Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 17, § 95979 - Conflict of Interest Requirements for Verification Bodies and Offset Verifiers for Verification of Offset Project Data Reports

(a) The conflict of interest provisions of this section shall apply to verification bodies, lead verifiers, and offset verifiers accredited by ARB to perform offset verification services for Offset Project Operators, and Authorized Project Designees, if applicable, as well as any other member of the offset verification team and any technical consultant(s) used by the Offset Project Operator or Authorized Project Designee, if applicable.
(b) "Member" for the purposes of this section means any employee or subcontractor of the verification body or related entities of the verification body. "Member" also includes any individual with majority equity share in the verification body or its related entities. "Related entity" for the purposes of this section means any direct parent company, direct subsidiary, or sister company. "Non-offset verification services" for purposes of this section do not include independent, third-party certification or verification services which have been provided for ARB or any other voluntary or mandatory program; such certification and verification services may be counted as offset verification services for the purposes of this section. The potential for a conflict of interest must be deemed to be high where:
(1) The verification body and Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) share any senior management staff or board of directors membership, or any of the senior management staff of the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) have been employed by the verification body, or vice versa, within the previous three years; or
(2) Within the previous five years, any staff member of the verification body or any related entity or any member of the offset verification team has provided to the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) any of the following non-offset verification services:
(A) Designing, developing, implementing, reviewing, or maintaining an inventory or offset project information or data management system for air emissions or development of a forest management plan, or timber harvest plan, unless the review was part of providing GHG offset verification services;
(B) Developing GHG emission factors or other GHG-related engineering analysis, including developing or reviewing a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) GHG analysis that includes offset project specific information;
(C) Designing energy efficiency, renewable power, or other projects which explicitly identify GHG reductions and GHG removal enhancements as a benefit;
(D) Designing, developing, implementing, internally auditing, consulting, or maintaining an offset project resulting in GHG emission reductions and GHG removal enhancements;
(E) Owning, buying, selling, trading, or retiring shares, stocks, or ARB offset credits or registry offset credits from the offset project;
(F) Dealing in or being a promoter of ARB offset credits or registry offset credits on behalf of an Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s);
(G) Preparing or producing GHG-related manuals, handbooks, or procedures specifically for the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s);
(H) Appraisal services of carbon or GHG liabilities or assets;
(I) Brokering in, advising on, or assisting in any way in carbon or GHG-related markets;
(J) Directly responsible for developing any health, environment or safety policies for the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s);
(K) Bookkeeping or other services related to the accounting records or financial statements;
(L) Any service related to information systems, including International Organization for Standardization 14001 Certification for Environmental Management (ISO 14001 Certification), unless those systems will not be reviewed as part of the offset verification process;
(M) Appraisal and valuation services, both tangible and intangible;
(N) Fairness opinions and contribution-in-kind reports in which the verification body has provided its opinion on the adequacy of consideration in a transaction, unless the information reviewed in formulating the Offset Verification Statement will not be reviewed as part of the offset verification services;
(O) Any actuarially oriented advisory service involving the determination of amounts recorded in financial statements and related accounts;
(P) Any internal audit service that has been outsourced by the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) that relates to the Offset Project Operator's, Authorized Project Designee's, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) internal accounting controls, financial systems, or financial statements, unless the systems and data reviewed during those services, as well as the result of those services will not be part of the offset verification process;
(Q) Acting as a broker-dealer (registered or unregistered), promoter, or underwriter on behalf of the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s);
(R) Any legal services; and
(S) Expert services to the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) or a legal representative for the purpose of advocating the Offset Project Operator's, Authorized Project Designee's, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) interests in litigation or in a regulatory or administrative proceeding or investigation, unless providing factual testimony.
(3) Within the previous three years, any staff member of the verification body or any related entity or any member of the offset verification team has provided to the ozone depleting substances destruction facility a third-party certification of a facility to meet the requirements set forth by the United Nations Environment Programme Ozone Secretariat's Technology and Assessment Panel (TEAP) for ozone depleting substances destruction.
