7 CFR § 226.2 - Definitions.

§ 226.2 Definitions.

2 CFR part 200, means the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards published by OMB. The part reference covers applicable: Acronyms and Definitions (subpart A), General Provisions (subpart B), Post Federal Award Requirements (subpart D), Cost Principles (subpart E), and Audit Requirements (subpart F). (NOTE: Pre-Federal Award Requirements and Contents of Federal Awards (subpart C) does not apply to the National School Lunch Program).

Act means the National School Lunch Act, as amended.

Administrative costs means costs incurred by an institution related to planning, organizing, and managing a food service under the Program, and allowed by the State agency financial management instruction. These administrative costs may include administrative expenses associated with outreach and recruitment of unlicensed family or group day care homes and the allowable licensing-related expenses of such homes.

Administrative review means the fair hearing provided upon request to:

(a) An institution that has been given notice by the State agency of any action or proposed action that will affect their participation or reimbursement under the Program, in accordance with § 226.6(k);

(b) A principal or individual responsible for an institution's serious deficiency after the responsible principal or responsible individual has been given a notice of intent to disqualify them from the Program; and

(c) A day care home that has been given a notice of proposed termination for cause.

Administrative review official means the independent and impartial official who conducts the administrative review held in accordance with § 226.6(k).

Adult means, for the purposes of the collection of the last four digits of social security numbers as a condition of eligibility for free or reduced-price meals, any individual 21 years of age or older.

Adult day care center means any public or private nonprofit organization or any for-profit center (as defined in this section) which (a) is licensed or approved by Federal, State or local authorities to provide nonresidential adult day care services to functionally impaired adults (as defined in this section) or persons 60 years of age or older in a group setting outside their homes or a group living arrangement on a less than 24-hour basis and (b) provides for such care and services directly or under arrangements made by the agency or organization whereby the agency or organization maintains professional management responsibility for all such services. Such centers shall provide a structured, comprehensive program that provides a variety of health, social and related support services to enrolled adult participants through an individual plan of care.

Adult day care facility means a licensed or approved adult day care center under the auspices of a sponsoring organization.

Adult participant means a person enrolled in an adult day care center who is functionally impaired (as defined in this section) or 60 years of age or older.

Advanced payments means financial assistance made available to an institution for its Program costs prior to the month in which such costs will be incurred.

At-risk afterschool care center means a public or private nonprofit organization that is participating or is eligible to participate in the CACFP as an institution or as a sponsored facility and that provides nonresidential child care to children after school through an approved afterschool care program located in an eligible area. However, an Emergency shelter, as defined in this section, may participate as an at-risk afterschool care center without regard to location.

At-risk afterschool meal means a meal that meets the requirements described in § 226.20(b)(6) and/or (c)(1), (c)(2), or (c)(3), that is reimbursed at the appropriate free rate and is served by an At-risk afterschool care center as defined in this section, which is located in a State designated by law or selected by the Secretary as directed by law.

At-risk afterschool snack means a snack that meets the requirements described in § 226.20(b)(6) and/or (c)(4) that is reimbursed at the free rate for snacks and is served by an At-risk afterschool care center as defined in this section.

CACFP child care standards means the Child and Adult Care Food Program child care standards developed by the Department for alternate approval of child care centers, and day care homes by the State agency under the provisions of § 226.6(d)(3) and (4).

Center means a child care center, at-risk afterschool care center, an adult day care center, an emergency shelter, or an outside-school-hours care center.

Child care center means any public or private nonprofit institution or facility (except day care homes), or any for-profit center, as defined in this section, that is licensed or approved to provide nonresidential child care services to enrolled children, primarily of preschool age, including but not limited to day care centers, settlement houses, neighborhood centers, Head Start centers and organizations providing day care services for children with disabilities. Child care centers may participate in the Program as independent centers or under the auspices of a sponsoring organization.

Child care facility means a licensed or approved child care center, at-risk afterschool care center, day care home, emergency shelter, or outside-school-hours care center under the auspices of a sponsoring organization.

