Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 17, § 95892 - Allocation to Electrical Distribution Utilities for Protection of Electricity Ratepayers

(a) Allocation to Individual Electrical Distribution Utilities.
(1) 2013-2020 Allocation. The allowances allocated to each electrical distribution utility from each budget year 2013 through 2020 shall be the electrical distribution utility sector allocation calculated pursuant to section 95870(d) for the budget year multiplied by the percentage allocation factors specified in Table 9-3, or the quantity of allowances in Table 9-3A.
(2) 2021-2030 Allocation. The number of allowances allocated to each electrical distribution utility from each budget year 2021 through 2030 shall be the amount shown in Table 9-4.
(3) Allowance Allocation Designated for EIM Purchaser Emissions. For allowance allocation from budget year 2021 and subsequent years to electrical distribution utilities that are EIM Purchasers, the Executive Officer shall directly retire a portion of the allowance allocation for each electrical distribution utility in the amount of its EIM Purchaser emissions for the most recent data year, pursuant to sections 95852(I)(2)-(3).
(b) Transfer to Utility Accounts.
(1) Investor Owned Utilities. The Executive Officer will place allowances in the limited use holding account created for each electrical corporation.
(2) Publicly Owned Electric Utilities or Electrical Cooperatives. When a publicly owned electric utility or electrical cooperative is eligible for a direct allowance allocation, it shall inform the Executive Officer of the allowance amounts to be placed into the compliance account of an electrical generating facility, the compliance account of an electric power entity, and the limited use holding account of the publicly owned electric utility or electrical cooperative. The Executive Officer shall place the amount of allowances not destined for the publicly owned electric utility or electrical cooperative's own limited use holding account into the publicly owned electric utility or electrical cooperative's annual allocation holding account, and these allowances shall be transferred by the Executive Officer into the requested compliance accounts pursuant to section 95831(a)(6). Allowances may be placed into the compliance account of an electrical generating facility or electric power entity only if the electrical generating facility or electric power entity is:
(A) Operated by the publicly owned electric utility, the electrical cooperative, or a Joint Powers Authority in which the publicly owned electric utility or electrical cooperative is a member and with which it has a power purchase agreement; or
(B) Operated by a federal power marketing administration with which the publicly owned utility or electrical cooperative has an agreement to purchase imported electricity or a power purchase agreement, including a custom product contract.
(3) Publicly owned electric utilities or electrical cooperatives receiving a direct allocation must inform the Executive Officer by September 1 of the accounts in which the allocations are to be placed. If an entity fails to submit its distribution preference by September 1, ARB will automatically place all directly allocated allowances for the following budget year in the entity's limited use holding account.
(c) Monetization Requirement. Within each calendar year, an electrical distribution utility must offer for sale at auction all allowances in its limited use holding account that were issued:
(1) From budget years that correspond to the current calendar year; and
(2) From budget years prior to the current calendar year.
(d) Limitations on the Use of Auction Proceeds and Allowance Value.
(1) Proceeds obtained from the monetization of allowances directly allocated to a publicly owned electric utility or electrical cooperative shall be subject to any limitations imposed by the governing body of the utility and to the additional requirements set forth in sections 95892(d)(3)-(8) and 95892(e).
(2) Proceeds obtained from the monetization of allowances directly allocated to investor owned utilities shall be subject to any limitations imposed by the California Public Utilities Commission and to the additional requirements set forth in sections 95892(d)(3)-(8) and 95892(e).
(3) Allowance value, including any allocated allowance auction proceeds, obtained by an electrical distribution utility must be used for the primary benefit of retail electricity ratepayers of each electrical distribution utility, consistent with the goals of AB 32, and may not be used for the primary benefit of entities or persons other than such ratepayers. Allocated allowance auction proceeds must be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or returned to ratepayers using one or more of the approaches described in sections 95892(d)(3)(A)-(D) and may also be used to pay for administrative and outreach costs and educational programs described in section 95892(d)(4).
(A) Renewable Energy or Integration of Renewable Energy. Funding programs or activities in the following categories:
1. Construction of eligible renewable energy resources that will directly deliver electricity to California and meet the requirements of Public Utilities Code section 399.16(b)(1), or purchase of generation from eligible renewable energy resources directly delivered to California that meet the requirements of Public Utilities Code section 399.16(b)(1) or under Public Utilities Code section 399.16(d);
2. Support for renewable energy resources, as defined by Public Resources Code section 25741(a)(1), that are ratepayer-owned or located within the electrical distribution utility's service territory; or
3. Construction or support of energy storage projects designed to support the electrical distribution utility's integration of renewable electricity.
(B) Energy Efficiency and Fuel-Switching. Funding programs or activities designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through reductions in energy use or changes to lower emission intensity energy sources in the following categories:
1. Energy-efficient equipment rebates;
2. Energy-efficient building retrofits;
3. Other projects that reduce energy demand;
4. Public or private electric vehicle infrastructure;
5. Switching from natural gas, propane, or diesel to electric equipment; or
6. Infrastructure projects or other projects supporting active transportation, zero-emission vehicles, or public transportation.
(C) Other GHG Emission Reduction Activities. Funding programs or activities other than renewable energy, integration of renewable energy, energy efficiency, or fuel-switching, for which the electrical distribution utility can demonstrate GHG emission reductions per section 95892(d)(5). This includes funding:
1. Projects or activities that reduce emissions of sulfur hexafluoride or hydrofluorocarbons; and
