abandoned property
Abandoned property is personal property that was left by an owner who intentionally relinquishes all rights to its control. Real property may not be abandoned (see also adverse possession).
Abandoned property is personal property that was left by an owner who intentionally relinquishes all rights to its control. Real property may not be abandoned (see also adverse possession).
Admiralty law (or maritime law) is the body of law that governs navigation and shipping. It includes substantive and procedural law.
See also: admiralty and maritime power and admiralty court.
Admiralty and Maritime powers refer to the federal government’s ability to pass laws that relate to the water systems of America. Congress is granted admiralty and maritime powers through Article 3 Section II of the Constitution.
Admiralty court, also known as maritime court, is a court that exercises admiralty or maritime jurisdiction and hears civil cases related to admiralty or maritime law.
Admiralty law relates to the seas, maritime commerce, or navigation. Admiralty is a broad body of law governing the transport of goods and passengers by water, the purchase and charter of vessels, the hiring and maintenance of officers and crew, the transportation of people and goods, the navigation of vessels, and the insurance of vessels, people, and cargo.
Article III refers to Article III of the Constitution, the section of the Constitution that authorizes a federal court system.
A bill of lading is a legal instrument used in the transportation and shipping industries which lists the goods being shipped and the terms under which they will be delivered. If the goods as delivered do not match the terms of the bill of lading, the transportation company can be liable for damages.
Cargo insurance (also referred to as shipping or freight insurance) is an important type of insurance for businesses and individuals who must transport goods often. The insurance provides coverage for cargo damaged during transportation, and this can be due to the fault of the policyholder’s own employees or an outside shipping provider.
Carrier is anyone that transports people or property for hire by any means of conveyance (land, water, air or pipeline). There are two types of carriers: common carriers and private carriers.
A carrier’s lien is defined as a type of lien that gives a security interest in shipped goods to a shipper that publicly operates a business for the transportation of