Children means:

(a) Persons age 12 and under;

(b) Persons age 15 and under who are children of migrant workers;

(c) Persons with disabilities as defined in this section;

(d) For emergency shelters, persons age 18 and under; and

(e) For at-risk afterschool care centers, persons age 18 and under at the start of the school year.

Claiming percentage means the ratio of the number of enrolled participants in an institution in each reimbursement category (free, reduced-price or paid) to the total of enrolled participants in the institution. In the case of an outside-school-hours care center that is not required to collect enrollment forms from each participating child, a claiming percentage is the ratio of the number of children in each reimbursement category (free, reduced-price or paid) to the total number of children participating in the program in that center.

Current income means income received during the month prior to application for free or reduced-price meals. If such income does not accurately reflect the household's annual income, income shall be based on the projected annual household income. If the prior year's income provides an accurate reflection of the household's current annual income, the prior year may be used as a base for the projected annual income.

Day care home means an organized nonresidential child care program for children enrolled in a private home, licensed or approved as a family or group day care home and under the auspices of a sponsoring organization.

Days means calendar days unless otherwise specified.

Department means the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Disclosure means reveal or use individual children's program eligibility information obtained through the free and reduced price meal eligibility process for a purpose other than for the purpose for which the information was obtained. The term refers to access, release, or transfer of personal data about children by means of print, tape, microfilm, microfiche, electronic communication or any other means.

Disqualified means the status of an institution, a responsible principal or responsible individual, or a day care home that is ineligible for participation.

Documentation means:

(a) The completion of the following information on a free and reduced-price application:

(1) Names of all household members;

(2) Income received by each household member, identified by source of income (such as earnings, wages, welfare, pensions, support payments, unemployment compensation, social security and other cash income);

(3) The signature of an adult household member; and

(4) The last four digits of the social security number of the adult household member who signs the application, or an indication that the adult does not possess a social security number; or

(b) For a child who is a member of a SNAP or FDPIR household or who is a TANF recipient, “documentation” means the completion of only the following information on a free and reduced price application:

(1) The name(s) and appropriate SNAP, FDPIR or TANF case number(s) for the child(ren); and

(2) The signature of an adult member of the household; or

(c) For a child in a tier II day care home who is a member of a household participating in a Federally or State supported child care or other benefit program with an income eligibility limit that does not exceed the eligibility standard for free or reduced price meals:

(1) The name(s), appropriate case number(s) (if the program utilizes case numbers), and name(s) of the qualifying program(s) for the child(ren), and the signature of an adult member of the household; or

(2) If the sponsoring organization or day care home possesses it, official evidence of the household's participation in a qualifying program (submission of a free and reduced price application by the household is not required in this case); or

(d) For an adult participant who is a member of a SNAP or FDPIR household or is an SSI or Medicaid participant, as defined in this section, “documentation” means the completion of only the following information on a free and reduced price application:

(1) The name(s) and appropriate SNAP or FDPIR case number(s) for the participant(s) or the adult participant's SSI or Medicaid identification number, as defined in this section; and

(2) The signature of an adult member of the household; or

(e) For a child who is a Head Start participant, the Head Start statement of income eligibility issued upon initial enrollment in the Head Start Program or, if such statement is unavailable, other documentation from Head Start officials that the child's family meets the Head Start Program's low-income criteria.

Eligible area means:

(a) For the purpose of determining the eligibility of at-risk afterschool care centers, the attendance area of a school in which at least 50 percent of the enrolled children are certified eligible for free or reduced-price school meals; or

(b) For the purpose of determining the tiering status of day care homes, the attendance area of a school in which at least 50 percent of the enrolled children are certified eligible for free or reduced-price meals, or the area based on the most recent census data in which at least 50 percent of the children residing in the area are members of households that meet the income standards for free or reduced-price meals.

Emergency shelter means a public or private nonprofit organization or its site that provides temporary shelter and food services to homeless children, including a residential child care institution (RCCI) that serves a distinct group of homeless children who are not enrolled in the RCCI's regular program.

