49 CFR § 173.224 - Packaging and control and emergency temperatures for self-reactive materials.

§ 173.224 Packaging and control and emergency temperatures for self-reactive materials.

(a) General. When the § 172.101 table of this subchapter specifies that a Division 4.1 material be packaged in accordance with this section, only packagings which conform to the provisions of this section may be used. Each packaging must conform to the general packaging requirements of subpart B of this part and the applicable requirements of part 178 of this subchapter. Non-bulk packagings must meet Packing Group II performance levels. To avoid unnecessary confinement, metallic non-bulk packagings meeting Packing Group I are not authorized. Self-reactive materials which require temperature control are subject to the provisions of § 173.21(f). Packagings required to bear a Class 1 subsidiary label must conform to §§ 173.60 through 173.62.

(b) Self-Reactive Materials Table. The Self-Reactive Materials Table specifies, by technical name, those self-reactive materials that are authorized for transportation and not subject to the approval provisions of § 173.124(a)(2)(iii). A self-reactive material identified by technical name in the following table is authorized for transportation only if it conforms to all applicable provisions of the table. The column headings of the Self-Reactive Materials Table are as follows:

(1) Technical name. Column 1 specifies the technical name.

(2) ID number. Column 2 specifies the identification number which is used to identify the proper shipping name in the § 172.101 table.

(3) Concentration of self-reactive material. Column 3 specifies the concentration (percent) limitations, if any, in mixtures or solutions for the self-reactive material. Limitations are given as minimums, maximums, or a range, as appropriate. A range includes the lower and upper limits (i.e., “53-100” means from, and including, 53 percent to, and including 100 percent).

(4) Packing method. Column 4 specifies the highest packing method that is authorized for the self-reactive material. A packing method corresponding to a smaller package size may be used, but a packing method corresponding to a larger package size may not be used. The Table of Packing Methods in § 173.225(d) defines the packing methods. Bulk packagings for Type F organic peroxides are authorized by § 173.225(f) for IBCs and § 173.225(h) for bulk packagings other than IBCs. The formulations not listed in this section but listed in § 173.225(e) for IBCs and in § 173.225(g) for portable tanks may also be transported packed in accordance with packing method OP8, with the same control and emergency temperatures, if applicable. Additional bulk packagings are authorized if approved by the Associate Administrator.

(5) Control temperature. Column 5 specifies the control temperature in °C. Temperatures are specified only when temperature controls are required (see § 173.21(f)).

(6) Emergency temperature. Column 6 specifies the emergency temperature in °C. Temperatures are specified only when temperature controls are required (see § 173.21(f)).

(7) Notes. Column 7 specifies other applicable provisions, as set forth in notes following the table.