2. Only after CARB adopts a standardized system for quantifying GHG emissions reductions from fuel reduction activities pursuant to section 38535 of the Health and Safety Code, wildfire risk reduction or forest carbon sequestration activities will be an allowable use of allocated allowance proceeds, provided that the risk reduction or carbon sequestration activities are in conformance with section 8386 or 8387 of the Public Utilities Code, as applicable, as modified by SB 901 (Dodd; 2018).
(D) Non-Volumetric Return to Ratepayers. Distribution of allocated allowance auction proceeds to some or all ratepayers in a non-volumetric manner, either on- or off-bill.
(4) Administrative and Outreach Costs and Educational Programs. Allocated allowance auction proceeds may be used for administrative costs only in so far as those costs are solely limited to necessary costs to administer the projects and activities funded pursuant to sections 95892(d)(3)(A)-(D). Allocated allowance auction proceeds may be used for outreach that directly supports the implementation of the projects or activities funded pursuant to sections 95892(d)(3)(A)-(D). Up to $100,000 or one percent of the total allocated allowance auction proceeds expended by the utility in a data year, whichever is larger, may be used in that data year for educational programs that have the primary purpose of reducing the GHG emissions of the electrical distribution utility's ratepayers, but for which expected GHG emissions, pursuant to sections 95892(d)(5) and 95892(e)(4)(B), cannot be demonstrated.
(5) Electrical distribution utilities must demonstrate the expected GHG emissions reductions, pursuant to section 95892(e)(4)(B), for each use of allocated allowance auction proceeds described in sections 95892(d)(3)(A)-(C) that is undertaken.
(6) Investor owned utilities shall ensure equal treatment of their own customers and customers of electricity service providers and community choice aggregators.
(7) Prohibited Uses of Allocated Allowance Value. Use of the value of any allowance allocated to an electrical distribution utility other than for the primary benefit of retail electricity ratepayers consistent with the goals of AB 32 is prohibited. Prohibited uses include:
(A) The use of allocated allowances to meet compliance obligations for electricity sold into the California Independent System Operator markets;
(B) Use of allocated allowance auction proceeds to pay for the costs of complying with MRR, the AB 32 Cost of Implementation Fee Regulation (California Code of Regulations, sections 95200-95207), or the Cap-and-Trade Regulation, including the purchase of allowances, except for the costs allowable pursuant to sections 95892(d)(3)-(4);
(C) Use of allocated allowance auction proceeds to pay for lobbying costs, employee bonuses, shareholder dividends, or costs, penalties, or activities mandated by any legal settlement, administrative enforcement action, or court order; and
(D) Returning allocated allowance auction proceeds to ratepayers in a volumetric manner.
(8) Deadline for Use of Allocated Allowance Value. For allocated allowances received on or after October 1, 2017, the proceeds received from the sale of allowances allocated to an EDU must be spent by December 31 of the year ten years after the vintage year of the allowances, and the value of allocated allowances received prior to October 1, 2017 must be spent by December 31, 2027. To be spent, the proceeds must not remain in any account owned or controlled by the EDU or its corporate associates. If the proceeds have not been spent within ten years, they must be returned to ratepayers in a non-volumetric manner by December 31 of the year eleven years after the vintage year of the allowances.
(e) Reporting on the Use of Auction Proceeds. No later than June 30, 2014, and June 30 of each calendar year thereafter, each electrical distribution utility shall submit a report to the Executive Officer describing the disposition of all allocated allowance auction proceeds during the previous calendar year. This report shall include:
(1) The monetary value of any unspent allocated allowance auction proceeds remaining from prior years at the start of the previous calendar year.
(2) The monetary value of allocated allowance auction proceeds received by the electrical distribution utility from the sale of allowances during the previous calendar year;
(3) The monetary value of all auction proceeds spent during the previous calendar year and the monetary value of all auction proceeds remaining unspent at the end of the previous calendar year;
(4) How each use of the allocated allowance auction proceeds which were spent during the previous calendar year complies with the requirements of this section and the requirements of California Health and Safety Code sections 38500 et seq. This includes:
(A) Describing the nature and purpose of each use of allocated allowance auction proceeds, including how it benefits ratepayers, and specifying the amount of allocated allowance auction proceeds spent on that use. This includes describing the GHG reduction purpose of any educational programs;
(B) Estimating the GHG emission reductions from each use of allocated allowance auction proceeds allowed pursuant to sections 95892(d)(3)(A)-(C). The portion of total GHG emission reductions attributable to the use of the proceeds shall be based on the percentage of total project costs covered by the use of the proceeds. The total GHG emission reductions shall be based on comparing the expected GHG emissions with and without the use of the proceeds. The calculation shall use the following, as applicable:
1. Use-specific information on equipment efficiency, kilowatt hours of electricity generated or saved, MMBtu of fuel saved, and vehicle miles travelled, as applicable.
2. GHG emission factors applicable to the fuel used or saved or vehicle miles travelled, calculated as follows:
a. GHG Emission Factors for Non-Transportation Fuels. The GHG emission factor for each fuel used or saved, if the fuel is not used to produce electricity, shall be as listed in Table C-1 of Subpart C of 40 CFR Part 98 (December 2010), which is hereby incorporated by reference, or calculated by means that can be demonstrated to the Executive Officer to be comparably accurate.
b. GHG Emission Factors for Vehicle Miles Travelled. If the use of allocated allowance auction proceeds reduces transportation-related GHG emissions, the GHG emission factor for the vehicles used with and without the use of proceeds shall be calculated using the methods in CARB's California Climate Investments Quantification Methodology Emission Factor Database Documentation (August 2018), which is hereby incorporated by reference, or by comparable means that can be demonstrated to the Executive Officer to be consistent with these methods. Active transportation may be assumed to have zero GHG emissions.
3. The expected time frame over which the emissions reductions will occur.
4. The percentage of total project costs covered by the use of allocated allowance auction proceeds.
(C) Itemizing any use of allocated allowance auction proceeds on administrative and outreach costs and educational programs described in section 95892(d)(4).

