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trade regulation


Alcohol is a set of chemical compounds consumed as a liquid by individuals for its intoxicating effect or used in industrial projects for its other unique properties. 

Absent any specific regulation, alcohol is treated like all other forms of personal property. However, the general rights of property are subject to the police power regulations of the state, local, and federal governments. 

articles of organization

The articles of organization is a public and official document used to create a limited liability company (LLC). The LLC members must file the articles of organization before the relevant state authority (usually the Secretary of State) for approval. Upon approval of the articles of organization, the LLC will become an official separate legal and business entity.

basis of the bargain test

Under section 2-313 of the Uniform Commercial Code, when determining whether an express warranty exists or is valid in a sale of goods between two parties, the court asks if any promise or affirmation, any description of the goods, or any sample or model of the goods displayed a seller “became a basis of the

bill of lading

A bill of lading is a legal instrument used in the transportation and shipping industries which lists the goods being shipped and the terms under which they will be delivered. If the goods as delivered do not match the terms of the bill of lading, the transportation company can be liable for damages

cap and trade

Cap-and-trade is a system that limits aggregate emissions from a group of emitters by setting a “cap” on maximum emissions. It is characterized as a market-based policy to reduce overall emissions of pollutants and encourage business investment in fossil fuel alternatives and energy efficiency.

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