Enrolled child means a child whose parent or guardian has submitted to an institution a signed document which indicates that the child is enrolled for child care. In addition, for the purposes of calculations made by sponsoring organizations of family day care homes in accordance with §§ 226.13(d)(3)(ii) and 226.13(d)(3)(iii), “enrolled child” (or “child in attendance”) means a child whose parent or guardian has submitted a signed document which indicates that the child is enrolled for child care; who is present in the day care home for the purpose of child care; and who has eaten at least one meal during the claiming period. For at-risk afterschool care centers, outside-school-hours care centers, or emergency shelters, the term “enrolled child” or “enrolled participant” does not apply.

Enrolled participant means an “Enrolled child” (as defined in this section) or “Adult participant” (as defined in this section).

Expansion payments means financial assistance made available to a sponsoring organization for its administrative expenses associated with expanding a food service program to day care homes located in low-income or rural areas. These expansion payments may include administrative expenses associated with outreach and recruitment of unlicensed family or group day care homes and the allowable licensing-related expenses of such homes.

Facility means a sponsored center or a day care home.

Family means, in the case of children, a group of related or nonrelated individuals, who are not residents of an institution or boarding house, but who are living as one economic unit or, in the case of adult participants, the adult participant, and if residing with the adult participant, the spouse and dependent(s) of the adult participant.

FDPIR household means any individual or group of individuals which is currently certified to receive assistance as a household under the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations.

Fiscal Year means a period of 12 calendar months beginning October 1 of any year and ending with September 30 of the following year.

FNS means the Food and Nutrition Service of the Department.

FNSRO means the appropriate Regional Office of the Food and Nutrition Service.

Food service equipment assistance means Federal financial assistance formerly made available to State agencies to assist institutions in the purchase or rental of equipment to enable institutions to establish, maintain or expand food service under the Program.

Food service management company means an organization other than a public or private nonprofit school, with which an institution may contract for preparing and, unless otherwise provided for, delivering meals, with or without milk for use in the Program.

For-profit center means a child care center, outside-school-hours care center, or adult day care center providing nonresidential care to adults or children that does not qualify for tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. For-profit centers serving adults must meet the criteria described in paragraph (a) of this definition. For-profit centers serving children must meet the criteria described in paragraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this definition, except that children who only participate in the at-risk afterschool snack and/or meal component of the Program must not be considered in determining the percentages under paragraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this definition.

(a) A for-profit center serving adults must meet the definition of Adult day care center as defined in this section and, during the calendar month preceding initial application or reapplication, the center receives compensation from amounts granted to the States under title XIX or title XX and twenty-five percent of the adults enrolled in care are beneficiaries of title XIX, title XX, or a combination of titles XIX and XX of the Social Security Act.

(b) A for-profit center serving children must meet the definition of Child care center or Outside-school-hours care center as defined in this section and one of the following conditions during the calendar month preceding initial application or reapplication:

(1) Twenty-five percent of the children in care (enrolled or licensed capacity, whichever is less) are eligible for free or reduced-price meals; or

(2) Twenty-five percent of the children in care (enrolled or licensed capacity, whichever is less) receive benefits from title XX of the Social Security Act and the center receives compensation from amounts granted to the States under title XX.

Foster child means a child who is formally placed by a court or a State child welfare agency, as defined in § 245.2 of this chapter.

Free meal means a meal served under the Program to:

(a) A participant from a family which meets the income standards for free school meals, or

(b) A foster child, or

(c) A child who is automatically eligible for free meals by virtue of SNAP, FDPIR, or TANF benefits, or

(d) A child who is a Head Start participant, or

(e) A child who is receiving temporary housing and meal services from an approved emergency shelter, or

(f) A child participating in an approved at-risk afterschool care program, or

(g) An adult participant who is automatically eligible for free meals by virtue of SNAP or FDPIR benefits, or

(h) An adult who is an SSI or Medicaid participant.