(4) The potential for conflict of interest will be deemed to be high when any member of the verification body provides any type of incentive to an Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) to secure an offset verification services contract.
(5) The potential for a conflict of interest will also be deemed to be high where any member of the verification body has provided offset verification services for the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) except within the time periods in which the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) is allowed to use the same verification body as specified in section 95977.1(a).
(c) The potential for a conflict of interest must be deemed to be low where no potential for a conflict of interest is found under section 95979(b) and any non-offset verification services provided by any member of the verification body to the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and any technical consultant(s) used by the Offset Project Operator or Authorized Project Designee within the last five years are valued at less than 20 percent of the fee for the proposed offset verification, except where medium conflict of interest related to personal, employment, or family relationships is identified pursuant to section 95979(d).
(d) The potential for a conflict of interest must be deemed to be medium where the potential for a conflict of interest is not deemed to be either high or low as specified in sections 95979(b) and 95979(c), or where there are any instances of personal, employment, or familial relationships between the verification body and management or employees of the Offset Project Operator or Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and any technical consultant(s) used by the Offset Project Operator or Authorized Project Designee and when a conflict of interest self-evaluation is submitted pursuant to section 95979(g). For purposes of section 95979 only, "employment" means the condition of having paid work documented in a W-2 form. If a verification body identifies a medium potential for conflict of interest and intends to provide offset verification services for the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and any technical consultant(s) used by the Offset Project Operator or Authorized Project Designee for an offset project listed with ARB or an Offset Project Registry, the verification body must submit, in addition to the submittal requirements specified in section 95979(e), a plan to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate the potential conflict of interest situation. At a minimum, the conflict of interest mitigation plan must include:
(1) A demonstration that any members with potential conflicts have been removed and insulated from the project;
(2) An explanation of any changes to the organizational structure or verification body to remove the potential conflict of interest. A demonstration that any unit with potential conflicts has been divested or moved into an independent entity or any subcontractor with potential conflicts has been removed; and
(3) Any other circumstance that specifically addresses other sources for potential conflict of interest.
(e) Conflict of Interest Submittal Requirements for Accredited Verification Bodies. Before providing any offset verification services, the verification body must submit to the Offset Project Operator, and Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, ARB and the Offset Project Registry, a self-evaluation of the potential for any conflict of interest that the verification body, its staff, its related entities, or any subcontractors performing offset verification services may have with the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) for which it will perform offset verification services. Offset verification services shall not commence prior to approval of the conflict of interest self-evaluation by ARB or the Offset Project Registry pursuant to section 95979(f). The submittal must include the following:
(1) Identification of whether the potential for conflict of interest is high, low, or medium based on factors specified in sections 95979(b), (c), and (d);
(2) Identification of whether any member of the offset verification team has previously provided offset verification services for the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s), and, if so, the years in which such offset verification services were provided; and
(3) Identification of whether any member of the offset verification team or related entity has engaged in any non-offset verification services of any nature with the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) either within or outside California during the previous five years. If non-offset verification services have previously been provided, the following information must also be submitted:
(A) Identification of the nature and location of the work performed for the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) and whether the work is similar to the type of work to be performed during offset verification;
(B) The nature of past, present, or future relationships with the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s), including:
1. Instances when any member of the offset verification team has performed or intends to perform work for the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s);
2. Identification of whether work is currently being performed for the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s), and if so, the nature of the work;
3. How much work was performed for the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) in the last five years, in dollars;
4. Whether any member of the offset verification team has any contracts or other arrangements to perform work for the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) or a related entity; and
5. How much work related to GHG reductions and GHG removal enhancements the offset verification team has performed for the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) or related entities in the last five years, in dollars;
(C) Explanation of how the amount and nature of work previously performed is such that any member of the offset verification team's credibility and lack of bias should not be under question;
(D) A list of names of the staff that would perform offset verification services for the Offset Project Operator, and Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and a description of any instances of personal, employment, or family relationships with management or employees of the Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) that potentially represent a conflict of interest;
(E) Identification of any other circumstances known to the verification body, or Offset Project Operator, Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and their technical consultant(s) that could result in a conflict of interest; and
(F) Attest, in writing, to ARB as follows:

"I certify under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of California the information provided in the Conflict of Interest submittal is true, accurate, and complete."

