Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 22, § 51545 - Definitions
(a) The following
definitions are applicable to Article 7.5 only unless otherwise specified in
another section:
(1) Administrative
Adjustment (AA) means the adjustment to a provider's PIRL in response to a
provider's administrative adjustment request (AAR).
(2) Administrative Adjustment Request (AAR)
means the provider's request for changes to the PIRL, which includes both the
all-inclusive rate per discharge limitation (ARPDL) and peer grouping rate per
discharge limitation (PGRPDL).
Aligned ARPDs means the modified ARPDs which have been adjusted to estimate
their value as of a common fiscal period ending for the purpose of computing
the 60th percentile for the PGRPDL.
(4) All-Inclusive Rate Per Discharge (ARPD)
means the per discharge dollar limit on Medi-Cal reimbursable costs prior to
the application of the peer grouping inpatient reimbursement limitation (PIRL).
The ARPD excludes return on owner's equity, disproportionate share payments and
reductions for third-party liability (TPL), as referenced in applicable parts
of 42 CFR, Part 413 and HCFA Publication 15-1.
(5) All-Inclusive Rate Per Discharge
Limitation (ARPDL) means a Medi-Cal inpatient reimbursement limit (MIRL) which
is the all-inclusive rate per discharge (ARPD) multiplied by the number of
Medi-Cal discharges. The ARPDL excludes return on owner's equity,
disproportionate share payments and reductions for TPL, as referenced in
applicable parts of 42 CFR, Part 413 and HCFA Publication 15-1.
(6) Allowable Rate Per Discharge (ARPD) means
all-inclusive rate per discharge (ARPD).
(7) Atypical Case means Cost Outliers or Day
(8) Base Period shall be
for fiscal periods which begin on or after the effective date of Sections
51545 through
51557, the FPE immediately prior
to the settlement period.
(9) Base
Year means Base Period.
(10) Burden
of Going Forward means the responsibility of a party to be the first one to
present its evidence with respect to a particular issue.
(11) Burden of Proof means the responsibility
of proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, the existence or nonexistence
of each fact which is essential to demonstrate that a party's position
regarding a disputed issue is correct.
(12) Case Mix means the mix in terms of the
diagnosis related groups (DRGs) of the Medi-Cal patients served by the
(13) Case Mix Index means
an index that measures the average level of health care needed by a provider's
Medi-Cal patients.
(14) Charitable
Research Hospital means a provider which accepts catastrophically ill patients
by referral only, has over 33 percent of their Gross Operating Expense (GOE) as
charity care, over 1 percent of their GOE for research and has no obstetrics or
(15) Children's Hospital
means in accordance with Section 14087.2 of the W&I Code, those hospitals
where 30 percent of the infants and children served by the single institution
qualify for Medi-Cal payment systems and the institution serves primarily
(16) Contract Services
Costs means costs related to services provided that are covered by a contract
with the Department for care of Medi-Cal inpatients, per W&I Code Section
(17) Contract Hospital means
a provider that contracts with the Department, based on negotiations with the
California Medical Assistance Commission (CMAC) in accordance with W&I Code
Section 14081.
(18) Cost Outliers
means those patients who have extraordinarily higher inpatient costs as
identified by the cost outlier formulas in Section
(19) Cost Report means a report required by
the Department and completed by the provider to determine the Medi-Cal
Program's share of the provider's reasonable costs in accordance with
applicable parts of 42 CFR, Part 413 and HCFA Publication 15-1.
(20) County Appropriations means the amount
appropriated to the provider from the county general fund or other county
sources for operating deficits or other operating needs. If a county hospital
repays the county any portion of the appropriations, the repayment must be
abated against current fiscal period appropriations.
(21) Customary Charges, as specified in
applicable parts of 42 CFR, Part 413 and HCFA Publication 15-1, means those
uniform charges allowed by Medi-Cal which are listed in a provider's
established charge schedule which is in effect and applied consistently to most
patients and recognized for program reimbursement.
(22) Crossover Patients means hospital
inpatients who are eligible for both Medi-Cal and Medicare.
(23) Current Fiscal Settlement Period means
the provider's accounting year for which a peer group inpatient reimbursement
limitation (PIRL) is being determined.
(24) Day Outliers means those patients whose
stay in the hospital is extraordinarily longer as identified by the day outlier
formulas in Section
(25) Department means the California State
Department of Health Services.
Depreciation and Amortization means those amounts which represent portions of
the depreciable or amortizable asset's cost or other basis which is allocable
to a period of operation.
Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) means a group identified by certain clinically
coherent types of patients who should have similar resource consumption within
each of the universe of DRGs used in the Medicare Prospective Payment System
(PPS), in accordance with applicable parts of 42 CFR, Part 413 and HCFA
Publication 15-1.