Functionally impaired adult means chronically impaired disabled persons 18 years of age or older, including persons with neurological and organic brain dysfunction, with physical or mental impairments to the extent that their capacity for independence and their ability to carry out activities of daily living is markedly limited. Activities of daily living include, but are not limited to, adaptive activities such as cleaning, shopping, cooking, taking public transportation, maintaining a residence, caring appropriately for one's grooming or hygiene, using a telephone, or using a post office. Marked limitations refer to the severity of impairment, and not the number of limited activities, and occur when the degree of limitation is such as to seriously interfere with the ability to function independently.

Group living arrangement means residential communities which may or may not be subsidized by federal, State or local funds but which are private residences housing an individual or a group of individuals who are primarily responsible for their own care and who maintain a presence in the community but who may receive on-site monitoring.

Head Start participant means a child currently receiving assistance under a Federally-funded Head Start Program who is categorically eligible for free meals in the CACFP by virtue of meeting Head Start's low-income criteria.

Household means “family”, as defined in § 226.2 (“Family”).

Household contact means a contact made by a sponsoring organization or a State agency to an adult member of a household with a child in a family day care home or a child care center in order to verify the attendance and enrollment of the child and the specific meal service(s) which the child routinely receives while in care.

Income standards means the family-size and income standards prescribed annually by the Secretary for determining eligibility for free and reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.

Income to the program means any funds used in an institution's food service program, including, but not limited to all monies, other than Program payments, received from other Federal, State, intermediate, or local government sources; participant's payments for meals and food service fees; income from any food sales to adults; and other income, including cash donations or grants from organizations or individuals.

Independent center means a child care center, at-risk afterschool care center, emergency shelter, outside-school-hours care center or adult day care center which enters into an agreement with the State agency to assume final administrative and financial responsibility for Program operations.

Independent governing board of directors means, in the case of a nonprofit organization, or in the case of a for-profit institution required to have a board of directors, a governing board which meets regularly and has the authority to hire and fire the institution's executive director.

Infant cereal means any iron-fortified dry cereal specially formulated for and generally recognized as cereal for infants that is routinely mixed with breast milk or iron-fortified infant formula prior to consumption.

Infant formula means any iron-fortified formula intended for dietary use solely as a food for normal, healthy infants; excluding those formulas specifically formulated for infants with inborn errors of metabolism or digestive or absorptive problems. Infant formula, as served, must be in liquid state at recommended dilution.

Institution means a sponsoring organization, child care center, at-risk afterschool care center, outside-school-hours care center, emergency shelter or adult day care center which enters into an agreement with the State agency to assume final administrative and financial responsibility for Program operations.

Internal controls means the policies, procedures, and organizational structure of an institution designed to reasonably assure that:

(a) The Program achieves its intended result;

(b) Program resources are used in a manner that protects against fraud, abuse, and mismanagement and in accordance with law, regulations, and guidance; and

(c) Timely and reliable Program information is obtained, maintained, reported, and used for decision-making.

Key Element Reporting System (KERS) means a comprehensive national system for reporting critical key element performance data on the operation of the program in institutions.

Low-income area means a geographical area in which at least 50 percent of the children are eligible for free or reduced price school meals under the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program, as determined in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c), definition of tier I day care home.

Meal component meals means one of the food groups which comprise reimbursable meals. The meal components are: fruits, vegetables, grains, meats/meat alternates, and fluid milk.

Meals means food which is served to enrolled participants at an institution, child care facility or adult day care facility and which meets the nutritional requirements set forth in this part. However, children participating in at-risk afterschool care centers, emergency shelters, or outside-schools-hours care centers do not have to be enrolled.

Medicaid means Title XIX of the Social Security Act.

Medicaid participant means an adult participant who receives assistance under title XIX of the Social Security Act, the Grant to States for Medical Assistance Programs—Medicaid.

Milk means pasteurized fluid types of unflavored or flavored whole milk, lowfat milk, skim milk, or cultured buttermilk which meet State and local standards for such milk, except that, in the meal pattern for infants (0 to 1 year of age), milk means breast milk or iron-fortified infant formula. In Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands if a sufficient supply of such types of fluid milk cannot be obtained, “milk” shall include reconstituted or recombined milk. All milk should contain vitamins A and D at levels specified by the Food and Drug Administration and be consistent with State and local standards for such milk.

