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
Subpart TT: Other Emission Units
219.980 Applicability 5/9/1995 3/12/1997, 62 FR 11327
219.983 Permit Conditions 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.986 Control Requirements 5/9/1995 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.987 Compliance Schedule 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.988 Testing 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
Subpart UU: Recordkeeping and Reporting
219.990 Exempt Emission Units 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.991 Subject Emission Units 9/27/1993 5/7/1996, 61 FR 20455
219.Appendix A: List of Chemicals Defining Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.Appendix B: VOM Measurement Techniques for Capture Efficiency (Repealed) 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.Appendix C: Reference Methods and Procedures 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.Appendix D: Coefficients for the Total Resource Effectiveness Index (TRE) Equation 9/27/1993 9/9/1994, 59 FR 46562
219.Appendix E: List of Affected Marine Terminals 2/15/1996 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16801
219.Appendix G: TRE Index Measurements for SOCMI Reactors and Distillation Units 5/9/1995 3/23/1998, 63 FR 13784
219.Appendix H: Baseline VOM Content Limitations for Subpart F, Section 219.212 Cross-Line Averaging 5/9/1995 2/13/1996, 61 FR 5511
Part 223: Standards and Limitations for Organic Material Emissions for Area Sources
Subpart A: General Provisions
223.100 Severability 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.105 Abbreviations and Acronyms 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.120 Incorporations by Reference 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
Subpart B: Consumer and Commercial Products
223.200 Purpose 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.201 Applicability 5/4/2012 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.203 Definitions for Subpart B 5/4/2012 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.205 Standards 5/4/2012 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.206 Diluted Products 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.207 Products Registered Under FIFRA 5/4/2012 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.208 Requirements for Aerosol Adhesives 5/4/2012 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.209 Requirements for Floor Wax Strippers 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.210 Products Containing Ozone-Depleting Compounds 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.211 Requirements for Adhesive Removers, Aerosol Adhesives, Contact Adhesives, Electrical Cleaners, Electronic Cleaners, Footwear or Leather Care Products, General Purpose Degreasers, and Graffiti Removers 5/4/2012 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.220 Requirements for Charcoal Lighter Material 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.230 Exemptions 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.240 Innovative Product Exemption 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.245 Alternative Compliance Plans 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.250 Product Dating 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.255 Additional Product Dating Requirements 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.260 Most Restrictive Limit 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.265 Additional Labeling Requirements for Aerosol Adhesives, Adhesive Removers, Electronic Cleaners, Electrical Cleaners, Energized Electrical Cleaners, and Contact Adhesives 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.270 Reporting Requirements 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.275 Special Recordkeeping Requirements for Consumer Products That Contain Perchloroethylene or Methylene Chloride 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.280 Calculating Illinois Sales 6/8/2009 5/6/13, 78 FR 26258
223.285 Test Methods 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
Subpart C: Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings
223.300 Purpose 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.305 Applicability 5/4/2012 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.307 Definitions for Subpart C 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.310 Standards 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.320 Container Labeling Requirements 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.330 Reporting Requirements 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.340 Compliance Provisions and Test Methods 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.350 Alternative Test Methods 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.360 Methacrylate Traffic Coating Markings 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
223.370 Test Methods 6/8/2009 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26258
Part 225: Control of Emissions From Large Combustion Sources
Subpart A: General Provisions
225.120 Abbreviations and Acronyms 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.130 Definitions 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.140 Incorporations by Reference 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.150 Commence Commercial Operation 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
Subpart B: Control of Mercury Emissions From Coal-Fired Electric Generating Units
225.233 Multi-Pollutant Standard (MPS) 8/23/2019 6/25/2021, 86 FR 33527 Except (c), (d), and (i).
225.291 Combined Pollutant Standard: Purpose 12/7/2015 2/28/2018, 83 FR 8612
225.292 Applicability of the Combined Pollutant Standard 12/7/2015 2/28/2018, 83 FR 8612
225.293 Combined Pollutant Standard: Notice of Intent 12/7/2015 2/28/2018, 83 FR 8612
225.295 Combined Pollutant Standard: Emission Standards for NOX and SO2 12/7/2015 2/28/2018, 83 FR 8612 Except (a)(4).
225.296 Combined Pollutant Standard: Control Technology Requirements for NOX, SO2, and PM Emissions 12/7/2015 2/28/2018, 83 FR 8612 Except (d).