Table 9-3: Annual Percentage of Total Electric Sector Allocation for Each Electrical Distribution Utility from 2013 to 2020

Annual Percentage of Total Electric Sector Allocation for Utility

Utility Name

Utility Type1









PG&E IOU 26.02909% 26.34522% 26.01510% 26.22211% 27.21894% 26.91925% 27.21873% 27.23794%
LADWP POU 14.18332% 14.18925% 14.00829% 14.43473% 14.91438% 15.28169% 14.96326% 14.04837%
SCE IOU 34.01733% 33.58115% 34.04480% 32.69831% 30.32124% 29.84140% 29.46661% 29.71342%
SDG&E IOU 7.21940% 6.96087% 6.96792% 7.08933% 7.29010% 7.24815% 7.28721% 7.38964%
SMUD POU 3.28172% 3.28283% 3.21338% 3.30147% 3.44817% 3.57259% 3.70519% 3.83415%
City of Anaheim POU 2.07532% 2.12074% 2.11355% 2.19270% 2.20963% 2.27089% 2.30639% 2.35434%
City of Azusa (Azusa Light & Water) POU 0.18055% 0.18489% 0.18858% 0.19402% 0.20119% 0.20555% 0.21082% 0.21761%
City of Banning POU 0.09772% 0.10169% 0.10327% 0.10646% 0.11074% 0.11334% 0.11631% 0.12050%
City of Burbank POU 0.65354% 0.66027% 0.66532% 0.67128% 0.68296% 0.68319% 0.68787% 0.69354%
City of Cerritos POU 0.01827% 0.01887% 0.01945% 0.02004% 0.02090% 0.02128% 0.02186% 0.02240%
City of Colton POU 0.24485% 0.25185% 0.25876% 0.26535% 0.27437% 0.27891% 0.28559% 0.29302%
City of Glendale (Water and Power) POU 0.65850% 0.66238% 0.66100% 0.67150% 0.69049% 0.69592% 0.68391% 0.70039%
City of Pasadena (Pasadena Water and Power) POU 0.80141% 0.80710% 0.80920% 0.82057% 0.83784% 0.86949% 0.87876% 0.89190%
City of Riverside POU 1.12865% 1.13669% 1.13121% 1.17999% 1.20482% 1.24829% 1.27103% 1.30954%
City of Vernon POU 0.41385% 0.42014% 0.42987% 0.43256% 0.44276% 0.44174% 0.42961% 0.42477%
Imperial Irrigation District POU 1.77241% 1.81456% 1.82936% 1.90056% 1.97281% 2.00476% 2.05350% 2.11597%
Modesto ID POU 1.26426% 1.28335% 1.27289% 1.30523% 1.34388% 1.35267% 1.36746% 1.40098%
City of Alameda POU 0.05321% 0.05746% 0.05675% 0.06140% 0.06253% 0.07244% 0.07403% 0.07561%
City of Biggs POU 0.00680% 0.00729% 0.00674% 0.00681% 0.00733% 0.00711% 0.00710% 0.00721%
City of Gridley POU 0.01517% 0.01551% 0.01571% 0.01601% 0.01650% 0.01657% 0.01654% 0.01666%
City of Healdsburg POU 0.03290% 0.03271% 0.03126% 0.03325% 0.03567% 0.03777% 0.03889% 0.04195%
City of Lodi POU 0.16616% 0.16780% 0.16385% 0.16740% 0.17419% 0.17518% 0.17494% 0.17995%
City of Lompoc POU 0.04956% 0.04985% 0.04887% 0.05136% 0.05400% 0.05438% 0.05442% 0.05635%
City of Palo Alto POU 0.35530% 0.35717% 0.34944% 0.35460% 0.36639% 0.36628% 0.36537% 0.37403%
City of Redding POU 0.44750% 0.50262% 0.50106% 0.51053% 0.52983% 0.54582% 0.54607% 0.55913%
City of Roseville POU 0.48831% 0.50123% 0.50861% 0.53058% 0.55609% 0.54800% 0.54623% 0.55111%
City of Ukiah POU 0.03536% 0.03503% 0.03265% 0.03550% 0.03905% 0.04202% 0.04340% 0.04460%
Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperation COOP 0.06414% 0.06559% 0.06670% 0.06763% 0.06929% 0.06923% 0.06894% 0.06892%