(28) Discharge
means the termination of lodging and a formal release of an inpatient by a
provider. Deaths are counted as inpatient discharges. See Medi-Cal
(29) Disproportionate
Share Hospital means a provider whose Medicaid inpatient utilization rate (as
defined in Section 1923(b)(2) of the Social Security Act) is at least one
standard deviation above the mean Medicaid inpatient utilization rate for
providers receiving Medicaid payments in the State, or where the providers's
low income utilization rate (as defined in Section 1923(b)(3) of the Social
Security Act) exceeds 25 percent.
(30) Economically and Efficiently Operated
Providers means providers whose costs do not exceed the PIRL except for those
costs that are otherwise found allowable by an AA or Formal Appeal
(31) Employee Benefits
means the direct operating costs related to employee benefits consisting of
FICA; State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) and Federal Unemployment Insurance
(FUI); vacation, holiday, and sick leave; group health insurance; group life
insurance; pension and retirement; workers' compensation insurance; other
payroll related employee benefits; and, other non-payroll related employee
(32) Employee Benefits
Index means the factor resulting from the adjusted comparison of settlement
period employee benefits expense to prior period employee benefits
(33) Exempt Reimbursement
means reimbursement not included in, or subject to limitation by the PIRL.
These costs are limited to return on owner's equity and disproportionate share
(34) Extraordinary and
Unusual Events means an event of a sudden, unexpected, or unusual nature; e.g.,
avalanche, floods, earthquakes or other similar events whose circumstances are
unavoidable regardless of the level of prudence exercised by the
(35) Factor Input Price
means the same as the Input Price Index.
(36) Final Peer Group Inpatient Reimbursement
Limitation (PIRL) Settlement means a Departmental determination of liabilities
owed resulting from a PIRL calculation based upon data audited or otherwise
considered true and correct by the Department for the final settlement fiscal
period, pursuant to the W & I Code Section 14170.
(37) Fiscal Period Ending (FPE) means the
last day of a provider's fiscal period. A fiscal period is an accounting period
established by the provider. The fiscal period is generally a twelve (12)
consecutive month period; however, in some instances may be less than or exceed
twelve (12) months.
(38) Fixed
Costs means an operating expense or a class of operating expenses as a class,
that does not vary with patient volume. Fixed costs are not fixed in the sense
that they do not fluctuate or vary, but fluctuate or vary from causes
independent of patient volume.
Food Service Expense means those expenses for services and supplies related to
the food service categories of: kitchen, dietary, and cafeteria.
(40) Formal Appeal means the provider's
appeal of the Department's decision on an AAR concerning a final PIRL
(41) Formula Relief
means changes in the ARPD that will carry forward into the next fiscal period's
ARPD calculation.
(42) Gross
Operating Expense (GOE) means the total operating expenses of the provider.
This includes all expenses incurred in conducting the ordinary major activities
of the provider inclusive of daily hospital services, ancillary services,
research, education, general services, fiscal services and administrative
services, including the physician professional component.
(43) Initial Base Period means the last
fiscal period for each provider ending prior to the effective date of Sections
51545 through
(44) Input Price Index (IPI) means the
weighted computation resulting in the reimbursable change in the prices of
goods and services purchased by the providers (except for pass-throughs). The
IPI shall consist of a market basket classification of goods and services
purchased by providers, a corresponding set of market basket weights derived
from each provider's own mix of purchased goods and services, and a related
series of price indicators.
Interim Payment Rate means the rate paid to a provider, expressed as a
percentage, derived by the PIRL divided by provider's charges.
(46) Interest on Working Capital means a cost
representing all interest incurred on borrowings for working capital purposes
or interest on an unpaid tax liability.
(47) Interest, All Other means a cost
representing all interest incurred for borrowings other than interest on
working capital.
(48) Leases and
Rents Costs means costs representing lease and rental expenses relating to
occupying or using buildings, leasehold improvements and fixed assets not owned
by the provider and not directly assignable to another cost center.
(49) Length of Stay Outliers means Day
(50) Licenses and Taxes
Costs means costs representing all license expenses and all taxes (other than
tax on income).
(51) Malpractice
Insurance (Hospital and Professional) Costs means costs representing liability
insurance expenses, including premiums paid for physicians, the deductibles
paid on claims, or the actuarially determined cost of self-insurance.
(52) Maximum Inpatient Reimbursement
Limitation (MIRL) means the lowest of the following:
(A) Customary charges.
(B) Allowable costs determined by the
Department, in accordance with applicable Medicare standards and principles of
cost based reimbursement, as specified in applicable parts of 42 CFR, Part 413
and HCFA Publication 15-1.