Table 1 to Paragraph (b)—Self-Reactive Materials Table

Self-reactive substance Identification No. Concentration—
Packing method Control
( °C)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Acetone-pyrogallol copolymer 2-diazo-1-naphthol-5-sulphonate 3228 100 OP8
Azodicarbonamide formulation type B, temperature controlled 3232 <100 OP5 1
Azodicarbonamide formulation type C 3224 <100 OP6
Azodicarbonamide formulation type C, temperature controlled 3234 <100 OP6 1
Azodicarbonamide formulation type D 3226 <100 OP7
Azodicarbonamide formulation type D, temperature controlled 3236 <100 OP7 1
2,2′-Azodi(2,4-dimethyl-4-methoxyvaleronitrile) 3236 100 OP7 −5 +5
2,2′-Azodi(2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile) 3236 100 OP7 +10 +15
2,2′-Azodi(ethyl 2-methylpropionate) 3235 100 OP7 +20 +25
1,1-Azodi(hexahydrobenzonitrile) 3226 100 OP7
2,2-Azodi(isobutyronitrile) 3234 100 OP6 +40 +45
2,2′-Azodi(isobutyronitrile) as a water-based paste 3224 ≤50 OP6
2,2-Azodi(2-methylbutyronitrile) 3236 100 OP7 +35 +40
Benzene-1,3-disulphonylhydrazide, as a paste 3226 52 OP7
Benzene sulphohydrazide 3226 100 OP7
4-(Benzyl(ethyl)amino)-3-ethoxybenzenediazonium zinc chloride 3226 100 OP7
4-(Benzyl(methyl)amino)-3-ethoxybenzenediazonium zinc chloride 3236 100 OP7 +40 +45
3-Chloro-4-diethylaminobenzenediazonium zinc chloride 3226 100 OP7
2-Diazo-1-Naphthol sulphonic acid ester mixture 3226 <100 OP7 4
2-Diazo-1-Naphthol-4-sulphonyl chloride 3222 100 OP5
2-Diazo-1-Naphthol-5-sulphonyl chloride 3222 100 OP5
2,5-Dibutoxy-4-(4-morpholinyl)-Benzenediazonium, tetrachlorozincate (2:1) 3228 100 OP8
2,5-Diethoxy-4-morpholinobenzenediazonium zinc chloride 3236 67-100 OP7 +35 +40
2,5-Diethoxy-4-morpholinobenzenediazonium zinc chloride 3236 66 OP7 +40 +45
2,5-Diethoxy-4-morpholinobenzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate 3236 100 OP7 +30 +35
2,5-Diethoxy-4-(phenylsulphonyl)benzenediazonium zinc chloride 3236 67 OP7 +40 +45
2,5-Diethoxy-4-(4-morpholinyl)-benzenediazonium sulphate 3226 100 OP7
Diethylene glycol bis(allyl carbonate) +Diisopropylperoxydicarbonate 3237 ≥88 + ≤12 OP8 −10 0
2,5-Dimethoxy-4-(4-methylphenylsulphony)benzenediazonium zinc chloride 3236 79 OP7 +40 +45
4-Dimethylamino-6-(2-dimethylaminoethoxy)toluene-2-diazonium zinc chloride 3236 100 OP7 +40 +45
4-(Dimethylamino)-benzenediazonium trichlorozincate (-1) 3228 100 OP8
N,N′-Dinitroso-N, N′-dimethyl-terephthalamide, as a paste 3224 72 OP6
N,N′-Dinitrosopentamethylenetetramine 3224 82 OP6 2
Diphenyloxide-4,4′-disulphohydrazide 3226 100 OP7
Diphenyloxide-4,4′-disulphonylhydrazide 3226 100 OP7
4-Dipropylaminobenzenediazonium zinc chloride 3226 100 OP7
2-(N,N-Ethoxycarbonylphenylamino)-3-methoxy-4-(N-methyl-N- cyclohexylamino)benzenediazonium zinc chloride 3236 63-92 OP7 +40 +45
2-(N,N-Ethoxycarbonylphenylamino)-3-methoxy-4-(N-methyl-N- cyclohexylamino)benzenediazonium zinc chloride 3236 62 OP7 +35 +40
N-Formyl-2-(nitromethylene)-1,3-perhydrothiazine 3236 100 OP7 +45 +50
2-(2-Hydroxyethoxy)-1-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)benzene-4-diazonium zinc chloride 3236 100 OP7 +45 +50
3-(2-Hydroxyethoxy)-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)benzenediazonium zinc chloride 3236 100 OP7 +40 +45
7-Methoxy-5-methyl-benzothiophen-2-yl boronic acid” 3230 88-100 6
2-(N,N-Methylaminoethylcarbonyl)-4-(3,4-dimethyl-phenylsulphonyl) benzenediazonium hydrogen sulphate 3236 96 OP7 +45 +50
4-Methylbenzenesulphonylhydrazide 3226 100 OP7
3-Methyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)benzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate 3234 95 OP6 +45 +50
4-Nitrosophenol 3236 100 OP7 +35 +40
Phosphorothioic acid, O-[(cyanophenyl methylene) azanyl] O,O-diethyl ester 3227 82-91 (Z isomer) OP8 5
Self-reactive liquid, sample 3223 OP2 3
Self-reactive liquid, sample, temperature control 3233 OP2 3
Self-reactive solid, sample 3224 OP2 3
Self-reactive solid, sample, temperature control 3234 OP2 3
Sodium 2-diazo-1-naphthol-4-sulphonate 3226 100 OP7
Sodium 2-diazo-1-naphthol-5-sulphonate 3226 100 OP7
Tetramine palladium (II) nitrate 3234 100 OP6 +30 +35


1. The emergency and control temperatures must be determined in accordance with § 173.21(f).

2. With a compatible diluent having a boiling point of not less than 150 °C.

3. Samples may only be offered for transportation under the provisions of paragraph (c)(3) of this section.

4. This entry applies to mixtures of esters of 2-diazo-1-naphthol-4-sulphonic acid and 2-diazo-1-naphthol-5-sulphonic acid.

5. This entry applies to the technical mixture in n-butanol within the specified concentration limits of the (Z) isomer.

6. The technical compound with the specified concentration limits may contain up to 12% water and up to 1% organic impurities.

(c) New self-reactive materials, formulations and samples.