Port of Oakland POU 0.03277% 0.03345% 0.03411% 0.03438% 0.03491% 0.03467% 0.03451% 0.03432%
Silicon Valley Power POU 1.13125% 1.14819% 1.13895% 1.20823% 1.29624% 1.33330% 1.33645% 1.38438%
Truckee-Donner Public Utility District POU 0.12089% 0.12415% 0.12749% 0.13067% 0.13480% 0.13722% 0.14051% 0.14406%
Turlock Irrigation District POU 0.94012% 0.97157% 0.98772% 1.01291% 1.05443% 1.06803% 1.06840% 1.08659%
Anza Electric Cooperative, Inc. COOP 0.02028% 0.02102% 0.04803% 0.04922% 0.05093% 0.05159% 0.05284% 0.05386%
Golden State Water Company IOU 0.00006% 0.00006% 0.00006% 0.00007% 0.00007% 0.00007% 0.00007% 0.00007%
City of Needles POU 0.01027% 0.01086% 0.01148% 0.01183% 0.01248% 0.01250% 0.01284% 0.01316%
City of Rancho Cucamonga POU 0.02559% 0.02653% 0.02753% 0.02822% 0.02928% 0.02961% 0.03034% 0.03104%
City and County of San Francisco POU 0.09929% 0.11620% 0.13435% 0.15375% 0.17430% 0.19643% 0.22009% 0.24157%
City of Shasta Lake (Shasta Dam Area Public Utility District) POU 0.05182% 0.05360% 0.05499% See Table 9-3A for absolute value of allocation
Lassen Municipal Utility District POU 0.05079% 0.05279% 0.05492% 0.05638% 0.05866% 0.05927% 0.06075% 0.06219%
Merced Irrigation District POU 0.17105% 0.17687% 0.18268% 0.18770% 0.19525% 0.19791% 0.20285% 0.20835%
Moreno Valley Utilities POU 0.03929% 0.04073% 0.04227% 0.04334% 0.04495% 0.04547% 0.04657% 0.04765%
Kirkwood Meadows Public Utility District POU 0.00306% 0.00317% 0.00329% 0.00337% 0.00350% 0.00354% 0.00362% 0.00369%
Port of Stockton POU 0.00538% 0.00558% 0.00579% 0.00594% 0.00616% 0.00623% 0.00638% 0.00648%
Power and Water Resource Pooling Authority POU 0.06650% 0.06899% 0.07018% 0.07365% 0.07980% 0.08118% 0.08378% 0.08727%
California Pacific Electric Company POU 0.22625% 0.23453% 0.24340% 0.24957% 0.25888% 0.26194% 0.26839% 0.27259%
Surprise Valley Electrical Corporation COOP 0.05381% 0.05578% 0.03167% 0.03251% 0.03384% 0.03419% 0.03505% 0.03541%
Trinity Public Utility District POU 0.00000% 0.00000% 0.00000% 0.00000% 0.00000% 0.00000% 0.00000% 0.00000%
WAPA POU 0.33271% 0.35496% 0.37846% 0.39096% 0.41612% 0.41522% 0.42716% 0.43040%
Valley Electric Association, Inc. COOP 0.00012% 0.00012% 0.00013% 0.00013% 0.00014% 0.00014% 0.00014% 0.00014%
Victorville Municipal POU 0.02385% 0.02472% 0.02566% 0.02631% 0.02729% 0.02761% 0.02829% 0.02873%
Hercules POU 0.00656% 0.00674% 0.00687% 0 0 0 0 0
City of Industry POU 0.00910% 0.00945% 0.00982% 0.01008% 0.01047% 0.01058% 0.01085% 0.01101%
Corona POU 0.06050% 0.06248% 0.06438% 0.06621% 0.06897% 0.06999% 0.07176% 0.07331%
Pittsburg Power (Island) POU 0.00407% 0.00429% 0.00452% 0.00466% 0.00492% 0.00494% 0.00507% 0.00513%
Eastside POU 0.00487% 0.00522% 0.00558% 0.00577% 0.00616% 0.00613% 0.00631% 0.00635%
PacifiCorp IOU 0.75511% 0.77388% 0.79208% 0.81600% 0.84143% 0.86742% 0.89439% 0.92339%
1 IOU = Investor Owned Electric Utility, POU = Publicly Owned Electric Utility, COOP = Rural Electric Cooperative