National disqualified list means the list, maintained by the Department, of institutions, responsible principals and responsible individuals, and day care homes disqualified from participation in the Program.

New institution means a sponsoring organization or an independent center making an application to participate in the Program or applying to participate in the Program after a lapse in participation.

Nonpricing program means an institution, child care facility, or adult day care facility in which there is no separate identifiable charge made for meals served to participants.

Nonprofit food service means all food service operations conducted by the institution principally for the benefit of enrolled participants, from which all of the Program reimbursement funds are used solely for the operations or improvement of such food service.

Nonresidential means that the same participants are not maintained in care for more than 24 hours on a regular basis.

Notice means a letter sent by certified mail, return receipt (or the equivalent private delivery service), by facsimile, or by email, that describes an action proposed or taken by a State agency or FNS with regard to an institution's Program reimbursement or participation. Notice also means a letter sent by certified mail, return receipt (or the equivalent private delivery service), by facsimile, or by email, that describes an action proposed or taken by a sponsoring organization with regard to a day care home's participation. The notice must specify the action being proposed or taken and the basis for the action, and is considered to be received by the institution or day care home when it is delivered, sent by facsimile, or sent by email. If the notice is undeliverable, it is considered to be received by the institution, responsible principal or responsible individual, or day care home five days after being sent to the addressee's last known mailing address, facsimile number, or email address.

OIG means the Office of the Inspector General of the Department.

Operating costs means expenses incurred by an institution in serving meals to participants under the Program, and allowed by the State agency financial management instruction.

Outside-school-hours care center means a public or private nonprofit institution or facility (except day care homes), or a For-profit center as defined in this section, that is licensed or approved in accordance with § 226.6(d)(1) to provide organized nonresidential child care services to children during hours outside of school. Outside-school-hours care centers may participate in the Program as independent centers or under the auspices of a sponsoring organization.

Participants means “Children” or “Adult participants” as defined in this section.

Participating institution means a sponsoring organization or an independent center, including a renewing institution, that holds a current agreement with the State agency to operate the Program.

Personal property means property of any kind except real property. It may be tangible—having physical existence—or intangible—having no physical existence such as patents, inventions, and copyrights.

Persons with disabilities means persons of any age who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, have a record of such an impairment, or have been regarded as having such an impairment, and who are enrolled in an institution or child care facility serving a majority of persons who are age 18 and under.

Pricing program means an institution, child care facility, or adult day care facility in which a separate identifiable charge is made for meals served to participants.

Principal means any individual who holds a management position within, or is an officer of, an institution or a sponsored center, including all members of the institution's board of directors or the sponsored center's board of directors.

Program means the Child and Adult Care Food Program authorized by section 17 of the National School Lunch Act, as amended.

Program payments means financial assistance in the form of start-up payments, expansion payments, advance payments, or reimbursement paid or payable to institutions for operating costs and administrative costs.

Reduced-price meal means a meal served under the Program to a participant from a family that meets the income standards for reduced-price school meals. Any separate charge imposed must be less than the full price of the meal, but in no case more than 40 cents for a lunch or supper, 30 cents for a breakfast, and 15 cents for a snack. Neither the participant nor any member of his family may be required to work in the food service program for a reduced-price meal.

Reimbursement means Federal financial assistance paid or payable to institutions for Program costs within the rates assigned by the State agency.

Renewing institution means a sponsoring organization or an independent center that is participating in the Program at the time it submits annual renewal information.

Responsible principal or responsible individual means:

(a) A principal, whether compensated or uncompensated, who the State agency or FNS determines to be responsible for an institution's serious deficiency;

(b) Any other individual employed by, or under contract with, an institution or sponsored center, who the State agency or FNS determines to be responsible for an institution's serious deficiency; or

(c) An uncompensated individual who the State agency or FNS determines to be responsible for an institution's serious deficiency.

