44 CFR § 209.8 - Application and review process.

§ 209.8 Application and review process.

(a) General. This section describes the procedures to be used by the State in submitting an application for funding under the Supplemental Property Acquisition and Elevation Assistance program. Under this program, the State is the grantee and is responsible for processing subgrants to applicants in accordance with 44 CFR part 13 and this part.

(b) Timeframes. We will establish deadlines for States to submit applications, and States will set local application deadlines. States may begin forwarding applications to us immediately upon Notice of Availability of Funds and must forward all applications not later than the date set by the Regional Administrator. States must provide to us the information described below in paragraph (c) of this section for each property proposed for acquisition or elevation in support of the supplemental allocation requested and within the timeframe that we establish. We will verify project eligibility estimates provided by States in order to assure that all projects meet the criteria for the supplemental grant awards. We will perform an independent verification of this information for not less than 50 percent of the properties submitted.

(c) Format. The State will forward its application to the Regional Administrator. The Application will include: a Standard Form (SF) 424, Application for Federal Assistance; FEMA form 20-15, Budget Information—Construction Programs; Project Narrative (section 209.8(c)—community project applications (buyout plans) selected by the State); FEMA form 20-16, 20-16b and 20-16c Assurances and Certifications; Standard Form LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities; FEMA form 20-10, Financial Status Report; the Performance/Progress Report format; and the State's certification that the State has reviewed all applications and that they meet program eligibility criteria. The Project Narrative (community project applications) will include:

(1) Community applicant information, including contact names and numbers;

(2) Description of the problem addressed by the proposed project;

(3) Description of the applicant's decision-making process, including alternatives considered;

(4) Project description, including property locations/addresses and scope of activities;

(5) Project cost estimate and match source;

(6) For acquisition projects, open space use description and maintenance assurance;

(7) Risk and cost-effectiveness information, or State's benefit-cost analysis;

(8) Environmental and historic preservation information including

(i) Whether the property is now or ever has been used for commercial or industrial purposes, and

(ii) Any information regarding historic preservation that is readily available;

(9) Attachments for each property as follows:

(i) A photograph of the structure from the street;

(ii) Owner's name;

(iii) Complete address, including zip code;

(iv) Latitude and longitude;

(v) The date of construction;

(vi) Proximity to the 100-year floodplain;

(vii) Panel and date of the applicable Flood Insurance Rate Map, if any;

(viii) The elevation of the first habitable floor and an estimate of the depth of flooding in the structure;

(ix) The estimated pre-event fair market value of the home. Applicants will estimate the value of properties using the best available information, such as inspections, public records and market values of similar properties in similar neighborhoods to arrive at a pre-event fair market value that reflects what a willing buyer would have paid a willing seller had the disaster not occurred. If tax assessment data are used as the basis, the applicant should add the relevant adjustment percentage for that jurisdiction to adjust the tax assessment to the current fair market value. These adjustment data should be obtained from the jurisdiction's tax assessor's office. For any jurisdictions where the adjustment factor is over 25 percent, applicants should include a justification for the high adjustment factor. Applicants should not include any other project costs in the property values. These costs will be reflected elsewhere;

(x) Indication whether flood insurance was in force at the time of the loss, and policy number, if available.

(xi) Indications that the property will meet the definition of uninhabitable:

(A) Substantial damage determination, and name and title of determining official, or if not yet determined then:

(1) For manufactured homes (mobile homes), inundation of 1 foot or more of water above the first habitable floor or other evidence of substantial damage; or

(2) For permanent structures other than manufactured homes, inundation of 5 feet or more of water above the first above-ground habitable floor or other evidence of substantial damage. Habitable floors do not include basements.

(B) Were red- or yellow-tagged and declared uninhabitable due to environmental contamination by floodwaters, or otherwise determined to be uninhabitable by a State or local official under current codes or ordinances; or

(C) Were demolished due to damage or environmental contamination by floodwaters.

(xii) Information regarding whether the structure is on the NFIP repetitive loss list (provide NFIP Repetitive Loss Property Locator Number, if available); and

(xiii) Observations on whether acquisition or elevation of the structure may result in a mixture of vacant lots and lots with structures remaining on them; and

(10) FEMA review and approval. We will review and verify the State's eligibility determination and either approve, deny, or request additional information within 60 days. The Regional Administrator may extend this timeframe if complicated issues arise. We have final approval authority for funding of all projects.

[66 FR 32669, June 15, 2001; 66 FR 49554, Sept. 28, 2001; 74 FR 15353, Apr. 3, 2009]