(53) Medi-Cal
Discharges means those discharges where the inpatient services provided were
covered by Medi-Cal for a Medi-Cal eligible beneficiary. This includes deaths,
and eligible beneficiaries whose Medi-Cal covered services were paid in full or
in part by third parties, if Medi-Cal was also billed for the services. Late
paid claims where the patients' statistics were not included in the cost or
audit report used to derive the PIRL and well newborns shall not be counted as
Medi-Cal discharges. However, a well newborn whose mother is not eligible for
Medi-Cal shall be counted as a discharge if the newborn is eligible for
Medi-Cal. Medicare crossover patients are not counted as Medi-Cal discharges if
Medi-Cal paid only for any applicable deductibles and copayments.
(54) MIRL Reimbursement Rate Per Discharge
means the per discharge reimbursement amount under the MIRL, which has not been
reduced for third-party liability, excluding any one-time relief, return on
owner's equity and any disproportionate share payments. It is calculated by
dividing the MIRL by the number of Medi-Cal discharges.
(55) New Hospital means any hospital:
(A) Which has a complete new physical plant
that is less than three years of age and is not on the same or an adjacent
property as the old physical plant; or
(B) Under new ownership, or resuming
operations for the first time after a 12-month period (i.e. was closed for at
least 12 months prior to being reopened under new ownership); or
(C) Which has operated under present and all
previous ownerships for less than three years.
(56) New Service means an additional service
developed and implemented by a Medi-Cal provider, to furnish and maintain
quality inpatient hospital care to a patient population inclusive of Medi-Cal
(57) Newborn means an
infant born in the hospital or delivered outside the hospital and admitted to
the hospital shortly after birth.
(58) Noncontract Hospital means a provider
that does not have a negotiated contract with the Department to provide medical
care for Medi-Cal beneficiaries, pursuant to W & I Code Section
(59) Noncontract Service
Costs means costs related to services provided to Medi-Cal inpatients, which
are excluded from the provider's contract with the Department.
(60) Non-Pass-Through Costs means costs which
are subject to the hospital cost index, as found in Section
(61) OSHPD means the Office of Statewide
Health Planning and Development.
(62) One-Time Relief means changes in the
ARPDL which only affect the settlement period and are not carried forward into
the next settlement period ARPDL.
(63) OSHPD Accounting and Disclosure System
means a uniform accounting and disclosure system designed by OSHPD.
(64) Outliers means Cost Outliers and Day
(65) Partial Period
Contracting Hospital means a contract hospital with a contract which covers
only a partial fiscal period.
Partially Contracting Hospital means a contract hospital with a contract that
does not include all Medi-Cal covered services.
(67) Pass-Through Costs means cost categories
for purposes of the ARPDL that are not subject to the hospital cost index. The
categories are limited to: depreciation, rents, leases, interest, property tax,
license fees, utilities and malpractice insurance, as defined in Section
(68) Per Diem means a daily rate paid for
hospital services provided to Medi-Cal beneficiaries.
(69) Peer Group means a group of hospitals
with similar characteristics that are grouped together for purposes of
determining reimbursement limitations.
(70) Peer Grouping Inpatient Reimbursement
Limitation (PIRL) means the lowest of the following:
(A) Customary charges.
(B) Allowable costs determined by the
Department, in accordance with applicable Medicare standards and principles of
cost based reimbursement, as specified in applicable parts of 42 CFR, Part 413
and HCFA Publication 15-1.
If a provider is exempt from the peer group limits, the Medi- Cal reimbursement limitation will be the lowest of (A), (B) or (C), identified above. All references to PIRL include MIRL.
(71) Peer
Grouping Rate Per Discharge Limitation (PGRPDL) means a Medi-Cal inpatient
reimbursement limit. The PGRPDL excludes return on owner's equity,
disproportionate share payments and reductions for third-party liability. The
PGRPDL is the 60th percentile ARPD of each provider's peer group multiplied by
the provider's number of Medi-Cal discharges.
(72) Pharmacy Expense means those expenses
for services and supplies related to the pharmacy. The cost of drugs dispensed
to inpatients are also included in this category.
(73) Primary Health Service Hospital means a
provider that is either (1) located outside of a standard metropolitan
statistical area, and located at least 15 miles from another licensed acute
care hospital, and has 60 or fewer acute care beds; or (2) is located at least
20 miles from any other licensed acute care hospital, and has 60 or fewer acute
care beds; or (3) be the only licensed acute care hospital in the county, and
has fewer than 100 acute care beds as defined by Health and Safety Code Section
(74) Prior Fiscal Period means the most
recent fiscal period ending prior to the period in which a PIRL is being
(75) Productive Hours
means the total paid hours less hours not on the job. Hours not on the job
include: vacation time; sick time; holidays; and other paid time off.
(76) Productive Salaries means the total
direct payroll costs for productive hours related to a given
(77) Professional
Fees means fees for professional services consisting of medical (therapist and
others); consulting and management fees; legal; audits; registry nurses and
contracted services.