Subpart C: Clean Air Act Interstate Rule (CAIR) SO 2 Trading Program
225.300 Purpose 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.305 Applicability 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.310 Compliance Requirements 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.315 Appeal Procedures 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.320 Permit Requirements 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.325 Trading Program 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
Subpart D: CAIR NO X Annual Trading Program
225.400 Purpose 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.405 Applicability 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.410 Compliance Requirements 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.415 Appeal Procedures 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.420 Permit Requirements 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.425 Annual Trading Budget 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.430 Timing for Annual Allocations 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.435 Methodology for Calculating Annual Allocations 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.440 Annual Allocations 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.445 New Unit Set-Aside (NUSA) 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.450 Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Gross Electrical Output and Useful Thermal Energy 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.455 Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.460 Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Renewable Energy, and Clean Technology Projects 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.465 Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Allowances 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.470 Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Applications 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.475 Agency Action on Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Applications 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.480 Compliance Supplement Pool 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
Subpart E: CAIR NO X Ozone Season Trading Program
225.500 Purpose 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.505 Applicability 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.510 Compliance Requirements 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.515 Appeal Procedures 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.520 Permit Requirements 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.525 Ozone Season Trading Budget 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.530 Timing for Ozone Season Allocations 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.535 Methodology for Calculating Ozone Season Allocations 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.540 Ozone Season Allocations 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.545 New Unit Set-Aside (NUSA) 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.550 Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Gross Electrical Output and Useful Thermal Energy 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.555 Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.560 Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Renewable Energy, and Clean Technology Projects 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.565 Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Allowances 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.570 Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Applications 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.575 Agency Action on Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Applications 8/31/2007 10/16/2007, 72 FR 58528
225.Appendix A Specified EGUs for Purposes of the CPS Coal-Fired Boilers as of July 1, 2016 12/7/2015 2/28/2018, 83 FR 8612
Part 226: Standards and Limitations for Certain Sources of Lead
226.100 Severability 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.105 Scope and Organization 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.110 Abbreviations and Acronyms 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.115 Definitions 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.120 Incorporations by Reference 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.125 Applicability 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.130 Compliance Date 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.140 Lead Emission Standards 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.150 Operational Monitoring for Control Device 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.155 Total Enclosure 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.160 Operational Measurement for Total Enclosure 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.165 Inspection 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.170 Lead Fugitive Dust Operating Program 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.175 Emissions Testing 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
226.185 Recordkeeping and Reporting 4/21/2014 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
Subchapter i: Open Burning
Part 237: Open Burning
Subpart A: General Provisions
237.101 Definitions 9/7/1971 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 401.
237.102 Prohibitions 9/7/1971 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 402.
237.103 Explosive Wastes 9/7/1971 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 405.
237.110 Local Enforcement 9/7/1971 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 406.
237.120 Exemptions 9/7/1971 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 403.
Subpart B: Permits
237.201 Permits 9/7/1971 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10862 Approved as Rule 404.
Subchapter k: Emission Standards and Limitations for Mobile Sources
Part 240: Mobile Sources
Subpart A: Definitions and General Provisions
240.101 Preamble 12/20/1994 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.102 Definitions 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.103 Prohibitions 4/14/1972 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.104 Inspection 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.105 Penalties 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.106 Determination of Violation 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.107 Incorporations by Reference 3/18/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart B: Emissions
240.121 Smoke Emissions 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.122 Diesel Engine Emissions Standards for Locomotives 4/7/1992 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.123 Liquid Petroleum Gas Fuel Systems 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart C: Smoke Opacity Standards and Test Procedures for Diesel-Powered Heavy Duty Vehicles
240.140 Applicability 2/26/2001 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.141 Smoke Opacity Standards and Test Procedures for Diesel-Powered Heavy Duty Vehicles 2/26/2001 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart D: Steady-State Idle Mode Test Emission Standards
240.151 Applicability 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.152 Steady-State Idle Mode Vehicle Exhaust Emission Standards 3/18/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.153 Compliance Determination 3/18/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart F: Evaporative Test Standards
240.171 Applicability 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.172 Evaporative System Integrity Test Standards 7/13/1998 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart G: On-Road Remote Sensing Test Emission Standards
240.181 Applicability 3/18/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.182 On-Road Remote Sensing Emission Standards 3/18/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.183 Compliance Determination 7/13/1998 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart H: On-Board Diagnostic Test Standards
240.191 Applicability 3/18/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.192 On-Board Diagnostic Test Standards 12/18/2001 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.193 Compliance Determination 12/18/2001 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart I: Visual Inspection Test Standards