Table 9-3A: Quantity of Allowances Allocated to City of Shasta Lake (Shasta Dam Area Public Utility District)

Utility Name

Utility Type


Annual Allowances to Utility






City of Shasta Lake (Shasta Dam Area Public Utility District) POU 129,197 72,923 72,523 72,814 73,697

1 POU = Publicly Owned Electric Utility

Table 9-4: Annual Allowances Allocated to Each Electrical Distribution Utility from 2021 through 2030

Annual Allocation to Each Electrical Distribution Utility












Alameda Municipal Power 79,765 77,930 74,823 71,708 68,615 66,991 64,813 62,374 61,334 58,857
Anza Electric Cooperative, Inc. 18,910 18,751 18,353 17,950 17,545 17,376 16,964 16,548 16,372 15,950
City and County of San Francisco, SF Public Utilities Commission 24,905 25,101 25,275 25,384 25,358 25,463 25,569 25,675 25,782 25,889
City of Anaheim, Public Utilities Department 1,568,268 1,577,179 1,537,495 1,495,687 1,456,438 1,435,129 1,053,081 672,097 664,173 645,389
City of Azusa 73,918 73,116 71,144 69,158 67,156 66,479 64,500 62,447 61,560 59,476
City of Banning 38,581 38,159 37,112 36,055 34,989 34,542 33,460 32,368 31,902 30,793
City of Biggs 2,795 2,726 2,594 2,463 2,333 2,267 2,155 2,042 1,993 1,878
City of Burbank 572,818 571,290 562,290 553,356 544,626 540,529 413,255 287,032 282,753 273,331
City of Cerritos 26,066 25,852 25,130 24,543 23,957 23,741 23,095 22,444 22,161 21,500
City of Colton 109,201 108,010 105,323 102,623 99,907 98,975 96,209 93,362 92,138 89,247
City of Corona Dept. of Water & Power 43,645 43,118 42,047 40,825 39,748 39,351 38,165 36,968 36,448 35,233
City of Glendale 438,169 436,728 428,337 419,730 411,183 406,742 335,705 265,431 261,223 251,964
City of Healdsburg 20,986 20,724 20,256 19,685 19,214 19,095 18,295 17,707 17,458 16,861
City of Industry 11,938 11,832 11,570 11,306 11,039 10,928 10,657 10,384 10,267 9,990
City of Lodi 116,168 114,782 111,917 109,138 106,344 105,530 101,269 97,997 96,600 93,278
City of Lompoc a Municipal Corporation 36,365 35,792 34,740 33,660 32,603 32,128 31,067 30,082 29,661 28,661
City of Moreno Valley 47,450 47,030 45,989 44,939 43,879 43,434 42,358 41,272 40,810 39,707
City of Needles 6,953 6,788 6,510 6,082 5,800 5,767 5,411 5,049 4,934 4,561
City of Oakland Acting By and Through Its Board of Port Commissioners 23,436 23,354 22,916 22,504 22,055 21,959 21,177 20,615 20,384 19,813
City of Palo Alto 167,771 162,988 154,859 146,764 138,189 133,797 127,404 120,480 117,526 110,496
City of Rancho Cucamonga 24,559 24,342 23,803 23,260 22,711 22,481 21,924 21,362 21,122 20,552
City of Riverside Public Utilities 1,060,927 1,056,559 1,039,042 1,015,558 1,000,815 991,145 799,554 609,032 601,432 583,388
City of Roseville 341,483 342,046 334,821 326,772 319,452 317,415 305,678 297,677 295,636 287,271
City of Shasta Lake 65,092 64,709 64,004 62,828 61,618 61,269 59,577 58,394 58,095 56,858
City of Ukiah 30,101 29,715 28,749 27,732 26,858 26,333 25,448 24,577 24,201 23,316
City of Vernon, Vernon Gas & Electric 365,766 362,830 353,029 342,878 332,947 327,688 317,692 308,141 304,095 294,385
