46 CFR § 26.03-2 - Emergency instructions.

§ 26.03-2 Emergency instructions.

(a) The operator or master of each uninspected passenger vessel must ensure that an emergency check-off list is posted in a prominent and accessible place to notify the passengers and remind the crew of precautionary measures that may be necessary if an emergency situation occurs.

(b) Except where any part of the emergency instructions are deemed unnecessary by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, the emergency checkoff list must contain not less than the applicable portions of the sample emergency checkoff list which follows:

Sample Emergency Checkoff List

Measures to be considered in the event of:

(a) Rough weather at sea or crossing hazardous bars.

□ All weathertight and watertight doors, hatches and airports closed to prevent taking water aboard.
□ Bilges kept dry to prevent loss of stability.
□ Passengers seated and evenly distributed.
□ All passengers wearing life preservers in conditions of very rough seas or if about to cross a bar under hazardous conditions.
□ An international distress call and a call to the Coast Guard over radiotelephone made if assistance is needed (if radiotelephone equipped).

(b) Man overboard.

□ Ring buoy thrown overboard as close to the victim as possible.
□ Lookout posted to keep the victim in sight.
□ Crewmember, wearing a life preserver and lifeline, standing by ready to jump into the water to assist the victim back aboard.
Coast Guard and all vessels in the vicinity notified by radiotelephone (if radiotelephone equipped).
□ Search continued until after radiotelephone consultation with the Coast Guard, if at all possible.

(c) Fire at Sea.

□ Air supply to the fire cut off by closing hatches, ports, doors, and ventilators, etc.
□ Portable extinguishers discharged at the base of the flames of flammable liquid or grease fires or water applied to fires in combustible solids.
□ If fire is in machinery spaces, fuel supply and ventilation shut off and any installed fixed firefighting system discharged.
□ Vessel maneuvered to minimize the effect of wind on the fire.
Coast Guard and all vessels in the vicinity notified by radiotelephone of the fire and vessel location (if radiotelephone equipped).
□ Passengers moved away from fire and wearing life preservers.

(c) When in the judgment of the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, the operation of any vessel subject to this section does not present the hazards listed on the emergency checkoff list or when any vessel has no suitable mounting surface, an exclusion from the requirements of § 26.03-2(a) and (b) is granted by letter.

[CGD 78-009, 45 FR 11109, Feb. 19, 1980, as amended by USCG-1999-5040, 67 FR 34776, May 15, 2002]