(1) Except as provided for samples in paragraph (c)(3) or (4) of this section, no person may offer, accept for transportation, or transport a self-reactive material which is not identified by technical name in the Self-Reactive Materials Table of this section, or a formulation of one or more self-reactive materials which are identified by technical name in the table, unless the self-reactive material is assigned a generic type and shipping description and is approved by the Associate Administrator under the provisions of § 173.124(a)(2)(iii).

(2) Except as provided by an approval issued under § 173.124(a)(2)(iii), intermediate bulk and bulk packagings are not authorized.

(3) Samples of new self-reactive materials or new formulations of self-reactive materials identified in the Self-Reactive Materials Table in paragraph (b) of this section, for which complete test data are not available, and which are to be transported for further testing or product evaluation, may be assigned an appropriate shipping description for Self-reactive materials Type C, packaged and offered for transportation under the following conditions:

(i) Data available to the person offering the material for transportation must indicate that the sample would pose a level of hazard no greater than that of a self-reactive material Type B and that the control temperature, if any, is sufficiently low to prevent any dangerous decomposition and sufficiently high to prevent any dangerous phase separation;

(ii) The sample must be packaged in accordance with packing method OP2;

(iii) Packages of the self-reactive material may be offered for transportation and transported in a quantity not to exceed 10 kg (22 pounds) per transport vehicle; and

(iv) One of the following shipping descriptions must be assigned:

(A) Self-reactive, liquid, type C, 4.1, UN 3223.

(B) Self-reactive, solid, type C, 4.1, UN 3224.

(C) Self-reactive, liquid, type C, temperature controlled, 4.1, UN 3233.

(D) Self-reactive, solid, type C, temperature controlled, 4.1, UN 3234.

(4) Samples of organic substances carrying functional groups listed in tables A6.1 and/or A6.2 in Annex 6 (Screening Procedures) of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter) may be transported under UN 3224 or UN 3223, as applicable, of Division 4.1 provided that:

(i) The samples do not contain any:

(A) Known explosives;

(B) Substances showing explosive effects in testing;

(C) Compounds designed with the view of producing a practical explosive or pyrotechnic effect;

(D) Components consisting of synthetic precursors of intentional explosives;

(ii) For mixtures, complexes or salts of inorganic oxidizing substances of Division 5.1 with organic material(s), the concentration of the inorganic oxidizing substance is:

(A) Less than 15 percent, by mass, if assigned to Packing Group I or II; or

(B) Less than 30 percent, by mass, if assigned to Packing Group III;

(iii) Available data does not allow a more precise classification;

(iv) The sample is not packed together with other goods;

(v) Must be packaged as follows:

(A) The quantity per individual inner cavity does not exceed 0.01 g for solids or 0.01 mL for liquids and the maximum net quantity per outer packaging does not exceed 20 g for solids or 20 mL for liquids, or in the case of mixed packing the sum of grams and mL does not exceed 20:

(1) The samples are carried in microtiter plates or multi-titer plates made of plastics, glass, porcelain or stoneware as an inner packaging;

(2) only combination packaging with outer packaging comprising boxes (4A, 4B, 4N, 4C1, 4C2, 4D, 4F, 4G, 4H1 and 4H2) are permitted; or

(B) The maximum content of each inner packaging does not exceed 1 g for solids or 1 mL for liquids and the maximum net quantity per outer packaging does not exceed 56 g for solids or 56 mL for liquids, or in the case of mixed packing the sum of grams and mL does not exceed 56:

(1) The individual substance is contained in an inner packaging of glass or plastics of maximum capacity of 30 mL placed in an expandable polyethylene foam matrix of at least 130 mm thickness having a density of 18 ± 1 g/L;

(2) Within the foam carrier, inner packagings are segregated from each other by a minimum distance of 40 mm and from the wall of the outer packaging by a minimum distance of 70 mm. The package may contain up to two layers of such foam matrices, each carrying up to twenty-eight inner packagings;

(3) The outer packaging consists only of corrugated fiberboard boxes (4G) having minimum dimensions of 60 cm (length) by 40.5 cm (width) by 30 cm (height) and minimum wall thickness of 1.3 cm.

(vi) When dry ice or liquid nitrogen is optionally used as a coolant for quality control measures, all applicable requirements of this subchapter must be met. Interior supports must be provided to secure the inner packagings in the original position after the ice or dry ice has dissipated. If ice is used, the outside packaging or overpack must be leakproof. If dry ice is used, the requirements in § 173.217 must be met. The inner and outer packagings must maintain their integrity at the temperature of the refrigerant used as well as the temperatures and the pressures which could result if refrigeration were lost.

[Amdt. 173-241, 59 FR 67511, Dec. 29, 1994] ]
Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 173.224, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.