(f) Approval of Conflict of Interest Submittals. ARB or the Offset Project Registry must review the self-evaluation submitted by the verification body and determine whether the verification body is authorized to perform the offset verification services for the Offset Project Operator and Authorized Project Designee, if applicable.
(1) ARB or the Offset Project Registry has 30 calendar days to make a determination whether to accept or deny the conflict of interest submittal and notify the verification body whether it may proceed with the offset verification services for the Offset Project Operator and Authorized Project Designee, if applicable.
(A) If ARB or an Offset Project Registry requests revisions to the conflict of interest self evaluation prior to approval, the verification body must resubmit the revised conflict of interest self evaluation within 10 working days of such request, or if there is a reason the verification body cannot submit the revisions within 10 working days, the verification body must communicate to ARB and the Offset Project Registry, in writing, as to the reasons why and get approval from ARB or the Offset Project Registry for an extension.
(B) If ARB or the Offset Project Registry determines that the verification body or any member of the offset verification team meets the criteria in section 95979(b), ARB or the Offset Project Registry shall find a high potential conflict of interest and offset verification services may not proceed.
(C) If ARB or the Offset Project Registry determines that there is a low potential conflict of interest, offset verification services may proceed.
(D) If ARB or the Offset Project Registry determines that the verification body or any member of the offset verification team have a medium potential for conflict of interest, ARB or the Offset Project Registry shall evaluate the conflict of interest mitigation plan submitted by the verification body pursuant to section 95979(d), and may request additional information from the applicant to complete the determination. In determining whether offset verification services may proceed, ARB or the Offset Project Registry may consider factors including, but not limited to, the nature of previous work performed, the current and past relationships between the verification body, related entities, and its subcontractors with the Offset Project Operator and Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and any technical consultant(s) used by the Offset Project Operator or Authorized Project Designee, and related entities, and the cost of the offset verification services to be performed. If ARB or the Offset Project Registry determines that these factors when considered in combination demonstrate an acceptable level of potential conflict of interest, ARB or the Offset Project Registry will authorize the verification body to provide offset verification services.
(2) If the offset project was listed with an Offset Project Registry, the conflict of interest self-evaluation acceptance or denial notification will be given by the Offset Project Registry. Within 15 calendar days of approving a conflict of interest self-evaluation, the Offset Project Registry must notify ARB in writing of the date on which it approved the self-evaluation.
(3) When a conflict of interest self-evaluation is updated before or during offset verification services to add a verification team member, ARB or the Offset Project Registry must approve the updated self-evaluation before any new team member participates in offset verification services. Within 15 calendar days of approving an updated self-evaluation, the Offset Project Registry must notify ARB in writing of the date on which it approved the updated self-evaluation.
(g) Monitoring Conflict of Interest Situations.
(1) After commencement of offset verification services, the verification body must monitor and immediately make full disclosure, in writing, to ARB and the Offset Project Registry regarding any potential for a conflict of interest situation that arises for an offset project using a Compliance Offset Protocol. This disclosure must include a description of actions that the verification body has taken or proposes to take to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate the potential for a conflict of interest.
(2) The verification body must continue to monitor arrangements or relationships that may be present for a period of one year after the completion of offset verification services for an offset project using a Compliance Offset Protocol. During that period, within 30 days of the verification body or any verification team member entering into any contract with the Offset Project Operator, and Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, for which the verification body has provided offset verification services, the verification body must notify ARB and the Offset Project Registry of the contract and the nature of the work to be performed. ARB or the Offset Project Registry, within 30 working days, will determine the level of conflict using the criteria in sections 95979(a) through (d), if the Offset Project Operator, and Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, must re-verify their Offset Project Data Report, and if accreditation revocation is warranted by ARB.
(3) The verification body must notify ARB and the Offset Project Registry within 30 calendar days, of any emerging conflicts of interest during the time offset verification services are being provided for an offset project using a Compliance Offset Protocol.