240.201 Applicability 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.202 Visual Inspection Test Standards 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.203 Compliance Determination 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.Appendix A: Rule Into Section Table 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
240.Appendix B: Section Into Rule Table 2/1/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Part 241: Clean Fuel Fleet Program
Subpart A: General Provisions
241.101 Other Definitions 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
241.102 Definitions 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
241.103 Abbreviations 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
241.104 Incorporations by Reference 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
Subpart B: General Requirements
241.110 Applicability 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
241.111 Exemptions 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
241.112 Registration of Fleet Owners or Operators 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
241.113 Control Requirements 11/25/1997 2/17/1999, 64 FR 7788
241.114 Conversions 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
241.115 Operating Requirements 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
Subpart C: Credits
241.130 Clean Fuel Fleet Credit Program 11/25/1997 2/17/1999, 64 FR 7788
241.131 Credit Provisions 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
Subpart D: Recordkeeping and Reporting
241.140 Reporting Requirements 11/25/1997 2/17/1999, 64 FR 7788
241.141 Recordkeeping Requirements 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
241.142 Report of Credit Activities 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
241.Appendix A: Emission Standards for Clean Fuel Vehicles 9/11/1995 3/19/1996, 61 FR 11139
241.Appendix B: Credit Values 11/25/1997 2/17/1999, 64 FR 7788
Subchapter l: Air Quality Standards and Episodes
Part 243: Air Quality Standards
Subpart A: General Provisions
243.101 Definitions 12/17/2020 10/4/2021, 86 FR 54626
243.102 Scope 12/17/2020 10/4/2021, 86 FR 54626
243.103 Applicability 7/29/2013 5/20/2015, 80 FR 28835
243.104 Nondegradation 10/25/2011 5/23/2013, 78 FR 30770
243.105 Air Quality Monitoring Data Influenced by Exceptional Events 12/17/2020 10/4/2021, 86 FR 54626
243.106 Monitoring 4/14/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472
243.107 Reference Conditions 12/17/2020 10/4/2021, 86 FR 54626
243.108 Incorporation by Reference 3/4/2022 1/17/2024, 89 FR 2883
Subpart B: Standards and Measurement Methods
243.120 PM10 and PM2.5 8/18/2020 10/4/2021, 86 FR 54626
243.122 Sulfur Oxides (Sulfur Dioxide) 3/4/2022 1/17/2024, 89 FR 2883
243.123 Carbon Monoxide 8/18/2020 10/4/2021, 86 FR 54626
243.124 Nitrogen Oxides (Nitrogen Dioxide as Indicator) 8/18/2020 10/4/2021, 86 FR 54626
243.126 Lead 8/18/2020 10/4/2021, 86 FR 54626
243.120 PM10 and PM2.5 2/19/2019 11/5/2019, 84 FR 59527
243.123 Carbon Monoxide 7/29/2013 5/20/2015, 80 FR 28835
243.124 Nitrogen Oxides (Nitrogen Dioxide as Indicator) 1/23/2017 7/18/2017, 82 FR 32771
243.125 Ozone 2/19/2019 11/5/2019, 84 FR 59527
243.126 Lead 2/19/2019 11/5/2019, 84 FR 59527
Part 244: Episodes
Subpart A: Definitions and General Provisions
244.101 Definitions 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
244.102 Responsibility of the Agency 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 402.
244.103 Determination of Required Actions 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 402.
244.104 Determination of Atmospheric Conditions 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 402.
244.105 Determination of Expected Contaminant Emissions 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 402.
244.106 Monitoring 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
244.107 Determination of Areas Affected 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
244.108 Failure To Comply With Episode Requirements 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 402.
244.109 Sealing of Offenders 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 402.
Subpart B: Local Agency Responsibilities
244.121 Local Agency Responsibilities 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
Subpart C: Episode Action Plans
244.141 Requirement for Plans 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 404.
244.142 Facilities for Which Action Plans Are Required 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 404.
244.143 Submission of Plans 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 404.
244.144 Contents of Plans 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 404.
244.145 Processing Procedures 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 404.
Subpart D: Episode Stages
244.161 Advisory, Alert and Emergency Levels 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
244.162 Criteria for Declaring an Advisory 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
244.163 Criteria for Declaring a Yellow Alert 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
244.164 Criteria for Declaring a Red Alert 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 405(e).
244.165 Criteria for Declaring an Emergency 8/18/1972 2/21/1980, 45 FR 11472 Approved as Rule 405(e).
244.166 Criteria for Terminating Advisory, Alert and Emergency 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
244.167 Episode Stage Notification 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
244.168 Contents of Episode Stage Notification 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
244.169 Actions During Episode Stages 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
244.Appendix D: Required Emission Reduction Actions 5/15/1992 1/12/1993, 58 FR 3844
Chapter II: Environmental Protection Agency
Part 252: Public Participation in the Air Pollution Control Permit Program
Subpart A: Introduction
252.101 Purpose 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.102 Abbreviations and Acronyms 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.103 Definitions 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.104 Applicability 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.105 Application for a PSD Permit 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.106 Consolidation 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Subpart B: Procedures for Public Review
252.201 Notice and Opportunity to Comment 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.202 Draft Permit 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.203 Project Summary, Statement of Basis, or Fact Sheet 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.204 Availability of Documents 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.205 Opportunity for Public Hearing 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.206 Procedures for Public Hearings 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.207 Obligation to Raise Issues and Provide Information During the Public Comment Period for PSD Permits 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.208 Reopening of the Public Comment Period for PSD Permits 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.209 Issuance of a Final PSD Permit Decision 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.210 Response to Comments for a Final PSD Permit Decision 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
252.211 Administrative Record for a Final PSD Permit Decision 6/10/2020 9/9/2021, 86 FR 50459
Part 254: Annual Emissions Report
Subpart A: General Provisions
254.101 Purpose 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
254.102 Applicability 4/20/2012 7/3/2013, 67 FR 40013
254.103 Definitions 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
254.120 Applicable Pollutants for Annual Emissions Reporting 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
254.132 Failure To File a Complete Report 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
254.133 Voluntary Submittal of Data 5/14/1993 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
254.134 Retention of Records 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
254.135 Reporting of Errors 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
254.136 Confidentiality and Trade Secret Protection 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
254.137 Reporting Schedule 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
