Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, § 2945 - Access and Workspace Requirements

(a) Application. This section applies only to facilities that are owned, operated, and maintained by an electrical utility or an electrical railway utility in the exercise of its function as a utility.

EXCEPTION: Installations made in accordance with the regulations of the California Public Utilities Commission (G.O. 95 or 128).

(b) Enclosures. Equipment shall be:
(1) of the enclosed type,
(2) installed in locked rooms or enclosures, or
(3) located within utility generating stations, substations and switch yards.
(c) Access.
(1) Parts of electrical equipment requiring access for maintenance or operation shall be so located that they will be safely accessible.
(2) At least one entrance not less than 24 inches wide and 6 ½ feet high shall be provided to give access to the working space about energized electrical equipment. When uninsulated energized parts are located adjacent to such entrance, they shall be guarded.
(3) Permanent or portable ladders, stairways, or other suitable means shall be provided to give safe access to the working space around electrical equipment installed on platforms, balconies, mezzanine floors, or in attic or roof rooms or spaces.
(d) Elevation of Exposed, Energized Parts.

Exposed energized parts above workspace and above areas where persons normally walk or stand shall be maintained at elevations not less than the vertical clearances listed in Table 2934 of Section 2934.

(e) Passageway and Open Spaces. Suitable barriers or other means shall be provided to ensure that the workspace for electrical equipment will not be used as a passageway during periods when normally enclosed parts of energized electrical equipment are exposed.
(f) Installation of Electrical Equipment In An Outdoor Enclosure. Where electrical equipment with exposed energized parts is installed in an outdoor enclosure, the enclosure shall meet the following requirements:
(1) The height of the enclosure shall be a minimum of 8 feet, unless totally enclosed.

EXCEPTION: The height of the enclosure shall be not less than 10 feet (3 meters) where any exposed energized part is more than 8 feet above the ground, unless the energized part is located more than 5 feet horizontally from the enclosure.

(2) The enclosure shall be so constructed that it cannot be readily climbed.
(3) The size and location of openings in fences or similar enclosures shall be such that persons are not liable to come into accidental contact with energized parts or to bring conducting objects into contact with them.
(4) Metal gates or doors shall be grounded or bonded to a grounded metal enclosure. Metal fences shall be grounded as required by Article 6.
(5) Buildings which form part of an enclosure shall have no unguarded doors or windows which permit unintentional access to the enclosure. Where the enclosure is adjacent to and below stairways, fire escapes, balconies, or windows, suitable guards shall be installed to prevent persons from making accidental contact with exposed energized parts.
(g) Work Space. Suitable work space shall be provided about exposed energized electrical equipment to permit the safe operation and/or maintenance of such equipment.


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, § 2945
1. Editorial correction of subsection (f)(4) filed 11-2-83 (Register 83, No. 45). 2. Amendment filed 12-10-87; operative 1-9-88 (Register 88, No. 1).
2. Amendment of subsection (d) filed 2-27-2018; operative 4-1-2018 (Register 2018, No. 9).

Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.

1. Editorial correction of subsection (f)(4) filed 11-2-83 (Register 83, No. 45). 2. Amendment filed 12-10-87; operative 1-9-88 (Register 88, No. 1).
2. Amendment of subsection (d) filed 2-27-2018; operative 4/1/2018 (Register 2018, No. 9).

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