City of Victorville 24,531 24,331 23,783 23,083 22,528 22,325 21,711 21,092 20,824 20,195
Eastside Power Authority 1,206 1,134 957 778 597 573 575 578 580 582
Golden State Water Company (Bear Valley Electric Service) 44,894 44,649 43,482 42,631 41,455 40,867 39,855 38,833 38,397 37,360
Gridley Electric Utility 6,517 6,392 6,118 5,846 5,573 5,451 5,162 4,900 4,787 4,521
Imperial Irrigation District 1,199,715 1,208,295 1,200,777 1,187,233 1,174,397 1,175,503 1,139,580 1,121,820 1,121,083 1,102,097
Kirkwood Meadows PUD 2,226 2,236 2,216 2,197 2,178 2,191 2,157 2,123 2,118 2,082
Lassen Municipal Utility District 33,810 33,365 32,316 31,403 30,330 30,012 29,048 28,020 27,589 26,544
Liberty Utilities (CalPeco Electric) LLC 189,367 188,590 185,284 181,575 177,489 175,880 171,165 167,293 165,928 161,944
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power 10,440,249 10,278,898 9,920,930 9,569,498 9,653,515 9,622,159 7,644,667 5,737,260 5,668,683 5,492,192
Merced Irrigation District 134,002 134,112 132,626 130,630 128,256 127,984 124,326 122,118 121,799 119,445
Modesto Irrigation District 714,695 713,743 700,645 686,193 673,058 669,670 647,298 632,626 629,343 613,909
Pacific Gas and Electric Company 17,599,777 17,460,185 16,921,166 16,757,499 21,426,107 23,023,113 22,260,374 21,597,094 21,308,651 20,636,456
PacifiCorp 551,045 550,696 544,824 529,519 523,766 518,466 508,806 502,973 501,766 474,261
Pasadena Water and Power 662,521 647,114 640,632 635,705 618,698 608,140 445,968 284,257 280,319 270,998
Pittsburg Power Company 5,215 5,171 5,036 4,901 4,766 4,723 4,572 4,419 4,357 4,202
Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative 30,445 29,699 28,229 26,757 25,391 24,508 23,467 22,277 21,765 20,557
Power and Water Resources Pooling Authority 101,080 98,833 94,340 89,848 85,355 83,109 78,616 74,123 71,877 67,384
Redding Electric Utility 155,878 155,281 151,053 146,233 141,257 140,090 132,667 127,652 126,384 121,139
Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) 2,809,902 2,792,687 2,721,959 2,650,543 2,574,500 2,547,876 2,455,270 2,386,459 2,369,293 2,297,289
San Diego Gas & Electric Company 6,766,147 6,737,256 6,586,708 6,435,664 6,279,487 6,208,750 6,023,536 5,857,961 5,782,142 5,615,045
Silicon Valley Power (SVP), City of Santa Clara 771,858 761,415 735,843 710,042 684,010 672,959 646,526 619,858 608,355 581,278
Southern California Edison Company 25,183,597 24,999,282 24,357,709 23,681,594 23,035,309 22,687,800 21,942,596 21,240,462 20,907,873 20,201,590
Stockton Port District 6,945 6,900 6,768 6,635 6,503 6,293 6,254 6,103 6,040 5,886
Surprise Valley Electrification Corp. 2,770 2,790 2,811 2,831 2,852 2,873 2,894 2,915 2,937 2,958
Truckee Donner Public Utilities District 53,342 53,088 52,168 51,234 50,287 50,001 49,183 48,183 47,850 46,820
Turlock Irrigation District 447,309 446,613 437,740 427,721 415,607 413,210 395,766 384,284 381,645 369,576
Valley Electric Association, Inc. 3,162 3,114 2,875 2,770 3,101 3,049 2,847 2,789 2,782 2,719
WAPA - Sierra Nevada Region 224,481 220,784 208,828 194,591 180,305 174,523 156,853 142,228 136,488 121,550