254.138 Issuance of Source Inventory Report 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
Subpart B: Reporting Requirements for Large Sources
254.203 Contents of Subpart B Annual Emissions Report 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
254.204 Complete Reports 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
Subpart C: Reporting Requirements for Other Sources
254.303 Contents of Subpart C Annual Emissions Report 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
254.306 Complete Reports 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
Subpart E: Seasonal Emissions Report Under ERMS
254.501 Contents of a Seasonal Emissions Report 7/17/2001 5/15/2002, 67 FR 34614
Part 255: General Conformity: Criteria and Procedures
255.100 Purpose 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.110 Federal Requirement 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.120 Applicability 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.140 Definitions 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.150 Abbreviations 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.160 Incorporations by Reference 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.170 Activities Exempt From Conformity Analysis 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.180 Conformity Analysis 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.190 Reporting Requirements 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.200 Public Participation 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.210 Frequency of Conformity Determinations 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.220 Criteria for Determining Conformity of General Federal Actions 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.230 Procedures for Conformity Determinations of General Federal Actions 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
255.240 Mitigation of Air Quality Impacts 3/6/1997 12/23/1997, 62 FR 67000
Part 276: Procedures To Be Followed in the Performance of Inspections of Motor Vehicle Emissions
Subpart A: General Provisions
276.101 Purpose and Applicability 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.102 Definitions 1/30/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.103 Abbreviations 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.104 Incorporations by Reference 1/30/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.105 Sunset Provisions 1/30/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart B: Vehicle Emissions Inspection Procedures
276.201 General Description of Vehicle Emissions Inspection Procedures 1/30/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.202 Pollutants To Be Tested—Exhaust Test 9/28/1998 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.203 Dilution—Steady-State Idle Exhaust Test and Transient Loaded Mode Exhaust Test 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.204 Steady-State Idle Exhaust Emissions Test Procedures 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.205 Evaporative System Integrity Test Procedures 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.206 Engine and Fuel Type Modifications 6/14/1996 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.208 On-Road Remote Sensing Test Procedures 9/28/1998 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.209 On-Board Diagnostic Test Procedures 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.210 Visual Inspection Test Procedures 1/30/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377 276.210
Subpart C: Sticker or Certificate Issuance, Display, and Possession
276.301 General Requirements 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.302 Determination of Affected Counties 1/30/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.303 Emissions Inspection Sticker or Certificate Design and Content 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart D: Waiver and Economic Hardship Extension Requirements
276.401 Waiver Requirements 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.403 Denial or Issuance of Waiver 1/30/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.404 Economic Hardship Extension Requirements 1/30/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.405 Outside of Affected Counties Annual Exemption Requirements 1/30/2012 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart E: Test Equipment Specifications
276.501 General Requirements 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.502 Steady-State Idle Exhaust Test Analysis Systems Functional Requirements 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.503 Steady-State Idle Exhaust Test Analysis Systems Performance Criteria 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.504 Evaporative System Integrity Test Functional Requirements and Performance Criteria 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.507 On-Road Remote Sensing Test Systems Functional Requirements and Performance Criteria 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.508 On-Board Diagnostic Test Systems Functional Requirements and Performance Criteria 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart F: Equipment Maintenance and Calibration
276.601 Steady-State Idle Test Equipment Maintenance 9/28/1998 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.602 Steady-State Idle Test Equipment Calibration 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.603 Evaporative System Integrity Test Maintenance and Calibration 9/28/1998 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.604 Record Keeping 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.606 On-Road Remote Sensing Test Systems Maintenance and Calibration 9/28/1998 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.607 On-Board Diagnostic Test Systems Maintenance and Calibration 9/28/1998 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart G: Fleet Self-Testing Requirements
276.701 General Requirements 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.702 Fleet Inspection Permit 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.703 Fleet Inspection Permittee Operating Requirements 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.704 Private Official Inspection Station Auditing and Surveillance 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.705 Fleet Vehicle Inspection Procedures (Renumbered) 6/14/1996 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart H: Grievance Procedure
276.801 General Requirements 6/14/1996 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.802 Procedure for Filing Grievance 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.803 Agency Investigation 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.804 Review of Agency's Determination 6/14/1996 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart I: Notices
276.901 General Requirements 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.902 Vehicle Emissions Test Notice 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart J: Reciprocity With Other Jurisdictions
276.1001 Requirements for Vehicles Registered in Affected Counties and Located in Other Jurisdictions Requiring Vehicle Emissions Inspection 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
276.1002 Requirements for Vehicles Registered in Other Jurisdictions Requiring Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Located in an Affected County 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Subpart K: Repair Facility Performance Reporting
276.1101 Requirements for Collecting and Reporting Data Pertaining to the Repair of Vehicles That Failed or Were Rejected From an Emissions Inspection 6/28/2011 8/13/2014, 79 FR 47377
Part 283: General Procedures for Emissions Tests Averaging
Subpart A: Introduction
283.110 Purpose 9/11/2000 5/9/2003, 68 FR 24885
283.120 Applicability 9/11/2000 5/9/2003, 68 FR 24885
283.130 Definitions 9/11/2000 5/9/2003, 68 FR 24885
Subpart B: Procedures for Averaging of Test Results
283.210 Criteria for Averaging Tests 9/11/2000 5/9/2003, 68 FR 24885
283.220 Test Plan Requirements 9/11/2000 5/9/2003, 68 FR 24885
283.230 Changes to the Test Plan 9/11/2000 5/9/2003, 68 FR 24885
283.240 Averaging Procedure 9/11/2000 5/9/2003, 68 FR 24885
283.250 Compliance Determination 9/11/2000 5/9/2003, 68 FR 24885
State Statutes
20 ILCS 605/46.13a Civil Administrative Code 9/21/1992 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45448 Subsection 46.13(a) [Approved Under Public Act 87-1177].