Rural area means any geographical area in a county which is not a part of a Metropolitan Statistical Area or any “pocket” within a Metropolitan Statistical Area which, at the option of the State agency and with FNSRO concurrence, is determined to be geographically isolated from urban areas.

SSI participant means an adult participant who receives assistance under title XVI of the Social Security Act, the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the Aged, Blind and Disabled Program.

School year means a period of 12 calendar months beginning July 1 of any year and ending June 30 of the following year.

Seriously deficient means the status of an institution or a day care home that has been determined to be non-compliant in one or more aspects of its operation of the Program.

Snack means a meal supplement that meets the meal pattern requirements specified in § 226.20(b)(6) or (c)(4).

SNAP household means any individual or group of individuals which is currently certified to receive assistances as a household from SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, as defined in § 245.2 of this chapter.

Sponsored center means a child care center, an at-risk afterschool care center, an adult day care center, an emergency shelter, or an outside-school-hours care center that operates the Program under the auspices of a sponsoring organization. The two types of sponsored centers are as follows:

(1) An affiliated center is a part of the same legal entity as the CACFP sponsoring organization; or

(2) An unaffiliated center is legally distinct from the sponsoring organization.

Sponsoring organization means a public or nonprofit private organization that is entirely responsible for the administration of the food program in:

(1) One or more day care homes;

(2) A child care center, emergency shelter, at-risk afterschool care center, outside-school-hours care center, or adult day care center which is a legally distinct entity from the sponsoring organization;

(3) Two or more child care centers, emergency shelters, at-risk afterschool care centers, outside-school-hours care center, or adult day care centers; or

(4) Any combination of child care centers, emergency shelters, at-risk afterschool care centers, outside-school-hours care centers, adult day care centers, and day care homes.

The term “sponsoring organization” also includes an organization that is entirely responsible for administration of the Program in any combination of two or more child care centers, at-risk afterschool care centers, adult day care centers or outside-school-hours care centers, which meet the definition of For-profit center in this section and are part of the same legal entity as the sponsoring organization.

Start-up payments means financial assistance made available to a sponsoring organization for its administrative expenses associated with developing or expanding a food service program in day care homes and initiating successful Program operations. These start-up payments may include administrative expenses associated with outreach and recruitment of unlicensed family or group day care homes and the allowable licensing-related expenses of such homes.

State means any of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

State agency means the State educational agency or any other State agency that has been designated by the Governor or other appropriate executive, or by the legislative authority of the State, and has been approved by the Department to administer the Program within the State or in States in which FNS administers the Program, FNSRO. This also may include a State agency other than the existing CACFP State Agency, when such agency is designated by the Governor of the State to administer only the adult day care component of the CACFP.

State agency list means an actual paper or electronic list, or the retrievable paper records, maintained by the State agency, that includes a synopsis of information concerning seriously deficient institutions and providers terminated for cause in that State. The list must be made available to FNS upon request, and must include the following information:

(a) Institutions determined to be seriously deficient by the State agency, including the names and mailing addresses of the institutions, the basis for each serious deficiency determination, and the status of the institutions as they move through the possible subsequent stages of corrective action, proposed termination, suspension, agreement termination, and/or disqualification, as applicable;

(b) Responsible principals and responsible individuals who have been disqualified from participation by the State agency, including their names, mailing addresses, and dates of birth; and

(c) Day care home providers whose agreements have been terminated for cause by a sponsoring organization in the State, including their names, mailing addresses, and dates of birth.

State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) means the State medical assistance program under title XXI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397aa et seq.).

State licensed healthcare professional means an individual who is authorized to write medical prescriptions under State law. This may include, but is not limited to, a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant, depending on State law.

Suspended means the status of an institution or day care home that is temporarily ineligible for participation (including Program payments).

Suspension review means the review provided, upon the institution's request, to an institution that has been given a notice of intent to suspend participation (including Program payments), based on a determination that the institution has knowingly submitted a false or fraudulent claim.