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 17, § 95892
1. New section filed 12-13-2011; operative 1-1-2012 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2011, No. 50).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending subsection (b)(2) filed 2-15-2012 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2012, No. 7).
3. Amendment of subsection (b)(2), new subsection (b)(3) and amendment of subsections (c)(1)-(2) and (e) filed 8-29-2012; operative 9-1-2012 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2012, No. 35).
4. Amendment of subsection (b)(3) and Table 9-3 filed 6-26-2014; operative 7-1-2014 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2014, No. 26).
5. Amendment of subsection (a) and Table 9-3 and new Table 9-3A filed 12-31-2014; operative 1-1-2015 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2015, No. 1).
6. Amendment filed 9-18-2017; operative 10-1-2017 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2017, No. 38).
7. Amendment filed 3-29-2019; operative 3-29-2019 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2019, No. 13).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38560, 38562, 38570, 38571, 38580, 39600 and 39601, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 38530, 38560.5, 38564, 38565, 38570 and 39600, Health and Safety Code.

1. New section filed 12-13-2011; operative 1-1-2012 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2011, No. 50).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending subsection (b)(2) filed 2-15-2012 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2012, No. 7).
3. Amendment of subsection (b)(2), new subsection (b)(3) and amendment of subsections (c)(1)-(2) and (e) filed 8-29-2012; operative 9-1-2012 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2012, No. 35).
4. Amendment of subsection (b)(3) and Table 9-3 filed 6-26-2014; operative 7-1-2014 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2014, No. 26).
5. Amendment of subsection (a) and Table 9-3 and new Table 9-3A filed 12-31-2014; operative 1-1-2015 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2015, No. 1).
6. Amendment filed 9-18-2017; operative 10/1/2017 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2017, No. 38).
7. Amendment filed 3-29-2019; operative 3/29/2019 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2019, No. 13).

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.