415 ILCS 5/9 Illinois Environmental Protection Act 6/21/1996 5/29/2002, 67 FR 37323 Section 9(f) [Approved Under Public Act 89-491].
415 ILCS 5/9.1 Illinois Environmental Protection Act 9/17/1991 12/17/1992, 57 FR 59928 (Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1009.1) par. 1009.1(a), (b), (c), (d) and (f). [Approved Under Public Act 87-555].
415 ILCS 5/9.9 Illinois Environmental Protection Act 7/1/2001 11/8/2001, 66 FR 56454 Section 9.9(f) [Approved Under Public Act 92-0012].
415 ILCS 5/39.5 Illinois Environmental Protection Act 9/26/1992 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45448 Subsection 20 [Approved Under Public Act 87-1213].
625 ILCS 5/13B Illinois Vehicle Code 1/18/1994 7/25/1996, 61 FR 38582 625 ILCS 5/13B [Approved Under Public Act 88-533].

(d) EPA approved state source-specific requirements.

EPA-Approved Illinois Source-Specific Requirements

Name of source Order/permit No. State
Alton Steel 18020009 3/5/2018 2/21/2023, 88 FR 10464
Alumax Incorporated, Morris, IL PCB AS 92-13 9/1/1994 2/1/1996, 61 FR 3575
Argonne National Laboratory PCB AS 03-4 12/18/2003 7/28/2004, 69 FR 44967
Bema Film Systems, Incorporated, DuPage Co PCB AS 00-11 1/18/2001 11/30/2001, 66 FR 59702
Calpine Corporation (Zion Energy Center) PCB 16-112 12/19/2016 12/9/2019, 84 FR 67191 As amended on 8/17/2017.
Central Can Company (CCC), Chicago, IL PCB AS 94-18 8/6/1998, eff. 7/1/1991 3/18/1999, 64 FR 13346
Chase Products Company, Broadview (Cook Co.) PCB AS 94-4 5/16/1996 6/9/1997, 62 FR 31341
City Water, Light & Power, City of Springfield 9090046 6/23/2011 7/6/2012, 77 FR 39943 Joint Construction and Operating Permit.
CP-D Acquisition Company, LLC. (formerly Cromwell-Phoenix, Inc) PCB AS 03-05 11/20/2003 10/29/2008, 73 FR 64213
Exelon Generation, LLC PCB 16-106 9/13/2016 12/9/2019, 84 FR 67191
Ford Motor Company PCB, AS 02-03 11/21/2002 3/22/2004, 69 FR 13239
Ford Motor Company Chicago Assembly Plant PCB, AS 05-5 9/1/2005 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52464
Greif Packaging, LLC, Naperville, DuPage Co PCB AS 2011-01 4/5/2012 10/22/2012, 77 FR 64422
IL Power Company's Baldwin Power Station PCB 79-7 9/8/1983 4/18/1990, 55 FR 14419 Emission limits within Paragraph 1 of Final Order.
Kincaid Generation, LLC 9050022 6/24/2011 7/6/2012, 77 FR 39943 Joint Construction and Operating Permit.
Laclede Steel Sulfur dioxide plan 93070030 11/18/1993 4/20/1994, 59 FR 18752 FESOP for boilers and reheat furnaces.
Leisure Properties LLC/D/B/A Crownline Boats, West Frankfort, Illinois PCB AS 04-01 7/22/2004 4/20/2012, 77 FR 23622 Effective date identified in error as 7/22/2002 in the document heading. Due to ownership change, the Board transferred the adjusted standard to Leisure Properties LLC D/B/A Crownline Boats by Board order AS04-l, effective 10/7/2010.
Louis Berkman Company, d/b/a/ the Swenson Spreader Company's Lindenwood, Ogle Co PCB, AS 97-5 5/7/1998 5/27/2004, 69 FR 30224
LTV Steel Company, Inc. 98120091 5/14/1999 7/14/1999, 64 FR 37847 Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit.
Midwest Generation, LLC PCB 12-121 8/23/2012 7/20/2015, 80 FR 42726 Certificate of Acceptance, dated 8/24/2012, filed with the Illinois Pollution Control Board Clerk's Office 8/27/2012.
Midwest Generation, LLC PCB 13-24 4/4/2013 7/20/2015, 80 FR 42726 Certificate of Acceptance, dated 5/16/13, filed with the Illinois Pollution Control Board Clerk's Office 5/17/2013.
National Steel Corporation, Granite City Division 95010005 10/21/1997 3/11/1998, 63 FR 11842 Joint Construction and Operating Permit.
Quantum Chemical Corporation, Morris, Aux Sable Township, Grundy Co PCB AS 92-14 10/7/1993 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16803 adjusted standard.
Reynolds Metals Company's McCook Sheet and Plate Plant in McCook, IL (in Cook Co.) PCB AS 91-8 9/21/1995 1/21/1997, 62 FR 2916
Royal Fiberglass Products, d/b/a Viking Pools PCB AS 09-14 9/5/2013 7/14/2014, 79 FR 40673
Solar Corporation, Libertyville, IL PCB AS 94-2 7/20/1995 2/23/1998, 63 FR 8855
Stepan Company Millsdale Plant 197800AAE 10/30/2020 8/13/2021, 86 FR 44616
Sun Chemical Corporation, Northlake, IL PCB AS 99-4 5/20/1999 9/13/1999, 64 FR 49400
Vonco Products, Incorporated, Lake Co PCB AS 00-12 1/18/2001 11/30/2001, 66 FR 59704

(e) EPA approved nonregulatory and quasi-regulatory provisions.

