Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, § 3099 - Mechanical Requirements and Operation

(a) Machines.
(1) Machines shall be of the direct connected type or shall be driven by multiple V-belts. Cast iron gears shall not be used.
(2) Drive (head) pulleys and idler (boot) pulleys shall have a diameter not less than given in Table 3099.TABLE 3099

Belt Construction Minimum Strength (Lb. Per Inch of Width) Minimum Pulley Diameter (inches)
5 Ply.......................... ..........................1500 20
6 Ply......................... ..........................1800 20
7 Ply.......................... ..........................2100 22

(The above values are based on 32 ounce duck; 300 pounds per linear inch per ply.)

(3) The machine shall be so designed and constructed as to catch and hold the driving pulley in event of shaft failure.
(4) All parts of the machine shall have a factor of safety of 6 based on a static load of 200 pounds on each horizontal step on the up and down runs.
(b) Brakes.
(1) An inherently self-engaging brake requiring power or force from an external source to cause disengagement that applies automatically when the circuit to the drive motor is opened shall be provided on every manlift.
(A) The brake shall be electrically released and shall be applied to the motor shaft for direct connected units.
(B) No belt or connecting means, other than a direct mechanical connection shall exist between the brake and the head pulley on belt driven units.
(2) A mechanically applied brake that will apply should the pulley speed exceed 125 percent of rated speed or should the direction of rotation of the head pulley be reversed shall be on every manlift.
(A) This brake shall be applied directly to the head pulley or to the head pulley shaft at the side opposite the driving means.
(B) The power to the drive motor shall be automatically disconnected at or before the time the brake sets and shall remain disconnected until the brake or disconnecting means is manually reset.
(3) Either brake required by Section 3099(b)(1) and Section 3099(b)(2) shall be capable of stopping and holding the manlift when the descending side is loaded with 250 pounds on each step.
(4) The automatic brake required by Section 3099(b)(1) shall be capable of stopping the manlift within not more than 12 inch travel after an up limit stop device has been actuated.
(c) Belts.
(1) The belt shall be of hard-woven canvas, rubber-coated canvas, leather, or other material meeting the strength requirements of Section 3099(c)(3) and having a coefficient of friction such that when used in conjunction with an adequate tension device it will meet the brake test specified in Section 3099(b)(3).
(2) The width of the belt shall be not less than:

Total Rise in Feet Belt Width in Inches
Less than 100.......................... .......................... 12
100 to 150.......................... .......................... 14
More than 150.......................... .......................... 16
(3) The strength of the belt shall be not less than:

Total Rise in Feet Strength in Pounds Per Inch Width
Less than 100.......................... .......................... 1500
100 to 200.......................... .......................... 1800
More than 200.......................... .......................... 2450
(4) Belts shall be fastened by a lapped splice or shall be butt-spliced with a strap on the side away from the pulley.
(A) For lapped splices, the overlap of the belt at the splice shall be not less than 3 feet where the total travel of the manlift does not exceed 100 feet, and not less than 4 feet if the travel exceeds 100 feet.

Where butt splices are used, the strap shall extend not less than 3 feet on each side of the butt for a travel not in excess of 100 feet, and 4 feet for a travel in excess of 100 feet.

(B) Splices shall be fastened with special elevator bolts arranged to cover the splice area effectively. These bolts shall have a minimum diameter of ¼ inch and conform to the following:

Minimum Number of Bolts
Belt Width Lap Splice Butt Splice
12".......................... ..........................20 40
14".......................... ..........................23 46
16".......................... ..........................27 54
(5) A belt that has become torn while in use on a manlift shall not be spliced and put back in service.
(d) Speed.
(1) The rated speed of a manlift shall not exceed 80 feet per minute.

To take care of variations in voltage, etc., the actual noload running speed of the belt may exceed rated speed by not more than 10 percent.

