Article 8 - Swine Disease Programs

  1. § 795 - Approved Methods of Immunizing Swine Against Hog Cholera Prior to Entering California. [Repealed]
  2. § 795.10 - Use of Live Hog Cholera Virus Limited. [Repealed]
  3. § 795.11 - Sale of Modified Live Hog Cholera Vaccine Restricted; Reporting Requirements. [Repealed]
  4. § 795.12 - Use of Modified Live Hog Cholera Virus Vaccine Limited. [Repealed]
  5. § 795.13 - Holding of Hog Cholera Infected or Exposed Swine on Premises. [Repealed]
  6. § 795.14 - Transportation of Swine Restricted (Intrastate). [Repealed]
  7. § 795.15 - Transportation of Swine into and from Saleyard Restricted. [Repealed]
  8. § 795.16 - Cleaning and Disinfecting of Public Stockyards Which Contained Diseased Swine. [Repealed]
  9. § 795.17 - Quarantine and Destruction of Swine Infected with or Exposed to Hog Cholera. [Repealed]
  10. § 795.18 - Hog Cholera Disease of Swine Quarantine Area. [Repealed]
  11. § 795.19 - Hog Cholera-Interstate Movement. [Repealed]
  12. § 795.30 - Swine Brucellosis-Intrastate Movement. [Repealed]
  13. § 795.31 - Swine Brucellosis-Interstate Movement. [Repealed]
  14. § 795.32 - Swine Brucellosis: Interstate Movement. [Repealed]
  15. § 795.33 - Swine Brucellosis-Movement for Exhibition Purposes and Purebred Sales. [Repealed]
  16. § 795.34 - Swine Brucellosis Control Area Regulation
  17. § 795.35 - Established Swine Brucellosis Control Areas
  18. § 795.50 - Prevention of Pseudorabies: Importation and Movement of Swine in California. [Repealed]
  19. § 795.60 - Swine Pseudorabies-Control
  20. § 795.61 - Swine Pseudorabies-Identification
  21. § 795.62 - Swine Pseudorabies-Mandatory Herd Eradication

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.