7 CFR § 4288.130 - Payment applications.

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§ 4288.130 Payment applications.

Sections 4288.130 through 4288.189 identify the process and procedures the Agency will use to make payments to eligible advanced biofuel producers. In order to receive payments under this Program, eligible advanced biofuel producers with valid contracts must submit a payment application, as required under paragraph (a) of this section. The Agency will review the payment application and, if necessary, may request additional information, as specified under paragraph (b) of this section.

(a) Applying for payment. To apply for payments under this subpart for a fiscal year, an eligible advanced biofuel producer must:

(1) After a quarter has been completed, submit a payment application covering the quarter;

(2) Certify that the request is accurate;

(3) Furnish the Agency such certification, and access to such records, as the Agency considers necessary to verify compliance with Program provisions; and

(4) Provide documentation as requested by the Agency of the net production of advanced biofuel at all advanced biofuel facilities during the relevant quarter.

(b) Review of payment applications. The Agency will review each payment application it receives to determine if it is eligible for payment.

(1) Review factors. Factors that the Agency will consider in reviewing payments applications include, but are not necessarily limited to:

(i) Contract validity. Whether the entity submitting the payment application has a valid contract with the Agency under this Program;

(ii) Biofuel eligibility. Whether the biofuel for which payment is sought is an eligible advanced biofuel; and

(iii) Calculations. Whether the calculations for determining the requested payment are complete and accurate.

(2) Additional documentation. If the Agency determines additional information is required for the Agency to complete its review of a payment application, eligible advanced biofuel producers shall submit such additional supporting documentation as requested by the Agency. If the producer does not provide the requested information within the required time period, the Agency will not make payment.

(c) Payment application eligibility. The Agency will notify the advanced biofuel producer, in writing, as soon as practicable after the payment application, whenever the Agency determines that a payment application, or any portion thereof, is ineligible for payment and the basis for the Agency's determination of ineligibility.

(d) Submittal information. Unless otherwise specified in a notice published in the Federal Register, eligible advanced biofuel producers must submit payment applications for this Program no later than 4:30 p.m. local time on the last day of the calendar month following the quarter for which payment is being requested. No payment applications received after the specified date and time will be considered, regardless of the postmark on the application.

(1) Any payment application form that is received by the Agency after October 31 of the calendar year for the preceding fiscal year is ineligible for payment.

(2) If the actual deadline falls on a weekend or a Federally-observed holiday, the deadline is the next Federal business day.

[76 FR 7967, Feb. 11, 2011, as amended at 84 FR 71302, Dec. 27, 2019]