(2) All manlifts in a given plant should run at approximately the same speed.
(e) Platforms or Steps.
(1) Steps or platforms shall be not less than 12 inches nor more than 14 inches deep, measured from the belt to the edge of the step or platform.
(2) The width of the step or platform shall be not less than 17 inches nor more than 21 inches.
(3) The distance between steps shall be equally spaced and not less than 16 feet measured from the upper surface of one step to the upper surface of the next step above it.
(4) The surface of the step shall be approximately level.
(5) Surface of the step shall be of a nonslip material.
(6) When subjected to a load of 400 pounds applied at the approximate center of the step, step frames or supports and their guides shall be of adequate strength to:
(A) Prevent the disengagement of any step roller.
(B) Prevent any appreciable misalignment.
(C) Prevent any visible deformation of the step or its support.
(7) No step shall be provided unless there is a corresponding handhold above or below it meeting the requirements of Section 3099(f). If a step is removed for repairs or permanently, the handholds immediately above and below it shall be removed before the lift is again placed in service.
(f) Handholds.
(1) Handholds attached to the belt shall be provided and so installed that they are not less than 4 feet nor more than 4 feet 8 inches above the step tread. These shall be so located as to be available on both the "up" and "down" run of the belt.
(2) The grab surface of the handhold shall be not less than 4 ½ inches in width, not less than 3 inches in depth and shall provide 2 inches of clearance from the belt. Fastenings for handholds shall not come within 1 inch of the edge of the belt.
(3) The handhold shall be capable of withstanding without damage a load of 300 pounds applied parallel to the run of the belt.
(4) No handhold shall be provided without a corresponding step. If a handhold is removed permanently or temporarily, the corresponding step and handhold for the opposite direction of travel shall also be removed before the lift is again placed in service.
(5) All handholds shall be of the closed type.


1. Existing installations where the same handhold is used for both directions.
2. Existing installations where a belt flat arrangement is provided.
(g) Up Limit Stops.
(1) Two separate automatic stop device shall be provided to cut off the power and apply the brake when a loaded step passes the upper terminal landing.
(A) One of these devices shall consist of two switches each actuated by the deflection of a step roller due to a load on the step traveling above the top floor and arranged to stop the manlift should one or both of the switches be actuated. Each rail shall be provided with a switch located so that the device will function when the surface of the step is not more than 12 inches above the top landing.
(B) The second device shall be a switch actuated by a lever, rod, or plate located above the center line of the head pulley but projecting over the ascending steps so as to just clear a passing step. The lever, rod, or plate shall be not more than 10 ½ feet above the top landing.
(2) After the manlift has been stopped by an up limit stop, it shall be necessary to reset the device manually.
(3) After resetting an up limit stop, it shall be necessary to start the manlift by a restart button so located at the top landing as to provide a clear view of both up limit stops.
(4) Existing manlifts shall be provided with an automatic limit stop which will shut off the power and stop the belt if any passenger rides a step more than 12 inches above the upper landing.
(h) Starting and Stopping Device.
(1) A manually operated starting and stopping device shall be provided.
(2) This device shall be within easy reach of the ascending and descending runs of the belt.
(3) The starting and stopping means shall be so connected with the control lever or operating mechanism that it will cut off the power and apply the brake when pulled in the direction of travel.
(4) This stop shall consist of a cotton rope with a wire center, manila or sisal rope, marlin covered wire rope, or synthetic fiber, not less than 3/8 inch in diameter.
(5) Where a spring is used to maintain rope tension, the rope connection shall be made in such a manner that failure of the spring will not disconnect the operating rope.
(i) Instruction and Warning Signs.
(1) Signs of conspicuous and easily read style, giving instructions for the use of the manlift, shall be posted at each landing or stenciled on the belt.
(A) Such signs shall be of letters not less than 1 inch in height and of a color having high contrast with the surface on which it is stenciled or painted (white or yellow on black or black on white or gray).
(B) The instructions shall read approximately as follows:

"Face the Belt."

"Use the Handhold."

"To Stop--Pull Rope in Direction of Travel."

(2) At the top floor, illuminated signs shall be displayed bearing the following wording:

"Top Floor--Get Off."

(A) Signs shall be in block letters not less than 2 inches in height.
(B) A sign shall be located on the inside of each side guard on front loading manlifts and not more than 2 feet above the floor at the top landing.
(C) A sign shall be located just before reaching the top landing of side loading manlifts, readily visible when facing the side used for unloading.
(3) At the approach to the bottom floor, an illuminated sign shall be displayed bearing the following wording:

"Bottom Floor--Get Off."