EPA-Approved Illinois Nonregulatory and Quasi-Regulatory Provisions

Name of SIP provision Applicable geographic or nonattainment area State submittal date EPA approval date Comments
Air quality surveillance network State-wide 12/20/1979 3/4/1981, 46 FR 15137
Coal ban Chicago Area 10/22/1973 3/2/1976, 41 FR 8956
Compliance schedules State-wide 3/13/1973,
6/15/1973, and
3/2/1976, 41 FR 8956
Ozone (8-hour, 2008) certification of emissions statement regulations Chicago and St. Louis areas 5/9/2017 7/11/2017, 82 FR 31913 Certification that Illinois' previously approved regulations at 35 IAC part 254 meet the emission statement requirements for the 2008 ozone NAAQS.
Ozone (8-hour, 2008) Nonattainment New Source Review Requirements Chicago area 5/23/2018 2/6/2019, 84 FR 2063
Ozone (8-hour, 2015) certification of emissions statement regulations Chicago and St. Louis areas 5/16/2019 1/24/2020, 85 FR 4231 Certification that Illinois' previously approved regulations at 35 IAC Part 254 meet the emissions statement requirements for the 2015 ozone NAAQS.
Regional haze plan Statewide 6/24/2011 7/6/2012, 77 FR 39943
Regional Haze Progress Report Statewide 2/1/2017 4/12/2018, 83 FR 15744
Small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program State-wide 11/12/1992 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45451
Total Suspended Particulate Control Strategy analysis State-wide 10/1/1981 9/30/1982, 47 FR 43054
Transportation control plan Chicago Area 4/17/1973 3/2/1976, 41 FR 8956
Transportation control plan Chicago Area 4/30/1980 1/27/1981, 46 FR 8472
Transportation control plan Chicago Area 8/20/1980 and 3/20/1981 11/16/1981, 46 FR 56196
Transportation control plan Peoria Area 10/15/1980 11/16/1981, 46 FR 56196
Transportation control plan St. Louis Area 4/1/1981 11/16/1981, 46 FR 56196
Transportation control plans Chicago and St. Louis areas 12/3/1982 10/4/1990, 55 FR 40658
Attainment and Maintenance Plans
Carbon monoxide attainment demonstration Chicago Area 5/4/1983 10/4/1990, 55 FR 40658
Lead (1978) attainment and maintenance plan Granite City area 9/30/1983 7/24/1984, 49 FR 29790
Lead (2008)—Clean Data Determination Chicago Area N/A 8/25/2015, 80 FR 51131
Lead (2008) Redesignation and maintenance plan Chicago and Granite City areas 9/22/2016 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
Ozone (1-hour) attainment demonstration Chicago area 12/26/2000 11/13/2001, 66 FR 56904
Ozone (1-hour) attainment demonstration St. Louis area 11/15/1999,
4/13/2001, and 4/30/2001
6/26/2001, 66 FR 33996 EPA is disapproving the request for an exemption from the NOX NSR and certain NOX conformity requirements for Madison, Monroe, and St. Clair Counties.
Ozone (1-hour) attainment plan revision Chicago severe nonattainment area 4/11/2003 9/15/2003, 68 FR 53887
Ozone (1-hour) redesignation and maintenance plan Jersey County 11/12/1993 3/14/1995, 60 FR 13634
Ozone (1-hour) redesignation and maintenance plan St. Louis Area 12/30/2002 5/12/2003, 68 FR 25542
Ozone (1-hour revoked) finding of attainment Chicago area 1/30/2007 12/30/2008, 73 FR 79652
Ozone (8-hour, 1997) Determination of Attainment Chicago area N/A 7/8/2011, 76 FR 40262 Correction to codification published on 3/12/2010 at 75 FR 12088.
Ozone (8-hour, 1997) Determination of Attainment St. Louis area N/A 6/9/2011, 76 FR 33647
Ozone (8-hour, 1997) maintenance plan revision Chicago area 3/28/2014 10/6/2014, 79 FR 60073 Revised VOC and NOX Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets (MVEB) for the year 2025.
Ozone (8-hour, 1997) redesignation and maintenance plan Chicago area 7/23/2009, and 9/16/2011 8/13/2012, 77 FR 48062
Ozone (8-hour, 1997) redesignation and maintenance plan St. Louis area 5/26/2010, and 9/16/2011 6/12/2012, 77 FR 34819
Ozone (8-hour, 1997) second maintenance plan St. Louis area 8/24/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449 Jersey County only.
Ozone (8-hour, 2008) Determination of Attainment St. Louis area N/A 6/27/2016, 81 FR 41444 determination that the area attained by the 7/20/2016 attainment date.
