Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 13, § 2354 - Grant Project Solicitations

ARB shall issue a competitive solicitation for each grant project in the Funding Plan. ARB shall begin issuing solicitations for competitive grant projects in the Funding Plan no later than 90 days after the fiscal year's funds are appropriated by the Legislature or 90 days after Board approval of the Funding Plan, whichever is later.

(a) Project Criteria: ARB project solicitations must describe eligibility requirements in sufficient detail for potential applicants to determine if any specific vehicle or piece of equipment, research project, or workforce training project would be eligible for funding. The project solicitation must define the criteria by which projects are evaluated and selected. These must include, but are not limited to, an evaluation of the following: potential emission reductions, cost-effectiveness, contribution to regional air quality improvements, ability to promote the use of clean alternative fuels and vehicle technologies, and applicant's ability to successfully implement the project.
(b) Project Evaluation Requirements: A panel of not less than three individuals shall score each project application deemed compliant with the applicable statute, these regulations, and the applicable project solicitation. The panel shall use the applicant's responses and ability to meet the project-specific criteria to determine a project score. Eligible projects shall be ranked by score, with the highest scoring project or projects first in line to receive AQIP funding. The Board may delegate authority to the Executive Officer to resolicit for a project or to direct funding to another project in the Funding Plan if project applications fail to meet a minimum project score.
(c) Application and Project Evaluation Deadlines: The project solicitation must specify the dates by which applications must be submitted and applicants must be notified if they have or have not been selected to receive funding.
(d) Match Funding: The project solicitation must describe the match funding requirements for each project, if applicable.
(e) Project Administration: The project solicitation must describe project administrative requirements. These include but are not limited to implementation milestones, reporting requirements, and project oversight responsibilities. The project solicitation must also indentify maximum funding available for expenses associated with program administration.
(f) Provisions for Air Quality Loans: Projects funded via revolving loan, loan guarantee, or other loan mechanism must be implemented via one of the two mechanisms described below.
(1) ARB shall enter into an agreement with the State Treasurer or any of the boards, authorities or commissions chaired by the Treasurer. In this case, section 2354(a) through section 2354(e) do not apply.
(2) ARB shall issue a competitive solicitation. The solicitation will include, but is not limited to, the project solicitation criteria in section 2354(a) through section 2354(e).


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 13, § 2354
1. New section filed 10-13-2009; operative 10-13-2009 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2009, No. 42).

Note: Authority cited: 39600, 39601, 44271 and 44274, Health and Safety Code. Reference: 39600, 39601, 44271 and 44274, Health and Safety Code.

1. New section filed 10-13-2009; operative 10-13-2009 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2009, No. 42).

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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