(4) On existing installations, illuminated warning signs shall be displayed at points before reaching the top and bottom landings.
(j) Carrying of Materials and Tools.
(1) No freight or packaged goods shall be carried on any manlift.
(2) No pipe, lumber, or other construction material shall be handled on any manlift.
(3) No tools except those which will fit entirely within a pocket in usual working clothes shall be carried on any manlift except that tools may be carried inside a canvas bag having dimensions not larger than 11 inches by 13 inches and provided with carrying loops or handles. Such bag shall be provided with a leather bottom. Such bag shall not be provided with shoulder straps but shall be carried in the passenger's hand while he is riding the manlift.
(k) Periodic Inspections.
(1) Periodic Inspection Frequency. All manlifts shall be inspected by a competent designated person at intervals of not more than 30 days. Limit switches shall be checked weekly. Manlifts found to be unsafe shall not be operated until properly repaired.
(2) Items Covered. This periodic inspection should cover all portions of the manlift and the immediate area around the manlift including but not limited to the following items:


Step Fastenings.


Rail Supports and Fastenings.

Rollers and Slides.

Belts and Belt Tension.

Handholds and Fastenings.

Floor Landings.



Limit Switches.

Warning Signs and Lights.


Drive Pulley.

Bottom (boot) Pulley and Clearance.

Pulley Supports.


Driving Mechanisms.


Electrical Switches.

Vibration and Misalignment.

"Skip" on up or down run when mounting step. (Indicating worn gears)

(3) Inspection Record. A certification record shall be kept of each inspection which includes the date of the inspection, the signature of the person who performed the inspection and the serial number, or other identifier, of the manlift which was inspected. Records of inspection shall be made available to the division.
(l) Design Requirements. All new manlift installations and equipment installed after the effective date of these regulations shall meet the strength of materials requirements of the "American National Safety Standard for Manlifts ANSI A90.1-1969" and the requirements of this section.
(m) Beams and Supports Required. Machines, machinery, rails and pulleys shall be so supported and maintained in place as to effectually prevent any part from becoming loose or displaced under the conditions imposed in service.
(n) Out-of-Service Requirements. When it is intended to remove a manlift from service for an extended period of time, the leads to the disconnecting switch shall be disconnected and taped, the drive pulley and belt shall be restrained to prevent movement of the belt and the floor openings shall be covered over with plywood not less than 3/4" thick fastened in place.
(o) Guarding. Guarding of mechanical equipment and floor openings shall conform to the requirements of Subchapter 7, Chapter 4, Part 1 of Title 8 (General Industry Safety Orders) of the California Administrative Code.

(Title 24, Part 7, Section 7-3099)


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, § 3099
1. Amendment of subsections (b)(1), (f)(2), and add subsections (c)(5), (k), and ( l), filed 8-30-74; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 74, No. 35).
2. Amendment of subsection (b)(1) filed 9-12-74; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 74, No. 37).
3. New subsections (m), (n) and (o) filed 6-23-77; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 77, No. 26).
4. Amendment filed 6-12-87; operative 7-12-87 (Register 87, No. 26).
5. Amendment of subsection (k)(3) filed 3-5-90; operative 4-4-90 (Register 90, No. 12).

Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.

1. Amendment of subsections (b)(1), (f)(2), and add subsections (c)(5), (k), and ( l), filed 8-30-74; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 74, No. 35).
2. Amendment of subsection (b)(1) filed 9-12-74; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 74, No. 37).
3. New subsections (m), (n) and (o) filed 6-23-77; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 77, No. 26).
4. Amendment filed 6-12-87; operative 7-12-87 (Register 87, No. 26).
5. Amendment of subsection (k)(3) filed 3-5-90; operative 4-4-90 (Register 90, No. 12).
Group II regulations apply to existing elevators installed prior to October 25, 1998. Italicized paragraphs, sentences, or phrases apply to all existing elevators while non-italicized apply to elevators installed after 1970 or after the date the regulation was adopted.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.