Ozone (8-hour, 2008) redesignation and maintenance plan St. Louis area 5/8/2017 3/1/2018, 83 FR 8756
Ozone (8-hour, 2008) redesignation and maintenance plan Chicago Area 1/25/2022 5/20/2022, 87 FR 30828
PM10 maintenance plan Granite City area 3/19/1996, and 10/15/1996 3/11/1998, 47 FR 11842
PM10 maintenance plan Lake Calumet (Southeast Chicago), Cook County 8/2/2005, as supplemented on 9/8/2005 9/22/2005, 70 FR 55545
PM10 maintenance plan LaSalle County 6/2/1995, and 1/9/1996 8/8/1996, 61 FR 41342
PM10 maintenance plan Lyons Township (McCook), Cook County 8/2/2005 9/22/2005, 70 FR 55541
PM2.5 (1997)—Clean Data Determination St. Louis area N/A 5/23/2011, 76 FR 29652
PM2.5 (1997)—Determination of Attainment Chicago area N/A 11/27/2009, 74 FR 62243
PM2.5 (1997)—Determination of Attainment St. Louis area N/A 6/27/2012, 77 FR 38184
PM2.5 (1997)—maintenance plan and motor vehicle emissions budgets Chicago area 10/15/2010, supplemented on 9/16/2011, and 5/6/2013 10/2/2013, 78 FR 60704
PM2.5 (1997)—maintenance plan and motor vehicle emissions budgets St. Louis area 12/6/2018 5/28/2019, 84 FR 24395
Sulfur dioxide (2010) nonattainment plans Lemont and Pekin 3/2/2016 2/1/2018, 83 FR 4591
Sulfur dioxide (2010) nonattainment plan Alton Township 12/31/2018 2/21/2023, 88 FR 10464
Sulfur dioxide control strategy Cincinnati, Pekin and Elm Grove Townships in Tazewell County and Logan and Limestone Townships in Peoria County 3/24/1983 and 5/3/1983 8/8/1984, 49 FR 31685 Correction to codification published on 2/9/1994 at 59 FR 5955.
Sulfur dioxide maintenance plan Peoria and Hollis Townships in Peoria County and Groveland Township in Tazewell County 11/10/1994 60 FR 17001, 4/4/1995
Sulfur dioxide (2010) maintenance plan Lemont and Pekin 5/24/2019 5/26/2020, 85 FR 31378
Emission Inventories
Emission inventory—1990 (1-hour ozone) Chicago and St. Louis areas 11/12/1993 3/14/1995, 60 FR 13631
Emission inventories—2002 (NOX, primary PM2.5, SO2, ammonia, and VOC) Chicago area 10/15/2010, supplemented on 5/6/2013 10/2/2013, 78 FR 60704
Emissions inventory—2002 (1997 8-hour ozone) St. Louis area 5/26/2010, supplemented on 9/16/2011 6/12/2012, 77 FR 34819
Emissions inventory—2002 (1997 8-hour ozone) Chicago area 6/21/2006, supplemented on 9/16/2011 8/13/2012, 77 FR 48062
Emissions inventories—2008 (NOX, primary PM2.5, SO2, ammonia, and VOC) St. Louis area 12/6/2018 5/28/2019, 84 FR 24395
Emission inventory—2011 (2008 8-hour ozone) St. Louis area 9/3/2014 3/7/2016, 81 FR 11671
Emission inventory—2011 (2008 8-hour ozone) Chicago area 1/10/2019 8/19/2020, 85 FR 50955
Emission inventory—2012 (2008 Lead) Chicago and Granite City areas 9/22/2016 3/28/2018, 83 FR 13198
Emissions inventory—2017 (2015 8-hour ozone) Chicago and St. Louis areas 10/22/2020 8/15/2023, 88 FR 55383
Moderate Area & Above Ozone Requirements
15 percent rate-of-progress and 3 percent contingency plans Chicago and St. Louis areas 11/15/1993 12/18/1997, 62 FR 66279
I/M certification (8-hour, 2008 ozone) Chicago area 1/10/2019 8/19/2020, 85 FR 50955
Negative declaration—Natural gas/gasoline processing plants State-wide 11/14/1985 11/24/1986, 51 FR 42221
Negative declaration—Aerospace manufacturing and rework industry Chicago and St. Louis areas 10/11/1996 2/11/1997, 62 FR 6127
Negative declaration—Industrial cleaning solvents category St. Louis area 10/2/1998 1/6/1999, 64 FR 756
Negative declaration—Industrial cleaning solvents category Chicago area 12/23/1999 2/7/2001, 66 FR 9206
Negative declaration—Industrial wastewater category Chicago area 12/23/1999 4/27/2001, 66 FR 21096
Negative declaration—Industrial wastewater category St. Louis area 10/2/1998 1/6/1999, 64 FR 756
Negative declaration—Shipbuilding and ship repair industry Chicago and St. Louis areas 10/11/1996 2/11/1997, 62 FR 6126
2008 8-hour Ozone Negative Declarations Chicago area 1/10/2019 8/13/2021, 86 FR 44616 Includes: Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Facilities, High-Density Polyethylene, Polypropylene, and Polystyrene Resins, Natural Gas/Gasoline Processing Plants, Oil and Natural Gas Industry, Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry, and Vegetable Oil Processing.
