7 CFR § 58.12 - When application may be rejected.

§ 58.12 When application may be rejected.

An application for inspection or grading service may be rejected by the Administrator (a) when the applicant fails to meet the requirements of the regulations in this subpart prescribing the conditions under which the service is made available; (b) when the product is owned by, or located on the premises of, a person currently denied the benefits of the Act; (c) when an individual holding office or a responsible position with or having a substantial financial interest or share with the applicant is currently denied the benefits of the Act or was responsible in whole or in part for the current denial of the benefits of the Act to any person; (d) when the application is an attempt on the part of a person currently denied the benefits of the Act to obtain inspection or grading service; (e) when the product was produced from unwholesome raw material or was produced under insanitary or otherwise unsatisfactory conditions; (f) when the product is of illegal composition or is lacking satisfactory keeping quality; (g) when the product has been produced in a plant which has not been surveyed and approved for inspection or grading service; (h) when fees billed are not paid within 30 days; or (i) when there is noncompliance with the Act or this part or instructions issued hereunder. When an application is rejected, the applicant shall be notified in writing by the Area Supervisor or his designated representative, the reason or reasons for the rejection.

[37 FR 22363, Oct. 19, 1972, as amended at 53 FR 20278, June 3, 1988]