49 CFR § 1152.10 - System diagram map.

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§ 1152.10 System diagram map.

(a) Each carrier shall prepare a diagram of its rail system on a map, designating all lines in its system by the categories established in paragraph (b) of this section. A Class III carrier shall either prepare the aforementioned map of its rail system or file only a narrative description of its lines that provides all of the information required in this subpart.

(b) All lines in each carrier's rail system shall be separated into the following categories:

(1) All lines or portions of lines which the carrier anticipates will be the subject of an abandonment or discontinuance application to be filed within the 3-year period following the date upon which the diagram or narrative, or any amended diagram or narrative, is filed with the Board;

(2) All lines or portions of lines which are potentially subject to abandonment, defined as those which the carrier has under study and believes may be the subject of a future abandonment application because of either anticipated operating losses or excessive rehabilitation costs, as compared to potential revenues;

(3) All lines or portions of lines for which an abandonment or discontinuance application is pending before the Board on the date upon which the diagram or narrative, or any amended diagram or narrative, is filed with the Board;

(4) All lines or portions of lines which are being operated under the rail service continuation provisions of 49 U.S.C. 10904 (and former 49 U.S.C. 10905) on the date upon which the diagram or narrative, or any amended diagram or narrative, is filed with the Board; and

(5) All other lines or portions of lines which the carrier owns and operates, directly or indirectly.

(c) The system diagram map shall be color-coded to show the 5 categories of lines as follows:

(1) Red shall designate those lines described in § 1152.10(b)(1);

(2) Green shall designate those lines described in § 1152.10(b)(2);

(3) Yellow shall designate those lines described in § 1152.10(b)(3);

(4) Brown shall designate those lines described in § 1152.10(b)(4); and

(5) Black or dark blue shall designate those lines described in § 1152.10(b)(5).

(d) The system diagram map shall also identify, and shall be drawn to a scale sufficient to depict clearly, the location of:

(1) All state boundary lines;

(2) Boundaries of every county in which is situated a rail line owned or operated by the carrier which is listed in categories 1 thru 4 (§ 1152.10(b)(1) thru (4));

(3) Every Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) any portion of which is located within 5 air miles of a rail line owned or operated by the carrier; and

(4) Every city outside an SMSA which has a population of 5,000 or more persons (according to the latest published United States census reports) and which has any portion located within 5 air miles of a rail line owned or operated by the carrier. A series of interrelated maps may be used where the system serves a very large or congested area. An explanation of the interrelationship must be furnished.