(A) If ARB or the Offset Project Registry determines that an emerging potential conflict disclosed by the verification body is medium risk, and this risk can be mitigated, then the verification body meets the conflict of interest requirements to continue to provide offset verification services for the Offset Project Operator, and Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and will not be subject to suspension or revocation of accreditation as specified in section 95132(d) of MRR.
(B) If ARB or the Offset Project Registry determines that an emerging potential conflict disclosed by the verification body is medium or high risk, and this risk cannot be mitigated, then the verification body will not be able to continue to provide offset verification services for the Offset Project Operator, and Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, and may be subject to the suspension or revocation of accreditation by ARB under section 95132(d) of MRR.
(4) The verification body must report to ARB and the Offset Project Registry, if applicable, any changes in its organizational structure, including mergers, acquisitions, or divestitures, for one year after completion of offset verification services.
(5) ARB may void a Positive Offset or Qualified Positive Offset Verification Statement received in section 95981 if it discovers a potential conflict of interest has arisen for any member of the offset verification team. In such a case, the Offset Project Operator, and Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, shall be provided 90 calendar days to complete re-verification.
(6) If the verification body or its subcontractor(s) are found to have violated the conflict of interest requirements of this article, the Executive Officer may rescind accreditation of the body, its verifier staff, or its subcontractor(s) for any appropriate period of time as provided in section 95132(d) of MRR.
(h) Specific Requirements for Air Quality Management Districts and Air Pollution Control Districts.
(1) If an air district has provided or is providing any services listed in section 95979(b)(2) as part of its regulatory duties, those services do not constitute non-verification services or a potential for high conflict of interest for purposes of this article;
(2) Before providing offset verification services, an air district must submit a conflict of interest self-evaluation pursuant to 95979(e) for each Offset Project Operator, and Authorized Project Designee, if applicable, for which it intends to provide offset verification services. As part of its conflict of interest self-evaluation submittal under section 95979(e), the air district shall certify that it will prevent conflicts of interests and resolve potential conflict of interest situations pursuant to its policies and mechanisms submitted under section 95132(b)(1)(G) of MRR;
(3) If an air district hires a subcontractor who is not an air district employee to provide offset verification services, the air district shall be subject to all of the requirements of section 95979.


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 17, § 95979
1. New section filed 12-13-2011; operative 1-1-2012 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2011, No. 50).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending subsection (b)(2)(L) filed 2-15-2012 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2012, No. 7).
3. Amendment of section heading and section filed 6-26-2014; operative 7-1-2014 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2014, No. 26).
4. Amendment of subsections (b) and (b)(2)(R)-(S), repealer of subsection (b)(2)(T), new subsection (b)(3), subsection renumbering and amendment of subsections (c), (d) and (e)(3)(D) filed 9-18-2017; operative 10-1-2017 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2017, No. 38).
5. Amendment of subsections (b), (b)(2)(A), (b)(2)(J) and (f)(2) and new subsection (f)(3) filed 3-29-2019; operative 3-29-2019 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2019, No. 13).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38560, 38562, 38570, 38571, 38580, 39600 and 39601, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 38530, 38560.5, 38564, 38565, 38570 and 39600, Health and Safety Code.

1. New section filed 12-13-2011; operative 1-1-2012 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2011, No. 50).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending subsection (b)(2)(L) filed 2-15-2012 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2012, No. 7).
3. Amendment of section heading and section filed 6-26-2014; operative 7/1/2014 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2014, No. 26).
4. Amendment of subsections (b) and (b)(2)(R)-(S), repealer of subsection (b)(2)(T), new subsection (b)(3), subsection renumbering and amendment of subsections (c), (d) and (e)(3)(D) filed 9-18-2017; operative 10/1/2017 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2017, No. 38).
5. Amendment of subsections (b), (b)(2)(A), (b)(2)(J) and (f)(2) and new subsection (f)(3) filed 3-29-2019; operative 3/29/2019 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2019, No. 13).

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