(78) Provider
means an institution in California that furnishes inpatient hospital services
to Medi-Cal beneficiaries.
Purchased Services means costs related to services purchased from outside
(80) Rate Per
Discharge means ARPD.
Reasonable Costs means reimbursable costs as defined by 42 CFR, Part 413 and
HCFA Publication 15-1.
Recalculated Final PIRL Settlement means a final PIRL settlement which has been
(83) Reimbursable
Costs means those costs that are reimbursed as determined by the
(84) Replacement Service
means a newly implemented service which replaces another service in whole or in
(85) Rural Hospitals means
consistent with Section 1188.855 of the Health and Safety Code, an acute care
hospital which meets the criteria within peer group six (rural hospitals) as
defined in the report entitled, "Hospital Peer Grouping for Efficiency
Comparison" dated December 20, 1982.
(86) Salaries and Wages means the direct
operating costs related to salaries and wages, consisting of: management and
supervision; technicians and specialists; registered nurses; licensed
vocational nurses; aides and orderlies; clerical and other administrative;
environmental and food services; non-physician medical practitioners; and other
salaries and wages. Those salaries and wages related to students from the
medical education centers as well as physicians are not included
(87) Salary and Wage Index
means the factor which is defined as part of the calculations in Section
(88) Second Level Appeal means Formal
(89) Service Intensity
means changes in the character of the services provided to each patient
including but not limited to: changes in applicable technology; qualitative and
quantitative changes in: personnel; supplies; drugs; and other materials.
Service intensity does not include changes in the types of patients and
illnesses treated.
(90) Settlement
Fiscal Period means the provider's accounting period for which a PIRL
settlement is being or has been conducted.
(91) Sixtieth Percentile means the point at
which sixty percent (60%) will be below in any given group arrayed in
(92) Sixtieth Percentile
ARPD means the maximum reimbursement per discharge under the PGRPDL system. It
is the sixtieth percentile rate per discharge for each peer group.
(93) Sole Community Hospital is defined in
42 USC, Section
(94) Student and Physician Professional Fees
means fees charged for the professional services provided to patients by
hospital-based physicians and students. These do not include those fees related
to the education, research and administrative duties performed by the
hospital-based physicians.
Student and Physician Salaries and Wages means the compensation (exclusive of
in-service education), of students in teaching programs and physicians
including such items as research, education program activities, general
hospital administration, patient care and supervision.
(96) Tentative PIRL Settlement means the
Department's determination of liabilities owed, resulting from a PIRL or MIRL
calculation using unaudited cost report data provided by a provider.
(97) Third-Party Liability (TPL) means amount
owed for hospital inpatient services on behalf of a Medi-Cal eligible
beneficiary by any payor other than Medi-Cal.
(98) Total Hospital Gross Revenue means the
amount of total charges for services rendered to all patients.
(99) Total Medi-Cal Gross Revenue means the
amount of charges to Medi-Cal for services rendered to Medi-Cal eligible
(100) Total Paid Hours
means the sum of the productive hours and the vacation time, sick time,
holidays, and other paid time off for all employee classes related to daily
hospital services, ancillary services, general services; fiscal services; and
administrative services.
Utilities means the direct expenses, excluding telephone and telegraph
expenses, incurred in the operation of the hospital plant and equipment, such
as, but not limited to: electricity, gas and water.
(102) Variable Costs means operating costs
that vary or fluctuate with changes in patient volume.
(103) Volume Adjustment means the adjustment
for changes in patient volume that applies to the provider specific
all-inclusive rate per discharge for a given fiscal period.
(104) Well Newborn means those newborns who
have no major medical problems who are not counted as Medi-Cal discharges. This
includes newborns classified in Medicare PPS DRGs 372 and 373.
(105) Working Capital means the difference
between total current assets and total current liabilities.
2. Certificate of Compliance as to 8-28-96 order, including new subsections (i) and (j) and amendment of NOTE, transmitted to OAL 1-23-97 and filed 3-10-97 (Register 97, No. 11).
3. Change without regulatory effect amending subsections (a)(4), (a)(19), (a)(21), (a)(27), (a)(58), (a)(73), (a)(93) and (a)(104) filed 8-5-97 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 97, No. 32).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 10725, 14105 and 14124.5, Welfare and Institutions Code. Reference: Sections 14081, 14105, 14108, 14124.5 and 14170, Welfare and Institutions Code; and Section 1339.9, Health and Safety Code.
2. Certificate of Compliance as to 8-28-96 order, including new subsections (i) and (j) and amendment of Note, transmitted to OAL 1-23-97 and filed 3-10-97 (Register 97, No. 11).
3. Change without regulatory effect amending subsections (a)(4), (a)(19), (a)(21), (a)(27), (a)(58), (a)(73), (a)(93) and (a)(104) filed 8-5-97 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 97, No. 32).
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
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