43 CFR § 32.6 - Request for grant.

§ 32.6 Request for grant.

(a) All States will be given an opportunity to participate in the program. Thirty percent of each appropriation will be allocated among the States on the basis of total youth population as defined in § 32.2(o) of this part.

(b) States may apply for grants under the program in accordance with Attachment M of OMB Circular A-102. Forms and instructions may be obtained from either Forest Service or Interior Regional/Area locations throughout the country.

(c) The Grantee shall submit a consolidated application for all YACC projects included in its program.

(d) Allocated grant funds not needed by a State may be reallocated to another State at the discretion of the Secretaries. The Secretaries may choose to reallocate such funds to any one or several of the applicants in order to maximize employment. Section 32.9 of this part shall also apply to fund reallocation.

(e) The Secretaries have designated officials at their respective Regional/Area Offices to receive and approve State applications for YACC grants. These officials must jointly act on all applications and will furnish technical assistance and advice concerning all YACC program matters. The names and addresses of these designated Federal officials will be furnished to each State.

(f) The initial YACC State Grant Program year shall be from April 1, 1978, to March 31, 1979. Program years beginning in FY 79 will be consistent with the Federal fiscal year (October 1 to September 30).