43 CFR § 32.5 - Administrative requirements.

§ 32.5 Administrative requirements.

(a) The Governor in each State shall designate the State agency having program administration responsibility as the recipient YACC grantee. The non-Federal component of YACC in each State will be carried out by the designated agency. Other State agencies, lower tier governmental organizations, units of local government, any public agency or organization or any private nonprofit agency or organization which has been in operation at least 2 years, may apply to the designated State agency for a YACC sub-grant or contract.

(b) At least 25 percent of the enrollees in each State YACC program must be residential by September 30, 1978. However, the Secretaries may waive this residential requirement where State funding allocations provide for minimum enrollment numbers. Cost per enrollee limitations imposed on Interior and Forest Service in the total program will also be applicable to Grantee programs; limitation information will be furnished through planning advice to Grantees.

(c) All grantee camp/project site selections/locations shall be approved by Interior and Forest Service through their Regional/Area Offices.

(d) Federal Management Circular (FMC) 74-4 and Office of Management and Budget Circular (OMB) A-102 (formerly FMC 74-7) are applicable to all grants, agreements, and contracts entered into under this part. Copies of these documents can be obtained through any of the several regional offices of the Secretaries.

(e) Grantees shall establish procedures to insure that operational directives, guidelines, controls, and records, including appropriate and sufficient enrollee records, are established, promulgated, and maintained, in accordance with established policies and procedures contained herein and consistent with the requirements in Attachment C to OMB Circular A-102.

(f) “Request for advance or reimbursement” as outlined in Attachment H to OMB Circular A-102 will be used to obtain advance funding or for reimbursement. Advances are limited to 30-day needs and may not be made before approval of the grant application.

(g) Except where specifically excluded in Circulars 74-4 and A-102, grantees shall impose the requirements of this part on all State and local government sub grantees and contractors. Grantees are responsible for administering their subgrants and contracts under these guidelines, and shall make a periodic review of all non-Federal YACC projects under its administrative control during each operating year.