Suspension review official means the independent and impartial official who conducts the suspension review.

Termination for cause means the termination of a day care home's Program agreement by the sponsoring organization due to the day care home's violation of the agreement.

TANF recipient means an individual or household receiving assistance (as defined in 45 CFR 260.31) under a State-administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program.

Termination for convenience means termination of a Program agreement due to considerations unrelated to either party's performance of Program responsibilities under the agreement between:

(1) A State agency and the independent center,

(2) A State agency and the sponsoring organization,

(3) A sponsoring organization and the unaffiliated center, or

(4) A sponsoring organization and the day care home.

Tier I day care home means (a) a day care home that is operated by a provider whose household meets the income standards for free or reduced-price meals, as determined by the sponsoring organization based on a completed free and reduced price application, and whose income is verified by the sponsoring organization of the home in accordance with § 226.23(h)(6);

(b) A day care home that is located in an area served by a school enrolling students in which at least 50 percent of the total number of children enrolled are certified eligible to receive free or reduced price meals; or

(c) A day care home that is located in a geographic area, as defined by FNS based on census data, in which at least 50 percent of the children residing in the area are members of households which meet the income standards for free or reduced price meals.

Tier II day care home means a day care home that does not meet the criteria for a Tier I day care home.

Title XVI means Title XVI of the Social Security Act which authorizes the Supplemental Security Income for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled Program—SSI.

Title XIX means Title XIX of the Social Security Act which authorizes the Grants to States for Medical Assistance Programs—Medicaid.

Title XX means Title XX of the Social Security Act.

Tofu means a commercially prepared soy-bean derived food, made by a process in which soybeans are soaked, ground, mixed with water, heated, filtered, coagulated, and formed into cakes. Basic ingredients are whole soybeans, one or more food-grade coagulates (typically a salt or acid), and water.

Unannounced review means an on-site review for which no prior notification is given to the facility or institution.

USDA implementing regulations include the following: 2 CFR part 400, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; 2 CFR part 415, General Program Administrative Regulations; 2 CFR part 416, General Program Administrative Regulations for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments; and 2 CFR part 418, New Restrictions on Lobbying.

Verification means a review of the information reported by institutions to the State agency regarding the eligibility of participants for free or reduced-price meals, and, in addition, for a pricing program, confirmation of eligibility for free or reduced-price benefits under the program. Verification for a pricing program shall include confirmation of income eligibility and, at State discretion, any other information required on the application which is defined as documentation in § 226.2. Such verification may be accomplished by examining information (e.g., wage stubs, etc.) provided by the household or other sources of information as specified in § 226.23(h)(2)(iv). However, if a SNAP, FDPIR or TANF case number is provided for a child, verification for such child shall include only confirmation that the child is included in a currently certified SNAP or FDPIR household or is a TANF recipient. If a Head Start statement of income eligibility is provided for a child, verification for such child shall include only confirmation that the child is a Head Start participant. For an adult participant, if a SNAP or FDPIR case number or SSI or Medicaid assistance identification number is provided, verification for such participant shall include only confirmation that the participant is included in a currently certified SNAP or FDPIR household or is a current SSI or Medicaid participant.

Whole grain-rich is the term designated by FNS to indicate that the grain content of a product is between 50 and 100 percent whole grain with any remaining grains being enriched.

Whole grains means foods that consist of intact, ground, cracked, or flaked grain seed whose principal anatomical components—the starchy endosperm, germ, and bran—are present in the same relative proportions as they exist in the intact grain seed.

Yogurt means commercially coagulated milk products obtained by the fermentation of specific bacteria, that meet milk fat or milk solid requirements to which flavoring foods or ingredients may be added. These products are covered by the Food and Drug Administration's Standard of Identity for yogurt, lowfat yogurt, and nonfat yogurt, (21 CFR 131.200), (21 CFR 131.203), (21 CFR 131.206), respectively.

[47 FR 36527, Aug. 20, 1982; 47 FR 46072, Oct. 15, 1982]
Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 226.2, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.