2008 8-hour Ozone Section 182(b)(2) VOC RACT Rules Certification Chicago area 1/10/2019 8/13/2021, 86 FR 44616
2008 8-hour Ozone Non-CTG RACT Demonstration— Chicago area 1/10/2019 8/13/2021, 86 FR 44616 Industrial Wastewater Category.
2008 8-hour Ozone Serious Planning Elements Chicago Area 1/25/2022 5/20/2022, 87 FR 30828 2035 VOC and NO X motor vehicle emissions budgets, VOC RACT certification, Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program certification, clean-fuel vehicle programs certification, enhanced monitoring of ozone and ozone precursors certification.
2008 8-hour Ozone NO X RACT Waiver Chicago Area 1/25/2022 5/20/2022, 87 FR 30828
NOX RACT waiver (1997 8-hour ozone) Chicago and St. Louis areas 7/29/2010 2/22/2011, 76 FR 9655
NOX waiver—RACT, NSR, vehicle I/M, and general conformity Chicago severe nonattainment area 7/13/1994 1/26/1996, 61 FR 2428 does not cover the exemption of NOX transportation conformity requirements.
NOX waiver—transportation conformity requirements Chicago severe nonattainment area 6/20/1995 2/12/1996, 61 FR 5291
Photochemical assessment ambient monitoring system (PAMS) 11/4/1993 2/25/1994, 59 FR 9091
Post-1996 Rate Of Progress Plan Chicago area 12/18/1997,
1/21/2000, and
12/18/2000, 65 FR 78961 Includes Contingency measure plan and Transportation Control Measures (TCMs).
Transportation control measures as part of the 15 percent rate-of-progress and 3 percent contingency plans St. Louis area 11/15/1993 12/18/1997, 62 FR 66279 Work trip reductions; transit improvements; and traffic flow improvements.
Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) SIP and, transportation control measures (TCMs) as part of the 15 percent rate-of-progress plan Chicago area 7/14/1994 9/21/1995, 60 FR 48896
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements
1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS Infrastructure Requirements Statewide 12/12/2007 and 9/22/2020 4/8/2022, 87 FR 20715 All CAA infrastructure elements under 110(a)(2) have been approved except (D)(i)(I) [Prongs 1 and 2]. A FIP is in place for these elements.
1997 PM2.5 NAAQS Infrastructure Requirements Statewide 12/12/2007 and 9/22/2020 4/8/2022, 87 FR 20715 All CAA infrastructure elements under 110(a)(2) have been approved except (D)(i)(I) [Prongs 1 and 2]. A FIP is in place for these elements.
2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS Infrastructure Requirements Statewide 8/9/2011, supplemented on 8/25/2011, 6/27/2012,
7/5/2017 and 9/22/2020
4/8/2022, 87 FR 20715 All CAA infrastructure elements under 110(a)(2) have been approved except (D)(i)(I) [Prongs 1 and 2]. A FIP is in place for these elements.
2008 Lead NAAQS Infrastructure Requirements Statewide 12/31/2012,
7/5/2017 and 9/22/2020
4/8/2022, 87 FR 20715 All CAA infrastructure elements under 110(a)(2) have been approved.
2008 Ozone NAAQS Infrastructure Requirements Statewide 12/31/2012,
7/5/2017 and 9/22/2020
4/8/2022, 87 FR 20715 All CAA infrastructure elements under 110(a)(2) have been approved except (D)(i)(I) [Prongs 1 and 2]. A FIP is in place for these elements.
2010 NO2 NAAQS Infrastructure Requirements Statewide 12/31/2012,
7/5/2017 and 9/22/2020
4/8/2022, 87 FR 20715 All CAA infrastructure elements under 110(a)(2) have been approved.
2010 SO2 NAAQS Infrastructure Requirements Statewide 12/31/2012,
7/5/2017 and 9/22/2020
4/8/2022, 87 FR 20715 All CAA infrastructure elements under 110(a)(2) have been approved except (D)(i)(I) [Prongs 1 and 2], which have not yet been submitted.
2012 PM2.5 NAAQS Infrastructure Requirements Statewide 9/29/2017 and 9/22/2020 4/8/2022, 87 FR 20715 All CAA infrastructure elements under 110(a)(2) have been approved except (D)(i)(II) Prong 4.
2015 Ozone NAAQS Infrastructure Requirements Statewide 5/16/2019 and 9/22/2020 2/13/2023, 88 FR 9336 All CAA infrastructure elements under 110(a)(2) have been approved except (D)(i)(I) Prongs 1, 2, which are disapproved, and no action has been taken on (D)(i)(II) Prong 4.
[82 FR 30638, June 30, 2017]
Editorial Notes:
1. For Federal Register citations affecting § 52.720, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov..

2. At 83 FR 50855, Oct. 10, 2018, § 52.720(c) was amended in part by revising entries for 201.103, 201.104, and 211.4720; however, the revisions could not be completed because those entries did not exist.

3. At 86 FR 54627, Oct. 4, 2021, § 52.720(c) was amended in part by adding entries for 243.120, 243.122, 243.123, 243.124, and 243.126 under the heading “Subpart B: Standards and Measurement Methods.” Those entries already existed, resulting in duplicate entries. At 89 FR 2885, Jan. 17, 2024, the duplicate entry for 243.122 in § 52.720(c) was removed, effective Feb. 16, 2024.