8 AAC 61.470 - Employees protected

(a) In AS 18.60.089 and 8 AAC 61.470 - 8 AAC 61.530, an "employee"
(1) includes an employee as defined in AS 18.60.105;
(2) may, in the department's discretion, include an applicant for employment, as required by 29 C.F.R. 1977.5(b); and
(3) need not be employed by the discriminator when engaging in the protected activity as long as the employee was an "employee" under (1) or (2) of this subsection at that time.
(b) The term "person" as used in AS 18.60.089 includes employers, organizations representing employees for collective bargaining purposes, employment agencies, or any person in a position to discriminate against the employee.


8 AAC 61.470
Eff. 9/21/85, Register 95

Authority:AS 18.60.020

AS 18.60.030

AS 18.60.089

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